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// Copyright © 2024 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { type Class, type Doc, type Ref, toIdMap } from '@hcengineering/core'
import { type Drive, type FileVersion, type Folder, type Resource, createFolder } from '@hcengineering/drive'
import drive, { createFile } from '@hcengineering/drive'
import { type Asset, setPlatformStatus, unknownError } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { getClient } from '@hcengineering/presentation'
import { type AnySvelteComponent, showPopup } from '@hcengineering/ui'
import {
type FileUploadCallback,
} from '@hcengineering/uploader'
import { openDoc } from '@hcengineering/view-resources'
import CreateDrive from './components/CreateDrive.svelte'
import CreateFolder from './components/CreateFolder.svelte'
import RenamePopup from './components/RenamePopup.svelte'
import FileTypeAudio from './components/icons/FileTypeAudio.svelte'
import FileTypeImage from './components/icons/FileTypeImage.svelte'
import FileTypeVideo from './components/icons/FileTypeVideo.svelte'
import FileTypePdf from './components/icons/FileTypePdf.svelte'
import FileTypeText from './components/icons/FileTypeText.svelte'
async function navigateToDoc (_id: Ref<Doc>, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>): Promise<void> {
const client = getClient()
const doc = await client.findOne(_class, { _id })
if (doc !== undefined) {
void openDoc(client.getHierarchy(), doc)
export function formatFileVersion (version: number): string {
return `v${version}`
export async function showCreateFolderPopup (
space: Ref<Drive> | undefined,
parent: Ref<Folder>,
open = false
): Promise<void> {
showPopup(CreateFolder, { space, parent }, 'top', async (id) => {
if (open && id !== undefined && id !== null) {
await navigateToDoc(id, drive.class.Folder)
export async function showCreateDrivePopup (open = false): Promise<void> {
showPopup(CreateDrive, {}, 'top', async (id) => {
if (open && id !== undefined && id !== null) {
await navigateToDoc(id, drive.class.Folder)
export async function showEditDrivePopup (drive: Drive): Promise<void> {
showPopup(CreateDrive, { drive })
export async function showRenameResourcePopup (resource: Resource): Promise<void> {
showPopup(RenamePopup, { value: resource.name, format: 'text' }, undefined, async (res) => {
if (res != null && res !== resource.name) {
const client = getClient()
await client.update(resource, { name: res })
export async function moveResources (resources: Resource[], space: Ref<Drive>, parent: Ref<Folder>): Promise<void> {
const client = getClient()
const folder = parent !== drive.ids.Root ? await client.findOne(drive.class.Folder, { _id: parent }) : undefined
const path = folder !== undefined ? [folder._id, ...folder.path] : []
const folders = resources.filter((p) => p._class === drive.class.Folder).map((p) => p._id)
const children = await client.findAll(drive.class.Resource, { path: { $in: folders } })
const byParent = new Map<Ref<Resource>, Resource[]>()
for (const child of children) {
const group = byParent.get(child.parent) ?? []
byParent.set(child.parent, group)
const ops = client.apply(parent)
for (const resource of resources) {
await ops.update(resource, { space, parent, path })
const children = byParent.get(resource._id) ?? []
for (const child of children) {
// remove old path and add new path
const childPath = [...child.path.filter((p) => !resource.path.includes(p)), ...path]
await ops.update(child, { space, path: childPath })
await ops.commit()
export async function restoreFileVersion (version: FileVersion): Promise<void> {
const client = getClient()
const file = await client.findOne(drive.class.File, { _id: version.attachedTo })
if (file !== undefined && file.file !== version._id) {
await client.diffUpdate(file, { file: version._id })
const fileTypesMap: Record<string, AnySvelteComponent> = {
'application/pdf': FileTypePdf,
audio: FileTypeAudio,
image: FileTypeImage,
video: FileTypeVideo,
text: FileTypeText
export function getFileTypeIcon (contentType: string): Asset | AnySvelteComponent {
const type = contentType.split('/', 1)[0]
return fileTypesMap[type] ?? fileTypesMap[contentType] ?? drive.icon.File
export async function resolveParents (object: Resource): Promise<Doc[]> {
const client = getClient()
const parents: Doc[] = []
const path = object.path
const folders = await client.findAll(drive.class.Resource, { _id: { $in: path } })
const byId = toIdMap(folders)
for (const p of path) {
const parent = byId.get(p)
if (parent !== undefined) {
const root = await client.findOne(drive.class.Drive, { _id: object.space })
if (root !== undefined) {
return parents.reverse()
export async function uploadFilesToDrive (dt: DataTransfer, space: Ref<Drive>, parent: Ref<Folder>): Promise<void> {
const files = await getDataTransferFiles(dt)
const onFileUploaded = await fileUploadCallback(space, parent)
const target =
parent !== drive.ids.Root
? { objectId: parent, objectClass: drive.class.Folder }
: { objectId: space, objectClass: drive.class.Drive }
await uploadFiles(files, target, {}, onFileUploaded)
export async function uploadFilesToDrivePopup (space: Ref<Drive>, parent: Ref<Folder>): Promise<void> {
const onFileUploaded = await fileUploadCallback(space, parent)
const target =
parent !== drive.ids.Root
? { objectId: parent, objectClass: drive.class.Folder }
: { objectId: space, objectClass: drive.class.Drive }
await showFilesUploadPopup(
fileManagerSelectionType: 'both'
async function fileUploadCallback (space: Ref<Drive>, parent: Ref<Folder>): Promise<FileUploadCallback> {
const client = getClient()
const query = parent !== drive.ids.Root ? { space, path: parent } : { space }
const folders = await client.findAll(drive.class.Folder, query)
const foldersByName = new Map(folders.map((folder) => [folder.name, folder]))
const findParent = async (path: string | undefined): Promise<Ref<Folder>> => {
if (path == null || path.length === 0) {
return parent
const segments = path.split('/').filter((p) => p.length > 0)
if (segments.length <= 1) {
return parent
let current = parent
while (segments.length > 1) {
const name = segments.shift()
if (name !== undefined) {
let folder = foldersByName.get(name)
if (folder !== undefined) {
current = folder._id
} else {
current = await createFolder(client, space, { name, parent: current })
folder = await client.findOne(drive.class.Folder, { _id: current })
if (folder !== undefined) {
foldersByName.set(folder.name, folder)
return current
const callback: FileUploadCallback = async (uuid, name, file, path, metadata) => {
const folder = await findParent(path)
try {
const data = {
file: uuid,
size: file.size,
type: file.type,
lastModified: file instanceof File ? file.lastModified : Date.now(),
await createFile(client, space, folder, data)
} catch (err) {
void setPlatformStatus(unknownError(err))
return callback