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// Copyright © 2023 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { ACCOUNT_DB, listWorkspacesRaw } from '@hcengineering/account'
import attachment from '@hcengineering/attachment'
import calendar from '@hcengineering/calendar'
import chunter, { type ChatMessage } from '@hcengineering/chunter'
import { loadCollaborativeDoc, saveCollaborativeDoc, yDocToBuffer } from '@hcengineering/collaboration'
import contact from '@hcengineering/contact'
import core, {
type ArrOf,
type CollaborativeDoc,
type DocumentUpdate,
type Hierarchy,
type Markup,
type RefTo,
type BackupClient,
type Class,
type Client as CoreClient,
type Doc,
type Domain,
type MeasureContext,
type Ref,
type Status,
type StatusCategory,
type TxCUD,
type TxCreateDoc,
type TxMixin,
type TxUpdateDoc,
type WorkspaceId,
type MigrationState,
type RelatedDocument
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import activity, { DOMAIN_ACTIVITY } from '@hcengineering/model-activity'
import { DOMAIN_SPACE } from '@hcengineering/model-core'
import recruitModel, { defaultApplicantStatuses } from '@hcengineering/model-recruit'
import { getMongoClient, getWorkspaceDB } from '@hcengineering/mongo'
import recruit, { type Applicant, type Vacancy } from '@hcengineering/recruit'
import { type StorageAdapter } from '@hcengineering/server-core'
import { connect } from '@hcengineering/server-tool'
import tags, { type TagCategory, type TagElement, type TagReference } from '@hcengineering/tags'
import task, { type ProjectType, type Task, type TaskType } from '@hcengineering/task'
import { updateYDocContent } from '@hcengineering/text'
import tracker from '@hcengineering/tracker'
import { deepEqual } from 'fast-equals'
import { type Db, MongoClient } from 'mongodb'
export async function cleanWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
mongoUrl: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
storageAdapter: StorageAdapter,
elasticUrl: string,
transactorUrl: string,
opt: { recruit: boolean, tracker: boolean, removedTx: boolean }
): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup',
model: 'upgrade'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
try {
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const hierarchy = ops.getHierarchy()
const attachments = await ops.findAll(attachment.class.Attachment, {})
const contacts = await ops.findAll(contact.class.Contact, {})
const files = new Set(
attachments.map((it) => it.file as string).concat(contacts.map((it) => it.avatar).filter((it) => it) as string[])
const minioList = await storageAdapter.listStream(ctx, workspaceId)
const toClean: string[] = []
while (true) {
const mv = await minioList.next()
if (mv === undefined) {
if (!files.has(mv._id)) {
await storageAdapter.remove(ctx, workspaceId, toClean)
if (opt.recruit) {
const contacts = await ops.findAll(recruit.mixin.Candidate, {})
console.log('removing Talents', contacts.length)
const filter = contacts.filter((it) => !hierarchy.isDerived(it._class, contact.mixin.Employee))
while (filter.length > 0) {
const part = filter.splice(0, 100)
const op = ops.apply('')
for (const c of part) {
await op.remove(c)
const t = Date.now()
console.log('remove:', part.map((it) => it.name).join(', '))
await op.commit()
const t2 = Date.now()
console.log('remove time:', t2 - t, filter.length)
// const vacancies = await ops.findAll(recruit.class.Vacancy, {})
// console.log('removing vacancies', vacancies.length)
// for (const c of vacancies) {
// console.log('Remove', c.name)
// await ops.remove(c)
// }
if (opt.tracker) {
const issues = await ops.findAll(tracker.class.Issue, {})
console.log('removing Issues', issues.length)
while (issues.length > 0) {
const part = issues.splice(0, 5)
const op = ops.apply('')
for (const c of part) {
await op.remove(c)
const t = Date.now()
await op.commit()
const t2 = Date.now()
console.log('remove time:', t2 - t, issues.length)
const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl)
try {
await client.connect()
const db = getWorkspaceDB(client, workspaceId)
if (opt.removedTx) {
const txes = await db.collection(DOMAIN_TX).find({}).toArray()
for (const tx of txes) {
if (tx._class === core.class.TxRemoveDoc) {
// We need to remove all update and create operations for document
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TX).deleteMany({ objectId: tx.objectId })
} finally {
await client.close()
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await connection.close()
export async function fixMinioBW (
ctx: MeasureContext,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
storageService: StorageAdapter
): Promise<void> {
console.log('try clean bw miniature for ', workspaceId.name)
const from = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 7)).getTime()
const list = await storageService.listStream(ctx, workspaceId)
let removed = 0
while (true) {
const obj = await list.next()
if (obj === undefined) {
if (obj.modifiedOn < from) continue
if ((obj._id as string).includes('%preview%')) {
await storageService.remove(ctx, workspaceId, [obj._id])
if (removed % 100 === 0) {
console.log('removed: ', removed)
console.log('FINISH, removed: ', removed)
export async function cleanRemovedTransactions (workspaceId: WorkspaceId, transactorUrl: string): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
try {
let count = 0
while (true) {
const removedDocs = await connection.findAll(
{ 'tx._class': core.class.TxRemoveDoc },
{ limit: 1000 }
if (removedDocs.length === 0) {
const toRemove = await connection.findAll(core.class.TxCollectionCUD, {
'tx._class': { $in: [core.class.TxCreateDoc, core.class.TxRemoveDoc, core.class.TxUpdateDoc] },
'tx.objectId': { $in: removedDocs.map((it) => it.tx.objectId) }
await connection.clean(
toRemove.map((it) => it._id)
count += toRemove.length
console.log('processed', count)
console.log('total docs with remove', count)
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await connection.close()
export async function optimizeModel (workspaceId: WorkspaceId, transactorUrl: string): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup',
model: 'upgrade'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
try {
let count = 0
const model = connection.getModel()
const updateTransactions = await connection.findAll(
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
_class: core.class.TxUpdateDoc
{ sort: { _id: SortingOrder.Ascending, modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Ascending }, limit: 5000 }
const toRemove: Ref<Doc>[] = []
let i = 0
for (const tx of updateTransactions) {
try {
const doc = model.findObject(tx.objectId)
if (doc === undefined) {
// Document is removed, we could remove update transaction at all
console.log('marking update tx to remove', tx)
const opt: any = { ...tx.operations }
const adoc = doc as any
let uDoc: any = {}
// Find next update operations for same doc
for (const ops of updateTransactions.slice(i + 1).filter((it) => it.objectId === tx.objectId)) {
uDoc = { ...uDoc, ...ops.operations }
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(opt)) {
// If value is same as in document or we have more transactions with same value updated.
if (!k.startsWith('$') && (!deepEqual(adoc[k], v) || uDoc[k] !== undefined)) {
// Current value is not we modify
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
delete opt[k]
if (Object.keys(opt).length === 0) {
// No operations pending, remove update tx.
console.log('marking update tx to remove, since not real update is performed', tx)
} finally {
await connection.clean(DOMAIN_TX, toRemove)
count += toRemove.length
console.log('processed', count)
console.log('total docs with remove', count)
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await connection.close()
export async function cleanArchivedSpaces (workspaceId: WorkspaceId, transactorUrl: string): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
try {
const count = 0
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
while (true) {
const spaces = await connection.findAll(core.class.Space, { archived: true }, { limit: 1000 })
if (spaces.length === 0) {
const h = connection.getHierarchy()
const withDomain = h
.filter((it) => h.findDomain(it) !== undefined)
.filter((it) => !h.isMixin(it))
for (const c of withDomain) {
while (true) {
const docs = await connection.findAll(c, { space: { $in: spaces.map((it) => it._id) } })
if (docs.length === 0) {
console.log('removing:', c, docs.length)
for (const d of docs) {
await ops.remove(d)
for (const s of spaces) {
await ops.remove(s)
console.log('total docs with remove', count)
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await connection.close()
export async function fixCommentDoubleIdCreate (workspaceId: WorkspaceId, transactorUrl: string): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
try {
const commentTxes = await connection.findAll(core.class.TxCollectionCUD, {
'tx._class': core.class.TxCreateDoc,
'tx.objectClass': chunter.class.ChatMessage
const commentTxesRemoved = await connection.findAll(core.class.TxCollectionCUD, {
'tx._class': core.class.TxRemoveDoc,
'tx.objectClass': chunter.class.ChatMessage
const removed = new Map(commentTxesRemoved.map((it) => [it.tx.objectId, it]))
// Do not checked removed
const objSet = new Set<Ref<Doc>>()
const oldValue = new Map<Ref<Doc>, string>()
for (const c of commentTxes) {
const cid = c.tx.objectId
if (removed.has(cid)) {
const has = objSet.has(cid)
if (has) {
// We have found duplicate one, let's rename it.
const doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc<ChatMessage>(c.tx as unknown as TxCreateDoc<ChatMessage>)
if (doc.message !== '' && doc.message.trim() !== '<p></p>') {
await connection.clean(DOMAIN_TX, [c._id])
if (oldValue.get(cid) === doc.message.trim()) {
console.log('delete tx', cid, doc.message)
} else {
oldValue.set(doc._id, doc.message)
console.log('renaming', cid, doc.message)
// Remove previous transaction.
c.tx.objectId = generateId()
doc._id = c.tx.objectId as Ref<ChatMessage>
await connection.upload(DOMAIN_TX, [c])
// Also we need to create snapsot
await connection.upload(DOMAIN_ACTIVITY, [doc])
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await connection.close()
const DOMAIN_TAGS = 'tags' as Domain
export async function fixSkills (
mongoUrl: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
transactorUrl: string,
step: string
): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl)
try {
await client.connect()
const db = getWorkspaceDB(client, workspaceId)
async function fixCount (): Promise<void> {
console.log('fixing ref-count...')
const allTags = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {})) as TagElement[]
for (const tag of allTags) {
console.log('progress: ', ((allTags.indexOf(tag) + 1) * 100) / allTags.length)
const references = await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, { tag: tag._id }, { total: true })
if (references.total >= 0) {
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TAGS).updateOne({ _id: tag._id }, { $set: { refCount: references.total } })
console.log('DONE: fixing ref-count')
// STEP 1: all to Upper Case
if (step === '1') {
console.log('converting case')
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
for (const tag of tagsToClean) {
await db
.updateOne({ _id: tag._id }, { $set: { title: tag.title.trim().toUpperCase() } })
console.log('DONE: converting case')
// STEP 2: Replace with same titles
if (step === '2') {
console.log('fixing titles')
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
const groupped = groupBy(tagsToClean, 'title')
console.log('STEP2: Done grouping')
for (const key in groupped) {
const values = groupped[key]
if (values.length === 1) continue
// console.log('duplicates: ', values)
const goodTag = values[0]
for (const t of values) {
if (t._id === goodTag._id) continue
const references = await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: t._id
goodTag.refCount = (goodTag.refCount ?? 0) + references.length
for (const reference of references) {
await db
{ _id: reference._id },
{ $set: { tag: goodTag._id, color: goodTag.color, title: goodTag.title } }
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteOne({ _id: t._id })
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TAGS).updateOne({ _id: goodTag._id }, { $set: { refCount: goodTag.refCount } })
console.log('STEP2 DONE')
// fix skills with + and -
if (step === '3') {
console.log('STEP 3')
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const regex = /\S+(?:[-+]\S+)+/g
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
const tagsMatchingRegex = tagsToClean.filter((tag) => regex.test(tag.title))
let goodTags = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$nin: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
goodTags = goodTags.sort((a, b) => b.title.length - a.title.length).filter((t) => t.title.length > 2)
for (const wrongTag of tagsMatchingRegex) {
const incorrectStrings = wrongTag.title.match(regex)
if (incorrectStrings == null) continue
for (const str of incorrectStrings) {
const goodTag = goodTags.find((t) => t.title.toUpperCase() === str.replaceAll(/[+-]/g, ''))
if (goodTag === undefined) continue
const references = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: wrongTag._id
})) as TagReference[]
for (const ref of references) {
await ops.addCollection(
title: goodTag.title,
tag: goodTag._id,
color: ref.color
await db
.updateOne({ _id: ref._id }, { $set: { title: ref.title.replace(str, '') } })
await db
.updateOne({ _id: wrongTag._id }, { $set: { title: wrongTag.title.replace(str, goodTag.title) } })
console.log('DONE: STEP 3')
// change incorrect skills and add good one
if (step === '4') {
console.log('step 4')
let goodTags = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$nin: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
goodTags = goodTags.sort((a, b) => b.title.length - a.title.length).filter((t) => t.title.length > 2)
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
for (const incorrectTag of tagsToClean) {
console.log('tag progress: ', ((tagsToClean.indexOf(incorrectTag) + 1) * 100) / tagsToClean.length)
const toReplace = goodTags.filter((t) => incorrectTag.title.includes(t.title.toUpperCase()))
if (toReplace.length === 0) continue
const references = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: incorrectTag._id
})) as TagReference[]
let title = incorrectTag.title
for (const ref of references) {
const refsForCand = (
(await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
attachedTo: ref.attachedTo
})) as TagReference[]
).map((r) => r.tag)
for (const gTag of toReplace) {
title = title.replace(gTag.title.toUpperCase(), '')
if ((refsForCand ?? []).includes(gTag._id)) continue
await ops.addCollection(
title: gTag.title,
tag: gTag._id,
color: ref.color
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TAGS).updateOne({ _id: ref._id }, { $set: { title } })
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TAGS).updateOne({ _id: incorrectTag._id }, { $set: { title } })
console.log('STEP4 DONE')
// remove skills with space or empty string
if (step === '5') {
console.log('STEP 5')
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
title: { $in: [' ', ''] }
})) as TagElement[]
if (tagsToClean.length > 0) {
for (const t of tagsToClean) {
const references = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: t._id
})) as TagReference[]
const ids = references.map((r) => r._id)
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteMany({ _id: { $in: ids } })
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteOne({ _id: t._id })
await fixCount()
console.log('DONE 5 STEP')
// remove skills with ref count less or equal to 10
if (step === '6') {
console.log('STEP 6')
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
for (const t of tagsToClean) {
if ((t?.refCount ?? 0) >= 10) continue
const references = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: t._id
})) as TagReference[]
const ids = references.map((r) => r._id)
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteMany({ _id: { $in: ids } })
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteOne({ _id: t._id })
console.log('DONE 6 STEP')
// remove all skills that don't have letters in it
if (step === '7') {
console.log('STEP 7')
const tagsToClean = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagElement, {
category: {
$in: ['recruit:category:Other', 'document:category:Other', 'tracker:category:Other'] as Ref<TagCategory>[]
})) as TagElement[]
const regex = /^((?![a-zA-Zа-яА-Я]).)*$/g
if (tagsToClean.length > 0) {
for (const t of tagsToClean) {
if (!regex.test(t.title)) continue
const references = (await connection.findAll(tags.class.TagReference, {
attachedToClass: recruit.mixin.Candidate,
tag: t._id
})) as TagReference[]
const ids = references.map((r) => r._id)
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteMany({ _id: { $in: ids } })
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TAGS).deleteOne({ _id: t._id })
await fixCount()
console.log('DONE 7 STEP')
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await client.close()
await connection.close()
function groupBy<T extends Doc> (docs: T[], key: string): Record<any, T[]> {
return docs.reduce((storage: Record<string, T[]>, item: T) => {
const group = getObjectValue(key, item) ?? undefined
storage[group] = storage[group] ?? []
return storage
}, {})
export async function restoreRecruitingTaskTypes (
mongoUrl: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
transactorUrl: string
): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup',
model: 'upgrade'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl)
try {
await client.connect()
const db = getWorkspaceDB(client, workspaceId)
// Query all vacancy project types creations (in Model)
// We only update new project types in model here and not old ones in spaces
const vacancyTypes = await connection.findAll<TxCreateDoc<ProjectType>>(core.class.TxCreateDoc, {
objectClass: task.class.ProjectType,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
'attributes.descriptor': recruit.descriptors.VacancyType
console.log('Found ', vacancyTypes.length, ' vacancy types to check')
if (vacancyTypes.length === 0) {
const descr = connection.getModel().getObject(recruit.descriptors.VacancyType)
const knownCategories = [
function compareCategories (a: Ref<StatusCategory>, b: Ref<StatusCategory>): number {
const indexOfA = knownCategories.indexOf(a)
const indexOfB = knownCategories.indexOf(b)
return indexOfA - indexOfB
for (const vacType of vacancyTypes) {
for (const taskTypeId of vacType.attributes.tasks) {
// Check if task type create TX exists
const createTx = (
await connection.findAll<TxCreateDoc<TaskType>>(core.class.TxCreateDoc, {
objectClass: task.class.TaskType,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
objectId: taskTypeId
console.log('Checking vacancy type: ', vacType.attributes.name)
if (createTx !== undefined) {
console.log('Task type already exists in model')
console.log('Restoring task type: ', taskTypeId, ' in vacancy type: ', vacType.attributes.name)
// Restore create task type tx
// Get target class mixin
const typeMixin = (
await connection.findAll<TxMixin<any, any>>(core.class.TxMixin, {
mixin: task.mixin.TaskTypeClass,
'attributes.projectType': vacType.objectId,
'attributes.taskType': taskTypeId
if (typeMixin === undefined) {
console.error(new Error('No type mixin found for the task type being restored'))
// Get statuses and categories
const statusesIds = vacType.attributes.statuses.filter((s) => s.taskType === taskTypeId).map((s) => s._id)
if (statusesIds.length === 0) {
console.error(new Error('No statuses defined for the task type being restored'))
const statuses = await connection.findAll(core.class.Status, {
_id: { $in: statusesIds }
const categoriesIds = new Set<Ref<StatusCategory>>()
statuses.forEach((st) => {
if (st.category !== undefined) {
if (categoriesIds.size === 0) {
console.error(new Error('No categories found for the task type being restored'))
const statusCategories = Array.from(categoriesIds)
const createTxNew: TxCreateDoc<TaskType> = {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: core.space.Tx,
objectId: taskTypeId,
objectClass: task.class.TaskType,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
modifiedBy: core.account.ConfigUser, // So it's not removed during the next migration
modifiedOn: vacType.modifiedOn,
createdOn: vacType.createdOn,
attributes: {
name: 'Applicant',
descriptor: recruitModel.descriptors.Application,
ofClass: recruit.class.Applicant,
targetClass: typeMixin.objectId,
statusClass: core.class.Status,
allowedAsChildOf: [taskTypeId],
statuses: statusesIds,
parent: vacType.objectId,
kind: 'both',
icon: descr.icon
await db.collection<Doc>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne(createTxNew)
console.log('Successfully created new task type: ')
// If there were updates to the task type - move them to the model
const updateTxes = (
await connection.findAll(core.class.TxCUD, {
objectClass: task.class.TaskType,
objectSpace: vacType.objectId as any,
objectId: taskTypeId
).filter((tx) => [core.class.TxUpdateDoc, core.class.TxRemoveDoc].includes(tx._class))
for (const updTx of updateTxes) {
await db.collection<TxCUD<Doc>>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne({
_id: generateId(),
objectSpace: core.space.Model
console.log('Successfully restored ', updateTxes.length, ' CUD transactions')
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await client.close()
await connection.close()
export async function restoreHrTaskTypesFromUpdates (
mongoUrl: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
transactorUrl: string
): Promise<void> {
const connection = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
mode: 'backup',
model: 'upgrade'
})) as unknown as CoreClient & BackupClient
const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl)
try {
await client.connect()
const db = getWorkspaceDB(client, workspaceId)
const hierarchy = connection.getHierarchy()
const descr = connection.getModel().getObject(recruit.descriptors.VacancyType)
const knownCategories = [
const supersededStatusesCursor = db.collection(DOMAIN_STATUS).find<Status>({ __superseded: true })
const supersededStatusesById = toIdMap(await supersededStatusesCursor.toArray())
// Query all vacancies
const vacancies = await connection.findAll<Vacancy>(recruit.class.Vacancy, {})
for (const vacancy of vacancies) {
console.log('Checking vacancy: ', vacancy.name)
// Find if task type exists
const projectType = await connection.findOne<ProjectType>(task.class.ProjectType, {
_id: vacancy.type
if (projectType !== undefined) {
console.log('Found project type for vacancy: ', vacancy.name)
console.log('Restoring project type for: ', vacancy.name)
const projectTypeId = generateId<ProjectType>()
// Find task type from any task
const applicant = await connection.findOne<Applicant>(recruit.class.Applicant, {
space: vacancy._id
if (applicant === undefined) {
// there are no tasks, just make it of the default system type
console.log('No tasks found for the vacancy: ', vacancy.name)
console.log('Changing vacancy to default type')
await db
.updateOne({ _id: vacancy._id }, { $set: { type: recruitModel.template.DefaultVacancy } })
const taskTypeId = applicant.kind
// Check if there's a create transaction for the task type
let createTaskTypeTx = await connection.findOne<TxCreateDoc<TaskType>>(core.class.TxCreateDoc, {
objectId: taskTypeId
if (createTaskTypeTx === undefined) {
// Restore it based on the update transaction
const updateTaskTypeTx = await connection.findOne<TxUpdateDoc<TaskType>>(core.class.TxUpdateDoc, {
objectId: taskTypeId,
objectClass: task.class.TaskType,
'operations.statuses': { $exists: true }
if (updateTaskTypeTx === undefined) {
console.error(new Error('No task type found for the vacancy ' + vacancy.name))
const statuses =
updateTaskTypeTx.operations.statuses?.map((s) => {
const ssedStatus = supersededStatusesById.get(s)
if (ssedStatus === undefined) {
return s
} else {
const defStatus = defaultApplicantStatuses.find((st) => st.name === ssedStatus.name)
if (defStatus === undefined) {
console.error(new Error('No default status found for the superseded status ' + ssedStatus.name))
return s
return defStatus.id
}) ?? []
const taskTargetClassId = `${taskTypeId}:type:mixin` as Ref<Class<Task>>
const ofClassClass = hierarchy.getClass(recruit.class.Applicant)
await db.collection<TxCreateDoc<Doc>>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne({
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: core.space.Tx,
objectId: taskTargetClassId,
objectClass: core.class.Mixin,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
modifiedBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
modifiedOn: Date.now(),
createdBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
createdOn: Date.now(),
attributes: {
extends: recruit.class.Applicant,
kind: ClassifierKind.MIXIN,
label: ofClassClass.label,
icon: ofClassClass.icon
createTaskTypeTx = {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: core.space.Tx,
objectId: taskTypeId,
objectClass: task.class.TaskType,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
modifiedBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
modifiedOn: Date.now(),
createdBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
createdOn: Date.now(),
attributes: {
name: 'Applicant',
descriptor: recruitModel.descriptors.Application,
ofClass: recruit.class.Applicant,
targetClass: taskTargetClassId,
statusClass: core.class.Status,
allowedAsChildOf: [taskTypeId],
statusCategories: knownCategories,
parent: projectTypeId,
kind: 'task',
icon: descr.icon
await db.collection<TxCreateDoc<TaskType>>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne(createTaskTypeTx)
console.log('Restored task type id: ', taskTypeId)
// Restore the project type
const targetClassId = `${projectTypeId}:type:mixin` as Ref<Class<Task>>
const ofClassClass = hierarchy.getClass(recruit.class.Vacancy)
await db.collection<TxCreateDoc<Doc>>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne({
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: core.space.Tx,
objectId: targetClassId,
objectClass: core.class.Mixin,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
modifiedBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
modifiedOn: Date.now(),
createdBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
createdOn: Date.now(),
attributes: {
extends: recruit.class.Vacancy,
kind: ClassifierKind.MIXIN,
label: ofClassClass.label,
icon: ofClassClass.icon
const createProjectTypeTx: TxCreateDoc<ProjectType> = {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: core.space.Tx,
objectId: projectTypeId,
objectClass: task.class.ProjectType,
objectSpace: core.space.Model,
modifiedBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
modifiedOn: Date.now(),
createdBy: core.account.ConfigUser,
createdOn: Date.now(),
attributes: {
descriptor: recruit.descriptors.VacancyType,
tasks: [taskTypeId],
classic: true,
statuses: createTaskTypeTx.attributes.statuses.map((s) => ({
_id: s,
taskType: taskTypeId
targetClass: targetClassId,
name: vacancy.name,
description: '',
roles: 0
await db.collection<TxCreateDoc<ProjectType>>(DOMAIN_TX).insertOne(createProjectTypeTx)
console.log('Restored project type id: ', projectTypeId)
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await client.close()
await connection.close()
export async function removeDuplicateIds (
ctx: MeasureContext,
mongodbUri: string,
storageAdapter: StorageAdapter,
productId: string,
transactorUrl: string,
initWorkspacesStr: string
): Promise<void> {
const state = 'REMOVE_DUPLICATE_IDS'
const mongoClient = getMongoClient(mongodbUri)
const _client = await mongoClient.getClient()
// disable spaces while change hardocded ids
try {
const workspaces = await listWorkspacesRaw(_client.db(ACCOUNT_DB), productId)
workspaces.sort((a, b) => b.lastVisit - a.lastVisit)
const initWorkspaces = initWorkspacesStr.split(';')
const initWS = workspaces.filter((p) => initWorkspaces.includes(p.workspace))
const ids = new Map<string, RelatedDocument[]>()
for (const workspace of initWS) {
const workspaceId = getWorkspaceId(workspace.workspace, productId)
const db = getWorkspaceDB(_client, workspaceId)
const txex = await db.collection(DOMAIN_TX).find<TxCUD<Doc>>({}).toArray()
const txesArr = []
for (const obj of txex) {
if (obj.objectSpace === core.space.Model && !isPersonAccount(obj)) {
txesArr.push({ _id: obj._id, _class: obj._class })
txesArr.filter((it, idx, array) => array.findIndex((pt) => pt._id === it._id) === idx)
ids.set(DOMAIN_TX, txesArr)
const colls = await db.collections()
for (const coll of colls) {
if (skippedDomains.includes(coll.collectionName)) continue
const arr = ids.get(coll.collectionName) ?? []
const data = await coll.find<RelatedDocument>({}, { projection: { _id: 1, _class: 1 } }).toArray()
for (const obj of data) {
ids.set(coll.collectionName, arr)
const arr = ids.get(DOMAIN_MODEL) ?? []
const data = await db
{ objectSpace: core.space.Model },
{ projection: { objectId: 1, objectClass: 1, modifiedBy: 1 } }
for (const obj of data) {
if (
(obj.modifiedBy === core.account.ConfigUser || obj.modifiedBy === core.account.System) &&
) {
if (obj.objectId === core.account.ConfigUser || obj.objectId === core.account.System) continue
arr.push({ _id: obj.objectId, _class: obj.objectClass })
arr.filter((it, idx, array) => array.findIndex((pt) => pt._id === it._id) === idx)
ids.set(DOMAIN_MODEL, arr)
for (let index = 0; index < workspaces.length; index++) {
const workspace = workspaces[index]
// we should skip init workspace first time, for case if something went wrong
if (initWorkspaces.includes(workspace.workspace)) continue
ctx.info(`Processing workspace ${workspace.workspaceName ?? workspace.workspace}`)
const workspaceId = getWorkspaceId(workspace.workspace, productId)
const db = getWorkspaceDB(_client, workspaceId)
const check = await db.collection(DOMAIN_MIGRATION).findOne({ state, plugin: workspace.workspace })
if (check != null) continue
const wsClient = (await connect(transactorUrl, workspaceId, undefined, {
model: 'upgrade'
})) as CoreClient & BackupClient
for (const set of ids) {
if (set[1].length === 0) continue
for (const doc of set[1]) {
await updateId(ctx, wsClient, db, storageAdapter, workspaceId, doc)
await wsClient.sendForceClose()
await wsClient.close()
await db.collection<MigrationState>(DOMAIN_MIGRATION).insertOne({
_id: generateId(),
plugin: workspace.workspace,
space: core.space.Configuration,
modifiedOn: Date.now(),
modifiedBy: core.account.System,
_class: core.class.MigrationState
ctx.info(`Done ${index} / ${workspaces.length - initWorkspaces.length}`)
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
function isPersonAccount (tx: TxCUD<Doc>): boolean {
return tx.objectClass === contact.class.PersonAccount
async function update<T extends Doc> (h: Hierarchy, db: Db, doc: T, update: DocumentUpdate<T>): Promise<void> {
await db.collection(h.getDomain(doc._class)).updateOne({ _id: doc._id }, { $set: { ...update, '%hash%': null } })
async function updateId (
ctx: MeasureContext,
client: CoreClient & BackupClient,
db: Db,
storage: StorageAdapter,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
docRef: RelatedDocument
): Promise<void> {
const h = client.getHierarchy()
const txop = new TxOperations(client, core.account.System)
try {
// chech the doc exists
const doc = await client.findOne(docRef._class, { _id: docRef._id })
if (doc === undefined) return
const domain = h.getDomain(doc._class)
const newId = generateId()
// update txes
await db.collection(DOMAIN_TX).updateMany({ objectId: doc._id }, { $set: { objectId: newId, '%hash%': null } })
// update nested txes
await db
.updateMany({ 'tx.objectId': doc._id }, { $set: { 'tx.objectId': newId, '%hash%': null } })
// we have generated ids for calendar, let's update in
if (h.isDerived(doc._class, core.class.Account)) {
await updateId(ctx, client, db, storage, workspaceId, {
_id: `${doc._id}_calendar` as Ref<Doc>,
_class: calendar.class.Calendar
// update backlinks
const backlinks = await client.findAll(activity.class.ActivityReference, { attachedTo: doc._id })
for (const backlink of backlinks) {
const contentDoc = await client.findOne(backlink.attachedDocClass ?? backlink.srcDocClass, {
_id: backlink.attachedDocId ?? backlink.srcDocClass
if (contentDoc !== undefined) {
const attrs = h.getAllAttributes(contentDoc._class)
for (const [attrName, attr] of attrs) {
if (attr.type._class === core.class.TypeMarkup) {
const markup = (contentDoc as any)[attrName] as Markup
const newMarkup = markup.replaceAll(doc._id, newId)
await update(h, db, contentDoc, { [attrName]: newMarkup })
} else if (attr.type._class === core.class.TypeCollaborativeMarkup) {
const markup = (contentDoc as any)[attrName]
const newMarkup = markup.replaceAll(doc._id, newId)
await update(h, db, contentDoc, { [attrName]: newMarkup })
} else if (attr.type._class === core.class.TypeCollaborativeDoc) {
const collaborativeDoc = (contentDoc as any)[attr.name] as CollaborativeDoc
await updateYDoc(ctx, collaborativeDoc, storage, workspaceId, contentDoc, newId, doc)
await update(h, db, backlink, { attachedTo: newId, message: backlink.message.replaceAll(doc._id, newId) })
// blobs
await updateRefs(txop, newId, doc)
await updateArrRefs(txop, newId, doc)
// update docIndexState
const docIndexState = await client.findOne(core.class.DocIndexState, { doc: doc._id })
if (docIndexState !== undefined) {
const { _id, space, modifiedBy, modifiedOn, createdBy, createdOn, _class, ...data } = docIndexState
await txop.createDoc(docIndexState._class, docIndexState.space, {
stages: {},
removed: false
await txop.update(docIndexState, { removed: true })
if (domain !== DOMAIN_MODEL) {
const raw = await db.collection(domain).findOne({ _id: doc._id })
await db.collection(domain).insertOne({
_id: newId as any,
'%hash%': null
await db.collection(domain).deleteOne({ _id: doc._id })
} catch (err: any) {
console.error('Error processing', docRef._id)
async function updateYDoc (
ctx: MeasureContext,
_id: CollaborativeDoc,
storage: StorageAdapter,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
contentDoc: Doc,
newId: Ref<Doc>,
doc: RelatedDocument
): Promise<void> {
try {
const ydoc = await loadCollaborativeDoc(storage, workspaceId, _id, ctx)
if (ydoc === undefined) {
ctx.error('document content not found', { document: contentDoc._id })
const buffer = yDocToBuffer(ydoc)
const updatedYDoc = updateYDocContent(buffer, (body: Record<string, any>) => {
const str = JSON.stringify(body)
const updated = str.replaceAll(doc._id, newId)
return JSON.parse(updated)
if (updatedYDoc !== undefined) {
await saveCollaborativeDoc(storage, workspaceId, _id, updatedYDoc, ctx)
} catch {
// do nothing, the collaborative doc does not sem to exist yet
async function updateRefs (client: TxOperations, newId: Ref<Doc>, doc: RelatedDocument): Promise<void> {
const h = client.getHierarchy()
const ancestors = h.getAncestors(doc._class)
const reftos = (await client.findAll(core.class.Attribute, { 'type._class': core.class.RefTo })).filter((it) => {
const to = it.type as RefTo<Doc>
return ancestors.includes(h.getBaseClass(to.to))
for (const attr of reftos) {
if (attr.name === '_id') {
const descendants = h.getDescendants(attr.attributeOf)
for (const d of descendants) {
if (h.isDerived(d, core.class.BenchmarkDoc)) {
if (h.isDerived(d, core.class.Tx)) {
if (h.findDomain(d) !== undefined) {
while (true) {
const values = await client.findAll(d, { [attr.name]: doc._id }, { limit: 100 })
if (values.length === 0) {
const builder = client.apply(doc._id)
for (const v of values) {
await updateAttribute(builder, v, d, { key: attr.name, attr }, newId, true)
const modelTxes = builder.txes.filter((p) => p.objectSpace === core.space.Model)
builder.txes = builder.txes.filter((p) => p.objectSpace !== core.space.Model)
for (const modelTx of modelTxes) {
await client.tx(modelTx)
await builder.commit()
async function updateArrRefs (client: TxOperations, newId: Ref<Doc>, doc: RelatedDocument): Promise<void> {
const h = client.getHierarchy()
const ancestors = h.getAncestors(doc._class)
const arrs = await client.findAll(core.class.Attribute, { 'type._class': core.class.ArrOf })
for (const attr of arrs) {
if (attr.name === '_id') {
const to = attr.type as ArrOf<Doc>
if (to.of._class !== core.class.RefTo) continue
const refto = to.of as RefTo<Doc>
if (ancestors.includes(h.getBaseClass(refto.to))) {
const descendants = h.getDescendants(attr.attributeOf)
for (const d of descendants) {
if (h.isDerived(d, core.class.BenchmarkDoc)) {
if (h.isDerived(d, core.class.Tx)) {
if (h.findDomain(d) !== undefined) {
while (true) {
const values = await client.findAll(attr.attributeOf, { [attr.name]: doc._id }, { limit: 100 })
if (values.length === 0) {
const builder = client.apply(doc._id)
for (const v of values) {
await updateAttribute(builder, v, d, { key: attr.name, attr }, newId, true)
const modelTxes = builder.txes.filter((p) => p.objectSpace === core.space.Model)
builder.txes = builder.txes.filter((p) => p.objectSpace !== core.space.Model)
for (const modelTx of modelTxes) {
await client.tx(modelTx)
await builder.commit()