Alexander Onnikov df2a9b2708
UBERF-4725 Migrate collaborative content (#5717)
Signed-off-by: Alexander Onnikov <>
2024-08-22 16:03:42 +05:00

378 lines
13 KiB

import { test } from '@playwright/test'
import { NewDocument } from './model/documents/types'
import { LeftSideMenuPage } from './model/left-side-menu-page'
import { DocumentsPage } from './model/documents/documents-page'
import { DocumentContentPage } from './model/documents/document-content-page'
import { IssuesPage } from './model/tracker/issues-page'
import { IssuesDetailsPage } from './model/tracker/issues-details-page'
import { SpotlightPopup } from './model/spotlight-popup'
import { generateId, PlatformSetting, PlatformURI } from './utils'
import { NewIssue } from './model/tracker/types'
import { SignUpData } from './model/common-types'
import { LoginPage } from './model/login-page'
import { SignUpPage } from './model/signup-page'
import { SelectWorkspacePage } from './model/select-workspace-page'
storageState: PlatformSetting
test.describe('Fulltext index', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await (await page.goto(`${PlatformURI}/workbench/sanity-ws`))?.finished()
test.describe('Documents', () => {
let leftSideMenuPage: LeftSideMenuPage
let documentsPage: DocumentsPage
let documentContentPage: DocumentContentPage
let spotlight: SpotlightPopup
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page)
documentsPage = new DocumentsPage(page)
documentContentPage = new DocumentContentPage(page)
spotlight = new SpotlightPopup(page)
await leftSideMenuPage.clickDocuments()
test('Search created document', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newDocument: NewDocument = {
title: `Indexable Document ${titleId}`,
space: 'Default'
const content = `Indexable document content ${contentId}`
await test.step('create document', async () => {
await documentsPage.clickOnButtonCreateDocument()
await documentsPage.createDocument(newDocument)
await documentsPage.openDocument(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentTitle(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.addContentToTheNewLine(content)
await documentContentPage.checkContent(content)
await test.step('close document', async () => {
// Go to inbox to close the document and trigger indexation
await leftSideMenuPage.clickNotification()
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newDocument.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by content', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(contentId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newDocument.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
test('Search updated document', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newDocument: NewDocument = {
title: `Indexable Document ${titleId}`,
space: 'Default'
const content = `Indexable document content ${contentId}`
const updatedTitleId = generateId()
const updatedTitle = `Indexable Document ${updatedTitleId}`
const updatedContentId = generateId()
const updatedContent = `Indexable document content ${updatedContentId}`
await test.step('create document', async () => {
await documentsPage.clickOnButtonCreateDocument()
await documentsPage.createDocument(newDocument)
await documentsPage.openDocument(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentTitle(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.addContentToTheNewLine(content)
await documentContentPage.checkContent(content)
await test.step('update document', async () => {
await documentContentPage.updateDocumentTitle(updatedTitle)
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentTitle(updatedTitle)
await documentContentPage.addContentToTheNewLine(updatedContent)
await test.step('close document', async () => {
// Go to inbox to close the document and trigger indexation
await leftSideMenuPage.clickNotification()
await test.step('search by old title', async () => {
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newDocument.title, 0)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(updatedTitle, 0)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(updatedTitleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(updatedTitle, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by content', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(updatedContentId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(updatedTitle, 1)
await spotlight.close()
test('Search removed document', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newDocument: NewDocument = {
title: `Indexable Document ${titleId}`,
space: 'Default'
const content = `Indexable document content ${contentId}`
await test.step('create document', async () => {
await documentsPage.clickOnButtonCreateDocument()
await documentsPage.createDocument(newDocument)
await documentsPage.openDocument(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.checkDocumentTitle(newDocument.title)
await documentContentPage.addContentToTheNewLine(content)
await documentContentPage.checkContent(content)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newDocument.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('remove document', async () => {
await documentContentPage.executeMoreAction('Delete')
await documentContentPage.pressYesForPopup(page)
// Go to inbox to close the document and trigger indexation
await leftSideMenuPage.clickNotification()
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newDocument.title, 0)
await spotlight.close()
test.describe('Issues', () => {
let leftSideMenuPage: LeftSideMenuPage
let issuesPage: IssuesPage
let spotlight: SpotlightPopup
let issuesDetailsPage: IssuesDetailsPage
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page)
issuesPage = new IssuesPage(page)
spotlight = new SpotlightPopup(page)
issuesDetailsPage = new IssuesDetailsPage(page)
await leftSideMenuPage.clickTracker()
test('Search created issue', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newIssue: NewIssue = {
title: `Indexable issue ${titleId}`,
description: `Indexable issue content ${contentId}`,
status: 'Backlog'
await test.step('create issue', async () => {
await issuesPage.createNewIssue(newIssue)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by content', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(contentId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
test('Search updated issue', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const updatedTitleId = generateId()
const updatedContentId = generateId()
const updatedTitle = `Indexable issue ${updatedTitleId}`
const updatedContent = `Indexable issue ${updatedContentId}`
const newIssue: NewIssue = {
title: `Indexable issue ${titleId}`,
description: `Indexable issue content ${contentId}`,
status: 'Backlog'
await test.step('create issue', async () => {
await issuesPage.createNewIssue(newIssue)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('update issue', async () => {
await issuesPage.linkSidebarAll().click()
await issuesPage.clickModelSelectorAll()
await issuesPage.searchIssueByName(newIssue.title)
await issuesPage.openIssueByName(newIssue.title)
await issuesDetailsPage.editIssue({ title: updatedTitle })
await issuesDetailsPage.addToDescription(updatedContent)
await issuesDetailsPage.clickCloseIssueButton()
await test.step('search by old title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 0)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(updatedTitleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(updatedTitle, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('search by content', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(updatedContentId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(updatedTitle, 1)
await spotlight.close()
test('Search removed issue', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newIssue: NewIssue = {
title: `Indexable issue ${titleId}`,
description: `Indexable issue content ${contentId}`,
status: 'Backlog'
await test.step('create issue', async () => {
await issuesPage.createNewIssue(newIssue)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('remove issue', async () => {
await issuesPage.linkSidebarAll().click()
await issuesPage.clickModelSelectorAll()
await issuesPage.searchIssueByName(newIssue.title)
await issuesPage.openIssueByName(newIssue.title)
await issuesDetailsPage.moreActionOnIssue('Delete')
await issuesDetailsPage.pressYesForPopup(page)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 0)
await spotlight.close()
test.describe('Indexed data does not leak cross workspace', () => {
test('Search issue from another workspace', async ({ page }) => {
const titleId = generateId()
const contentId = generateId()
const newIssue: NewIssue = {
title: `Indexable issue ${titleId}`,
description: `Indexable issue content ${contentId}`,
status: 'Backlog'
const loginPage = new LoginPage(page)
const signUpPage = new SignUpPage(page)
const selectWorkspacePage = new SelectWorkspacePage(page)
const leftSideMenuPage = new LeftSideMenuPage(page)
const issuesPage = new IssuesPage(page)
const spotlight = new SpotlightPopup(page)
await test.step('create issue', async () => {
await leftSideMenuPage.clickTracker()
await issuesPage.createNewIssue(newIssue)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 1)
await spotlight.close()
await test.step('create workspace', async () => {
const newUser: SignUpData = {
firstName: `FirstName-${generateId()}`,
lastName: `LastName-${generateId()}`,
email: `email+${generateId()}`,
password: '1234'
const newWorkspaceName = `New Workspace Name - ${generateId(2)}`
await loginPage.goto()
await loginPage.clickSignUp()
await signUpPage.signUp(newUser)
await selectWorkspacePage.createWorkspace(newWorkspaceName)
await test.step('search by title', async () => {
await leftSideMenuPage.clickTracker()
await spotlight.fillSearchInput(titleId)
await spotlight.checkSearchResult(newIssue.title, 0)
await spotlight.close()