Andrey Sobolev c9e1d9fd51
UBERF-4527: Extra logging for client ()
Signed-off-by: Andrey Sobolev <>
2023-12-04 23:03:21 +07:00

527 B

Docker Compose dev image

Running platform inside docker compose

rush build
rush bundle
rush docker:build
docker compose up -d --force-recreate

Running ElasticVUE to check elastic intance

docker run -p 8082:8080 -d cars10/elasticvue

Running Local NPM registry with Docker

docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
npm set registry http://localhost:4873
npm adduser
npm login

Verdaccio will be available via HTTP http://localhost:4873