Denis Bykhov 807426e0b2
Instant office links (#6121)
Signed-off-by: Denis Bykhov <>
2024-07-24 00:46:37 +07:00

726 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Copyright © 2021 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import core, {
type AnyAttribute,
type ArrOf,
type AttachedDoc,
type BlobLookup,
type Class,
type Client,
type Collection,
type Doc,
type DocumentQuery,
type FindOptions,
type FindResult,
type Hierarchy,
type Mixin,
type Obj,
type Blob as PlatformBlob,
type Ref,
type RefTo,
type SearchOptions,
type SearchQuery,
type SearchResult,
type Space,
type Tx,
type TxApplyIf,
type TxCUD,
type TxResult,
type TypeAny,
type WithLookup
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import { getMetadata, getResource } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { LiveQuery as LQ } from '@hcengineering/query'
import { getRawCurrentLocation, workspaceId, type AnyComponent, type AnySvelteComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import view, { type AttributeCategory, type AttributeEditor } from '@hcengineering/view'
import { deepEqual } from 'fast-equals'
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'
import { get, writable, type Writable } from 'svelte/store'
import { type KeyedAttribute } from '..'
import { OptimizeQueryMiddleware, PresentationPipelineImpl, type PresentationPipeline } from './pipeline'
import plugin from './plugin'
export { reduceCalls } from '@hcengineering/core'
let liveQuery: LQ
let rawLiveQuery: LQ
let client: TxOperations & Client & OptimisticTxes
let pipeline: PresentationPipeline
const txListeners: Array<(...tx: Tx[]) => void> = []
* @public
export function addTxListener (l: (tx: Tx) => void): void {
export function getRawLiveQuery (): LQ {
return rawLiveQuery
* @public
export function removeTxListener (l: (tx: Tx) => void): void {
const pos = txListeners.findIndex((it) => it === l)
if (pos !== -1) {
txListeners.splice(pos, 1)
export interface OptimisticTxes {
pendingCreatedDocs: Writable<Record<Ref<Doc>, boolean>>
class UIClient extends TxOperations implements Client, OptimisticTxes {
hook = getMetadata(plugin.metadata.ClientHook)
constructor (
client: Client,
private readonly liveQuery: Client
) {
super(client, getCurrentAccount()._id)
protected pendingTxes = new Set<Ref<Tx>>()
protected _pendingCreatedDocs = writable<Record<Ref<Doc>, boolean>>({})
get pendingCreatedDocs (): typeof this._pendingCreatedDocs {
return this._pendingCreatedDocs
async doNotify (...tx: Tx[]): Promise<void> {
const pending = get(this._pendingCreatedDocs)
let pendingUpdated = false
tx.forEach((t) => {
if (this.pendingTxes.has(t._id)) {
// Only CUD tx can be pending now
const innerTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(t) as TxCUD<Doc>
if (innerTx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
delete pending[innerTx.objectId]
pendingUpdated = true
if (pendingUpdated) {
// We still want to notify about all transactions because there might be queries created after
// the early applied transaction
// For old queries there's a check anyway that prevents the same document from being added twice
await this.provideNotify(...tx)
private async provideNotify (...tx: Tx[]): Promise<void> {
try {
await pipeline.notifyTx(...tx)
await liveQuery.tx(...tx)
await rawLiveQuery.tx(...tx)
txListeners.forEach((it) => {
} catch (err: any) {
override async findAll<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<FindResult<T>> {
if (this.hook !== undefined) {
return await this.hook.findAll(this.liveQuery, _class, query, options)
return await this.liveQuery.findAll(_class, query, options)
override async findOne<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<WithLookup<T> | undefined> {
if (this.hook !== undefined) {
return await this.hook.findOne(this.liveQuery, _class, query, options)
return await this.liveQuery.findOne(_class, query, options)
override async tx (tx: Tx): Promise<TxResult> {
void this.notifyEarly(tx)
if (this.hook !== undefined) {
return await this.hook.tx(this.client, tx)
return await this.client.tx(tx)
private async notifyEarly (tx: Tx): Promise<void> {
if (tx._class === core.class.TxApplyIf) {
const applyTx = tx as TxApplyIf
if (applyTx.match.length !== 0 || applyTx.notMatch.length !== 0) {
// Cannot early apply conditional transactions
await Promise.all( (atx) => {
await this.notifyEarly(atx)
if (!TxProcessor.isExtendsCUD(tx._class)) {
const innerTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) as TxCUD<Doc>
// Can pre-build some configuration later from the model if this will be too slow.
const instantTxes = this.getHierarchy().classHierarchyMixin(innerTx.objectClass, plugin.mixin.InstantTransactions)
if (instantTxes?.txClasses.includes(innerTx._class) !== true) {
if (innerTx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
const pending = get(this._pendingCreatedDocs)
pending[innerTx.objectId] = true
await this.provideNotify(tx)
async searchFulltext (query: SearchQuery, options: SearchOptions): Promise<SearchResult> {
if (this.hook !== undefined) {
return await this.hook.searchFulltext(this.client, query, options)
return await this.client.searchFulltext(query, options)
* @public
export function getClient (): TxOperations & Client & OptimisticTxes {
return client
let txQueue: Tx[] = []
* @public
export async function setClient (_client: Client): Promise<void> {
if (liveQuery !== undefined) {
await liveQuery.close()
if (rawLiveQuery !== undefined) {
await rawLiveQuery.close()
if (pipeline !== undefined) {
await pipeline.close()
const needRefresh = liveQuery !== undefined
rawLiveQuery = new LQ(_client)
const factories = await _client.findAll(plugin.class.PresentationMiddlewareFactory, {})
const promises = (it) => await getResource(it.createPresentationMiddleware))
const creators = await Promise.all(promises)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
pipeline = PresentationPipelineImpl.create(_client, [OptimizeQueryMiddleware.create, ...creators])
liveQuery = new LQ(pipeline)
const uiClient = new UIClient(pipeline, liveQuery)
client = uiClient
const notifyCaller = reduceCalls(async () => {
const t = txQueue
txQueue = []
await uiClient.doNotify(...t)
_client.notify = (...tx: Tx[]) => {
void notifyCaller()
if (needRefresh || globalQueries.length > 0) {
await refreshClient(true)
* @public
export async function refreshClient (clean: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (!(liveQuery?.isClosed() ?? true)) {
await liveQuery?.refreshConnect(clean)
for (const q of globalQueries) {
* @public
export async function purgeClient (): Promise<void> {
await liveQuery?.close()
await pipeline?.close()
* @public
export async function closeClient (): Promise<void> {
await client?.close()
const globalQueries: LiveQuery[] = []
* @public
export class LiveQuery {
private oldClass: Ref<Class<Doc>> | undefined
private oldQuery: DocumentQuery<Doc> | undefined
private oldOptions: FindOptions<Doc> | undefined
private oldCallback: ((result: FindResult<any>) => void | Promise<void>) | undefined
private reqId = 0
unsubscribe: () => void = () => {}
clientRecreated = false
constructor (noDestroy: boolean = false) {
if (!noDestroy) {
onDestroy(() => {
} else {
query<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
callback: (result: FindResult<T>) => void | Promise<void>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): boolean {
if (!this.needUpdate(_class, query, callback, options) && !this.clientRecreated) {
return false
// We need to prevent callback with old values to be happening
// One time refresh in case of client recreation
this.clientRecreated = false
void this.reducedDoQuery(++this.reqId, _class, query, callback as any, options)
return true
reducedDoQuery = reduceCalls(
async (
id: number,
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>,
query: DocumentQuery<Doc>,
callback: (result: FindResult<Doc>) => void | Promise<void>,
options: FindOptions<Doc> | undefined
) => {
this.doQuery(id, _class, query, callback, options)
private doQuery<T extends Doc>(
id: number,
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
callback: (result: FindResult<T>) => void | Promise<void>,
options: FindOptions<T> | undefined
): void {
if (pipeline === undefined) {
// We need remember values to perform refresh.
this.oldCallback = callback
this.oldClass = _class
this.oldOptions = options
this.oldQuery = query
const piplineQuery = pipeline.subscribe(_class, query, options, () => {
// Refresh query if pipeline decide it is required.
if (id !== this.reqId) {
// If we have one more request after this one, no need to do something.
void piplineQuery.then((res) => {
this.oldCallback = callback
this.oldClass = _class
this.oldOptions = options
this.oldQuery = query
const unsub = liveQuery.query(
(result) => {
// If we have one more request after this one, no need to do something.
if (id === this.reqId) {
void callback(result)
this.unsubscribe = () => {
void piplineQuery.then((res) => {
this.oldCallback = undefined
this.oldClass = undefined
this.oldOptions = undefined
this.oldQuery = undefined
this.unsubscribe = () => {}
refreshClient (): void {
this.clientRecreated = true
if (this.oldClass !== undefined && this.oldQuery !== undefined && this.oldCallback !== undefined) {
const _class = this.oldClass
const query = this.oldQuery
const callback = this.oldCallback
const options = this.oldOptions
this.doQuery(++this.reqId, _class, query, callback, options)
private needUpdate<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
callback: (result: FindResult<T>) => void | Promise<void>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): boolean {
if (!deepEqual(_class, this.oldClass)) return true
if (!deepEqual(query, this.oldQuery)) return true
if (!deepEqual(callback.toString(), this.oldCallback?.toString())) return true
if (!deepEqual(options, this.oldOptions)) return true
return false
* @public
export function createQuery (dontDestroy?: boolean): LiveQuery {
return new LiveQuery(dontDestroy)
export async function getBlobHref (
_blob: PlatformBlob | undefined,
file: Ref<PlatformBlob>,
filename?: string
): Promise<string> {
let blob = _blob as BlobLookup
if (blob?.downloadUrl === undefined) {
blob = (await getClient().findOne(core.class.Blob, { _id: file })) as BlobLookup
return blob?.downloadUrl ?? getFileUrl(file, filename)
export function getCurrentWorkspaceUrl (): string {
const wsId = get(workspaceId)
if (wsId == null) {
return getRawCurrentLocation().path[1]
return wsId
* @public
export function getFileUrl (file: Ref<PlatformBlob>, filename?: string, useToken?: boolean): string {
if (file.includes('://')) {
return file
const frontUrl = getMetadata(plugin.metadata.FrontUrl) ?? window.location.origin
let uploadUrl = getMetadata(plugin.metadata.UploadURL) ?? ''
if (!uploadUrl.includes('://')) {
uploadUrl = concatLink(frontUrl ?? '', uploadUrl)
const token = getMetadata(plugin.metadata.Token) ?? ''
return `${uploadUrl}/${getCurrentWorkspaceUrl()}${filename !== undefined ? '/' + encodeURIComponent(filename) : ''}?file=${file}${useToken === true ? `&token=${token}` : ''}`
export function sizeToWidth (size: string): number | undefined {
let width: number | undefined
switch (size) {
case 'inline':
case 'tiny':
case 'card':
case 'x-small':
case 'smaller':
case 'small':
width = 32
case 'medium':
width = 64
case 'large':
width = 256
case 'x-large':
width = 512
case '2x-large':
width = 1024
return width
* @public
export async function getBlobURL (blob: Blob): Promise<string> {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
() => {
resolve(reader.result as string)
* @public
export async function copyTextToClipboard (text: string | Promise<string>): Promise<void> {
try {
// Safari specific behavior
// see
const clipboardItem = new ClipboardItem({
'text/plain': text instanceof Promise ? text : Promise.resolve(text)
await navigator.clipboard.write([clipboardItem])
} catch {
// Fallback to default clipboard API implementation
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text instanceof Promise ? await text : text)
* @public
export function getAttributePresenterClass (
hierarchy: Hierarchy,
attribute: AnyAttribute
): { attrClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>, category: AttributeCategory } {
let attrClass = attribute.type._class
let category: AttributeCategory = 'attribute'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.RefTo)) {
attrClass = (attribute.type as RefTo<Doc>).to
category = 'object'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.TypeMarkup)) {
category = 'inplace'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.TypeCollaborativeMarkup)) {
category = 'inplace'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.TypeCollaborativeDoc)) {
category = 'inplace'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.Collection)) {
attrClass = (attribute.type as Collection<AttachedDoc>).of
category = 'collection'
if (hierarchy.isDerived(attrClass, core.class.ArrOf)) {
const of = (attribute.type as ArrOf<AttachedDoc>).of
attrClass = of._class === core.class.RefTo ? (of as RefTo<Doc>).to : of._class
category = 'array'
return { attrClass, category }
function getAttributeEditorNotFoundError (
_class: Ref<Class<Obj>>,
key: KeyedAttribute | string,
exception?: unknown
): string {
const attributeKey = typeof key === 'string' ? key : key.key
const error = exception !== undefined ? `, cause: ${exception as string}` : ''
return `attribute editor not found for class "${_class}", attribute "${attributeKey}"` + error
export async function getAttributeEditor (
client: Client,
_class: Ref<Class<Obj>>,
key: KeyedAttribute | string
): Promise<AnySvelteComponent | undefined> {
const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy()
const attribute = typeof key === 'string' ? hierarchy.getAttribute(_class, key) : key.attr
if (attribute.type._class === core.class.TypeAny) {
const _type: TypeAny = attribute.type as TypeAny<AnyComponent>
return await getResource(_type.editor ?? _type.presenter)
const presenterClass = attribute !== undefined ? getAttributePresenterClass(hierarchy, attribute) : undefined
if (presenterClass === undefined) {
let mixin: Ref<Mixin<AttributeEditor>>
switch (presenterClass.category) {
case 'collection': {
mixin = view.mixin.CollectionEditor
case 'array': {
mixin = view.mixin.ArrayEditor
default: {
mixin = view.mixin.AttributeEditor
if (attribute.editor != null) {
try {
return await getResource(attribute.editor)
} catch (ex) {
console.error(getAttributeEditorNotFoundError(_class, key, ex))
const editorMixin = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(presenterClass.attrClass, mixin)
if (editorMixin?.inlineEditor === undefined) {
// if (presenterClass.category === 'array') {
// // NOTE: Don't show error for array attributes for compatibility with previous implementation
// } else {
console.error(getAttributeEditorNotFoundError(_class, key))
// }
try {
return await getResource(editorMixin.inlineEditor)
} catch (ex) {
console.error(getAttributeEditorNotFoundError(_class, key, ex))
function filterKeys (hierarchy: Hierarchy, keys: KeyedAttribute[], ignoreKeys: string[]): KeyedAttribute[] {
const docKeys: Set<string> = new Set<string>(hierarchy.getAllAttributes(core.class.AttachedDoc).keys())
keys = keys.filter((k) => !docKeys.has(k.key))
keys = keys.filter((k) => !ignoreKeys.includes(k.key))
return keys
* @public
export function getFiltredKeys (
hierarchy: Hierarchy,
objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>,
ignoreKeys: string[],
to?: Ref<Class<Doc>>
): KeyedAttribute[] {
const keys = [...hierarchy.getAllAttributes(objectClass, to).entries()]
.filter(([, value]) => value.hidden !== true)
.map(([key, attr]) => ({ key, attr }))
return filterKeys(hierarchy, keys, ignoreKeys)
* @public
export function isCollectionAttr (hierarchy: Hierarchy, key: KeyedAttribute): boolean {
return hierarchy.isDerived(key.attr.type._class, core.class.Collection)
* @public
export function decodeTokenPayload (token: string): any {
try {
return JSON.parse(atob(token.split('.')[1]))
} catch (err: any) {
return {}
export function isAdminUser (): boolean {
return decodeTokenPayload(getMetadata(plugin.metadata.Token) ?? '').admin === 'true'
export function isSpace (space: Doc): space is Space {
return getClient().getHierarchy().isDerived(space._class, core.class.Space)
export function setPresentationCookie (token: string, workspaceId: string): void {
function setToken (path: string): void {
document.cookie =
encodeURIComponent(plugin.metadata.Token.replaceAll(':', '-')) +
'=' +
encodeURIComponent(token) +
`; path=${path}`
setToken('/files/' + workspaceId)
export const upgradeDownloadProgress = writable(0)
export function setDownloadProgress (percent: number): void {
if (Number.isNaN(percent)) {