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synced 2025-03-20 22:24:14 +00:00
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635 lines
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// Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors.
// Copyright © 2021 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import type {
} from '@hcengineering/server-core'
import serverCore from '@hcengineering/server-core'
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import { Client, errors as esErr } from '@elastic/elasticsearch'
import { getMetadata } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { Domain } from 'node:domain'
const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 200
function getIndexName (): string {
return getMetadata(serverCore.metadata.ElasticIndexName) ?? 'storage_index'
function getIndexVersion (): string {
return getMetadata(serverCore.metadata.ElasticIndexVersion) ?? 'v1'
class ElasticAdapter implements FullTextAdapter {
private readonly workspaceString: string
private readonly getFulltextDocId: (doc: Ref<Doc>) => Ref<Doc>
private readonly getDocId: (fulltext: Ref<Doc>) => Ref<Doc>
private readonly indexName: string
constructor (
private readonly client: Client,
readonly workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
private readonly indexBaseName: string,
readonly indexVersion: string,
private readonly _metrics: MeasureContext
) {
this.indexName = `${indexBaseName}_${indexVersion}`
this.workspaceString = toWorkspaceString(workspaceId)
this.getFulltextDocId = (doc) => `${doc}@${this.workspaceString}` as Ref<Doc>
this.getDocId = (fulltext) => fulltext.slice(0, -1 * (this.workspaceString.length + 1)) as Ref<Doc>
async createIndexes (domain: Domain, config: Pick<IndexingConfiguration<Doc>, 'indexes'>): Promise<void> {}
async initMapping (field?: { key: string, dims: number }): Promise<Record<string, number>> {
// const current = await this.client.indices.getMapping({})
// console.log('Mappings', current)
// const mappings = current.body[this.workspaceString]
const indexName = this.indexName
const result: Record<string, number> = {}
try {
const baseIndexExists = await this.client.indices.exists({
index: this.indexBaseName
const existingVersions = await this.client.indices.get({
index: [`${this.indexBaseName}_*`]
const existingOldVersionIndices = Object.keys(existingVersions.body).filter((name) => name !== indexName)
if (baseIndexExists.body) {
if (existingOldVersionIndices.length > 0) {
await this.client.indices.delete({
index: existingOldVersionIndices
const existsOldIndex = await this.client.indices.exists({
index: this.workspaceString
if (existsOldIndex.body) {
await this.client.indices.delete({
index: this.workspaceString
const existsIndex = await this.client.indices.exists({
index: indexName
if (!existsIndex.body) {
const createIndex = await this.client.indices.create({
index: indexName,
body: {
settings: {
analysis: {
filter: {
english_stemmer: {
type: 'stemmer',
language: 'english'
english_possessive_stemmer: {
type: 'stemmer',
language: 'possessive_english'
analyzer: {
rebuilt_english: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'standard',
filter: ['english_possessive_stemmer', 'lowercase', 'english_stemmer']
const mappings = await this.client.indices.getMapping({
index: indexName
if (field !== undefined) {
console.log('Mapping', mappings.body)
const wsMappings = mappings.body[indexName]
// Collect old values.
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(wsMappings?.mappings?.properties ?? {})) {
const va = v as any
if (va?.type === 'dense_vector') {
result[k] = va?.dims as number
if (k === 'workspaceId') {
if (va?.type !== 'keyword') {
this.metrics().info('Force index-recreate, since wrong index type was used')
await this.client.indices.delete({
index: indexName
return await this.initMapping(field)
await this.client.indices.putMapping({
index: indexName,
body: {
properties: {
fulltextSummary: {
type: 'text',
analyzer: 'rebuilt_english'
workspaceId: {
type: 'keyword',
index: true
if (field?.key !== undefined) {
if (!(wsMappings?.mappings?.properties?.[field.key]?.type === 'dense_vector')) {
result[field.key] = field.dims
await this.client.indices.putMapping({
index: indexName,
allow_no_indices: true,
body: {
properties: {
[field.key]: {
type: 'dense_vector',
dims: field.dims
} catch (err: any) {
return result
async close (): Promise<void> {
await this.client.close()
metrics (): MeasureContext {
return this._metrics
async searchString (
query: SearchQuery,
options: SearchOptions & { scoring?: SearchScoring[] }
): Promise<SearchStringResult> {
try {
const elasticQuery: any = {
query: {
function_score: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
simple_query_string: {
query: query.query,
analyze_wildcard: true,
default_operator: 'and',
fields: [
'searchTitle^50', // boost
'*' // Search in all other fields without a boost
match: {
workspaceId: { query: this.workspaceString, operator: 'and' }
functions: [
script_score: {
script: {
source: "Math.max(0, ((doc['modifiedOn'].value / 1000 - 1672531200) / 2592000))"
Give more score for more recent objects. 1672531200 is the start of 2023
2592000 is a month. The idea is go give 1 point for each month. For objects
older than Jan 2023 it will give just zero.
Better approach is to use gauss function, need to investigate futher how be
map modifiedOn, need to tell elastic that this is a date.
But linear function is perfect to conduct an experiment
boost_mode: 'sum'
size: options.limit ?? DEFAULT_LIMIT
const filter: any = [
exists: { field: 'searchTitle' }
if (query.spaces !== undefined) {
terms: { 'space.keyword': query.spaces }
if (query.classes !== undefined) {
terms: { '_class.keyword': query.classes }
if (filter.length > 0) {
elasticQuery.query.function_score.query.bool.filter = filter
if (options.scoring !== undefined) {
const scoringTerms: any[] = options.scoring.map((scoringOption): any => {
return {
term: {
[`${scoringOption.attr}.keyword`]: {
value: scoringOption.value,
boost: scoringOption.boost
elasticQuery.query.function_score.query.bool.should = scoringTerms
const result = await this.client.search({
index: this.indexName,
body: elasticQuery
const resp: SearchStringResult = { docs: [] }
if (result.body.hits !== undefined) {
if (result.body.hits.total?.value !== undefined) {
resp.total = result.body.hits.total?.value
resp.docs = result.body.hits.hits.map((hit: any) => ({ ...hit._source, _score: hit._score }))
return resp
} catch (err) {
console.error('elastic error', JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))
return { docs: [] }
async search (
_classes: Ref<Class<Doc>>[],
query: DocumentQuery<Doc>,
size: number | undefined,
from: number | undefined
): Promise<IndexedDoc[]> {
if (query.$search === undefined) return []
const request: any = {
bool: {
must: [
simple_query_string: {
query: query.$search,
analyze_wildcard: true,
default_operator: 'and'
match: {
workspaceId: { query: this.workspaceString, operator: 'and' }
should: [{ terms: this.getTerms(_classes, '_class', { boost: 10.0 }) }],
filter: [
bool: {
should: [
{ terms: this.getTerms(_classes, '_class') }
// { terms: this.getTerms(_classes, 'attachedToClass') }
for (const [q, v] of Object.entries(query)) {
if (!q.startsWith('$')) {
if (typeof v === 'object') {
if (v.$in !== undefined) {
terms: {
[q]: v.$in,
boost: 100.0
} else {
term: {
[q]: {
value: v,
boost: 100.0,
case_insensitive: true
try {
const result = await this.client.search({
index: this.indexName,
body: {
query: request,
size: size ?? 200,
from: from ?? 0
const hits = result.body.hits.hits as any[]
return hits.map((hit) => ({ ...hit._source, _score: hit._score }))
} catch (err) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))
return []
private getTerms (_classes: Ref<Class<Doc>>[], field: string, extra: any = {}): any {
return {
[field]: _classes.map((c) => c.toLowerCase()),
async searchEmbedding (
_classes: Ref<Class<Doc>>[],
search: DocumentQuery<Doc>,
embedding: number[],
options: EmbeddingSearchOption
): Promise<IndexedDoc[]> {
if (embedding.length === 0) return []
const request: any = {
bool: {
should: [
script_score: {
query: {
bool: {
filter: {
term: {
[options.field_enable]: true
script: {
source: `cosineSimilarity(params.queryVector, '${options.field}') + 1`,
params: {
queryVector: embedding
boost: options.embeddingBoost ?? 10.0
simple_query_string: {
query: search.$search,
default_operator: 'and',
boost: options.fulltextBoost ?? 1
must: {
match: {
workspaceId: { query: this.workspaceString, operator: 'and' }
filter: [
bool: {
must: [{ terms: this.getTerms(_classes, '_class') }]
try {
const result = await this.client.search({
index: this.indexName,
body: {
query: request,
size: options?.size ?? 200,
from: options?.from ?? 0
const sourceHits = result.body.hits.hits
const min = options?.minScore ?? 75
const embBoost = options.embeddingBoost ?? 10.0
const hits: any[] = sourceHits.filter((it: any) => it._score - embBoost > min)
return hits.map((hit) => ({ ...hit._source, _score: hit._score - embBoost }))
} catch (err) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))
return []
async index (doc: IndexedDoc): Promise<TxResult> {
const wsDoc = {
workspaceId: this.workspaceString,
const fulltextId = this.getFulltextDocId(doc.id)
if (doc.data === undefined) {
await this.client.index({
index: this.indexName,
id: fulltextId,
type: '_doc',
body: wsDoc
} else {
await this.client.index({
index: this.indexName,
id: fulltextId,
type: '_doc',
pipeline: 'attachment',
body: wsDoc
return {}
async update (id: Ref<Doc>, update: Record<string, any>): Promise<TxResult> {
await this.client.update({
index: this.indexName,
id: this.getFulltextDocId(id),
body: {
doc: update
return {}
async updateMany (docs: IndexedDoc[]): Promise<TxResult[]> {
const parts = Array.from(docs)
while (parts.length > 0) {
const part = parts.splice(0, 1000)
const operations = part.flatMap((doc) => {
const wsDoc = { workspaceId: this.workspaceString, ...doc }
return [{ index: { _index: this.indexName, _id: this.getFulltextDocId(doc.id) } }, { ...wsDoc, type: '_doc' }]
const response = await this.client.bulk({ refresh: true, body: operations })
if ((response as any).body.errors === true) {
const errors = response.body.items.filter((it: any) => it.index.error !== undefined)
const errorIds = new Set(errors.map((it: any) => it.index._id))
const erroDocs = docs.filter((it) => errorIds.has(it.id))
// Collect only errors
const errs = Array.from(
errors.map((it: any) => {
return `${it.index.error.reason}: ${it.index.error.caused_by?.reason}`
console.error(`Failed to process bulk request: ${errs} ${JSON.stringify(erroDocs)}`)
return []
async remove (docs: Ref<Doc>[]): Promise<void> {
try {
while (docs.length > 0) {
const part = docs.splice(0, 10000)
await this.client.deleteByQuery(
type: '_doc',
index: this.indexName,
body: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
terms: {
_id: part.map(this.getFulltextDocId),
boost: 1.0
match: {
workspaceId: { query: this.workspaceString, operator: 'and' }
size: part.length
} catch (e: any) {
if (e instanceof esErr.ResponseError && e.meta.statusCode === 404) {
throw e
async load (docs: Ref<Doc>[]): Promise<IndexedDoc[]> {
const resp = await this.client.search({
index: this.indexName,
type: '_doc',
body: {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
terms: {
_id: docs.map(this.getFulltextDocId),
boost: 1.0
match: {
workspaceId: { query: this.workspaceString, operator: 'and' }
size: docs.length
return Array.from(resp.body.hits.hits.map((hit: any) => ({ ...hit._source, id: this.getDocId(hit._id) })))
* @public
export async function createElasticAdapter (
url: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceId,
metrics: MeasureContext
): Promise<FullTextAdapter> {
const client = new Client({
node: url
const indexBaseName = getIndexName()
const indexVersion = getIndexVersion()
return new ElasticAdapter(client, workspaceId, indexBaseName, indexVersion, metrics)