Kristina ea3eb4af83
New Activity - squashed (#4032)
Signed-off-by: Kristina Fefelova <>
Co-authored-by: Andrey Sobolev <>
2023-12-11 18:54:36 +07:00

394 lines
13 KiB

import { get } from 'svelte/store'
import type { DisplayTx, TxViewlet } from '@hcengineering/activity'
import core, {
type AttachedDoc,
type Class,
type Client,
type Collection,
type Doc,
type Hierarchy,
type Obj,
type Ref,
type TxCUD,
type TxCollectionCUD,
type TxCreateDoc,
type TxMixin,
type TxOperations,
type TxUpdateDoc,
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import { type Asset, type IntlString, getResource, translate } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { getAttributePresenterClass } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
import { type AnyComponent, type AnySvelteComponent, ErrorPresenter, themeStore } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import view, { type AttributeModel, type BuildModelKey, type BuildModelOptions } from '@hcengineering/view'
import { getObjectPresenter } from '@hcengineering/view-resources'
import { type ActivityKey, activityKey } from './activity'
import activity from './plugin'
const valueTypes: ReadonlyArray<Ref<Class<Doc>>> = [
export type TxDisplayViewlet =
| (Pick<TxViewlet, 'icon' | 'label' | 'display' | 'editable' | 'hideOnRemove' | 'labelComponent' | 'labelParams'> & {
component?: AnyComponent | AnySvelteComponent
pseudo: boolean
| undefined
async function createPseudoViewlet (
client: TxOperations,
dtx: DisplayTx,
label: IntlString,
display: 'inline' | 'content' | 'emphasized' = 'inline'
): Promise<TxDisplayViewlet> {
const docClass: Class<Doc> = client.getModel().getObject(dtx.tx.objectClass)
const language = get(themeStore).language
let trLabel = docClass.label !== undefined ? await translate(docClass.label, {}, language) : undefined
if (dtx.collectionAttribute !== undefined) {
const itemLabel = (dtx.collectionAttribute.type as Collection<AttachedDoc>).itemLabel
if (itemLabel !== undefined) {
trLabel = await translate(itemLabel, {}, language)
// Check if it is attached doc and collection have title override.
const presenter = await getObjectPresenter(client, dtx.tx.objectClass, { key: 'doc-presenter' }, false, false)
if (presenter !== undefined) {
let collection = ''
if (dtx.collectionAttribute?.label !== undefined) {
collection = await translate(dtx.collectionAttribute.label, {}, language)
return {
icon: docClass.icon ?? activity.icon.Activity,
labelParams: {
_class: trLabel,
component: presenter.presenter,
pseudo: true
export function getDTxProps (dtx: DisplayTx): any {
return { tx: dtx.tx, value: dtx.doc, isOwnTx: dtx.isOwnTx, prevValue: dtx.prevDoc }
function getViewlet (
viewlets: Map<ActivityKey, TxViewlet[]>,
dtx: DisplayTx,
hierarchy: Hierarchy
): TxDisplayViewlet | undefined {
let key: string
if (dtx.mixinTx?.mixin !== undefined && dtx.tx._id === dtx.mixinTx._id) {
key = activityKey(dtx.mixinTx.mixin, dtx.tx._class)
} else {
key = activityKey(dtx.tx.objectClass, dtx.tx._class)
const vl = viewlets.get(key)
if (vl !== undefined) {
for (const viewlet of vl) {
if (viewlet.match === undefined) {
return { ...viewlet, pseudo: false }
const res = matchQuery([dtx.tx], viewlet.match, dtx.tx._class, hierarchy)
if (res.length > 0) {
return { ...viewlet, pseudo: false }
export async function updateViewlet (
client: TxOperations,
viewlets: Map<ActivityKey, TxViewlet[]>,
dtx: DisplayTx
): Promise<{
viewlet: TxDisplayViewlet
id: Ref<TxCUD<Doc>>
model: AttributeModel[]
props: any
modelIcon: Asset | undefined
iconComponent: AnyComponent | undefined
}> {
let viewlet = getViewlet(viewlets, dtx, client.getHierarchy())
const props = getDTxProps(dtx)
let model: AttributeModel[] = []
let modelIcon: Asset | undefined
let iconComponent: AnyComponent | undefined
if (viewlet === undefined) {
;({ viewlet, model } = await checkInlineViewlets(dtx, viewlet, client, model, dtx.isOwnTx))
if (model !== undefined) {
// Check for State attribute
for (const a of model) {
if (a.icon !== undefined) {
modelIcon = a.icon
for (const a of model) {
if (a.attribute?.iconComponent !== undefined) {
iconComponent = a.attribute?.iconComponent
return { viewlet, id: dtx.tx._id, model, props, modelIcon, iconComponent }
async function checkInlineViewlets (
dtx: DisplayTx,
viewlet: TxDisplayViewlet,
client: TxOperations,
model: AttributeModel[],
isOwn: boolean
): Promise<{ viewlet: TxDisplayViewlet, model: AttributeModel[] }> {
if (dtx.collectionAttribute !== undefined && (dtx.txDocIds?.size ?? 0) > 1) {
// Check if we have a class presenter we could have a pseudo viewlet based on class presenter.
viewlet = await createPseudoViewlet(client, dtx, activity.string.CollectionUpdated, 'inline')
} else if (dtx.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
// Check if we have a class presenter we could have a pseudo viewlet based on class presenter.
viewlet = await createPseudoViewlet(client, dtx, isOwn ? activity.string.DocCreated : activity.string.DocAdded)
} else if (dtx.tx._class === core.class.TxRemoveDoc) {
viewlet = await createPseudoViewlet(client, dtx, activity.string.DocDeleted)
} else if (dtx.tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc || dtx.tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
model = await createUpdateModel(dtx, client, model)
return { viewlet, model }
async function getAttributePresenter (
client: Client,
_class: Ref<Class<Obj>>,
key: string,
preserveKey: BuildModelKey
): Promise<AttributeModel> {
const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy()
const attribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(_class, key)
const presenterClass = getAttributePresenterClass(hierarchy, attribute)
const isCollectionAttr = presenterClass.category === 'collection'
const mixin = isCollectionAttr ? view.mixin.CollectionPresenter : view.mixin.ActivityAttributePresenter
let presenterMixin = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(presenterClass.attrClass, mixin)
if (presenterMixin?.presenter === undefined && mixin === view.mixin.ActivityAttributePresenter) {
presenterMixin = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(presenterClass.attrClass, view.mixin.AttributePresenter)
if (presenterMixin?.presenter === undefined) {
throw new Error('attribute presenter not found for ' + JSON.stringify(preserveKey))
} else if (presenterMixin?.presenter === undefined) {
throw new Error('attribute presenter not found for ' + JSON.stringify(preserveKey))
const resultKey = preserveKey.sortingKey ?? preserveKey.key
const sortingKey = Array.isArray(resultKey)
? resultKey
: attribute.type._class === core.class.ArrOf
? resultKey + '.length'
: resultKey
const presenter = await getResource(presenterMixin.presenter)
return {
key: preserveKey.key,
_class: presenterClass.attrClass,
label: preserveKey.label ?? attribute.shortLabel ?? attribute.label,
props: preserveKey.props,
icon: presenterMixin.icon,
collectionAttr: isCollectionAttr,
isLookup: false
async function buildModel (options: BuildModelOptions): Promise<AttributeModel[]> {
// eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return
const model = options.keys
.map((key) => (typeof key === 'string' ? { key } : key))
.map(async (key) => {
try {
return await getAttributePresenter(options.client, options._class, key.key, key)
} catch (err: any) {
if (options.ignoreMissing ?? false) {
return undefined
const stringKey = key.label ?? key.key
console.error('Failed to find presenter for', key, err)
const errorPresenter: AttributeModel = {
key: '',
sortingKey: '',
presenter: ErrorPresenter,
label: stringKey as IntlString,
_class: core.class.TypeString,
props: { error: err },
collectionAttr: false,
isLookup: false
return errorPresenter
return (await Promise.all(model)).filter((a) => a !== undefined) as AttributeModel[]
async function createUpdateModel (
dtx: DisplayTx,
client: TxOperations,
model: AttributeModel[]
): Promise<AttributeModel[]> {
if (dtx.updateTx !== undefined) {
const _class = dtx.updateTx.objectClass
const ops = {
keys: Object.entries(dtx.updateTx.operations)
.flatMap(([id, val]) => (['$push', '$pull'].includes(id) ? Object.keys(val) : id))
.filter((id) => !id.startsWith('$')),
ignoreMissing: true
const hiddenAttrs = getHiddenAttrs(client, _class)
model = (await buildModel(ops)).filter((x) => !hiddenAttrs.has(x.key))
} else if (dtx.mixinTx !== undefined) {
const _class = dtx.mixinTx.mixin
const ops = {
keys: Object.keys(dtx.mixinTx.attributes).filter((id) => !id.startsWith('$')),
ignoreMissing: true
const hiddenAttrs = getHiddenAttrs(client, _class)
model = (await buildModel(ops)).filter((x) => !hiddenAttrs.has(x.key))
return model
function getHiddenAttrs (client: TxOperations, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>): Set<string> {
return new Set(
.filter(([, attr]) => attr.hidden === true)
.map(([k]) => k)
function getModifiedAttributes (tx: DisplayTx): any[] {
if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
return ([tx.tx,{ tx }) => tx)] as unknown as Array<TxUpdateDoc<Doc>>).map(
({ operations }) => operations
if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
return ([tx.tx,{ tx }) => tx)] as unknown as Array<TxMixin<Doc, Doc>>).map(
({ attributes }) => attributes
return [{}]
async function buildRemovedDoc (
client: TxOperations,
objectId: Ref<Doc>,
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): Promise<Doc | undefined> {
const isAttached = client.getHierarchy().isDerived(_class, core.class.AttachedDoc)
const txes = await client.findAll<TxCUD<Doc>>(
isAttached ? core.class.TxCollectionCUD : core.class.TxCUD,
? { 'tx.objectId': objectId as Ref<AttachedDoc> }
: {
{ sort: { modifiedOn: 1 } }
const createTx = isAttached
? txes.find((tx) => (tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>).tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
: txes.find((tx) => tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
if (createTx === undefined) return
let doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(createTx as TxCreateDoc<Doc>)
for (let tx of txes) {
tx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) as TxCUD<Doc>
if (tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
doc = TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(doc, tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>)
} else if (tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
const mixinTx = tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>
doc = TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(doc, mixinTx)
return doc
async function getAllRealValues (
client: TxOperations,
values: any[],
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): Promise<[any[], boolean]> {
if (values.length === 0) return [[], false]
if (values.some((value) => typeof value !== 'string')) {
return [values, false]
if (valueTypes.includes(_class)) {
return [values, false]
const realValues = await client.findAll(_class, { _id: { $in: values } })
const realValuesIds ={ _id }) => _id)
const res = [
...(await Promise.all(
.filter((value) => !realValuesIds.includes(value))
.map(async (value) => await buildRemovedDoc(client, value, _class))
].filter((v) => v != null)
return [res, true]
function combineAttributes (attributes: any[], key: string, operator: string, arrayKey: string): any[] {
return Array.from(
new Set(
attributes.flatMap((attr) =>
Array.isArray(attr[operator]?.[key]?.[arrayKey]) ? attr[operator]?.[key]?.[arrayKey] : attr[operator]?.[key]
).filter((v) => v != null)
interface TxAttributeValue {
set: any
isObjectSet: boolean
added: any[]
isObjectAdded: boolean
removed: any[]
isObjectRemoved: boolean
export async function getValue (client: TxOperations, m: AttributeModel, tx: DisplayTx): Promise<TxAttributeValue> {
const utxs = getModifiedAttributes(tx)
const added = await getAllRealValues(client, combineAttributes(utxs, m.key, '$push', '$each'), m._class)
const removed = await getAllRealValues(client, combineAttributes(utxs, m.key, '$pull', '$in'), m._class)
const value: TxAttributeValue = {
set: utxs[0][m.key],
isObjectSet: false,
added: added[0],
isObjectAdded: added[1],
removed: removed[0],
isObjectRemoved: removed[1]
if (value.set !== undefined) {
const res = await getAllRealValues(client, [value.set], m._class)
value.set = res[0][0]
value.isObjectSet = res[1]
return value