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// Copyright © 2020 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { PlatformError, Severity, Status } from '@anticrm/platform'
import clone from 'just-clone'
import { Lookup, ReverseLookups } from '.'
import type { Class, Doc, Ref } from './classes'
import core from './component'
import { Hierarchy } from './hierarchy'
import { matchQuery, resultSort } from './query'
import type { DocumentQuery, FindOptions, FindResult, LookupData, Storage, TxResult, WithLookup } from './storage'
import type { Tx, TxCreateDoc, TxMixin, TxPutBag, TxRemoveDoc, TxUpdateDoc } from './tx'
import { TxProcessor } from './tx'
* @public
export abstract class MemDb extends TxProcessor {
private readonly objectsByClass = new Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, Doc[]>()
private readonly objectById = new Map<Ref<Doc>, Doc>()
constructor (protected readonly hierarchy: Hierarchy) {
private getObjectsByClass (_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>): Doc[] {
const result = this.objectsByClass.get(_class)
if (result === undefined) {
const result: Doc[] = []
this.objectsByClass.set(_class, result)
return result
return result
private cleanObjectByClass (_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>, _id: Ref<Doc>): void {
let result = this.objectsByClass.get(_class)
if (result !== undefined) {
result = result.filter((cl) => cl._id !== _id)
this.objectsByClass.set(_class, result)
private getByIdQuery<T extends Doc>(query: DocumentQuery<T>, _class: Ref<Class<T>>): T[] {
const result: T[] = []
if (typeof query._id === 'string') {
const obj = this.objectById.get(query._id) as T
if (obj !== undefined) result.push(obj)
} else if (query._id?.$in !== undefined) {
const ids = query._id.$in
for (const id of ids) {
const obj = this.objectById.get(id) as T
if (obj !== undefined) result.push(obj)
return result
getObject<T extends Doc>(_id: Ref<T>): T {
const doc = this.objectById.get(_id)
if (doc === undefined) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, core.status.ObjectNotFound, { _id }))
return doc as T
private async getLookupValue<T extends Doc> (doc: T, lookup: Lookup<T>, result: LookupData<T>): Promise<void> {
for (const key in lookup) {
if (key === '_id') {
await this.getReverseLookupValue(doc, lookup, result)
const value = (lookup as any)[key]
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const [_class, nested] = value
const objects = await this.findAll(_class, { _id: (doc as any)[key] })
;(result as any)[key] = objects[0]
const nestedResult = {}
const parent = (result as any)[key]
await this.getLookupValue(parent, nested, nestedResult)
Object.assign(parent, {
$lookup: nestedResult
} else {
const objects = await this.findAll(value, { _id: (doc as any)[key] })
;(result as any)[key] = objects[0]
private async getReverseLookupValue<T extends Doc> (doc: T, lookup: ReverseLookups, result: LookupData<T>): Promise<void> {
for (const key in lookup._id) {
const value = lookup._id[key]
const objects = await this.findAll(value, { attachedTo: doc._id })
;(result as any)[key] = objects
private async lookup<T extends Doc>(docs: T[], lookup: Lookup<T>): Promise<WithLookup<T>[]> {
const withLookup: WithLookup<T>[] = []
for (const doc of docs) {
const result: LookupData<T> = {}
await this.getLookupValue(doc, lookup, result)
withLookup.push(Object.assign({}, doc, { $lookup: result }))
return withLookup
async findAll<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<FindResult<T>> {
let result: Doc[]
const baseClass = this.hierarchy.getBaseClass(_class)
if (
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(query, '_id') &&
(typeof query._id === 'string' || query._id?.$in !== undefined || query._id === undefined || query._id === null)
) {
result = this.getByIdQuery(query, baseClass)
} else {
result = this.getObjectsByClass(baseClass)
result = matchQuery(result, query)
if (baseClass !== _class) {
// We need to filter instances without mixin was set
result = result.filter(r => (r as any)[_class] !== undefined)
if (options?.lookup !== undefined) result = await this.lookup(result as T[], options.lookup)
if (options?.sort !== undefined) resultSort(result, options?.sort)
result = result.slice(0, options?.limit)
return clone(result) as T[]
addDoc (doc: Doc): void {
this.hierarchy.getAncestors(doc._class).forEach((_class) => {
this.objectById.set(doc._id, doc)
delDoc (_id: Ref<Doc>): void {
const doc = this.objectById.get(_id)
if (doc === undefined) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, core.status.ObjectNotFound, { _id }))
this.hierarchy.getAncestors(doc._class).forEach((_class) => {
this.cleanObjectByClass(_class, _id)
* Hold transactions
* @public
export class TxDb extends MemDb implements Storage {
protected txCreateDoc (tx: TxCreateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
protected txPutBag (tx: TxPutBag<any>): Promise<TxResult> {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
protected txUpdateDoc (tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
protected txRemoveDoc (tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
protected txMixin (tx: TxMixin<Doc, Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
async tx (tx: Tx): Promise<TxResult> {
return {}
* Hold model objects and classes
* @public
export class ModelDb extends MemDb implements Storage {
protected override async txPutBag (tx: TxPutBag<any>): Promise<TxResult> {
const doc = this.getObject(tx.objectId) as any
let bag = doc[tx.bag]
if (bag === undefined) {
doc[tx.bag] = bag = {}
bag[tx.key] = tx.value
doc.modifiedBy = tx.modifiedBy
doc.modifiedOn = tx.modifiedOn
return {}
protected override async txCreateDoc (tx: TxCreateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
return {}
protected async txUpdateDoc (tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
const doc = this.getObject(tx.objectId) as any
TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(doc, tx)
return tx.retrieve === true ? { object: doc } : {}
protected async txRemoveDoc (tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
return {}
// TODO: process ancessor mixins
protected async txMixin (tx: TxMixin<Doc, Doc>): Promise<TxResult> {
const obj = this.getObject(tx.objectId) as any
TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(obj, tx.mixin, tx.attributes)
return {}