# LanguageTool Multilingual grammar, style, and spell checker (similar to Grammarly). <br> - [Official Site](https://languagetool.org) - [Github repo](https://github.com/Erikvl87/docker-languagetool) - [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/erikvl87/languagetool) ## Optional n-gram data LanguageTool can make use of large n-gram data sets to detect errors with words that are often confused, like `their` and `there`. 1. Download & unzip n-gram data for your language: https://languagetool.org/download/ngram-data/ ```sh wget https://languagetool.org/download/ngram-data/ngrams-en-20150817.zip unzip ngrams-en-20150817.zip ``` 2. Uncomment n-gram volume and env variable below ## docker-compose.yml ```yml --- version: "3" services: languagetool: image: erikvl87/languagetool container_name: languagetool restart: unless-stopped ports: - 8010:8010 # Using default port from the image environment: # - langtool_languageModel=/ngrams # OPTIONAL: Using ngrams data - Java_Xms=512m # OPTIONAL: Setting a minimal Java heap size of 512 mib - Java_Xmx=1g # OPTIONAL: Setting a maximum Java heap size of 1 Gib volumes: - ./ngrams:/ngrams ``` And then, in a browser extension: - in `LanguageTool API server URL:` select `Other server` - enter: `http://<SERVER IP>:8010/v2` ## Alternative docker-compose.yml This is using [libregrammar](https://github.com/TiagoSantos81/libregrammar) version, which (allegedly) provides the premium features for free. - [Github repo for libregrammar](https://github.com/TiagoSantos81/libregrammar) - [Github repo for the docker image](https://github.com/py-crash/docker-libregrammar) ```yml --- services: languagetool: image: registry.gitlab.com/py_crash/docker-libregrammar container_name: languagetool restart: unless-stopped environment: - langtool_languageModel=/ngrams # OPTIONAL: Using ngrams data - Java_Xms=512m # OPTIONAL: Setting a minimal Java heap size of 512 mib - Java_Xmx=1g # OPTIONAL: Setting a maximum Java heap size of 1 Gib ports: - "8081:8081" volumes: - ./ngrams:/ngrams ```