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import core, {
} from '@anticrm/core'
import { createQuery, LiveQuery } from '@anticrm/presentation'
* @public
export type ActivityKey = string
* @public
export function activityKey (objectClass: Ref<Class<Doc>>, txClass: Ref<Class<Tx>>): ActivityKey {
return objectClass + ':' + txClass
function isEqualOps (op1: any, op2: any): boolean {
if (typeof op1 === 'string' && typeof op2 === 'string') {
return op1 === op2
if (typeof op1 !== typeof op2) {
return false
const o1 = Object.keys(op1).sort().join('-')
const o2 = Object.keys(op2).sort().join('-')
return o1 === o2
* Transaction being displayed.
* @public
export interface DisplayTx {
// Source tx
tx: TxCUD<Doc>
// A set of collapsed transactions.
txes: DisplayTx[]
txDocIds?: Set<Ref<Doc>>
// type check for createTx
createTx?: TxCreateDoc<Doc>
// Type check for updateTx
updateTx?: TxUpdateDoc<Doc>
// Type check for updateTx
mixinTx?: TxMixin<Doc, Doc>
// Document in case it is required.
doc?: Doc
updated: boolean
mixin: boolean
removed: boolean
collectionAttribute?: Attribute<Collection<AttachedDoc>>
* @public
export type DisplayTxListener = (txes: DisplayTx[]) => void
// Use 5 minutes to combine similar transactions.
const combineThreshold = 5 * 60 * 1000
* Define activity.
* Allow to recieve a list of transactions and notify client about it.
export interface Activity {
update: (object: Doc, listener: DisplayTxListener, sort: SortingOrder, editable: Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, boolean>) => void
class ActivityImpl implements Activity {
private readonly txQuery1: LiveQuery
private readonly txQuery2: LiveQuery
private readonly hiddenAttributes: Set<string>
private txes1: Array<TxCUD<Doc>> = []
private txes2: Array<TxCUD<Doc>> = []
constructor (readonly client: Client, attributes: Map<string, AnyAttribute>) {
this.hiddenAttributes = new Set(
[...attributes.entries()].filter(([, value]) => value.hidden === true).map(([key]) => key)
this.txQuery1 = createQuery()
this.txQuery2 = createQuery()
private notify (object: Doc, listener: DisplayTxListener, sort: SortingOrder, editable: Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, boolean>): void {
this.combineTransactions(object, this.txes1, this.txes2, editable).then(
(result) => {
const sorted = result.sort((a, b) => (a.tx.modifiedOn - b.tx.modifiedOn) * sort)
(err) => {
update (object: Doc, listener: DisplayTxListener, sort: SortingOrder, editable: Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, boolean>): void {
let isAttached = false
isAttached = this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(object._class, core.class.AttachedDoc)
this.txQuery1.query<TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>>(
isAttached ? core.class.TxCollectionCUD : core.class.TxCUD,
? { 'tx.objectId': object._id as Ref<AttachedDoc> }
: {
objectId: object._id,
_class: {
$in: [core.class.TxCreateDoc, core.class.TxUpdateDoc, core.class.TxRemoveDoc, core.class.TxMixin]
(result) => {
this.txes1 = result
this.notify(object, listener, sort, editable)
{ sort: { modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Descending } }
objectId: object._id,
'tx._class': { $in: [core.class.TxCreateDoc, core.class.TxUpdateDoc, core.class.TxRemoveDoc] }
(result) => {
this.txes2 = result
this.notify(object, listener, sort, editable)
{ sort: { modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Descending } }
async combineTransactions (object: Doc, txes1: Array<TxCUD<Doc>>, txes2: Array<TxCUD<Doc>>, editable: Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, boolean>): Promise<DisplayTx[]> {
const hierarchy = this.client.getHierarchy()
// We need to sort with with natural order, to build a proper doc values.
const allTx = Array.from(txes1).concat(txes2).sort(this.sortByLastModified)
const txCUD: Array<TxCUD<Doc>> = this.filterTxCUD(allTx, hierarchy)
const parents = new Map<Ref<Doc>, DisplayTx>()
let results: DisplayTx[] = []
for (const tx of txCUD) {
const { collectionCUD, updateCUD, mixinCUD, result, tx: ntx } = this.createDisplayTx(tx, parents)
// We do not need collection object updates, in main list of displayed transactions.
if (this.isDisplayTxRequired(collectionCUD, updateCUD || mixinCUD, ntx, object)) {
// Combine previous update transaction for same field and if same operation and time treshold is ok
results = this.integrateTxWithResults(results, result, editable)
this.updateRemovedState(result, results)
return Array.from(results)
private updateRemovedState (result: DisplayTx, results: DisplayTx[]): void {
if (result.removed) {
// We need to mark all transactions for same object as removed as well.
for (const t of results) {
if (t.tx.objectId === result.tx.objectId) {
t.removed = true
sortByLastModified (a: TxCUD<Doc>, b: TxCUD<Doc>): number {
return a.modifiedOn - b.modifiedOn
isDisplayTxRequired (collectionCUD: boolean, cudOp: boolean, ntx: TxCUD<Doc>, object: Doc): boolean {
return !(collectionCUD && cudOp) || ntx.objectId === object._id
private readonly getUpdateTx = (tx: TxCUD<Doc>): TxUpdateDoc<Doc> | undefined => {
if (tx._class !== core.class.TxCollectionCUD) {
return undefined
const colTx = tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, any>
if (colTx.tx._class !== core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
return undefined
return colTx.tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>
filterTxCUD (allTx: Array<TxCUD<Doc>>, hierarchy: Hierarchy): Array<TxCUD<Doc>> {
return allTx
.filter((tx) => hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxCUD))
.filter((tx) => {
const utx = this.getUpdateTx(tx)
if (utx === undefined) {
return true
const ops = Object.keys(utx.operations)
if (ops.length > 1) {
return true
return !this.hiddenAttributes.has(ops[0])
createDisplayTx (
tx: TxCUD<Doc>,
parents: Map<Ref<Doc>, DisplayTx>
): { collectionCUD: boolean, updateCUD: boolean, mixinCUD: boolean, result: DisplayTx, tx: TxCUD<Doc> } {
let collectionCUD = false
let updateCUD = false
let mixinCUD = false
const hierarchy = this.client.getHierarchy()
let collectionAttribute: Attribute<Collection<AttachedDoc>> | undefined
if (hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxCollectionCUD)) {
const cltx = tx as TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>
tx = getCollectionTx(cltx)
// Check mixin classes for desired attribute
for (const cl of hierarchy.getDescendants(cltx.objectClass)) {
try {
collectionAttribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(cl, cltx.collection) as Attribute<Collection<AttachedDoc>>
if (collectionAttribute !== undefined) {
} catch (err: any) {
// Ignore
collectionCUD = (cltx.tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) || (cltx.tx._class === core.class.TxMixin)
let firstTx = parents.get(tx.objectId)
const result: DisplayTx = newDisplayTx(tx, hierarchy)
result.collectionAttribute = collectionAttribute
result.doc = firstTx?.doc ?? result.doc
firstTx = firstTx ?? result
parents.set(tx.objectId, firstTx)
// If we have updates also apply them all.
updateCUD = this.checkUpdateState(result, firstTx)
mixinCUD = this.checkMixinState(result, firstTx)
this.checkRemoveState(hierarchy, tx, firstTx, result)
return { collectionCUD, updateCUD, mixinCUD, result, tx }
private checkRemoveState (hierarchy: Hierarchy, tx: TxCUD<Doc>, firstTx: DisplayTx, result: DisplayTx): void {
if (hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxRemoveDoc)) {
firstTx.removed = true
result.removed = true
checkUpdateState (result: DisplayTx, firstTx: DisplayTx): boolean {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(result.tx._class, core.class.TxUpdateDoc) && result.doc !== undefined) {
firstTx.doc = TxProcessor.updateDoc2Doc(result.doc, result.tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>)
firstTx.updated = true
result.updated = true
return true
return false
checkMixinState (result: DisplayTx, firstTx: DisplayTx): boolean {
if (this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(result.tx._class, core.class.TxMixin) && result.doc !== undefined) {
const mix = result.tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>
firstTx.doc = TxProcessor.updateMixin4Doc(result.doc, mix.mixin, mix.attributes)
firstTx.mixin = true
result.mixin = true
return true
return false
integrateTxWithResults (results: DisplayTx[], result: DisplayTx, editable: Map<Ref<Class<Doc>>, boolean>): DisplayTx[] {
const curUpdate: any = getCombineOpFromTx(result)
if (curUpdate === undefined || (result.doc !== undefined && editable.has(result.doc._class))) {
return results
const newResult = results.filter((prevTx) => {
const prevUpdate: any = getCombineOpFromTx(prevTx)
// If same tx or same collection
if (this.isSameKindTx(prevTx, result, result.tx._class) || (prevUpdate === curUpdate)) {
if (result.tx.modifiedOn - prevTx.tx.modifiedOn < combineThreshold && isEqualOps(prevUpdate, curUpdate)) {
// we have same keys,
// Remember previous transactions
if (result.txDocIds === undefined) {
result.txDocIds = new Set()
if (prevTx.doc?._id !== undefined) {
if (result.doc?._id !== undefined) {
result.txes.push(...prevTx.txes, prevTx)
return false
return true
return newResult
isSameKindTx (prevTx: DisplayTx, result: DisplayTx, _class: Ref<Class<Doc>>): boolean {
return (
prevTx.tx.objectId === result.tx.objectId && // Same document id
prevTx.tx._class === result.tx._class && // Same transaction class
result.tx._class === _class &&
prevTx.tx.modifiedBy === result.tx.modifiedBy // Same user
function getCombineOpFromTx (result: DisplayTx): any {
let curUpdate: any
if (result.tx._class === core.class.TxUpdateDoc) {
curUpdate = (result.tx as unknown as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>).operations
if (result.tx._class === core.class.TxMixin) {
curUpdate = (result.tx as unknown as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>).attributes
if (curUpdate === undefined && result.collectionAttribute !== undefined) {
curUpdate = result.collectionAttribute.attributeOf + '.' + result.collectionAttribute.name
return curUpdate
export function newDisplayTx (tx: TxCUD<Doc>, hierarchy: Hierarchy): DisplayTx {
const createTx = hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxCreateDoc) ? (tx as TxCreateDoc<Doc>) : undefined
return {
txes: [],
updateTx: hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxUpdateDoc) ? (tx as TxUpdateDoc<Doc>) : undefined,
updated: false,
removed: false,
mixin: false,
mixinTx: hierarchy.isDerived(tx._class, core.class.TxMixin) ? (tx as TxMixin<Doc, Doc>) : undefined,
doc: createTx !== undefined ? TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(createTx) : undefined
export function getCollectionTx (cltx: TxCollectionCUD<Doc, AttachedDoc>): TxCUD<Doc> {
if (cltx.tx._class === core.class.TxCreateDoc) {
// We need to update tx to contain attachedDoc, attachedClass & collection
const create = cltx.tx as TxCreateDoc<AttachedDoc>
create.attributes.attachedTo = cltx.objectId
create.attributes.attachedToClass = cltx.objectClass
create.attributes.collection = cltx.collection
return create
return cltx.tx
* Construct an new activity, to listend for displayed transactions in UI.
* @param client
export function newActivity (client: Client, attributes: Map<string, AnyAttribute>): Activity {
return new ActivityImpl(client, attributes)