diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 780da53..c5a28b8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
-# einfache Visitenkarte über Github.io hosten
+# simple Business Card for Online Presentation
+Hi there and welcome,
+with GitHub you can Present yourself easily and without a fee.
-Hier kommt eine Visitenkarte für mich auf dem Github.io Host.
-Jeder darf diese als Vorlage benutzen, solange dies unkommerziell geschieht!
+Step 1: Create a repository with the name: "YOURUSERNAME.github.io"
+Step 2: Upload or create your Webfiles (HTML, CSS, JS) into that repository
+Step 3: you are finished
+I uploaded a simple Business Card for presentation of myself. Feel free to use it as a template but please refer to me.
+People love it when something moves and changes it's shape, so use the power of CSS and JS to create an interactive and rememberable portfolio.
+And as so often: No Commercial use allowed!
Have fun!