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// Copyright © 2022-2024 Hardcore Engineering Inc.
// Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
// obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics'
import {
type BackupStatus,
type Branding,
type Person,
type PersonUuid,
type PersonInfo,
type WorkspaceMemberInfo,
type WorkspaceMode,
type WorkspaceUuid,
type PersonId
} from '@hcengineering/core'
import platform, {
} from '@hcengineering/platform'
import { decodeTokenVerbose, generateToken } from '@hcengineering/server-token'
import { accountPlugin } from './plugin'
import type {
} from './types'
import {
} from './utils'
import { isAdminEmail } from './admin'
// Move to config?
const processingTimeoutMs = 30 * 1000
/* =================================== */
/* ============OPERATIONS============= */
/* =================================== */
* Given an email and password, logs the user in and returns the account information and token.
export async function login (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
password: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
try {
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
const existingAccount = await db.account.findOne({ uuid: emailSocialId.personUuid })
if (existingAccount == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
if (!verifyPassword(password, existingAccount.hash, existingAccount.salt)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
const isConfirmed = emailSocialId.verifiedOn != null
const extraToken: Record<string, string> = isAdminEmail(email) ? { admin: 'true' } : {}
ctx.info('Login succeeded', { email, normalizedEmail, isConfirmed, emailSocialId, ...extraToken })
return {
account: existingAccount.uuid,
token: isConfirmed ? generateToken(existingAccount.uuid, undefined, extraToken) : undefined
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('Login failed', { email, normalizedEmail, err })
throw err
* Given an email sends an OTP code to the existing user and returns the OTP information.
export async function loginOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string
): Promise<OtpInfo> {
// Note: can support OTP based on any other social logins later
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
const account = await getAccount(db, emailSocialId.personUuid)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
return await sendOtp(ctx, db, branding, emailSocialId)
* Given an email, password, first name, and last name, creates a new account and sends a confirmation email.
* The email confirmation is not required if the email service is not configured.
export async function signUp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
password: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const account = await signUpByEmail(ctx, db, branding, email, password, firstName, lastName)
const sesURL = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.SES_URL)
const forceConfirmation = sesURL !== undefined && sesURL !== ''
if (forceConfirmation) {
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
await sendEmailConfirmation(ctx, branding, account, normalizedEmail)
} else {
ctx.warn('Please provide SES_URL to enable sign up email confirmations.')
await confirmEmail(ctx, db, account, email)
return {
token: !forceConfirmation ? generateToken(account) : undefined
export async function signUpOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string
): Promise<OtpInfo> {
// Note: can support OTP based on any other social logins later
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
let emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
let personUuid: PersonUuid
if (emailSocialId !== null) {
const existingAccount = await db.account.findOne({ uuid: emailSocialId.personUuid })
if (existingAccount !== null) {
ctx.error('An account with the provided email already exists', { email })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountAlreadyExists, {}))
personUuid = emailSocialId.personUuid
} else {
// There's no person linked to this email, so we need to create a new one
personUuid = await db.person.insertOne({ firstName, lastName })
const newSocialId = { type: SocialIdType.EMAIL, value: normalizedEmail, personUuid }
const emailSocialIdKey = await db.socialId.insertOne(newSocialId)
emailSocialId = { ...newSocialId, key: emailSocialIdKey }
return await sendOtp(ctx, db, branding, emailSocialId)
export async function validateOtp (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
code: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
// Note: can support OTP based on any other social logins later
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: email }))
const isValid = await isOtpValid(db, emailSocialId.key, code)
if (!isValid) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InvalidOtp, {}))
await db.otp.deleteMany({ socialId: emailSocialId.key })
if (emailSocialId.verifiedOn == null) {
await db.socialId.updateOne({ key: emailSocialId.key }, { verifiedOn: Date.now() })
// This method handles both login and signup
const account = await db.account.findOne({ uuid: emailSocialId.personUuid })
if (account == null) {
// This is a signup
await createAccount(db, emailSocialId.personUuid, true)
ctx.info('OTP signup success', emailSocialId)
} else {
// Confirm huly social id if hasn't been confirmed yet
ctx.info('OTP login success', emailSocialId)
return {
account: emailSocialId.personUuid,
token: generateToken(emailSocialId.personUuid)
export async function createWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceName: string,
region?: string
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const { account } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Creating workspace record', { workspaceName, account, region })
// Any confirmed social ID will do
const socialId = await db.socialId.findOne({ personUuid: account, verifiedOn: { $gt: 0 } })
if (socialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotConfirmed, {}))
const { workspaceUuid, workspaceUrl } = await createWorkspaceRecord(ctx, db, branding, workspaceName, account, region)
await db.assignWorkspace(account, workspaceUuid, AccountRole.Owner)
ctx.info('Creating workspace record done', { workspaceName, region, account: socialId.personUuid })
return {
token: generateToken(account, workspaceUuid),
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspaceUuid, region, EndpointKind.External),
workspace: workspaceUuid,
role: AccountRole.Owner
export async function createInviteLink (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
exp: number,
emailMask: string,
limit: number,
role?: AccountRole
): Promise<string> {
const { account, workspace: workspaceUuid } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const currentAccount = await db.account.findOne({ uuid: account })
if (currentAccount == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account }))
const workspace = await db.workspace.findOne({ uuid: workspaceUuid })
if (workspace == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
ctx.info('Creating invite link', { workspace, workspaceName: workspace.name, emailMask, limit })
return await db.invite.insertOne({
expiresOn: exp < 0 ? -1 : Date.now() + exp,
emailPattern: emailMask,
remainingUses: limit,
export async function sendInvite (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
email: string,
role?: AccountRole
): Promise<void> {
const { account, workspace: workspaceUuid } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const currentAccount = await db.account.findOne({ uuid: account })
if (currentAccount == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account }))
const workspace = await db.workspace.findOne({ uuid: workspaceUuid })
if (workspace == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
const sesURL = getSesUrl()
const front = getFrontUrl(branding)
const expHours = 48
const exp = expHours * 60 * 60 * 1000
const inviteId = await createInviteLink(ctx, db, branding, token, exp, email, 1, role)
const link = concatLink(front, `/login/join?inviteId=${inviteId}`)
const ws = workspace.name !== '' ? workspace.name : 'workspace'
const lang = branding?.language
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteText, { link, ws, expHours }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteHTML, { link, ws, expHours }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.InviteSubject, { ws }, lang)
const to = email
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
ctx.info('Invite has been sent', { email, workspace, workspaceName: workspace.name, link })
* Given an invite and sign in information, assigns the user to the workspace in a given role.
* If already a member, updates the role if necessary.
* Returns the workspace login information.
export async function join (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
password: string,
inviteId: string
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo | LoginInfo> {
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
const invite = await getWorkspaceInvite(db, inviteId)
if (invite == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceUuid = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, normalizedEmail)
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
ctx.info('Joining a workspace using invite', { email, normalizedEmail, ...invite })
const { token, account } = await login(ctx, db, branding, normalizedEmail, password)
if (token == null) {
return {
return await doJoinByInvite(ctx, db, branding, token, account, workspace, invite)
* Given an invite and a token, checks if the user has already joined the workspace and updates the role if necessary.
* Returns the workspace login information if the user has already joined. Otherwise, throws an error.
export async function checkJoin (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
inviteId: string
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const { account: accountUuid } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const invite = await getWorkspaceInvite(db, inviteId)
if (invite == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const emailSocialId = await db.socialId.findOne({
type: SocialIdType.EMAIL,
personUuid: accountUuid,
verifiedOn: { $gt: 0 }
const email = emailSocialId?.value ?? ''
const workspaceUuid = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, email)
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace === null) {
ctx.error('Workspace not found in checkJoin', { workspaceUuid, email, inviteId })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
const wsLoginInfo = await selectWorkspace(ctx, db, branding, token, workspace.url, 'external')
if (getRolePower(wsLoginInfo.role) < getRolePower(invite.role)) {
await db.updateWorkspaceRole(accountUuid, workspaceUuid, invite.role)
return {
role: invite.role
* Given an invite and sign up information, creates an account and assigns it to the workspace.
export async function signUpJoin (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string,
password: string,
first: string,
last: string,
inviteId: string
): Promise<WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
ctx.info('Signing up and joining a workspace using invite', { email, normalizedEmail, first, last, inviteId })
const invite = await getWorkspaceInvite(db, inviteId)
if (invite == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceUuid = await checkInvite(ctx, invite, normalizedEmail)
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
const account = await signUpByEmail(ctx, db, branding, email, password, first, last, true)
return await doJoinByInvite(ctx, db, branding, generateToken(account, workspaceUuid), account, workspace, invite)
export async function confirm (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const { account, extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const email = extra?.confirmEmail
if (email === undefined) {
ctx.error('Email not provided for confirmation', { account, extra })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InternalServerError, {}))
await confirmEmail(ctx, db, account, email)
const result = {
token: generateToken(account)
ctx.info('Email confirmed', { account, email })
return result
export async function changePassword (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
oldPassword: string,
password: string
): Promise<void> {
const { account: accountUuid } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Changing password', { accountUuid })
const account = await getAccount(db, accountUuid)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: accountUuid }))
if (!verifyPassword(oldPassword, account.hash, account.salt)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await setPassword(ctx, db, branding, accountUuid, password)
ctx.info('Password changed', { accountUuid })
export async function requestPasswordReset (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
email: string
): Promise<void> {
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
ctx.info('Requesting password reset', { email, normalizedEmail })
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
ctx.error('Email social id not found', { email, normalizedEmail })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.SocialIdNotFound, { socialId: email, type: SocialIdType.EMAIL })
const account = await getAccount(db, emailSocialId.personUuid)
if (account == null) {
ctx.info('Account not found', { email, normalizedEmail })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: emailSocialId.personUuid })
const sesURL = getSesUrl()
const front = getFrontUrl(branding)
const token = generateToken(account.uuid, undefined, {
restoreEmail: normalizedEmail
const link = concatLink(front, `/login/recovery?id=${token}`)
const lang = branding?.language
const text = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoveryText, { link }, lang)
const html = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoveryHTML, { link }, lang)
const subject = await translate(accountPlugin.string.RecoverySubject, {}, lang)
await fetch(concatLink(sesURL, '/send'), {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
to: normalizedEmail
ctx.info('Password reset email sent', { email, normalizedEmail, account: account.uuid })
export async function restorePassword (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
password: string
): Promise<LoginInfo> {
const { account, extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Restoring password', { account, extra })
const email = extra?.restoreEmail
if (email === undefined) {
ctx.error('Email not provided for restoration', { account, extra })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InternalServerError, {}))
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, email)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
ctx.error('Email social id not found', { email })
throw new PlatformError(
new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.SocialIdNotFound, { socialId: email, type: SocialIdType.EMAIL })
await setPassword(ctx, db, branding, account, password)
if (emailSocialId.verifiedOn == null) {
await db.socialId.updateOne({ key: emailSocialId.key }, { verifiedOn: Date.now() })
return await login(ctx, db, branding, email, password)
export async function leaveWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
targetAccount: PersonUuid
): Promise<LoginInfo | null> {
const { account, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Removing account from workspace', { targetAccount, workspace })
if (targetAccount == null || workspace == null) {
ctx.error('Account or workspace not provided for leaving', { account, workspace })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.InternalServerError, {}))
const initiatorRole = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspace)
if (account !== targetAccount) {
if (initiatorRole == null || getRolePower(initiatorRole) < getRolePower(AccountRole.Maintainer)) {
ctx.error("Need to be at least maintainer to remove someone else's account from workspace", {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await db.unassignWorkspace(targetAccount, workspace)
ctx.info('Account removed from workspace', { targetAccount, workspace })
if (account === targetAccount) {
return {
token: generateToken(account, undefined)
return null
export async function changeUsername (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
first: string,
last: string
): Promise<void> {
const { account } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
ctx.info('Changing name of person', { account, first, last })
await db.person.updateOne({ uuid: account }, { firstName: first, lastName: last })
ctx.info('Name changed', { account, first, last })
export async function updateWorkspaceName (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
name: string
): Promise<void> {
const { account, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const role = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspace)
if (role == null || getRolePower(role) < getRolePower(AccountRole.Maintainer)) {
ctx.error('Need to be at least maintainer to update workspace name', { workspace, account, role })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await db.workspace.updateOne(
{ uuid: workspace },
export async function deleteWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<void> {
const { account, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const role = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspace)
if (role !== AccountRole.Owner) {
ctx.error('Need to be an owner to delete a workspace', { workspace, account, role })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await db.workspaceStatus.updateOne(
{ workspaceUuid: workspace },
isDisabled: true,
mode: 'pending-deletion'
/* =================================== */
/* ==========READ OPERATIONS========== */
/* =================================== */
export async function getRegionInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null
): Promise<RegionInfo[]> {
return getRegions()
export async function getUserWorkspaces (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<WorkspaceInfoWithStatus[]> {
const { account } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
return (await db.getAccountWorkspaces(account)).filter(
(ws) => !ws.status.isDisabled || isWorkspaceCreating(ws.status.mode)
export async function getWorkspaceInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
updateLastVisit: boolean = false
): Promise<WorkspaceInfoWithStatus> {
const { account, workspace: workspaceUuid, extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const isGuest = extra?.guest === 'true'
const skipAssignmentCheck = isGuest || account === systemAccountUuid
if (!skipAssignmentCheck) {
const role = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspaceUuid)
if (role == null) {
ctx.error('Not a member of the workspace', { workspaceUuid, account })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspace = await getWorkspaceInfoWithStatusById(db, workspaceUuid)
// TODO: what should we return for archived?
if (workspace == null) {
ctx.error('Workspace not found', { workspaceUuid, account })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
if (workspace.status.isDisabled && isActiveMode(workspace.status.mode)) {
ctx.error('Workspace is disabled', { workspaceUuid, account })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
if (!isGuest && updateLastVisit) {
await db.workspaceStatus.updateOne({ workspaceUuid }, { lastVisit: Date.now() })
return workspace
export async function listWorkspaces (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region?: string | null,
mode?: WorkspaceMode | null
): Promise<WorkspaceInfoWithStatus[]> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (!['tool', 'backup', 'admin'].includes(extra?.service) && extra?.admin !== 'true') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return await getWorkspaces(db, false, region, mode)
export async function performWorkspaceOperation (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceId: WorkspaceUuid | WorkspaceUuid[],
event: 'archive' | 'migrate-to' | 'unarchive' | 'delete',
...params: any
): Promise<boolean> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (extra?.admin !== 'true') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceUuids = Array.isArray(workspaceId) ? workspaceId : [workspaceId]
const workspaces = await getWorkspacesInfoWithStatusByIds(db, workspaceUuids)
if (workspaces.length === 0) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, {}))
let ops = 0
for (const workspace of workspaces) {
const update: Partial<WorkspaceStatus> = {}
switch (event) {
case 'delete':
if (workspace.status.mode !== 'active') {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Delete allowed only for active workspaces'))
update.mode = 'pending-deletion'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = 0
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'archive':
if (!isActiveMode(workspace.status.mode)) {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Archiving allowed only for active workspaces'))
update.mode = 'archiving-pending-backup'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = 0
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'unarchive':
if (event === 'unarchive') {
if (workspace.status.mode !== 'archived') {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Unarchive allowed only for archived workspaces'))
update.mode = 'pending-restore'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = 0
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'migrate-to': {
if (!isActiveMode(workspace.status.mode)) {
return false
if (params.length !== 1 && params[0] == null) {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Invalid region passed to migrate operation'))
const regions = getRegions()
if (regions.find((it) => it.region === params[0]) === undefined) {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Invalid region passed to migrate operation'))
if ((workspace.region ?? '') === params[0]) {
throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Invalid region passed to migrate operation'))
update.mode = 'migration-pending-backup'
// NOTE: will only work for Mongo accounts
update.targetRegion = params[0]
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = 0
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
if (Object.keys(update).length !== 0) {
await db.workspaceStatus.updateOne({ workspaceUuid: workspace.uuid }, update)
return ops > 0
* Validates the token and returns the decoded account information.
export async function getLoginInfoByToken (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<LoginInfo | WorkspaceLoginInfo> {
let accountUuid: PersonUuid
let workspaceUuid: WorkspaceUuid
let extra: any
try {
;({ account: accountUuid, workspace: workspaceUuid, extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token))
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.error('Invalid token', { token })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Unauthorized, {}))
if (accountUuid == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, { account: accountUuid }))
const isDocGuest = accountUuid === GUEST_ACCOUNT && extra?.guest === 'true'
const isSystem = accountUuid === systemAccountUuid
if (!isDocGuest && !isSystem) {
// Any confirmed social ID will do
const socialId = await db.socialId.findOne({ personUuid: accountUuid, verifiedOn: { $gt: 0 } })
if (socialId == null) {
return {
account: accountUuid
const loginInfo = {
account: accountUuid,
if (workspaceUuid != null && workspaceUuid !== '') {
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace == null) {
ctx.error('Workspace not found', { workspaceUuid, account: accountUuid })
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
if (isDocGuest) {
return {
workspace: workspaceUuid,
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspace.uuid, workspace.region, EndpointKind.External),
role: AccountRole.DocGuest
const role = isSystem ? AccountRole.Owner : await db.getWorkspaceRole(accountUuid, workspace.uuid)
if (role == null) {
// User might have been removed from the workspace
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return {
workspace: workspace.uuid,
workspaceDataId: workspace.dataId,
endpoint: getEndpoint(ctx, workspace.uuid, workspace.region, EndpointKind.External),
} else {
return loginInfo
export async function getSocialIds (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
confirmed: boolean = true
): Promise<SocialId[]> {
const { account } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
// do not expose not-confirmed social ids for now
if (!confirmed) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return await db.socialId.find({ personUuid: account, verifiedOn: { $gt: 0 } })
export async function getPerson (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<Person> {
const { account } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const person = await db.person.findOne({ uuid: account })
if (person == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.PersonNotFound, { person: account }))
return person
export async function getPersonInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
account: PersonUuid
): Promise<PersonInfo> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
verifyAllowedServices(['workspace', 'tool'], extra)
const person = await db.person.findOne({ uuid: account })
if (person == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.PersonNotFound, { person: account }))
const verifiedSocialIds = await db.socialId.find({ personUuid: account, verifiedOn: { $gt: 0 } })
return {
personUuid: account,
name: `${person?.firstName} ${person?.lastName}`, // Should we control the order by config?
socialIds: verifiedSocialIds.map((it) => it.key)
export async function findPerson (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
socialString: string
): Promise<PersonUuid | undefined> {
decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
const socialId = await db.socialId.findOne({ key: socialString as PersonId })
if (socialId == null) {
return socialId.personUuid
export async function getWorkspaceMembers (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string
): Promise<WorkspaceMemberInfo[]> {
const { account, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid: workspace }))
const accRole = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspace)
if (accRole == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
return await db.getWorkspaceMembers(workspace)
export async function updateWorkspaceRoleBySocialId (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
socialKey: string,
targetRole: AccountRole
): Promise<void> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (!['workspace', 'tool'].includes(extra?.service)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const socialId = await getSocialIdByKey(db, socialKey.toLowerCase() as PersonId)
if (socialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
await updateWorkspaceRole(ctx, db, branding, token, socialId.personUuid, targetRole)
export async function updateWorkspaceRole (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
targetAccount: PersonUuid,
targetRole: AccountRole
): Promise<void> {
const { account, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid: workspace }))
const accRole = account === systemAccountUuid ? AccountRole.Owner : await db.getWorkspaceRole(account, workspace)
if (
accRole == null ||
getRolePower(accRole) < getRolePower(AccountRole.Maintainer) ||
getRolePower(accRole) < getRolePower(targetRole)
) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const currentRole = await db.getWorkspaceRole(targetAccount, workspace)
if (currentRole == null || getRolePower(accRole) < getRolePower(currentRole)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
if (currentRole === targetRole) return
if (currentRole === AccountRole.Owner) {
// Check if there are other owners
const owners = (await db.getWorkspaceMembers(workspace)).filter((m) => m.role === AccountRole.Owner)
if (owners.length === 1) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
await db.updateWorkspaceRole(targetAccount, workspace, targetRole)
/* =================================== */
/* =================================== */
* Retrieves one workspace for which there are things to process.
* Workspace is provided for 30seconds. This timeout is reset
* on every progress update.
* If no progress is reported for the workspace during this time,
* it will become available again to be processed by another executor.
export async function getPendingWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region: string, // A region requested
version: Data<Version>, // A workspace version requested, if it doesn't match for the region, workspace will be returned for upgrade
operation: WorkspaceOperation
): Promise<WorkspaceInfoWithStatus | undefined> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (extra?.service !== 'workspace') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const wsLivenessDays = getMetadata(accountPlugin.metadata.WsLivenessDays)
const wsLivenessMs = wsLivenessDays !== undefined ? wsLivenessDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 : undefined
const result = await db.getPendingWorkspace(region, version, operation, processingTimeoutMs, wsLivenessMs)
if (result != null) {
ctx.info('getPendingWorkspace', {
workspaceId: result.uuid,
workspaceName: result.name,
mode: result.status.mode,
major: result.status.versionMajor,
minor: result.status.versionMinor,
patch: result.status.versionPatch,
requestedVersion: version
return result
export async function updateWorkspaceInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
workspaceUuid: WorkspaceUuid,
event: WorkspaceEvent,
version: Data<Version>, // A worker version
progress: number,
message?: string
): Promise<void> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (!['workspace', 'tool'].includes(extra?.service)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspace = await getWorkspaceInfoWithStatusById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
progress = Math.round(progress)
const update: Partial<WorkspaceStatus> = {}
const wsUpdate: Partial<Workspace> = {}
switch (event) {
case 'create-started':
update.mode = 'creating'
if (workspace.status.mode !== 'creating') {
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'upgrade-started':
if (workspace.status.mode !== 'upgrading') {
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.mode = 'upgrading'
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'create-done':
ctx.info('Updating workspace info on create-done', { workspaceUuid, event, version, progress })
update.mode = 'active'
update.isDisabled = false
update.versionMajor = version.major
update.versionMinor = version.minor
update.versionPatch = version.patch
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'upgrade-done':
ctx.info('Updating workspace info on upgrade-done', { workspaceUuid, event, version, progress })
update.mode = 'active'
update.versionMajor = version.major
update.versionMinor = version.minor
update.versionPatch = version.patch
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'progress':
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'migrate-backup-started':
update.mode = 'migration-backup'
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'migrate-backup-done':
update.mode = 'migration-pending-clean'
update.processingProgress = progress
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'migrate-clean-started':
update.mode = 'migration-clean'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'migrate-clean-done':
wsUpdate.region = workspace.status.targetRegion ?? ''
update.mode = 'pending-restore'
update.processingProgress = progress
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'restore-started':
update.mode = 'restoring'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'restore-done':
update.mode = 'active'
update.processingProgress = 100
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'archiving-backup-started':
update.mode = 'archiving-backup'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'archiving-backup-done':
update.mode = 'archiving-pending-clean'
update.processingProgress = progress
update.lastProcessingTime = Date.now() - processingTimeoutMs // To not wait for next step
case 'archiving-clean-started':
update.mode = 'archiving-clean'
update.processingAttempts = 0
update.processingProgress = progress
case 'archiving-clean-done':
update.mode = 'archived'
update.processingProgress = 100
case 'ping':
if (message != null) {
update.processingMessage = message
await db.workspaceStatus.updateOne(
{ workspaceUuid: workspace.uuid },
lastProcessingTime: Date.now(), // Some operations override it.
if (Object.keys(wsUpdate).length !== 0) {
await db.workspace.updateOne({ uuid: workspace.uuid }, wsUpdate)
export async function workerHandshake (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
region: string, // A worker region
version: Data<Version>, // A worker version
operation: WorkspaceOperation
): Promise<void> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (extra?.service !== 'workspace') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
ctx.info('Worker handshake happened', { region, version, operation })
// Nothing else to do now but keeping to have track of workers in logs
export async function updateBackupInfo (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
backupInfo: BackupStatus
): Promise<void> {
const { extra, workspace } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (extra?.service !== 'backup') {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const workspaceInfo = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspace)
if (workspaceInfo === null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid: workspace }))
await db.workspaceStatus.updateOne(
{ workspaceUuid: workspace },
lastProcessingTime: Date.now()
export async function assignWorkspace (
ctx: MeasureContext,
db: AccountDB,
branding: Branding | null,
token: string,
email: string,
workspaceUuid: WorkspaceUuid,
role: AccountRole
): Promise<void> {
const { extra } = decodeTokenVerbose(ctx, token)
if (!['aibot', 'tool', 'workspace'].includes(extra?.service)) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.Forbidden, {}))
const normalizedEmail = cleanEmail(email)
const emailSocialId = await getEmailSocialId(db, normalizedEmail)
if (emailSocialId == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
const account = await getAccount(db, emailSocialId.personUuid)
if (account == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.AccountNotFound, {}))
const workspace = await getWorkspaceById(db, workspaceUuid)
if (workspace == null) {
throw new PlatformError(new Status(Severity.ERROR, platform.status.WorkspaceNotFound, { workspaceUuid }))
const currentRole = await db.getWorkspaceRole(account.uuid, workspaceUuid)
if (currentRole == null) {
await db.assignWorkspace(account.uuid, workspaceUuid, role)
} else if (getRolePower(currentRole) < getRolePower(role)) {
await db.updateWorkspaceRole(account.uuid, workspaceUuid, role)
export type AccountMethods =
| 'login'
| 'loginOtp'
| 'signUp'
| 'signUpOTP'
| 'validateOtp'
| 'createWorkspace'
| 'createInviteLink'
| 'sendInvite'
| 'selectWorkspace'
| 'join'
| 'checkJoin'
| 'signUpJoin'
| 'confirm'
| 'changePassword'
| 'requestPassword'
| 'restorePassword'
| 'leaveWorkspace'
| 'changeUsername'
| 'updateWorkspaceName'
| 'deleteWorkspace'
| 'getRegionInfo'
| 'getUserWorkspaces'
| 'getWorkspaceInfo'
| 'listWorkspaces'
| 'getLoginInfoByToken'
| 'getSocialIds'
| 'getPendingWorkspace'
| 'updateWorkspaceInfo'
| 'workerHandshake'
| 'updateBackupInfo'
| 'assignWorkspace'
| 'getPerson'
| 'getPersonInfo'
| 'getWorkspaceMembers'
| 'updateWorkspaceRole'
| 'findPerson'
| 'performWorkspaceOperation'
| 'updateWorkspaceRoleBySocialId'
* @public
export function getMethods (hasSignUp: boolean = true): Partial<Record<AccountMethods, AccountMethodHandler>> {
return {
login: wrap(login),
loginOtp: wrap(loginOtp),
...(hasSignUp ? { signUp: wrap(signUp) } : {}),
...(hasSignUp ? { signUpOTP: wrap(signUpOtp) } : {}),
validateOtp: wrap(validateOtp),
createWorkspace: wrap(createWorkspace),
createInviteLink: wrap(createInviteLink),
sendInvite: wrap(sendInvite),
selectWorkspace: wrap(selectWorkspace),
join: wrap(join),
checkJoin: wrap(checkJoin),
signUpJoin: wrap(signUpJoin),
confirm: wrap(confirm),
changePassword: wrap(changePassword),
requestPassword: wrap(requestPasswordReset),
restorePassword: wrap(restorePassword),
leaveWorkspace: wrap(leaveWorkspace),
changeUsername: wrap(changeUsername),
updateWorkspaceName: wrap(updateWorkspaceName),
deleteWorkspace: wrap(deleteWorkspace),
updateWorkspaceRole: wrap(updateWorkspaceRole),
getRegionInfo: wrap(getRegionInfo),
getUserWorkspaces: wrap(getUserWorkspaces),
getWorkspaceInfo: wrap(getWorkspaceInfo),
getLoginInfoByToken: wrap(getLoginInfoByToken),
getSocialIds: wrap(getSocialIds),
getPerson: wrap(getPerson),
getPersonInfo: wrap(getPersonInfo),
findPerson: wrap(findPerson),
getWorkspaceMembers: wrap(getWorkspaceMembers),
getPendingWorkspace: wrap(getPendingWorkspace),
updateWorkspaceInfo: wrap(updateWorkspaceInfo),
workerHandshake: wrap(workerHandshake),
updateBackupInfo: wrap(updateBackupInfo),
assignWorkspace: wrap(assignWorkspace),
listWorkspaces: wrap(listWorkspaces),
performWorkspaceOperation: wrap(performWorkspaceOperation),
updateWorkspaceRoleBySocialId: wrap(updateWorkspaceRoleBySocialId)
export * from './plugin'
export default accountPlugin