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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import core, {
type AttachedDoc,
type Class,
type Collection,
type Doc,
type DocIndexState,
type DocumentQuery,
type FindOptions,
type FindResult,
type Hierarchy,
type MeasureContext,
type ObjQueryType,
type Ref,
type SearchOptions,
type SearchQuery,
type SearchResult,
type Tx,
type TxCUD,
type TxCollectionCUD,
type TxResult,
type WorkspaceId,
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import { type FullTextIndexPipeline } from './indexer'
import { createStateDoc } from './indexer/utils'
import { getScoringConfig, mapSearchResultDoc } from './mapper'
import { type StorageAdapter } from './storage'
import type { FullTextAdapter, IndexedDoc, ServerStorage, WithFind } from './types'
* @public
export class FullTextIndex implements WithFind {
txFactory = new TxFactory(core.account.System, true)
constructor (
private readonly hierarchy: Hierarchy,
private readonly adapter: FullTextAdapter,
private readonly dbStorage: ServerStorage,
readonly storageAdapter: StorageAdapter | undefined,
readonly workspace: WorkspaceId,
readonly indexer: FullTextIndexPipeline,
private readonly upgrade: boolean
) {
if (!this.upgrade) {
// Schedule indexing after consistency check
void this.indexer.startIndexing()
async close (): Promise<void> {
await this.indexer.cancel()
async tx (ctx: MeasureContext, txes: Tx[]): Promise<TxResult> {
const stDocs = new Map<Ref<DocIndexState>, { create?: DocIndexState, updated: boolean, removed: boolean }>()
for (let tx of txes) {
let attachedTo: Ref<DocIndexState> | undefined
let attachedToClass: Ref<Class<Doc>> | undefined
if (tx._class === core.class.TxCollectionCUD) {
const txcol = tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>
attachedTo = txcol.objectId as Ref<DocIndexState>
attachedToClass = txcol.objectClass
tx = txcol.tx
if (TxProcessor.isExtendsCUD(tx._class)) {
const cud = tx as TxCUD<Doc>
if (!isClassIndexable(this.hierarchy, cud.objectClass)) {
// No need, since no indixable fields or attachments.
let stDoc: DocIndexState | undefined
if (cud._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
// Add doc for indexing
stDoc = createStateDoc(cud.objectId, cud.objectClass, {
attributes: {},
stages: {},
space: tx.objectSpace,
removed: false,
needIndex: true
stDocs.set(cud.objectId as Ref<DocIndexState>, { create: stDoc, updated: false, removed: false })
} else {
const old = stDocs.get(cud.objectId as Ref<DocIndexState>)
if (cud._class === core.class.TxRemoveDoc && old?.create !== undefined) {
// Object created and deleted, skip index
stDocs.delete(cud.objectId as Ref<DocIndexState>)
} else {
// Create and update
if (old?.removed === true) continue
else {
stDocs.set(cud.objectId as Ref<DocIndexState>, {
create: cud._class !== core.class.TxRemoveDoc ? old?.create : undefined,
updated: cud._class !== core.class.TxRemoveDoc && old?.create === undefined,
removed: cud._class === core.class.TxRemoveDoc
await ctx.with('queue', {}, async (ctx) => {
await this.indexer.queue(ctx, stDocs)
return {}
async findAll<T extends Doc>(
ctx: MeasureContext,
_class: Ref<Class<T>>,
query: DocumentQuery<T>,
options?: FindOptions<T>
): Promise<FindResult<T>> {
const { _id, $search, ...mainQuery } = query
if ($search === undefined) return toFindResult([])
const ids: Set<Ref<Doc>> = new Set<Ref<Doc>>()
const baseClass = this.hierarchy.getBaseClass(_class)
let classes = this.hierarchy.getDescendants(baseClass).filter((it) => !this.hierarchy.isMixin(it))
const attrs = this.hierarchy.getAllAttributes(_class)
// We need to filter all non indexed fields from query to make it work properly
const findQuery: DocumentQuery<Doc> = {
$search: query.$search
try {
for (const [k, attr] of attrs) {
if (isFullTextAttribute(attr) || isIndexedAttribute(attr)) {
const vv = (query as any)[k]
if (vv != null) {
if (
k === '_class' ||
k === 'modifiedBy' ||
k === 'modifiedOn' ||
k === 'space' ||
k === 'attachedTo' ||
k === 'attachedToClass'
) {
findQuery[k] = vv
} else {
const docKeyValue = docKey(attr.name, { _class: attr.attributeOf })
findQuery[docKeyValue] = vv
if (attr.type._class === core.class.Collection) {
// we need attached documents to be in classes
const coll = attr.type as Collection<AttachedDoc>
const dsc = this.hierarchy.getDescendants(coll.of).filter((it) => !this.hierarchy.isMixin(it))
classes = classes.concat(dsc)
} catch (err: any) {
classes = classes.filter((it, idx, arr) => arr.indexOf(it) === idx)
classes = classes.filter((it) => {
if (typeof query._class === 'object') {
if (query._class?.$in !== undefined) {
return query._class.$in.includes(it)
if (query._class?.$nin !== undefined) {
return !query._class.$nin.includes(it)
return true
const fullTextLimit = Math.min(5000, (options?.limit ?? 200) * 100)
let { docs, pass } = await this.indexer.search(classes, findQuery, fullTextLimit)
if (docs.length === 0 && pass) {
docs = await this.adapter.search(classes, findQuery, fullTextLimit)
const indexedDocMap = new Map<Ref<Doc>, IndexedDoc>()
for (const doc of docs) {
if (
doc._class != null &&
Array.isArray(doc._class) &&
doc._class.some((cl) => this.hierarchy.isDerived(cl, baseClass))
) {
indexedDocMap.set(doc.id, doc)
if (doc._class !== null && !Array.isArray(doc._class) && this.hierarchy.isDerived(doc._class, baseClass)) {
indexedDocMap.set(doc.id, doc)
if (doc.attachedTo != null) {
if (doc.attachedToClass != null && this.hierarchy.isDerived(doc.attachedToClass, baseClass)) {
if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(doc.attachedToClass, baseClass)) {
indexedDocMap.set(doc.attachedTo, doc)
} else {
indexedDocMap.set(doc.attachedTo, doc)
if (docs.length === 0) {
return toFindResult([], 0)
const scoreSearch: number | undefined = (options?.sort as any)?.['#score']
const resultIds = Array.from(getResultIds(ids, _id))
let result = await this.dbStorage.findAll(
{ _id: { $in: resultIds }, ...mainQuery },
limit: scoreSearch !== undefined ? docs.length : options?.limit
// Just assign scores based on idex
result.forEach((it) => {
const idDoc = indexedDocMap.get(it._id)
const { _score } = idDoc as any
it.$source = {
$score: _score
if (scoreSearch !== undefined) {
result.sort((a, b) => scoreSearch * ((a.$source?.$score ?? 0) - (b.$source?.$score ?? 0)))
if (options?.limit !== undefined && options?.limit < result.length) {
result = toFindResult(result.slice(0, options?.limit), result.total)
return result
async searchFulltext (ctx: MeasureContext, query: SearchQuery, options: SearchOptions): Promise<SearchResult> {
const resultRaw = await this.adapter.searchString(query, {
scoring: getScoringConfig(this.hierarchy, query.classes ?? [])
const result: SearchResult = {
docs: resultRaw.docs.map((raw) => {
return mapSearchResultDoc(this.hierarchy, raw)
return result
submitting: Promise<void> | undefined
timeout: any
function getResultIds (ids: Set<Ref<Doc>>, _id: ObjQueryType<Ref<Doc>> | undefined): Set<Ref<Doc>> {
const result = new Set<Ref<Doc>>()
if (_id !== undefined) {
if (typeof _id === 'string') {
if (!ids.has(_id)) {
return new Set()
} else {
} else if (_id.$in !== undefined) {
for (const id of _id.$in) {
if (ids.has(id)) {
} else if (_id.$nin !== undefined) {
for (const id of ids) {
if (!_id.$nin.includes(id)) {
} else {
return ids
return result