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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import justClone from 'just-clone'
import type { KeysByType } from 'simplytyped'
import type {
} from './classes'
import core from './component'
import { setObjectValue } from './objvalue'
import { _getOperator } from './operator'
import { _toDoc } from './proxy'
import type { DocumentQuery, TxResult } from './storage'
import { generateId } from './utils'
* @public
export interface Tx extends Doc {
objectSpace: Ref<Space> // space where transaction will operate
* @public
export enum WorkspaceEvent {
* Event to be send by server during model upgrade procedure.
* @public
export interface TxWorkspaceEvent extends Tx {
event: WorkspaceEvent
params: any
* @public
export interface IndexingUpdateEvent {
_class: Ref<Class<Doc>>[]
* @public
export interface TxModelUpgrade extends Tx {}
* @public
export interface TxCUD<T extends Doc> extends Tx {
objectId: Ref<T>
objectClass: Ref<Class<T>>
* @public
export interface TxCreateDoc<T extends Doc> extends TxCUD<T> {
attributes: Data<T>
* Will perform create/update/delete of attached documents.
* @public
export interface TxCollectionCUD<T extends Doc, P extends AttachedDoc> extends TxCUD<T> {
collection: string
tx: TxCUD<P>
* @public
export interface DocumentClassQuery<T extends Doc> {
_class: Ref<Class<T>>
query: DocumentQuery<T>
* @public
* Apply set of transactions in sequential manner with verification of set of queries.
export interface TxApplyIf extends Tx {
// only one operation per scope is allowed at one time.
scope: string
// All matches should be true with at least one document.
match: DocumentClassQuery<Doc>[]
// All matches should be false for all documents.
notMatch: DocumentClassQuery<Doc>[]
// If all matched execute following transactions.
txes: TxCUD<Doc>[]
* @public
export type MixinData<D extends Doc, M extends D> = Omit<M, keyof D> &
PushOptions<Omit<M, keyof D>> &
IncOptions<Omit<M, keyof D>>
* @public
export type MixinUpdate<D extends Doc, M extends D> = Partial<Omit<M, keyof D>> &
PushOptions<Omit<M, keyof D>> &
IncOptions<Omit<M, keyof D>>
* Define Create/Update for mixin attributes.
* @public
export interface TxMixin<D extends Doc, M extends D> extends TxCUD<D> {
mixin: Ref<Mixin<M>>
attributes: MixinUpdate<D, M>
* @public
export type ArrayAsElement<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Arr<infer X> ? Partial<X> | PullArray<X> | X : never
* @public
export interface Position<X extends PropertyType> {
$each: X[]
$position: number
* @public
export interface QueryUpdate<X extends PropertyType> {
$query: Partial<X>
$update: Partial<X>
* @public
export interface PullArray<X extends PropertyType> {
$in: X[]
* @public
export interface MoveDescriptor<X extends PropertyType> {
$value: X
$position: number
* @public
export type ArrayAsElementPosition<T extends object> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Arr<infer X> ? X | Position<X> : never
* @public
export type ArrayAsElementUpdate<T extends object> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Arr<infer X> ? X | QueryUpdate<X> : never
* @public
export type ArrayMoveDescriptor<T extends object> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Arr<infer X> ? MoveDescriptor<X> : never
* @public
export type NumberProperties<T extends object> = {
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends number | undefined ? T[P] : never
* @public
export type OmitNever<T extends object> = Omit<T, KeysByType<T, never>>
* @public
export interface PushOptions<T extends object> {
$push?: Partial<OmitNever<ArrayAsElementPosition<Required<T>>>>
$pull?: Partial<OmitNever<ArrayAsElement<Required<T>>>>
$move?: Partial<OmitNever<ArrayMoveDescriptor<Required<T>>>>
* @public
export interface UnsetProperties {
[key: string]: any
* @public
export interface UnsetOptions {
$unset?: UnsetProperties
* @public
export interface SetEmbeddedOptions<T extends object> {
$update?: Partial<OmitNever<ArrayAsElementUpdate<Required<T>>>>
* @public
export interface PushMixinOptions<D extends Doc> {
$pushMixin?: {
$mixin: Ref<Mixin<D>>
values: Partial<OmitNever<ArrayAsElement<D>>>
* @public
export interface IncOptions<T extends object> {
$inc?: Partial<OmitNever<NumberProperties<T>>>
* @public
export interface SpaceUpdate {
space?: Ref<Space>
* @public
export type DocumentUpdate<T extends Doc> = Partial<Data<T>> &
PushOptions<T> &
SetEmbeddedOptions<T> &
PushMixinOptions<T> &
IncOptions<T> &
* @public
export interface TxUpdateDoc<T extends Doc> extends TxCUD<T> {
operations: DocumentUpdate<T>
retrieve?: boolean
* @public
export interface TxRemoveDoc<T extends Doc> extends TxCUD<T> {}
* @public
export const DOMAIN_TX = 'tx' as Domain
* @public
export interface WithTx {
tx: (...txs: Tx[]) => Promise<TxResult>
* @public
export abstract class TxProcessor implements WithTx {
async tx (...txes: Tx[]): Promise<TxResult> {
const result: TxResult[] = []
for (const tx of txes) {
switch (tx._class) {
case core.class.TxCreateDoc:
result.push(await this.txCreateDoc(tx as TxCreateDoc<Doc>))
case core.class.TxCollectionCUD:
result.push(await this.txCollectionCUD(tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>))
case core.class.TxUpdateDoc:
result.push(await this.txUpdateDoc(tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>))
case core.class.TxRemoveDoc:
result.push(await this.txRemoveDoc(tx as TxRemoveDoc<Doc>))
case core.class.TxMixin:
result.push(await this.txMixin(tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>))
case core.class.TxApplyIf:
// Apply if processed on server
return await Promise.resolve({})
if (result.length === 0) {
return {}
if (result.length === 1) {
return result[0]
return result
static createDoc2Doc<T extends Doc>(tx: TxCreateDoc<T>): T {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
return {
_id: tx.objectId,
_class: tx.objectClass,
space: tx.objectSpace,
modifiedBy: tx.modifiedBy,
modifiedOn: tx.modifiedOn,
createdBy: tx.createdBy ?? tx.modifiedBy,
createdOn: tx.createdOn ?? tx.modifiedOn
} as T
static updateDoc2Doc<T extends Doc>(rawDoc: T, tx: TxUpdateDoc<T>): T {
const doc = _toDoc(rawDoc)
TxProcessor.applyUpdate<T>(doc, tx.operations as any)
doc.modifiedBy = tx.modifiedBy
doc.modifiedOn = tx.modifiedOn
return rawDoc
static applyUpdate<T extends Doc>(doc: T, ops: any): void {
for (const key in ops) {
if (key.startsWith('$')) {
const operator = _getOperator(key)
operator(doc, ops[key])
} else {
setObjectValue(key, doc, ops[key])
static updateMixin4Doc<D extends Doc, M extends D>(rawDoc: D, tx: TxMixin<D, M>): D {
const ops = tx.attributes as any
const doc = _toDoc(rawDoc)
const mixin = (doc as any)[tx.mixin] ?? {}
for (const key in ops) {
if (key.startsWith('$')) {
const operator = _getOperator(key)
operator(mixin, ops[key])
} else {
setObjectValue(key, mixin, ops[key])
rawDoc.modifiedBy = tx.modifiedBy
rawDoc.modifiedOn = tx.modifiedOn
;(doc as any)[tx.mixin] = mixin
return rawDoc
static buildDoc2Doc<D extends Doc>(txes: Tx[]): D | undefined {
let doc: Doc
let createTx = txes.find((tx) => tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
if (createTx === undefined) {
const collectionTxes = txes.filter((tx) => tx._class === core.class.TxCollectionCUD) as Array<
TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>
const collectionCreateTx = collectionTxes.find((p) => p.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc)
if (collectionCreateTx === undefined) return
createTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(collectionCreateTx)
if (createTx === undefined) return
const objectId = (createTx as TxCreateDoc<D>).objectId
doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(createTx as TxCreateDoc<Doc>)
for (let tx of txes) {
if ((tx as TxCUD<D>).objectId !== objectId && tx._class === core.class.TxCollectionCUD) {
tx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx)
if (tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
doc = TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(doc, tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>)
} else if (tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
const mixinTx = tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>
doc = TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(doc, mixinTx)
return doc as D
static extractTx (tx: Tx): Tx {
if (tx._class === core.class.TxCollectionCUD) {
const ctx = tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>
if (ctx.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
const create = ctx.tx as TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc>
create.attributes.attachedTo = ctx.objectId
create.attributes.attachedToClass = ctx.objectClass
create.attributes.collection = ctx.collection
return create
return ctx.tx
return tx
protected abstract txCreateDoc (tx: TxCreateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult>
protected abstract txUpdateDoc (tx: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult>
protected abstract txRemoveDoc (tx: TxRemoveDoc<Doc>): Promise<TxResult>
protected abstract txMixin (tx: TxMixin<Doc, Doc>): Promise<TxResult>
protected txCollectionCUD (tx: TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>): Promise<TxResult> {
// We need update only create transactions to contain attached, attachedToClass.
if (tx.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
const createTx = tx.tx as TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc>
const d: TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc> = {
attributes: {
attachedTo: tx.objectId,
attachedToClass: tx.objectClass,
collection: tx.collection
return this.txCreateDoc(d)
return this.tx(tx.tx)
* @public
export class TxFactory {
private readonly txSpace: Ref<Space>
constructor (readonly account: Ref<Account>, readonly isDerived: boolean = false) {
this.txSpace = isDerived ? core.space.DerivedTx : core.space.Tx
createTxCreateDoc<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
space: Ref<Space>,
attributes: Data<T>,
objectId?: Ref<T>,
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxCreateDoc<T> {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCreateDoc,
space: this.txSpace,
objectId: objectId ?? generateId(),
objectClass: _class,
objectSpace: space,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
createdBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
createTxCollectionCUD<T extends Doc, P extends AttachedDoc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
objectId: Ref<T>,
space: Ref<Space>,
collection: string,
tx: TxCUD<P>,
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxCollectionCUD<T, P> {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxCollectionCUD,
space: this.txSpace,
objectClass: _class,
objectSpace: space,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
createTxUpdateDoc<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
space: Ref<Space>,
objectId: Ref<T>,
operations: DocumentUpdate<T>,
retrieve?: boolean,
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxUpdateDoc<T> {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxUpdateDoc,
space: this.txSpace,
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
objectClass: _class,
objectSpace: space,
createTxRemoveDoc<T extends Doc>(
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
space: Ref<Space>,
objectId: Ref<T>,
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxRemoveDoc<T> {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxRemoveDoc,
space: this.txSpace,
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
objectClass: _class,
objectSpace: space
createTxMixin<D extends Doc, M extends D>(
objectId: Ref<D>,
objectClass: Ref<Class<D>>,
objectSpace: Ref<Space>,
mixin: Ref<Mixin<M>>,
attributes: MixinUpdate<D, M>,
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxMixin<D, M> {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxMixin,
space: this.txSpace,
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
createTxApplyIf (
space: Ref<Space>,
scope: string,
match: DocumentClassQuery<Doc>[],
notMatch: DocumentClassQuery<Doc>[],
txes: TxCUD<Doc>[],
modifiedOn?: Timestamp,
modifiedBy?: Ref<Account>
): TxApplyIf {
return {
_id: generateId(),
_class: core.class.TxApplyIf,
space: this.txSpace,
modifiedBy: modifiedBy ?? this.account,
modifiedOn: modifiedOn ?? Date.now(),
objectSpace: space,