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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { deepEqual } from 'fast-equals'
import { Account, AnyAttribute, Class, Doc, DocData, DocIndexState, IndexKind, Obj, Ref, Space } from './classes'
import core from './component'
import { Hierarchy } from './hierarchy'
import { isPredicate } from './predicate'
import { FindResult, DocumentQuery } from './storage'
function toHex (value: number, chars: number): string {
const result = value.toString(16)
if (result.length < chars) {
return '0'.repeat(chars - result.length) + result
return result
let counter = (Math.random() * (1 << 24)) | 0
const random = toHex((Math.random() * (1 << 24)) | 0, 6) + toHex((Math.random() * (1 << 16)) | 0, 4)
function timestamp (): string {
const time = (Date.now() / 1000) | 0
return toHex(time, 8)
function count (): string {
const val = counter++ & 0xffffff
return toHex(val, 6)
* @public
* @returns
export function generateId<T extends Doc> (): Ref<T> {
return (timestamp() + random + count()) as Ref<T>
let currentAccount: Account
* @public
* @returns
export function getCurrentAccount (): Account {
return currentAccount
* @public
* @param account -
export function setCurrentAccount (account: Account): void {
currentAccount = account
* @public
export function escapeLikeForRegexp (value: string): string {
return value.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')
* @public
export function toFindResult<T extends Doc> (docs: T[], total?: number): FindResult<T> {
const length = total ?? docs.length
return Object.assign(docs, { total: length })
* @public
export interface WorkspaceId {
name: string
productId: string
* @public
* Combine workspace with productId, if not equal ''
export function getWorkspaceId (workspace: string, productId: string = ''): WorkspaceId {
return {
name: workspace,
* @public
export function toWorkspaceString (id: WorkspaceId, sep = '@'): string {
return id.name + (id.productId === '' ? '' : sep + id.productId)
const attributesPrefix = 'attributes.'
* @public
export interface IndexKeyOptions {
_class?: Ref<Class<Obj>>
docId?: Ref<DocIndexState>
extra?: string[]
relative?: boolean
refAttribute?: string
* @public
export function docUpdKey (name: string, opt?: IndexKeyOptions): string {
return attributesPrefix + docKey(name, opt)
* @public
export function docKey (name: string, opt?: IndexKeyOptions): string {
const extra = opt?.extra !== undefined && opt?.extra?.length > 0 ? `#${opt.extra?.join('#') ?? ''}` : ''
let key =
(opt?.docId !== undefined ? opt.docId.split('.').join('_') + '|' : '') +
(opt?._class === undefined ? name : `${opt?._class}%${name}${extra}`)
if (opt?.refAttribute !== undefined) {
key = `${opt?.refAttribute}->${key}`
if (opt?.refAttribute !== undefined || (opt?.relative !== undefined && opt?.relative)) {
key = '|' + key
return key
* @public
export function extractDocKey (key: string): {
_class?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
attr: string
docId?: Ref<DocIndexState>
extra: string[]
} {
let k = key
if (k.startsWith(attributesPrefix)) {
k = k.slice(attributesPrefix.length)
let docId: Ref<DocIndexState> | undefined
let _class: Ref<Class<Doc>> | undefined
let attr = ''
const docSepPos = k.indexOf('|')
if (docSepPos !== -1) {
docId = k.substring(0, docSepPos).replace('_', '.') as Ref<DocIndexState>
k = k.substring(docSepPos + 1)
const clPos = k.indexOf('%')
if (clPos !== -1) {
_class = k.substring(0, clPos) as Ref<Class<Doc>>
attr = k.substring(clPos + 1)
} else {
attr = k
const extra = attr.split('#')
attr = extra.splice(0, 1)[0]
return { docId, attr, _class, extra }
* @public
export function isFullTextAttribute (attr: AnyAttribute): boolean {
return (
attr.index === IndexKind.FullText ||
attr.type._class === core.class.TypeAttachment ||
attr.type._class === core.class.EnumOf
* @public
export function isIndexedAttribute (attr: AnyAttribute): boolean {
return attr.index === IndexKind.Indexed
* @public
export interface IdMap<T extends Doc> extends Map<Ref<T>, T> {}
* @public
export function toIdMap<T extends Doc> (arr: T[]): IdMap<T> {
return new Map(arr.map((p) => [p._id, p]))
* @public
export function concatLink (host: string, path: string): string {
if (!host.endsWith('/') && !path.startsWith('/')) {
return `${host}/${path}`
} else if (host.endsWith('/') && path.startsWith('/')) {
const newPath = path.slice(1)
return `${host}${newPath}`
} else {
return `${host}${path}`
* @public
export function fillDefaults<T extends Doc> (
hierarchy: Hierarchy,
object: DocData<T> | T,
_class: Ref<Class<T>>
): DocData<T> | T {
const baseClass = hierarchy.isDerived(_class, core.class.AttachedDoc) ? core.class.AttachedDoc : core.class.Doc
const attributes = hierarchy.getAllAttributes(_class, baseClass)
for (const attribute of attributes) {
if (attribute[1].defaultValue !== undefined) {
if ((object as any)[attribute[0]] === undefined) {
;(object as any)[attribute[0]] = attribute[1].defaultValue
return object
* @public
export class AggregateValueData {
constructor (
readonly name: string,
readonly _id: Ref<Doc>,
readonly space: Ref<Space>,
readonly rank?: string,
readonly category?: Ref<Doc>
) {}
getRank (): string {
return this.rank ?? ''
* @public
export class AggregateValue {
constructor (readonly name: string | undefined, readonly values: AggregateValueData[]) {}
* @public
export type CategoryType = number | string | undefined | Ref<Doc> | AggregateValue
* @public
export class DocManager {
protected readonly byId: IdMap<Doc>
constructor (protected readonly docs: Doc[]) {
this.byId = toIdMap(docs)
get (ref: Ref<Doc>): Doc | undefined {
return this.byId.get(ref)
getDocs (): Doc[] {
return this.docs
getIdMap (): IdMap<Doc> {
return this.byId
filter (predicate: (value: Doc) => boolean): Doc[] {
return this.docs.filter(predicate)
* @public
export class RateLimitter {
idCounter: number = 0
processingQueue = new Map<string, Promise<void>>()
last: number = 0
queue: (() => Promise<void>)[] = []
constructor (readonly config: () => { rate: number, perSecond?: number }) {}
async exec<T, B extends Record<string, any> = {}>(op: (args?: B) => Promise<T>, args?: B): Promise<T> {
const processingId = `${this.idCounter++}`
const cfg = this.config()
while (this.processingQueue.size > cfg.rate) {
await Promise.race(this.processingQueue.values())
try {
const p = op(args)
this.processingQueue.set(processingId, p as Promise<void>)
return await p
} finally {
async add<T, B extends Record<string, any> = {}>(op: (args?: B) => Promise<T>, args?: B): Promise<void> {
const cfg = this.config()
if (this.processingQueue.size < cfg.rate) {
void this.exec(op, args)
} else {
await this.exec(op, args)
async waitProcessing (): Promise<void> {
await await Promise.race(this.processingQueue.values())
export function mergeQueries<T extends Doc> (query1: DocumentQuery<T>, query2: DocumentQuery<T>): DocumentQuery<T> {
const keys1 = Object.keys(query1)
const keys2 = Object.keys(query2)
const query = {}
for (const key of keys1) {
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
Object.assign(query, { [key]: query1[key] })
for (const key of keys2) {
if (!keys1.includes(key)) {
Object.assign(query, { [key]: query2[key] })
} else {
const value = mergeField(query1[key], query2[key])
if (value !== undefined) {
Object.assign(query, { [key]: value })
return query
function mergeField (field1: any, field2: any): Object | undefined {
// this is a special predicate that causes query never return any docs
// it is used in cases when queries intersection is empty
const never = { $in: [] }
// list of ignored predicates, handled separately
const ignored = ['$in', '$nin', '$ne']
const isPredicate1 = isPredicate(field1)
const isPredicate2 = isPredicate(field2)
if (isPredicate1 && isPredicate2) {
// $in, $nin, $eq are related fields so handle them separately here
const result = getInNiN(field1, field2)
const keys1 = Object.keys(field1)
const keys2 = Object.keys(field2)
for (const key of keys1) {
if (ignored.includes(key)) continue
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
Object.assign(result, { [key]: field1[key] })
} else {
const value = mergePredicateWithPredicate(key, field1[key], field2[key])
if (value !== undefined) {
Object.assign(result, { [key]: value })
for (const key of keys2) {
if (ignored.includes(key)) continue
if (!keys1.includes(key)) {
Object.assign(result, { [key]: field2[key] })
return Object.keys(result).length > 0 ? result : undefined
} else if (isPredicate1 || isPredicate2) {
// when one field is a predicate and the other is a simple value
// we need to ensure that the value matches predicate
const predicate = isPredicate1 ? field1 : field2
const value = isPredicate1 ? field2 : field1
for (const x in predicate) {
const result = mergePredicateWithValue(x, predicate[x], value)
if (result !== undefined) {
return result
// if we reached here, the value does not match the predicate
return never
} else {
// both are not predicates, can filter only when values are equal
return deepEqual(field1, field2) ? field1 : never
function mergePredicateWithPredicate (predicate: string, val1: any, val2: any): any | undefined {
if (val1 === undefined) return val2
if (val2 === undefined) return val1
switch (predicate) {
case '$lt':
return val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2
case '$lte':
return val1 <= val2 ? val1 : val2
case '$gt':
return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2
case '$gte':
return val1 >= val2 ? val1 : val2
// TODO we should properly support all available predicates here
// until then, fallback to the first predicate value
return val1
function mergePredicateWithValue (predicate: string, val1: any, val2: any): any | undefined {
switch (predicate) {
case '$in':
return Array.isArray(val1) && val1.includes(val2) ? val2 : undefined
case '$nin':
return Array.isArray(val1) && !val1.includes(val2) ? val2 : undefined
case '$lt':
return val2 < val1 ? val2 : undefined
case '$lte':
return val2 <= val1 ? val2 : undefined
case '$gt':
return val2 > val1 ? val2 : undefined
case '$gte':
return val2 >= val1 ? val2 : undefined
case '$ne':
return val1 !== val2 ? val2 : undefined
// TODO we should properly support all available predicates here
// until then, fallback to the non-predicate value
return val2
function getInNiN (query1: any, query2: any): Object {
const aIn = typeof query1 === 'object' && '$in' in query1 ? query1.$in : undefined
const bIn = typeof query2 === 'object' && '$in' in query2 ? query2.$in : undefined
const aNIn =
(typeof query1 === 'object' && '$nin' in query1 ? query1.$nin : undefined) ??
(typeof query1 === 'object' && query1.$ne !== undefined ? [query1.$ne] : [])
const bNIn =
(typeof query2 === 'object' && '$nin' in query2 ? query2.$nin : undefined) ??
(typeof query1 === 'object' && query2.$ne !== undefined ? [query2.$ne] : [])
const finalNin = Array.from(new Set([...aNIn, ...bNIn]))
// we must keep $in if it was in the original query
if (aIn !== undefined || bIn !== undefined) {
const finalIn =
aIn !== undefined && bIn !== undefined
? aIn.length - bIn.length < 0
? bIn.filter((c: any) => aIn.includes(c))
: aIn.filter((c: any) => bIn.includes(c))
: aIn ?? bIn
return { $in: finalIn.filter((p: any) => !finalNin.includes(p)) }
// try to preserve original $ne instead of $nin
if ((typeof query1 === 'object' && '$ne' in query1) || (typeof query2 === 'object' && '$ne' in query2)) {
if (finalNin.length === 1) {
return { $ne: finalNin[0] }
if (finalNin.length > 0) {
return { $nin: finalNin }
return {}