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// Copyright © 2022-2023 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import contact, {
} from '@hcengineering/contact'
import core, {
type BackupStatus,
type Branding,
type WorkspaceMode
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import platform, { getMetadata, PlatformError, Severity, Status, translate } from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { type StorageAdapter } from '@hcengineering/server-core'
import { decodeToken as decodeTokenRaw, generateToken, type Token } from '@hcengineering/server-token'
import { connect } from '@hcengineering/server-tool'
import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'
import { type MongoClient } from 'mongodb'
import otpGenerator from 'otp-generator'
import { accountPlugin } from './plugin'
import type {
} from './types'
import {
} from './utils'
* @public
export async function getAccount (db: AccountDB, email: string): Promise<Account | null> {
return await db.account.findOne({ email: cleanEmail(email) })
async function getAccountByQuery (db: AccountDB, query: Record<string, string>): Promise<Account | null> {
return await db.account.findOne(query)
* @public
export async function setAccountAdmin (db: AccountDB, email: string, admin: boolean): Promise<void> {
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
// Add workspace to account
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { admin })
* @public
* @param db -
* @param workspaceUrl -
* @returns
export async function getWorkspaceByUrl (db: AccountDB, workspaceUrl: string): Promise<Workspace | null> {
const res = await db.workspace.findOne({ workspaceUrl })
if (res != null) {
return res
return (await db.workspace.find({ workspace: workspaceUrl })).filter((ws) => ws.workspaceUrl == null)[0]
* @public
* @param db -
* @param workspace -
* @returns
export async function getWorkspaceById (db: AccountDB, workspace: string): Promise<Workspace | null> {
return await db.workspace.findOne({ workspace })
async function getAccountInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
password: string
): Promise<AccountInfo> {
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
if (account.hash === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InvalidPassword, { account: email }))
if (!verifyPassword(password, account.hash, account.salt)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InvalidPassword, { account: email }))
return toAccountInfo(account)
async function sendOtpEmail (branding: Branding | null, otp: string, email: string): Promise<void> {
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
if (sesURL === undefined || sesURL === '') {
console.info('Please provide email service url to enable email otp.')
const lang = branding?.language
const app = branding?.title ?? getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.ProductName)
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.OtpText, { code: otp, app }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.OtpHTML, { code: otp, app }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.OtpSubject, { code: otp, app }, lang)
const to = email
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
export async function getAccountInfoByToken (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
let email: string = ''
let workspace: WorkspaceId
try {
;({ email, workspace } = decodeToken(ctx, token))
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('Invalid token', { token })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Unauthorized, {}))
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const info = toAccountInfo(account)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace.name)
const result = {
endpoint: workspaceInfo != null ? getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.External) : '',
confirmed: info.confirmed ?? true,
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(info))
return result
* @public
* @param db -
* @param email -
* @param password -
* @param workspace -
* @returns
export async function login (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
password: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
try {
const info = await getAccountInfo(ctx, db, branding, email, password)
const result = {
endpoint: '',
confirmed: info.confirmed ?? true,
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(info))
ctx.info('login success', { email })
return result
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('login failed', { email, _email, err })
throw err
async function getNewOtp (db: AccountDB): Promise<string> {
let otp = otpGenerator.generate(6, {
upperCaseAlphabets: false,
lowerCaseAlphabets: false,
specialChars: false
let exist = await db.otp.findOne({ otp })
while (exist != null) {
otp = otpGenerator.generate(6, {
lowerCaseAlphabets: false
exist = await db.otp.findOne({ otp })
return otp
export async function sendOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string
): Promise<OtpInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const now = Date.now()
const otpData = (await db.otp.find({ account: account._id }, { createdOn: 'descending' }, 1))[0]
const retryDelay = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.OtpRetryDelaySec) ?? 30
const isValid = otpData !== undefined && otpData.expires > now && otpData.createdOn + retryDelay * 1000 > now
if (isValid) {
return { sent: true, retryOn: otpData.createdOn + retryDelay * 1000 }
const secs = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.OtpTimeToLiveSec) ?? 60
const timeToLive = secs * 1000
const expires = now + timeToLive
const otp = await getNewOtp(db)
await sendOtpEmail(branding, otp, email)
await db.otp.insertOne({ account: account._id, otp, expires, createdOn: now })
return { sent: true, retryOn: now + retryDelay * 1000 }
async function isOtpValid (db: AccountDB, account: Account, otp: string): Promise<boolean> {
const now = Date.now()
const otpData = (await db.otp.findOne({ account: account._id, otp })) ?? undefined
return otpData !== undefined && otpData.expires > now
export async function validateOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
otp: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const isValid = await isOtpValid(db, account, otp)
if (!isValid) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InvalidOtp, {}))
try {
const info = toAccountInfo(account)
if (account.confirmed !== true) {
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { confirmed: true })
const result = {
endpoint: '',
confirmed: true,
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(info))
await db.otp.deleteMany({ account: account._id })
ctx.info('otp login success', { email })
return result
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('otp login failed', { email, _email, err })
throw err
* Will add extra props
function getExtra (info: Account | AccountInfo | null, rec?: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> | undefined {
const res = rec ?? {}
if (info?.admin === true) {
res.admin = 'true'
res.confirmed = info?.confirmed ?? true
return res
export const guestAccountEmail = '#guest@hc.engineering'
const failedEmails = new Set()
function decodeToken (ctx: MeasureContext, token: string): Token {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-catch
try {
return decodeTokenRaw(token)
} catch (err: any) {
try {
const decode = decodeTokenRaw(token, false)
const has = failedEmails.has(decode.email)
if (!has) {
// Ok we have error, but we need to log a proper message
ctx.warn('failed to verify token', { ...decode })
if (failedEmails.size > 1000) {
} catch (err2: any) {
// Ignore
throw err
* @public
export async function getRegionInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null
): Promise<RegionInfo[]> {
return getRegions()
* @public
export async function selectWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceUrl: string,
kind: 'external' | 'internal',
allowAdmin: boolean = true
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const email = cleanEmail(decodedToken.email)
const endpointKind = kind === 'external' ? EndpointKind.External : EndpointKind.Internal
if (email === guestAccountEmail && decodedToken.extra?.guest === 'true') {
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceByUrl(db, workspaceUrl)
if (workspaceInfo == null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceUrl })
// Guest mode select workspace
return {
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, kind === 'external' ? EndpointKind.External : EndpointKind.Internal),
workspace: workspaceUrl,
workspaceId: workspaceInfo.workspace,
mode: workspaceInfo.mode,
progress: workspaceInfo.progress
let accountInfo: Account | null = null
if (email !== systemAccountEmail) {
accountInfo = await getAccount(db, email)
if (accountInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
let workspaceInfo: Workspace | null
if (workspaceUrl === '') {
// Find from token
workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, decodedToken.workspace.name)
} else {
workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceByUrl(db, workspaceUrl)
if (workspaceInfo == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceUrl }))
if ((accountInfo?.admin === true || email === systemAccountEmail) && allowAdmin) {
return {
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, endpointKind),
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(workspaceInfo.workspace), getExtra(accountInfo)),
workspace: workspaceUrl,
workspaceId: workspaceInfo.workspace,
mode: workspaceInfo.mode,
progress: workspaceInfo.progress
if (workspaceInfo !== null) {
if (workspaceInfo.mode === 'archived') {
const result: WorkspaceLoginInfo = {
endpoint: '',
token: '',
workspace: workspaceUrl,
workspaceId: workspaceInfo.workspace,
mode: workspaceInfo.mode,
progress: workspaceInfo.progress
return result
if (workspaceInfo.disabled === true && workspaceInfo.mode === 'active') {
ctx.error('workspace disabled', { workspaceUrl, email })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceUrl })
const workspaces = accountInfo?.workspaces ?? []
for (const w of workspaces) {
if (areDbIdsEqual(w, workspaceInfo._id)) {
const result = {
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, endpointKind),
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(workspaceInfo.workspace), getExtra(accountInfo)),
workspace: workspaceUrl,
workspaceId: workspaceInfo.workspace,
mode: workspaceInfo.mode,
progress: workspaceInfo.progress
return result
ctx.error('workspace error', { workspaceUrl, email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
* @public
export async function getInvite (db: AccountDB, inviteId: ObjectId): Promise<Invite | null> {
return await db.invite.findOne({ _id: db.getObjectId(inviteId) })
* @public
export async function checkInvite (ctx: MeasureContext, invite: Invite | null, email: string): Promise<WorkspaceId> {
if (invite === null || invite.limit === 0) {
ctx.error('invite', { email, state: 'no invite or limit exceed' })
Analytics.handleError(new Error(`no invite or invite limit exceed ${email}`))
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
if (invite.exp !== -1 && invite.exp < Date.now()) {
ctx.error('invite', { email, state: 'link expired' })
Analytics.handleError(new Error(`invite link expired ${invite._id.toString()} ${email}`))
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.ExpiredLink, {}))
if (invite.emailMask != null && invite.emailMask.trim().length > 0 && !new RegExp(invite.emailMask).test(email)) {
ctx.error('invite', { email, state: 'mask to match', mask: invite.emailMask })
Analytics.handleError(new Error(`invite link mask failed ${invite._id.toString()} ${email} ${invite.emailMask}`))
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return invite.workspace
* @public
export async function useInvite (db: AccountDB, inviteId: ObjectId): Promise<void> {
await db.invite.updateOne({ _id: inviteId }, { $inc: { limit: -1 } })
* @public
export async function join (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
password: string,
inviteId: ObjectId
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const invite = await getInvite(db, inviteId)
const workspace = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, email)
ctx.info(`join attempt:${email}, ${workspace.name}`)
const ws = await assignAccountToWs(
invite?.role ?? AccountRole.User,
const token = (await login(ctx, db, branding, email, password)).token
const result = await selectWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, token, ws.workspaceUrl ?? ws.workspace, 'external')
await useInvite(db, inviteId)
return result
* @public
export async function confirmEmail (db: AccountDB, _email: string): Promise<Account> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
console.log(`confirm email:${email}`)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: _email }))
if (account.confirmed === true) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountAlreadyConfirmed, { account: _email }))
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { confirmed: true })
account.confirmed = true
return account
* @public
export async function confirm (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const decode = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const _email = decode.extra?.confirm
if (_email === undefined) {
ctx.error('confirm email invalid', { token: decode })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: _email }))
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const account = await confirmEmail(db, email)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, decode.workspace.name)
const result = {
endpoint: workspaceInfo != null ? getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.External) : '',
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(account))
ctx.info('confirm success', { email })
return result
async function sendConfirmation (branding: Branding | null, account: Account): Promise<void> {
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
if (sesURL === undefined || sesURL === '') {
console.info('Please provide email service url to enable email confirmations.')
const front = branding?.front ?? getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.FrontURL)
if (front === undefined || front === '') {
throw new Error('Please provide front url')
const token = generateToken(
getExtra(account, {
confirm: account.email
const link = concatLink(front, `/login/confirm?id=${token}`)
const name = branding?.title ?? getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.ProductName)
const lang = branding?.language
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.ConfirmationText, { name, link }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.ConfirmationHTML, { name, link }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.ConfirmationSubject, { name }, lang)
if (sesURL !== undefined && sesURL !== '') {
const to = account.email
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
* @public
export async function signUpJoin (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
password: string,
first: string,
last: string,
inviteId: ObjectId
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
console.log(`signup join:${email} ${first} ${last}`)
const invite = await getInvite(db, inviteId)
const workspace = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, email)
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
await createAcc(
invite?.emailMask === email || invite?.personId !== undefined || sesURL === undefined || sesURL === ''
const ws = await assignAccountToWs(
invite?.role ?? AccountRole.User,
const token = (await login(ctx, db, branding, email, password)).token
const result = await selectWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, token, ws.workspaceUrl ?? ws.workspace, 'external')
await useInvite(db, inviteId)
return result
* @public
export async function createAcc (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
password: string | null,
first: string,
last: string,
confirmed: boolean = false,
shouldConfirm: boolean = true,
extra?: Record<string, string>
): Promise<Account> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const salt = randomBytes(32)
const hash = password !== null ? hashWithSalt(password, salt) : null
const systemEmails = [systemAccountEmail]
if (systemEmails.includes(email)) {
ctx.error('system email used for account', { email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountAlreadyExists, { account: email }))
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account !== null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountAlreadyExists, { account: email }))
await db.account.insertOne(
workspaces: [],
createdOn: Date.now(),
lastVisit: Date.now(),
...(extra ?? {})
const newAccount = await getAccount(db, email)
if (newAccount === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountAlreadyExists, { account: email }))
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
if (!confirmed && shouldConfirm) {
if (sesURL !== undefined && sesURL !== '') {
await sendConfirmation(branding, newAccount)
} else {
ctx.info('Please provide email service url to enable email confirmations.')
await confirmEmail(db, email)
ctx.info('account created', { account: email })
return newAccount
* @public
export async function createAccount (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
password: string,
first: string,
last: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
const account = await createAcc(
sesURL === undefined || sesURL === ''
const result = {
endpoint: '',
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(account))
return result
* @public
export async function signUpOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string
): Promise<OtpInfo> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const first = email.split('@', 1)[0] ?? ''
const last = ''
await createAcc(ctx, db, branding, email, null, first, last, false, false)
return await sendOtp(ctx, db, branding, _email)
* @public
export async function listWorkspaces (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region?: string | null
): Promise<WorkspaceInfo[]> {
decodeToken(ctx, token) // Just verify token is valid
return (await db.workspace.find(region != null ? { region } : {}))
.filter((it) => it.disabled !== true)
* @public
export async function listWorkspacesByAccount (db: AccountDB, email: string): Promise<WorkspaceInfo[]> {
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
return []
return (await db.workspace.find({ _id: { $in: account.workspaces } }))
.filter((it) => it.disabled !== true)
* @public
export async function countWorkspacesInRegion (
db: AccountDB,
region: string = '',
upToVersion?: Data<Version>,
visitedSince?: number
): Promise<number> {
return await db.workspace.countWorkspacesInRegion(region, upToVersion, visitedSince)
* @public
export async function listWorkspacesRaw (db: AccountDB, region?: string): Promise<Workspace[]> {
return (await db.workspace.find(region !== undefined ? { region } : {})).filter((it) => it.disabled !== true)
* @public
export async function listWorkspacesPure (db: AccountDB): Promise<Workspace[]> {
return await db.workspace.find({})
* @public
export async function listInvites (db: AccountDB): Promise<Invite[]> {
return await db.invite.find({})
* @public
export async function setWorkspaceDisabled (
db: AccountDB,
workspaceId: Workspace['_id'],
disabled: boolean
): Promise<void> {
await db.workspace.updateOne({ _id: workspaceId }, { disabled })
export async function cleanExpiredOtp (db: AccountDB): Promise<void> {
await db.otp.deleteMany({ expires: { $lte: Date.now() } })
* @public
export async function updateWorkspace (db: AccountDB, info: Workspace, ops: Partial<Workspace>): Promise<void> {
await db.workspace.updateOne({ _id: info._id }, { ...info, ...ops })
* @public
export async function listAccounts (db: AccountDB): Promise<Account[]> {
return await db.account.find({})
const workspaceReg = /[a-z0-9]/
const workspaceRegDigit = /[0-9]/
function stripId (name: string): string {
let workspaceId = ''
for (const c of name.toLowerCase()) {
if (workspaceReg.test(c) || c === '-') {
if (workspaceId.length > 0 || !workspaceRegDigit.test(c)) {
workspaceId += c
return workspaceId
function getEmailName (email: string): string {
return email.split('@')[0]
async function generateWorkspaceRecord (
db: AccountDB,
email: string,
branding: Branding | null,
workspaceName: string,
fixedWorkspace?: string,
region?: string,
initMode: WorkspaceMode = 'pending-creation'
): Promise<Workspace> {
type WorkspaceData = Omit<Workspace, '_id' | 'endpoint'>
const brandingKey = branding?.key ?? 'huly'
const reg = getRegions().find((it) => it.region === (region ?? ''))
if (reg === undefined) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InternalServerError, {
workspace: fixedWorkspace,
region: region ?? ''
if (fixedWorkspace !== undefined) {
const ws = await db.workspace.find({ workspaceUrl: fixedWorkspace })
if ((await getWorkspaceById(db, fixedWorkspace)) !== null || ws.length > 0) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceAlreadyExists, { workspace: fixedWorkspace })
const data: WorkspaceData = {
workspace: fixedWorkspace,
workspaceUrl: fixedWorkspace,
version: { major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0 }, // We do not know version until it will be created
branding: brandingKey,
accounts: [],
disabled: true,
region: region ?? '',
mode: initMode,
progress: 0,
createdOn: Date.now(),
lastVisit: Date.now(),
createdBy: email,
lastProcessingTime: 0,
attempts: 0
// Add fixed workspace
const id = await db.workspace.insertOne(data, '_id')
return { _id: id, ...data, endpoint: '' }
const workspaceUrlPrefix = stripId(workspaceName)
const workspaceIdPrefix = stripId(getEmailName(email)).slice(0, 12) + '-' + workspaceUrlPrefix.slice(0, 12)
let iteration = 0
let idPostfix = generateId('-')
let urlPostfix = ''
while (true) {
const workspace = 'w-' + workspaceIdPrefix + '-' + idPostfix
let workspaceUrl =
workspaceUrlPrefix + (workspaceUrlPrefix.length > 0 && urlPostfix.length > 0 ? '-' : '') + urlPostfix
if (workspaceUrl.trim().length === 0) {
workspaceUrl = generateId('-')
const sameUrl = await db.workspace.findOne({ workspaceUrl })
const sameWorkspace = await db.workspace.findOne({ workspace })
if (sameUrl === null && sameWorkspace === null) {
const data: WorkspaceData = {
version: { major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0 }, // We do not know version until it will be created,
branding: brandingKey,
accounts: [],
disabled: true,
region: region ?? '',
mode: initMode,
progress: 0,
createdOn: Date.now(),
lastVisit: Date.now(),
createdBy: email,
lastProcessingTime: 0,
attempts: 0
// Nice we do not have a workspace or workspaceUrl duplicated.
const id = await db.workspace.insertOne(data, '_id')
return { _id: id, ...data, endpoint: '' }
if (sameUrl !== null) {
urlPostfix = generateId('-')
if (sameWorkspace !== null) {
idPostfix = generateId('-')
// A stupid check, but for sure we not hang.
if (iteration > 10000) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceRateLimit, { workspace }))
// It always should be one.
const createQueue = new RateLimiter(1)
* @public
export async function createWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
workspaceName: string,
workspace?: string,
region?: string,
initMode: WorkspaceMode = 'pending-creation'
): Promise<Workspace> {
// We need to search for duplicate workspaceUrl
// Safe generate workspace record.
return await createQueue.exec(async () => {
return await generateWorkspaceRecord(db, email, branding, workspaceName, workspace, region, initMode)
* @public
export async function workerHandshake (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region: string, // A worker region
version: Data<Version>, // A worker version
operation: WorkspaceOperation
): Promise<void> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
if (decodedToken.extra?.service !== 'workspace') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
if (!['all', 'upgrade'].includes(operation)) {
const strVersion = versionToString(version)
if ((await db.upgrade.findOne({ version: strVersion, region })) !== null) {
const workspacesCnt = await ctx.with('count-workspaces-in-region', {}, (ctx) =>
countWorkspacesInRegion(db, region, version, Date.now() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
await db.upgrade.insertOne({
version: strVersion,
startTime: Date.now(),
total: workspacesCnt,
toProcess: workspacesCnt
* @public
export async function updateWorkspaceInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceId: string,
event: WorkspaceEvent,
version: Data<Version>, // A worker version
progress: number,
message?: string
): Promise<void> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
if (decodedToken.extra?.service !== 'workspace') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceId)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceId }))
progress = Math.round(progress)
const update: Partial<WorkspaceInfo> = {}
switch (event) {
case 'create-started':
update.mode = 'creating'
if (workspaceInfo.mode !== 'creating') {
update.attempts = 0
update.progress = progress
case 'upgrade-started':
if (workspaceInfo.mode !== 'upgrading') {
update.attempts = 0
update.mode = 'upgrading'
update.progress = progress
case 'create-done':
ctx.info('update workspace info: create-done', { workspaceId, event, version, progress })
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
lastProcessingTime: Date.now()
await postCreateUserWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, workspaceInfo)
update.mode = 'active'
update.disabled = false
update.progress = progress
case 'upgrade-done':
ctx.info('update workspace info: upgrade-done', { workspaceId, event, version, progress })
await postUpgradeUserWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, workspaceInfo.region ?? '', version)
update.mode = 'active'
update.version = version
update.progress = progress
case 'progress':
update.progress = progress
case 'ping':
if (message != null) {
update.message = message
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
lastProcessingTime: Date.now()
* @public
export async function updateBackupInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
backupInfo: BackupStatus
): Promise<void> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
if (decodedToken.extra?.service !== 'backup') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, decodedToken.workspace.name)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: decodedToken.workspace.name })
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
lastProcessingTime: Date.now()
* @public
export async function updateArchiveInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
workspace: string,
value: boolean
): Promise<void> {
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace }))
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
mode: 'archived'
async function postCreateUserWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
workspace: Workspace
): Promise<void> {
const client = await connect(
getEndpoint(ctx, workspace, EndpointKind.Internal),
admin: 'true'
try {
await assignAccountToWs(
ctx.info('Creating server side done', { workspaceName: workspace.workspaceName, email: workspace.workspaceName })
} catch (err: any) {
} finally {
await client.close()
async function postUpgradeUserWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
region: string,
version: Data<Version>
): Promise<void> {
// TODO: Exception $inc?
await db.upgrade.updateOne(
version: versionToString(version),
toProcess: { $gt: 0 }
$inc: {
toProcess: -1
lastUpdate: Date.now()
* Retrieves one workspace for which there are things to process.
* Workspace is provided for 30seconds. This timeout is reset
* on every progress update.
* If no progress is reported for the workspace during this time,
* it will become available again to be processed by another executor.
export async function getPendingWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region: string, // A region requested
version: Data<Version>, // A workspace version requested, if it doesn't match for the region, workspace will be returned for upgrade
operation: WorkspaceOperation
): Promise<WorkspaceInfo | undefined> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
if (decodedToken.extra?.service !== 'workspace') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
// Move to config?
const processingTimeoutMs = 30 * 1000
const wsLivenessDays = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.WsLivenessDays)
const wsLivenessMs = wsLivenessDays !== undefined ? wsLivenessDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : undefined
const result = await db.workspace.getPendingWorkspace(region, version, operation, processingTimeoutMs, wsLivenessMs)
if (result != null) {
ctx.info('getPendingWorkspace', {
workspaceId: result.workspace,
mode: result.mode,
workspaceName: result.workspaceName,
workspaceVersion: result.version,
requestedVersion: version
return result
* @public
export async function createUserWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceName: string,
region?: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Creating workspace', { workspaceName, email })
const userAccount = await getAccount(db, email)
if (userAccount === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
if (userAccount.confirmed === false) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotConfirmed, { account: email }))
if (userAccount.lastWorkspace !== undefined && userAccount.admin === false) {
if (Date.now() - userAccount.lastWorkspace < 60 * 1000) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceRateLimit, { workspace: workspaceName })
const workspaceInfo = await createWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, email, workspaceName, undefined, region)
// Update last workspace time.
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: userAccount._id }, { lastWorkspace: Date.now() })
await assignWorkspaceRaw(db, { account: userAccount, workspace: workspaceInfo })
const result = {
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.External),
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(workspaceInfo.workspace), getExtra(userAccount)),
workspace: workspaceInfo.workspaceUrl
ctx.info('Creating user side done', { workspaceName, email })
return result
* @public
export async function getInviteLink (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
exp: number,
emailMask: string,
limit: number,
role?: AccountRole,
personId?: Ref<Person>
): Promise<ObjectId> {
const { workspace, email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const wsPromise = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace.name)
if (wsPromise === null) {
ctx.error('workspace not found', { workspace, email })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspace.name })
ctx.info('Getting invite link', { workspace: workspace.name, emailMask, limit })
const data: Omit<Invite, '_id'> = {
exp: exp < 0 ? -1 : Date.now() + exp,
role: role ?? AccountRole.User
if (personId !== undefined) {
data.personId = personId
const result = await db.invite.insertOne(data, '_id')
return result
function mapToClientWorkspace (ws: Workspace): ClientWorkspaceInfo {
const { _id, accounts, ...data } = ws
return { ...data, workspace: ws.workspaceUrl ?? ws.workspace, workspaceId: ws.workspace }
function trimWorkspaceInfo (ws: Workspace): WorkspaceInfo {
const { _id, accounts, ...data } = ws
return { ...data }
* @public
export async function getUserWorkspaces (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<ClientWorkspaceInfo[]> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
ctx.error('account not found', { email })
return []
if (account.admin !== true && account.workspaces.length === 0) {
return []
return (
await db.workspace.find(account.admin === true ? {} : { _id: { $in: account.workspaces } }, {
lastVisit: 'descending'
.filter((it) => it.disabled !== true || isWorkspaceCreating(it.mode))
export type ClientWSInfoWithUpgrade = ClientWorkspaceInfo & {
upgrade?: {
toProcess: number
total: number
elapsed: number
eta: number
* @public
export async function getWorkspaceInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
_updateLastVisit: boolean = false
): Promise<ClientWSInfoWithUpgrade> {
const { email, workspace, extra } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const guest = extra?.guest === 'true'
let account: Pick<Account, 'admin' | 'workspaces'> | Account | null = null
const query: Query<Workspace> = {
workspace: workspace.name
if (email !== systemAccountEmail && !guest) {
account = await ctx.with('get-account', {}, () => getAccount(db, email))
if (account === null) {
ctx.error('no account', { email, token })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
} else if (guest) {
account = {
admin: false,
workspaces: []
} else {
account = {
admin: true,
workspaces: []
if (account.admin !== true && !guest) {
if (account.workspaces.length === 0) {
ctx.error('no workspace', { workspace: workspace.name, email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
query._id = { $in: account.workspaces }
const [ws] = await ctx.with('get-workspace', {}, async () =>
(await db.workspace.find(query)).filter(
(it) => it.disabled !== true || account?.admin === true || it.mode !== 'active'
if (ws == null) {
ctx.error('no workspace', { workspace: workspace.name, email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
if (ws.mode !== 'archived' && _updateLastVisit && (isAccount(account) || email === systemAccountEmail)) {
void ctx.with('update-last-visit', {}, () => updateLastVisit(db, ws, account as Account))
const clientWs: ClientWSInfoWithUpgrade = mapToClientWorkspace(ws)
const statistic = await getUpgradeStatistics(db, ws.region ?? '')
let upgrade: ClientWSInfoWithUpgrade['upgrade']
if (statistic !== undefined) {
const elapsed = Date.now() - statistic.startTime
upgrade = {
toProcess: statistic.toProcess,
total: statistic.total,
eta: Math.floor((elapsed / (statistic.total - statistic.toProcess + 1)) * statistic.toProcess)
clientWs.upgrade = upgrade
return clientWs
async function getUpgradeStatistics (db: AccountDB, region: string): Promise<UpgradeStatistic | undefined> {
return (
(await db.upgrade.findOne({
toProcess: { $gt: 0 }
})) ?? undefined
function isAccount (data: Pick<Account, 'admin' | 'workspaces'> | Account | null): data is Account {
return (data as Account)._id !== undefined
async function updateLastVisit (db: AccountDB, ws: Workspace, account: Account): Promise<void> {
const now = Date.now()
await db.workspace.updateOne({ _id: ws._id }, { lastVisit: now })
// Add workspace to account
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { lastVisit: now })
async function getWorkspaceAndAccount (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
_email: string,
workspaceUrl: string
): Promise<{ account: Account, workspace: Workspace }> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUrl)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceUrl }))
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
return { account, workspace }
* @public
export async function setRole (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
_email: string,
workspace: string,
role: AccountRole,
client?: Client
): Promise<void> {
if (!Object.values(AccountRole).includes(role)) return
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace)
if (workspaceInfo == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace }))
const connection =
client ?? (await connect(getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.Internal), getWorkspaceId(workspace)))
try {
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const existingAccount = await ops.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email })
if (existingAccount !== undefined) {
await ops.update(existingAccount, {
} finally {
if (client == null) {
await connection.close()
* @public
export async function createMissingEmployee (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<void> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const wsInfo = await getWorkspaceInfo(ctx, db, branding, token)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
await createPersonAccount(ctx, wsInfo, account, wsInfo.workspaceId, AccountRole.Guest)
* @public
export async function assignWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
_email: string,
workspaceId: string,
role: AccountRole,
personId?: Ref<Person>,
shouldReplaceAccount: boolean = false,
client?: Client,
personAccountId?: Ref<PersonAccount>
): Promise<Workspace> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
if (decodedToken.extra?.service !== 'aibot') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return await assignAccountToWs(
export async function assignAccountToWs (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
workspaceId: string,
role: AccountRole,
personId?: Ref<Person>,
shouldReplaceAccount: boolean = false,
client?: Client,
personAccountId?: Ref<PersonAccount>
): Promise<Workspace> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceAndAccount(ctx, db, email, workspaceId)
if (workspaceInfo.account !== null) {
await createPersonAccount(
// Add account into workspace.
await assignWorkspaceRaw(db, workspaceInfo)
ctx.info('assign-workspace success', { email, workspaceId })
return workspaceInfo.workspace
async function assignWorkspaceRaw (
db: AccountDB,
workspaceInfo: { account: Account, workspace: Workspace }
): Promise<void> {
await db.assignWorkspace(workspaceInfo.account._id, workspaceInfo.workspace._id)
async function createPerson (
ops: TxOperations,
name: string,
_email: string,
withEmployee: boolean
): Promise<Ref<Person>> {
const id = generateId<Person>()
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
let hasGravatar = false
let gravatarId = ''
if (isEmail(email)) {
gravatarId = buildGravatarId(email)
hasGravatar = await checkHasGravatar(gravatarId)
await ops.createDoc(
city: '',
avatarType: hasGravatar ? AvatarType.GRAVATAR : AvatarType.COLOR,
avatarProps: hasGravatar ? { url: gravatarId } : { color: getAvatarColorForId(id) }
if (withEmployee) {
await ops.createMixin(id, contact.class.Person, contact.space.Contacts, contact.mixin.Employee, {
active: true
if (isEmail(email)) {
await ops.addCollection(contact.class.Channel, contact.space.Contacts, id, contact.mixin.Employee, 'channels', {
provider: contact.channelProvider.Email,
value: email
return id
async function replaceCurrentAccount (
ops: TxOperations,
account: Account,
currentAccount: PersonAccount,
name: string
): Promise<void> {
await ops.update(currentAccount, { email: account.email })
const employee = await ops.findOne(contact.mixin.Employee, { _id: currentAccount.person as Ref<Employee> })
if (employee === undefined) {
// Employee was deleted, let's restore it.
const employeeId = await createPerson(ops, name, account.email, true)
await ops.updateDoc(contact.class.PersonAccount, currentAccount.space, currentAccount._id, {
person: employeeId
} else {
const email = cleanEmail(account.email)
const gravatarId = buildGravatarId(email)
const hasGravatar = await checkHasGravatar(gravatarId)
await ops.update(employee, {
avatarType: hasGravatar ? AvatarType.GRAVATAR : AvatarType.COLOR,
avatarProps: hasGravatar ? { url: gravatarId } : { color: getAvatarColorForId(employee._id) },
...(employee.active ? {} : { active: true })
const currentChannel = await ops.findOne(contact.class.Channel, {
attachedTo: employee._id,
provider: contact.channelProvider.Email
if (currentChannel === undefined) {
await ops.addCollection(
provider: contact.channelProvider.Email,
value: email
} else if (currentChannel.value !== email) {
await ops.update(currentChannel, { value: email })
async function createPersonAccount (
ctx: MeasureContext,
workspaceInfo: WorkspaceInfo,
account: Account,
workspace: string,
role: AccountRole,
personId?: Ref<Person>,
shouldReplaceCurrent: boolean = false,
client?: Client,
personAccountId?: Ref<PersonAccount>
): Promise<void> {
const connection =
client ?? (await connect(getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.Internal), getWorkspaceId(workspace)))
try {
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const name = combineName(account.first, account.last)
// Check if PersonAccount is not exists
if (shouldReplaceCurrent) {
const currentAccount = await ops.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, {})
if (currentAccount !== undefined) {
await replaceCurrentAccount(ops, account, currentAccount, name)
const shouldCreateEmployee = roleOrder[role] >= roleOrder[AccountRole.Guest]
const existingAccount = await ops.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email: account.email })
if (existingAccount === undefined) {
let person: Ref<Person> | undefined
if (personId !== undefined) {
person = (await ops.findOne(contact.class.Person, { _id: personId }))?._id
if (person === undefined) {
person = await createPerson(ops, name, account.email, shouldCreateEmployee)
await ops.createDoc(
email: account.email,
} else {
if (roleOrder[existingAccount.role] < roleOrder[role]) {
await ops.update(existingAccount, { role })
const person = await ops.findOne(contact.class.Person, { _id: existingAccount.person })
if (person === undefined) {
// Employee was deleted, let's restore it.
const employeeId = await createPerson(ops, name, account.email, shouldCreateEmployee)
await ops.updateDoc(contact.class.PersonAccount, existingAccount.space, existingAccount._id, {
person: employeeId
} else if (shouldCreateEmployee) {
if (ops.getHierarchy().hasMixin(person, contact.mixin.Employee)) {
const employee = ops.getHierarchy().as(person, contact.mixin.Employee)
if (!employee.active) {
await ops.update(employee, {
active: true
} else {
await ops.createMixin(person._id, contact.class.Person, contact.space.Contacts, contact.mixin.Employee, {
active: true
} finally {
if (client == null) {
await connection.close()
* @public
export async function changePassword (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
oldPassword: string,
password: string
): Promise<void> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const account = await getAccountInfo(ctx, db, branding, email, oldPassword)
const salt = randomBytes(32)
const hash = hashWithSalt(password, salt)
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { salt, hash })
ctx.info('change-password success', { email })
* @public
export async function changeEmail (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
account: Account,
newEmail: string
): Promise<void> {
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { email: newEmail })
ctx.info('change-email success', { email: newEmail })
* @public
export async function replacePassword (db: AccountDB, email: string, password: string): Promise<void> {
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const salt = randomBytes(32)
const hash = hashWithSalt(password, salt)
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { salt, hash })
* @public
export async function requestPassword (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string
): Promise<void> {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
ctx.info('account not found', { email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
if (sesURL === undefined || sesURL === '') {
throw new Error('Please provide email service url')
const front = branding?.front ?? getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.FrontURL)
if (front === undefined || front === '') {
throw new Error('Please provide front url')
const token = generateToken(
getExtra(account, {
restore: email
const link = concatLink(front, `/login/recovery?id=${token}`)
const lang = branding?.language
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoveryText, { link }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoveryHTML, { link }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoverySubject, {}, lang)
const to = account.email
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
ctx.info('recovery email sent', { email, accountEmail: account.email })
* @public
export async function restorePassword (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
password: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const decode = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const email = decode.extra?.restore
if (email === undefined) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
await updatePassword(db, account, password)
return await login(ctx, db, branding, email, password)
async function updatePassword (db: AccountDB, account: Account, password: string | null): Promise<void> {
const salt = randomBytes(32)
const hash = password !== null ? hashWithSalt(password, salt) : null
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { salt, hash })
* @public
export async function removeWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
workspaceId: string
): Promise<void> {
const { workspace, account } = await getWorkspaceAndAccount(ctx, db, email, workspaceId)
await db.unassignWorkspace(account._id, workspace._id)
ctx.info('Workspace removed', { email, workspace })
* @public
export async function checkJoin (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
inviteId: ObjectId
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const invite = await getInvite(db, inviteId)
const workspace = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, email)
const ws = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace.name)
if (ws === null) {
ctx.error('workspace not found', { name: workspace.name, email, inviteId })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspace.name })
return await selectWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, token, ws?.workspaceUrl ?? ws.workspace, 'external', false)
* @public
export async function dropWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
workspaceId: string
): Promise<Workspace> {
const ws = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceId)
if (ws === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspaceId }))
await Promise.all(
(ws.accounts ?? []).map(async (account) => {
await db.unassignWorkspace(account, ws._id)
await db.workspace.deleteMany({ _id: ws._id })
ctx.info('Workspace dropped', { workspace: ws.workspace })
return ws
* @public
export async function dropWorkspaceFull (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
client: MongoClient,
branding: Branding | null,
workspaceId: string,
storageAdapter?: StorageAdapter
): Promise<void> {
const ws = await dropWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, workspaceId)
const workspaceDb = client.db(ws.workspace)
await workspaceDb.dropDatabase()
const wspace = getWorkspaceId(workspaceId)
const hasBucket = await storageAdapter?.exists(ctx, wspace)
if (storageAdapter !== undefined && hasBucket === true) {
await storageAdapter.delete(ctx, wspace)
ctx.info('Workspace fully dropped', { workspace: ws.workspace })
* @public
export async function dropAccount (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string
): Promise<void> {
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const workspaces = await db.workspace.find({ _id: { $in: account.workspaces } })
await Promise.all(
workspaces.map(async (ws) => {
await deactivatePersonAccount(ctx, db, account.email, ws.workspace)
await Promise.all(
(account.workspaces ?? []).map(async (ws) => {
await db.unassignWorkspace(account._id, ws)
await db.account.deleteMany({ _id: account._id })
ctx.info('Account Dropped', { email, account })
* @public
export async function leaveWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
email: string
): Promise<void> {
const tokenData = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const currentAccount = await getAccount(db, tokenData.email)
if (currentAccount === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: tokenData.email }))
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, tokenData.workspace.name)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: tokenData.workspace.name })
await deactivatePersonAccount(ctx, db, email, workspace.workspace)
const account = tokenData.email !== email ? await getAccount(db, email) : currentAccount
if (account !== null) {
await db.unassignWorkspace(account._id, workspace._id)
ctx.info('Account removed from workspace', { email, workspace })
* @public
export async function sendInvite (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
email: string,
personId?: Ref<Person>,
role?: AccountRole
): Promise<void> {
const tokenData = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const currentAccount = await getAccount(db, tokenData.email)
if (currentAccount === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: tokenData.email }))
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, tokenData.workspace.name)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: tokenData.workspace.name })
// TODO: Why we not send invite if user has account???
// const account = await getAccount(db, email)
// if (account !== null) return
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
if (sesURL === undefined || sesURL === '') {
throw new Error('Please provide email service url')
const front = branding?.front ?? getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.FrontURL)
if (front === undefined || front === '') {
throw new Error('Please provide front url')
const expHours = 48
const exp = expHours * 60 * 60 * 1000
const inviteId = await getInviteLink(ctx, db, branding, token, exp, email, 1)
const link = concatLink(front, `/login/join?inviteId=${inviteId.toString()}`)
const ws = workspace.workspaceName ?? workspace.workspace
const lang = branding?.language
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteText, { link, ws, expHours }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteHTML, { link, ws, expHours }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteSubject, { ws }, lang)
const to = email
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
ctx.info('Invite sent', { email, workspace, link })
async function deactivatePersonAccount (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
email: string,
workspace: string
): Promise<void> {
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace)
if (workspaceInfo == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace }))
const connection = await connect(getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.Internal), getWorkspaceId(workspace))
try {
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const existingAccount = await ops.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email })
if (existingAccount !== undefined) {
const employee = await ops.findOne(contact.mixin.Employee, { _id: existingAccount.person as Ref<Employee> })
if (employee !== undefined) {
await ops.update(employee, {
active: false
ctx.info('account deactivated', { email, workspace })
} finally {
await connection.close()
* @public
export type AccountMethod = (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
request: any,
token?: string
) => Promise<any>
function wrap (
accountMethod: (ctx: MeasureContext, db: AccountDB, branding: Branding | null, ...args: any[]) => Promise<any>
): AccountMethod {
return async function (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
request: any,
token?: string
): Promise<any> {
if (token !== undefined) request.params.unshift(token)
return await accountMethod(ctx, db, branding, ...request.params)
.then((result) => ({ id: request.id, result }))
.catch((err) => {
const status =
err instanceof PlatformError
? err.status
: new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InternalServerError, {})
if (((err.message as string) ?? '') === 'Signature verification failed') {
// Let's send un authorized
return {
error: new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Unauthorized, {})
if (status.code === platform.status.InternalServerError) {
ctx.error('error', { status, err })
} else {
ctx.error('error', { status })
return {
error: status
export async function joinWithProvider (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
first: string,
last: string,
inviteId: ObjectId,
extra?: Record<string, string>
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo | LoginInfo> {
try {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
const invite = await getInvite(db, inviteId)
const workspace = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, email)
if (last == null) {
last = ''
let account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account == null && extra !== undefined) {
account = await getAccountByQuery(db, extra)
if (account !== null) {
// we should clean password if account is not confirmed
if (account.confirmed === false) {
await updatePassword(db, account, null)
const token = generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(account))
const ws = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace.name)
if (ws != null && ws.accounts.includes(account._id)) {
const result = {
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, ws, EndpointKind.External),
return result
const wsRes = await assignAccountToWs(
invite?.role ?? AccountRole.User,
const result = await selectWorkspace(
wsRes.workspaceUrl ?? wsRes.workspace,
await useInvite(db, inviteId)
return result
const newAccount = await createAcc(ctx, db, branding, email, null, first, last, true, true, extra)
const token = generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(newAccount))
const ws = await assignAccountToWs(
invite?.role ?? AccountRole.User,
const result = await selectWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, token, ws.workspaceUrl ?? ws.workspace, 'external', false)
await useInvite(db, inviteId)
return result
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('joinWithProvider error', { email: _email, ...extra, err })
throw err
export async function loginWithProvider (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
_email: string,
first: string,
last: string,
extra?: Record<string, string>,
signUpDisabled: boolean = false
): Promise<LoginInfo | null> {
try {
const email = cleanEmail(_email)
if (last == null) {
last = ''
let account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account == null && extra !== undefined) {
account = await getAccountByQuery(db, extra)
if (account !== null) {
// we should clean password if account is not confirmed
if (account.confirmed === false) {
await updatePassword(db, account, null)
const result = {
endpoint: '',
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(account))
return result
if (signUpDisabled) {
return null
const newAccount = await createAcc(ctx, db, branding, email, null, first, last, true, true, extra)
const result = {
endpoint: '',
token: generateToken(email, getWorkspaceId(''), getExtra(newAccount))
return result
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('loginWithProvider error', { email: _email, ...extra, err })
throw err
* @public
export async function changeUsername (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
first: string,
last: string
): Promise<void> {
const { email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const account = await getAccount(db, email)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
await db.account.updateOne({ _id: account._id }, { first, last })
ctx.info('change-username success', { email })
* @public
export async function updateWorkspaceName (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
name: string
): Promise<void> {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, decodedToken.workspace.name)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: decodedToken.workspace.name })
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
workspaceName: name
* @public
export async function deleteWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<void> {
const { workspace, email } = decodeToken(ctx, token)
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace.name)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspace: workspace.name })
const connection = await connect(
getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceInfo, EndpointKind.Internal),
try {
const ops = new TxOperations(connection, core.account.System)
const ownerAccount = await ops.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email, role: AccountRole.Owner })
if (ownerAccount == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ _id: workspaceInfo._id },
disabled: true,
mode: 'pending-deletion'
} finally {
await connection.close()
* @public
export function getMethods (hasSignUp: boolean = true): Record<string, AccountMethod> {
return {
login: wrap(login),
join: wrap(join),
sendOtp: wrap(sendOtp),
validateOtp: wrap(validateOtp),
signUpOtp: wrap(signUpOtp),
checkJoin: wrap(checkJoin),
signUpJoin: wrap(signUpJoin),
selectWorkspace: wrap(selectWorkspace),
getRegionInfo: wrap(getRegionInfo),
getUserWorkspaces: wrap(getUserWorkspaces),
getInviteLink: wrap(getInviteLink),
getAccountInfo: wrap(getAccountInfo),
getWorkspaceInfo: wrap(getWorkspaceInfo),
...(hasSignUp ? { createAccount: wrap(createAccount) } : {}),
createWorkspace: wrap(createUserWorkspace),
assignWorkspace: wrap(assignWorkspace),
removeWorkspace: wrap(removeWorkspace),
leaveWorkspace: wrap(leaveWorkspace),
listWorkspaces: wrap(listWorkspaces),
changePassword: wrap(changePassword),
requestPassword: wrap(requestPassword),
restorePassword: wrap(restorePassword),
sendInvite: wrap(sendInvite),
confirm: wrap(confirm),
getAccountInfoByToken: wrap(getAccountInfoByToken),
createMissingEmployee: wrap(createMissingEmployee),
changeUsername: wrap(changeUsername),
updateWorkspaceName: wrap(updateWorkspaceName),
deleteWorkspace: wrap(deleteWorkspace),
// updateAccount: wrap(updateAccount),
// Workspace service methods
getPendingWorkspace: wrap(getPendingWorkspace),
updateWorkspaceInfo: wrap(updateWorkspaceInfo),
updateBackupInfo: wrap(updateBackupInfo),
workerHandshake: wrap(workerHandshake)
export * from './plugin'
export default accountPlugin