2024-09-24 19:31:34 +07:00

254 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { ActivityMessage, ActivityMessageViewlet } from '@hcengineering/activity'
import type { AttachedDoc, Class, Doc, Markup, Mixin, Ref, Space, Timestamp } from '@hcengineering/core'
import { NotificationType } from '@hcengineering/notification'
import type { Asset, Plugin, Resource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { IntlString, plugin } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { AnyComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import { Action } from '@hcengineering/view'
import { Person, ChannelProvider as SocialChannelProvider } from '@hcengineering/contact'
import { Widget, WidgetTab } from '@hcengineering/workbench'
* @public
export interface ChunterSpace extends Space {
messages?: number
* @public
export interface Channel extends ChunterSpace {
topic?: string
* @public
export interface DirectMessage extends ChunterSpace {}
* @public
export interface ObjectChatPanel extends Class<Doc> {
ignoreKeys: string[]
* @public
export interface ChatMessage extends ActivityMessage {
message: Markup
attachments?: number
editedOn?: Timestamp
provider?: Ref<SocialChannelProvider>
inlineButtons?: number
* @public
export interface ThreadMessage extends ChatMessage {
attachedTo: Ref<ActivityMessage>
attachedToClass: Ref<Class<ActivityMessage>>
objectId: Ref<Doc>
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
* @public
export interface ChatMessageViewlet extends ActivityMessageViewlet {
messageClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
label?: IntlString
export interface ChatSyncInfo extends Doc {
user: Ref<Person>
timestamp: Timestamp
export interface TypingInfo extends Doc {
objectId: Ref<Doc>
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>
person: Ref<Person>
lastTyping: Timestamp
export type InlineButtonAction = (button: InlineButton, message: Ref<ChatMessage>, channel: Ref<Doc>) => Promise<void>
export interface InlineButton extends AttachedDoc {
name: string
titleIntl?: IntlString
title?: string
action: Resource<InlineButtonAction>
export interface ChatWidgetTab extends WidgetTab {
data: {
_id?: Ref<Doc>
_class?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
thread?: Ref<ActivityMessage>
channelName: string
selectedMessageId?: Ref<ActivityMessage>
* @public
export const chunterId = 'chunter' as Plugin
export * from './utils'
export * from './analytics'
export default plugin(chunterId, {
icon: {
Chunter: '' as Asset,
Hashtag: '' as Asset,
Thread: '' as Asset,
Lock: '' as Asset,
ChannelBrowser: '' as Asset,
ChunterBrowser: '' as Asset,
Copy: '' as Asset,
Messages: '' as Asset,
Bookmarks: '' as Asset
component: {
DmHeader: '' as AnyComponent,
ThreadView: '' as AnyComponent,
Thread: '' as AnyComponent,
Reactions: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessageInput: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessagesPresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessagePresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ThreadMessagePresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
ChatMessagePreview: '' as AnyComponent,
ThreadMessagePreview: '' as AnyComponent
activity: {
MembersChangedMessage: '' as AnyComponent
class: {
ThreadMessage: '' as Ref<Class<ThreadMessage>>,
ChunterSpace: '' as Ref<Class<ChunterSpace>>,
Channel: '' as Ref<Class<Channel>>,
DirectMessage: '' as Ref<Class<DirectMessage>>,
ChatMessage: '' as Ref<Class<ChatMessage>>,
ChatMessageViewlet: '' as Ref<Class<ChatMessageViewlet>>,
ChatSyncInfo: '' as Ref<Class<ChatSyncInfo>>,
InlineButton: '' as Ref<Class<InlineButton>>,
TypingInfo: '' as Ref<Class<TypingInfo>>
mixin: {
ObjectChatPanel: '' as Ref<Mixin<ObjectChatPanel>>
string: {
Reactions: '' as IntlString,
EditUpdate: '' as IntlString,
EditCancel: '' as IntlString,
Comments: '' as IntlString,
Settings: '' as IntlString,
ArchiveChannel: '' as IntlString,
UnarchiveChannel: '' as IntlString,
ArchiveConfirm: '' as IntlString,
Message: '' as IntlString,
MessageOn: '' as IntlString,
UnarchiveConfirm: '' as IntlString,
ConvertToPrivate: '' as IntlString,
DirectNotificationTitle: '' as IntlString,
DirectNotificationBody: '' as IntlString,
MessageNotificationBody: '' as IntlString,
AddCommentPlaceholder: '' as IntlString,
LeftComment: '' as IntlString,
Docs: '' as IntlString,
Chat: '' as IntlString,
Thread: '' as IntlString,
ThreadMessage: '' as IntlString,
ReplyToThread: '' as IntlString,
Channels: '' as IntlString,
Direct: '' as IntlString,
RepliedTo: '' as IntlString,
AllChannels: '' as IntlString,
AllContacts: '' as IntlString,
NewChannel: '' as IntlString,
DescriptionOptional: '' as IntlString,
Visibility: '' as IntlString,
Public: '' as IntlString,
Private: '' as IntlString,
NewDirectChat: '' as IntlString,
AddMembers: '' as IntlString,
CloseConversation: '' as IntlString,
Starred: '' as IntlString,
DeleteStarred: '' as IntlString,
StarChannel: '' as IntlString,
StarConversation: '' as IntlString,
UnstarChannel: '' as IntlString,
UnstarConversation: '' as IntlString,
NoMessagesInChannel: '' as IntlString,
SendMessagesInChannel: '' as IntlString,
Joined: '' as IntlString,
Left: '' as IntlString,
Added: '' as IntlString,
Removed: '' as IntlString,
CreatedChannelOn: '' as IntlString,
YouJoinedChannel: '' as IntlString,
AndMore: '' as IntlString,
IsTyping: '' as IntlString,
ThreadIn: '' as IntlString,
TranslateMessage: '' as IntlString,
Translate: '' as IntlString,
ShowOriginal: '' as IntlString,
Translating: '' as IntlString,
StartConversation: '' as IntlString
ids: {
DMNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationType>,
ThreadNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationType>,
ChannelNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationType>,
JoinChannelNotification: '' as Ref<NotificationType>,
ThreadMessageViewlet: '' as Ref<ChatMessageViewlet>,
ChatWidget: '' as Ref<Widget>
app: {
Chunter: '' as Ref<Doc>
action: {
DeleteChatMessage: '' as Ref<Action>,
LeaveChannel: '' as Ref<Action>,
RemoveChannel: '' as Ref<Action>,
TranslateMessage: '' as Ref<Action>,
ShowOriginalMessage: '' as Ref<Action>,
CloseConversation: '' as Ref<Action>
function: {
CanTranslateMessage: '' as Resource<(doc?: Doc | Doc[]) => Promise<boolean>>,
OpenThreadInSidebar: '' as Resource<(_id: Ref<ActivityMessage>, msg?: ActivityMessage, doc?: Doc) => Promise<void>>,
OpenChannelInSidebar: '' as Resource<
_id: Ref<Doc>,
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>,
doc?: Doc,
thread?: Ref<ActivityMessage>,
newTab?: boolean,
selectedMessageId?: Ref<ActivityMessage>
) => Promise<void>