Wish you a lucky Day

Robert Jeutter

Inventor · Freelancer · Student

Welcome to my Card,
currently I am studying at Technical University of Ilmenau in the fields of Mechatronic and Biomechatronics.
In addition i am an active member of the student club, Engineers without Borders and a studential Makerspace UNIKAT.
My Hobbies include Programming, building Robots (ever since my RoboCup Qualifications) and Machines.



C C# C++ Phyton Java

FullStack WebDev

HTML5 CSS JavaScript PHP NodeJS SQL MongoDB

CAD, Graphic & Design

Inventor OpenSCAD Photoshop Gimp Bootstrap

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show CV
2008 - 2016: higher education entrance qualification
2009 - 2016: Robotics and Robocup Scholar Challenges, championships in Germany and Europe
2012 - 2014: autonomous tracked vehicle for outdoor excursions
2014 - 2016: Coilgun with 16 Stages
2016 - today: TU Ilmenau studying
2016 - today: UNIKAT Member, responsible for 3DPrinters, CNC-Milling-Machine, Power of the Keys
2017 - today: 'Engineers without Borders' Member, Executive Committee, Repair-Workshops-Organisation
2018 - today: Student Club Member, disc jockey, doorman, supervisor
2019 - today: WebDev Bootcamp Refactoring
2019 - today: UNIKAT Website redesign and refactoring
2019 - today: Python Introduction and Cheatsheet