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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Copyright © 2021 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import type {
} from '@anticrm/core'
import type { Asset, IntlString, Plugin, Resource, Status } from '@anticrm/platform'
import { plugin } from '@anticrm/platform'
import type { AnyComponent, AnySvelteComponent } from '@anticrm/ui'
import { PopupPosAlignment } from '@anticrm/ui/src/types'
import type { Preference } from '@anticrm/preference'
* @public
export interface KeyFilter {
key: string
component: AnyComponent
label: IntlString
icon: Asset | undefined
* @public
export interface FilterMode {
label: IntlString
isAvailable: (values: any[]) => boolean
result: (values: any[]) => ObjQueryType<any>
* @public
export interface Filter {
key: KeyFilter
mode: FilterMode
modes: FilterMode[]
value: any[]
* @public
export interface ClassFilters extends Class<Doc> {
filters: (KeyFilter | string)[]
* @public
export interface AttributeFilter extends Class<Type<any>> {
component: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface AttributeEditor extends Class<Doc> {
editor: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface CollectionEditor extends Class<Doc> {
editor: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface AttributePresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface ObjectEditor extends Class<Doc> {
editor: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface SpaceHeader extends Class<Doc> {
header: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface SpaceName extends Class<Doc> {
getName: Resource<(client: Client, space: Space) => Promise<string>>
* @public
export interface ObjectEditorHeader extends Class<Doc> {
editor: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface ObjectValidator extends Class<Doc> {
validator: Resource<<T extends Doc>(doc: T, client: Client) => Promise<Status>>
* @public
export interface ViewletDescriptor extends Doc, UXObject {
component: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface Viewlet extends Doc {
attachTo: Ref<Class<Space>>
descriptor: Ref<ViewletDescriptor>
options?: FindOptions<Doc>
config: (BuildModelKey | string)[]
hiddenKeys?: string[]
* @public
export interface LinkPresenter extends Doc {
pattern: string
component: AnyComponent
* @public
* "Alt + K" =\> Alt and K should be pressed together
* "J T" - J and then T shold be pressed.
export type KeyBinding = string
* @public
export type ViewActionInput = 'focus' | 'selection' | 'any' | 'none'
* @public
export type ViewAction<T = Record<string, any>> = Resource<
(doc: Doc | Doc[] | undefined, evt: Event, params?: T) => Promise<void>
* @public
export interface ActionCategory extends Doc, UXObject {
// Does category is visible for use in popup.
visible: boolean
* @public
export interface Action<T extends Doc = Doc, P = Record<string, any>> extends Doc, UXObject {
// Action implementation details
action: ViewAction<P>
// Action implementation parameters
actionProps?: P
// If specified, action could be used only with one item selected.
// single - one object is required
// any - one or multiple objects are required
// any - any input is suitable.
input: ViewActionInput
// Focus and/or all selection document should match target class.
target: Ref<Class<Doc>>
// Action is applicable only for objects matching criteria
query?: DocumentQuery<T>
// If defined, types should be matched to proposed list
inputProps?: Record<string, Ref<Class<Doc>>>
// Kayboard bindings
keyBinding?: KeyBinding[]
// short description for action.
description?: IntlString
// Action category, for UI.
category: Ref<ActionCategory>
// Context action is defined for
context: ViewContext
* @public
* context - only for context menu actions.
* workbench - global actions per application or entire workbench.
* browser - actions for list/table/kanban browsing.
* editor - actions for selected editor context.
* panel - for panel based actions.
* popup - for popup based actions, like Close of Popup.
* input - for input based actions, some actions should be available for input controls.
export type ViewContextType = 'context' | 'workbench' | 'browser' | 'editor' | 'panel' | 'popup' | 'input' | 'none'
* @public
export interface ViewContext {
mode: ViewContextType | ViewContextType[]
// Active application
application?: Ref<Doc>
// Optional groupping
group?: string
* @public
export interface IgnoreActions extends Class<Doc> {
actions: Ref<Action>[]
* @public
export interface HTMLPresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: Resource<(doc: Doc) => string>
* @public
export interface TextPresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: Resource<(doc: Doc) => string>
* @public
export interface PreviewPresenter extends Class<Doc> {
presenter: AnyComponent
* @public
export const viewId = 'view' as Plugin
* @public
export interface BuildModelKey {
key: string
presenter?: AnyComponent
// A set of extra props passed to presenter.
props?: Record<string, any>
label?: IntlString
sortingKey?: string
// On client sorting function
sortingFunction?: (a: Doc, b: Doc) => number
* @public
export interface AttributeModel {
key: string
label: IntlString
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>
presenter: AnySvelteComponent
// Extra properties for component
props?: Record<string, any>
sortingKey: string
// Extra icon if applicable
icon?: Asset
attribute?: AnyAttribute
* @public
export interface BuildModelOptions {
client: Client
_class: Ref<Class<Obj>>
keys: (BuildModelKey | string)[]
lookup?: Lookup<Doc>
ignoreMissing?: boolean
* Define document create popup widget
* @public
export interface ObjectFactory extends Class<Obj> {
component: AnyComponent
* @public
export interface ViewletPreference extends Preference {
attachedTo: Ref<Viewlet>
config: (BuildModelKey | string)[]
* @public
const view = plugin(viewId, {
mixin: {
ClassFilters: '' as Ref<Mixin<ClassFilters>>,
AttributeFilter: '' as Ref<Mixin<AttributeFilter>>,
AttributeEditor: '' as Ref<Mixin<AttributeEditor>>,
CollectionEditor: '' as Ref<Mixin<CollectionEditor>>,
AttributePresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<AttributePresenter>>,
ObjectEditor: '' as Ref<Mixin<ObjectEditor>>,
ObjectEditorHeader: '' as Ref<Mixin<ObjectEditorHeader>>,
ObjectValidator: '' as Ref<Mixin<ObjectValidator>>,
ObjectFactory: '' as Ref<Mixin<ObjectFactory>>,
SpaceHeader: '' as Ref<Mixin<SpaceHeader>>,
SpaceName: '' as Ref<Mixin<SpaceName>>,
IgnoreActions: '' as Ref<Mixin<IgnoreActions>>,
HTMLPresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<HTMLPresenter>>,
TextPresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<TextPresenter>>,
PreviewPresenter: '' as Ref<Mixin<PreviewPresenter>>
class: {
ViewletPreference: '' as Ref<Class<ViewletPreference>>,
ViewletDescriptor: '' as Ref<Class<ViewletDescriptor>>,
Viewlet: '' as Ref<Class<Viewlet>>,
Action: '' as Ref<Class<Action>>,
ActionCategory: '' as Ref<Class<ActionCategory>>,
LinkPresenter: '' as Ref<Class<LinkPresenter>>
viewlet: {
Table: '' as Ref<ViewletDescriptor>
component: {
ObjectPresenter: '' as AnyComponent,
EditDoc: '' as AnyComponent,
CreateAttribute: '' as AnyComponent,
ViewletSetting: '' as AnyComponent,
SpacePresenter: '' as AnyComponent
string: {
CustomizeView: '' as IntlString
icon: {
Table: '' as Asset,
Card: '' as Asset,
Delete: '' as Asset,
MoreH: '' as Asset,
Move: '' as Asset,
Archive: '' as Asset,
Statuses: '' as Asset,
Setting: '' as Asset,
Open: '' as Asset,
ArrowRight: '' as Asset
category: {
General: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>,
GeneralNavigation: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>,
Navigation: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>,
Editor: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>,
MarkdownFormatting: '' as Ref<ActionCategory>
actionImpl: {
UpdateDocument: '' as ViewAction<{
key: string
value: any
ask?: boolean
label?: IntlString
message?: IntlString
ShowPanel: '' as ViewAction<{
component?: AnyComponent
element?: PopupPosAlignment
rightSection?: AnyComponent
ShowPopup: '' as ViewAction<{
component: AnyComponent
element?: PopupPosAlignment
_id?: string
_class?: string
_space?: string
value?: string
values?: string
props?: Record<string, any>
export default view