Wish you a lucky Day

Robert Jeutter


Inventor · Entrepreneur · Student

Welcome to my Card,
currently I am studying at Technical University of Ilmenau in the fields of Computer Sience and Biomechatronics.
In addition i am an active member of the student club, Engineers without Borders and building up my own business NorthScorp.
My Hobbies include Programming, building Robots ever since my RoboCup Qualifications and electromechanical Machines.



C C# C++ Phyton Java

FullStack WebDev

HTML5 CSS JavaScript PHP NodeJS SQL MongoDB

CAD, Graphic & Design

Inventor OpenSCAD Photoshop Gimp Bootstrap

My Projects and Works

RoboCup participants

With a team up to four we build and programmed multiple robots to play football against each other or 2v2. With much fun and learning we worked together for several years and remain our friendships.

Student newspaper

A bit late i joined the schools newspaper and ranked up quickly with articles and proofleading.


My first club at University of Ilmenau: UNIKAT, the makerspace for students and scholars. Here i worked for nearly three years on 3d-printers, CNC-milling-machines and much more. Each semester we also made a workshop week and gave our knowledge to further students. I retired at the end of 2019 but am still visiting and sometimes working there.

Robocup Volunteer

After school my university didn't have a robotics contest so i am currently volunteering as referee and helping hand for the organizers.

Engineers without borders

Who are we? Engineering students! What are we doing? Helping other people!
As some of us are planning and working on projects down in africa i am responsible for the repair cafe to keep things running.

Python Intro

I am programming for many years now and want to start making cheatsheets and introductions to several programming languages. Python wasn't my first language but i think is for most the easiest to begin with. Therefor i started this Project on Github.

BI Student Club

Mainly because of the music i joined this club on my campus. With good old (and new) metal and rock we got some of the hardest partys and best members you can imageine. After some time i am one of our head technicans. Currently i am responsible for our cultural programm and association communication.


Working with a team you get to know that nobody has that much of a overview what tools you can use to work and participate. This bilingual sheet is a short overview of tools and programms to make your cooperations and projects easier.

Business card

You want to be seen and show people what you do? This page is an example of my business card project. Feel free to use it for your own. A description on how to get free webspace included.

Discord Bot

With corona virus pandemia we shipped our weekly club meeting to discord. For management, fun and more interactivity we created a discord bot with several functions.


Full Stack WebDev
HTML 5 Champion
Advanced SQL Analytics
MySQl for Data Analysis
Basic HTML
Dynamic Web Forms with validation
GitHub Grundlagen
HTML Bootcamp
Web Development Crash Course
HTML5 and CSS3
InfiniteScroll AJAX
Landing Page Hacks
HTML5 and CSS3 by Coding
Learn HTML5
Make Ecommerce Website Front-End
PSD Frontend
Telegram Bot with Python
Yii PHP Framework
Amazon FBA
eBay Dropshipping
Exel 2010 Productivity
Godot Game Engine
Google Sheets
Grundlagen Vermögensverwaltung
Microsoft Exel Pivot
Startup & Business
Visual Studio Code Hacks
Robocup 2014
Robocup 2015
Robocup 2016
Mechatronik Seminar
146. Jugend Presse Kongress
150. Jugend Presse Kongress
Multimedia Workshop