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import { getResource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { type ComponentType } from 'svelte'
import { derived, get } from 'svelte/store'
import type {
} from './types'
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import { modalStore } from './modals'
export interface CompAndProps {
type?: 'popup'
id: string
is: AnySvelteComponent | ComponentType
props: any
element?: PopupAlignment
onClose?: (result: any) => void
onUpdate?: (result: any) => void
close: () => void
update?: (props: Record<string, any>) => void
options: {
category: string
overlay: boolean
fixed?: boolean
refId?: string
dock?: boolean
// Internal
closing?: boolean
export interface PopupResult {
id: string
close: () => void
update: (props: Record<string, any>) => void
export const popupstore = derived(modalStore, (modals) => {
return modals.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]
export const dockStore = derived(modalStore, (modals) => {
return (modals.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]).find((popup: CompAndProps) => popup.dock)
export function updatePopup (id: string, props: Partial<CompAndProps>): void {
modalStore.update((modals) => {
const popupIndex = (modals.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]).findIndex(
(p: CompAndProps) => p.id === id
if (popupIndex !== -1) {
;(modals[popupIndex] as CompAndProps).update?.(props)
return modals
function addPopup (props: CompAndProps): void {
modalStore.update((modals) => {
return modals
function checkDockPosition (refId: string | undefined): boolean {
if (refId !== undefined && localStorage.getItem('dock-popup') === refId) {
const docked = get(dockStore)
if (docked === undefined) {
return true
return false
let popupId: number = 0
export function showPopup (
component: AnySvelteComponent | AnyComponent | ComponentType,
props: any,
element?: PopupAlignment,
onClose?: (result: any) => void | Promise<void>,
onUpdate?: (result: any) => void | Promise<void>,
options: {
category: string
overlay: boolean
fixed?: boolean
refId?: string
} = {
category: 'popup',
overlay: true
): PopupResult {
const id = `${popupId++}`
const closePopupOp = (): void => {
modalStore.update((popups) => {
const pos = popups.findIndex((p) => (p as CompAndProps).id === id && p.type === 'popup')
if (pos !== -1) {
popups.splice(pos, 1)
return popups
const _element = element instanceof HTMLElement ? getPopupPositionElement(element) : element
const data: Omit<CompAndProps, 'is'> = {
element: _element,
close: closePopupOp,
type: 'popup'
if (checkDockPosition(options.refId)) {
data.dock = true
if (typeof component === 'string') {
.then((resolved) => {
addPopup({ ...data, is: resolved })
.catch((err) => {
} else {
addPopup({ ...data, is: component })
return {
close: closePopupOp,
update: (props) => {
updatePopup(id, props)
export function closePopup (category?: string): void {
modalStore.update((popups) => {
if (category !== undefined) {
popups = popups.filter((p) => p.type === 'popup' && p.options.category !== category)
} else {
for (let i = popups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (popups[i].type !== 'popup') continue
const popi = popups[i] as CompAndProps
if (popi.options.fixed !== true) {
const isClosing = popi.closing ?? false
if (popups[i].type === 'popup') {
popi.closing = true
if (!isClosing) {
// To prevent possible recursion, we need to check if we call some code from popup close, to do close.
popi.closing = false
popups.splice(i, 1)
return popups
* @public
* Place element based on position and element.
* return boolean to show or not modal overlay.
export function fitPopupPositionedElement (
modalHTML: HTMLElement,
alignment: PopupPositionElement,
newProps: Record<string, string | number>
): PopupOptions {
let direction: string = ''
const rect = alignment.getBoundingClientRect()
const rectPopup = modalHTML.getBoundingClientRect()
const docWidth = document.body.clientWidth
const docHeight = document.body.clientHeight
newProps.left = newProps.right = newProps.top = newProps.bottom = ''
newProps.maxHeight = newProps.height = ''
newProps.maxWidth = newProps.width = ''
if (alignment?.kind === 'submenu') {
const dirH =
docWidth - rect.right - rectPopup.width - 12 > 0 ? 'right' : rect.left > docWidth - rect.left ? 'left' : 'inside'
const dirV =
docHeight - rect.top - rectPopup.height - 20 > 0
? 'bottom'
: rect.bottom > rectPopup.height + 20
? 'top'
: 'bottom'
if (dirH === 'right') newProps.left = `${rect.right - 4}px`
else if (dirH === 'inside') newProps.right = '1rem'
else newProps.right = `${docWidth - rect.left - 4}px`
if (dirV === 'bottom') newProps.top = `${rect.top - 4}px`
else newProps.bottom = `${docHeight - rect.bottom - 4}px`
direction = `${dirV}|${dirH}`
} else if (alignment.position !== undefined) {
if (alignment.position.v === 'top') {
newProps.top = `${rect.top}px`
} else if (alignment.position.v === 'bottom') {
newProps.top = `${rect.bottom - rectPopup.height}px`
if (alignment.position.h === 'right') {
newProps.left = `${rect.right + 4}px`
} else if (alignment.position.h === 'left') {
newProps.left = `${rect.left - rectPopup.width - 4}px`
direction = alignment.position.v + '|' + alignment.position.h
} else {
// Vertical
if (rect.bottom + rectPopup.height + 28 <= docHeight) {
newProps.top = `${rect.bottom + 16}px`
direction = 'bottom'
} else if (rectPopup.height + 28 < rect.top) {
newProps.bottom = `${docHeight - rect.top + 16}px`
direction = 'top'
} else {
newProps.top = newProps.bottom = '16px'
direction = 'top'
// Horizontal
if (rect.left + rectPopup.width + 16 <= docWidth) {
newProps.left = `${rect.left}px`
direction += '|right'
} else if (rect.right - rectPopup.width - 16 >= 0) {
newProps.right = `${docWidth - rect.right}px`
direction += '|left'
} else {
newProps.left = '16px'
direction += '|center'
return { props: newProps, showOverlay: false, direction }
* @public
* Place element based on position and underline content element.
* return boolean to show or not modal overlay.
export function fitPopupElement (
modalHTML: HTMLElement,
device: DeviceOptions,
element?: PopupAlignment,
contentPanel?: HTMLElement,
clientWidth?: number,
clientHeight?: number
): PopupOptions {
let show = true
const newProps: Record<string, string | number> = {}
if (element != null) {
show = false
newProps.left = newProps.right = newProps.top = newProps.bottom = ''
newProps.maxHeight = newProps.height = ''
newProps.maxWidth = newProps.width = newProps.minWidth = ''
if (typeof element !== 'string') {
const result = fitPopupPositionedElement(modalHTML, element, newProps)
// applyStyle(newProps, modalHTML)
return result
} else if (element === 'right' && contentPanel !== undefined) {
const rect = contentPanel.getBoundingClientRect()
newProps.top = `calc(${rect.top}px + 8px)`
newProps.bottom = '0.75rem'
newProps.right = '0.75rem'
newProps.maxWidth = '50%'
show = true
} else if (element === 'top') {
const fullHeight = clientHeight !== undefined && clientHeight / device.docHeight > 0.745
if (clientWidth !== undefined && clientHeight !== undefined) {
newProps.left = `calc(50% - ${clientWidth / 2}px`
} else {
newProps.left = '50%'
newProps.transform = 'translateX(-50%)'
newProps.top = fullHeight ? `${(device.docHeight - clientHeight) / 2}px` : '15vh'
newProps.maxHeight = fullHeight ? 'calc(100vh - 2rem)' : '75vh'
show = true
} else if (element === 'float') {
newProps.top = 'calc(var(--status-bar-height) + 4px)'
newProps.bottom = '4px'
newProps.left = '60%'
newProps.right = '4px'
show = true
} else if (element === 'center') {
if (clientWidth !== undefined && clientHeight !== undefined) {
newProps.top = `calc(50% - ${clientHeight / 2}px`
newProps.left = `calc(50% - ${clientWidth / 2}px`
} else {
newProps.top = '50%'
newProps.left = '50%'
newProps.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'centered') {
newProps.top = newProps.bottom = '15%'
newProps.left = newProps.right = '25%'
show = true
} else if (element === 'logo') {
newProps.top = '2.75rem'
newProps.left = '5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = '42rem'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - 5.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'logo-mini') {
newProps.top = '2.5rem'
newProps.left = '.5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = '42rem'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - 5.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'logo-portrait') {
newProps.bottom = 'calc(var(--app-panel-width) + .75rem)'
newProps.left = '.5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = 'calc(100vw - 1rem)'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - var(--app-panel-width) - 1.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'account') {
newProps.bottom = '2.75rem'
newProps.left = '5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = '42rem'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - 5.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'account-portrait') {
newProps.bottom = 'calc(var(--app-panel-width) + .75rem)'
newProps.right = '.5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = 'calc(100vw - 1rem)'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - var(--app-panel-width) - 1.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'account-mobile') {
newProps.bottom = '.5rem'
newProps.left = 'calc(var(--app-panel-width) + .5rem)'
newProps.maxWidth = 'calc(100vw - var(--app-panel-width) - 1rem)'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - 1rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'notify') {
newProps.top = '2.5rem'
newProps.left = '4.75rem'
newProps.maxWidth = '42rem'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - 5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'notify-mobile') {
newProps.bottom = 'calc(var(--app-panel-width) + .75rem)'
newProps.left = '.5rem'
newProps.maxWidth = 'calc(100vw - 1rem)'
newProps.maxHeight = 'calc(100vh - var(--app-panel-width) - 1.5rem)'
show = true
} else if (element === 'full' && contentPanel === undefined) {
newProps.top = '0'
newProps.bottom = '0'
newProps.left = '0'
newProps.right = '0'
// newProps.width = '100vw'
newProps.height = '100vh'
show = false
} else if (element === 'full' && contentPanel !== undefined) {
const rect = contentPanel.getBoundingClientRect()
newProps.top = `${rect.top + 1}px`
newProps.bottom = '1px'
newProps.left = '1px'
newProps.right = '1px'
show = true
} else if (element === 'full-centered') {
const rect = contentPanel !== undefined ? contentPanel.getBoundingClientRect() : { top: 0 }
newProps.top = `${Math.max(20, rect.top + 1)}px`
newProps.bottom = '.5rem'
newProps.left = '.5rem'
newProps.right = '.5rem'
show = true
} else if (element === 'content' && contentPanel !== undefined) {
const rect = contentPanel.getBoundingClientRect()
newProps.top = `${rect.top}px`
// newProps.bottom = `${Math.min(document.body.clientHeight - rect.bottom + 1, window.innerHeight - rect.top - 1)}px`
newProps.height = `${Math.min(rect.height, window.innerHeight - rect.top)}px`
newProps.left = `${rect.left}px`
// newProps.right = `${Math.min(document.body.clientWidth - rect.right, window.innerWidth - rect.left - 5)}px`
newProps.width = `${Math.min(rect.width, window.innerWidth - rect.left)}px`
} else if (element === 'middle') {
if (contentPanel !== undefined) {
const rect = contentPanel.getBoundingClientRect()
newProps.top = `calc(${rect.top}px)`
} else {
newProps.top = '15%'
newProps.bottom = '12px'
if (clientWidth !== undefined && clientHeight !== undefined) {
newProps.left = `calc(50% - ${clientWidth / 2}px`
} else {
newProps.left = '50%'
newProps.transform = 'translateX(-50%)'
} else if (element === 'help-center') {
newProps.top = 'calc(var(--status-bar-height) + 12px)'
newProps.bottom = '12px'
newProps.right = '12px'
show = true
} else if (element === 'status') {
newProps.top = 'calc(var(--status-bar-height) + 7.5px)'
newProps.right = '12px'
} else if (element === 'movable') {
newProps.top = 'calc(var(--status-bar-height) + 4px)'
newProps.right = '1rem'
} else {
if (clientWidth !== undefined && clientHeight !== undefined) {
newProps.top = `calc(50% - ${clientHeight / 2}px`
newProps.left = `calc(50% - ${clientWidth / 2}px`
} else {
newProps.top = '50%'
newProps.left = '50%'
newProps.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'
show = true
// applyStyle(newProps, modalHTML)
return { props: newProps, showOverlay: show, direction: '' }
export function eventToHTMLElement (evt: MouseEvent): HTMLElement {
return evt.target as HTMLElement
export function getEventPopupPositionElement (
e?: Event,
position?: { v: VerticalAlignment, h: HorizontalAlignment }
): PopupAlignment | undefined {
if (e?.target == null) {
return undefined
const target = e.target as HTMLElement
return getPopupPositionElement(target, position)
export function getPopupPositionElement (
el: HTMLElement | undefined,
position?: { v: VerticalAlignment, h: HorizontalAlignment }
): PopupAlignment | undefined {
if (el?.getBoundingClientRect != null) {
const result = el.getBoundingClientRect()
return {
getBoundingClientRect: () => result,
return undefined
export function getEventPositionElement (evt: MouseEvent): PopupAlignment | undefined {
const rect = DOMRect.fromRect({ width: 1, height: 1, x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY })
return {
getBoundingClientRect: () => rect
export function pin (id: string): void {
modalStore.update((popups) => {
const currentPopups = popups.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]
const current = currentPopups.find((p) => p.id === id) as CompAndProps
;(popups.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]).forEach((p) => (p.dock = p.id === id))
if (current?.options.refId !== undefined) {
localStorage.setItem('dock-popup', current.options.refId)
return popups
export function unpin (): void {
modalStore.update((popups) => {
;(popups.filter((m) => m.type === 'popup') as CompAndProps[]).forEach((p) => (p.dock = false))
return popups