// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { Employee, getName } from '@hcengineering/contact' import core, { AttachedData, Class, Doc, DocumentQuery, Ref, SortingOrder, Space, toIdMap, TxCollectionCUD, TxOperations, TxUpdateDoc, WithLookup } from '@hcengineering/core' import { TypeState } from '@hcengineering/kanban' import { Asset, IntlString, translate } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { createQuery, getClient } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import { Issue, IssuePriority, IssuesDateModificationPeriod, IssuesGrouping, IssuesOrdering, IssueStatus, IssueTemplateData, Component, ComponentStatus, Sprint, SprintStatus, Project, TimeReportDayType } from '@hcengineering/tracker' import { AnyComponent, AnySvelteComponent, areDatesEqual, getMillisecondsInMonth, isWeekend, MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { CategoryQuery, ListSelectionProvider, SelectDirection } from '@hcengineering/view-resources' import tracker from './plugin' import { defaultPriorities, defaultComponentStatuses, defaultSprintStatuses, issuePriorities } from './types' export * from './types' export const UNSET_COLOR = -1 export interface NavigationItem { id: string label: IntlString icon: Asset component: AnyComponent componentProps?: Record top: boolean } export interface Selection { currentProject?: Ref currentSpecial?: string } export type IssuesGroupByKeys = keyof Pick export type IssuesOrderByKeys = keyof Pick export const issuesGroupKeyMap: Record = { [IssuesGrouping.Status]: 'status', [IssuesGrouping.Priority]: 'priority', [IssuesGrouping.Assignee]: 'assignee', [IssuesGrouping.Component]: 'component', [IssuesGrouping.Sprint]: 'sprint', [IssuesGrouping.NoGrouping]: undefined } export const issuesOrderKeyMap: Record = { [IssuesOrdering.Status]: 'status', [IssuesOrdering.Priority]: 'priority', [IssuesOrdering.LastUpdated]: 'modifiedOn', [IssuesOrdering.DueDate]: 'dueDate', [IssuesOrdering.Manual]: 'rank' } export const issuesSortOrderMap: Record = { status: SortingOrder.Ascending, priority: SortingOrder.Ascending, modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Descending, dueDate: SortingOrder.Descending, rank: SortingOrder.Ascending } export const issuesGroupEditorMap: Record<'status' | 'priority' | 'component' | 'sprint', AnyComponent | undefined> = { status: tracker.component.StatusEditor, priority: tracker.component.PriorityEditor, component: tracker.component.ComponentEditor, sprint: tracker.component.SprintEditor } export const getIssuesModificationDatePeriodTime = (period: IssuesDateModificationPeriod | null): number => { const today = new Date(Date.now()) switch (period) { case IssuesDateModificationPeriod.PastWeek: { return today.getTime() - MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK } case IssuesDateModificationPeriod.PastMonth: { return today.getTime() - getMillisecondsInMonth(today) } default: { return 0 } } } export const groupBy = (data: any, key: any): { [key: string]: any[] } => { return data.reduce((storage: { [key: string]: any[] }, item: any) => { const group = item[key] ?? undefined storage[group] = storage[group] ?? [] storage[group].push(item) return storage }, {}) } export interface FilterAction { icon?: Asset | AnySvelteComponent label?: IntlString onSelect: (event: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => void } export interface FilterSectionElement extends Omit { title?: string count?: number isSelected?: boolean } export interface IssueFilter { mode: '$in' | '$nin' query: DocumentQuery } export const getGroupedIssues = ( key: IssuesGroupByKeys | undefined, elements: Issue[], orderedCategories?: any[] ): { [p: string]: Issue[] } => { if (key === undefined) { return { [undefined as any]: elements } } const unorderedIssues = groupBy(elements, key) if (orderedCategories === undefined || orderedCategories.length === 0) { return unorderedIssues } return Object.keys(unorderedIssues) .sort((o1, o2) => { const key1 = o1 === 'null' ? null : o1 const key2 = o2 === 'null' ? null : o2 const i1 = orderedCategories.findIndex((x) => x === key1) const i2 = orderedCategories.findIndex((x) => x === key2) return i1 - i2 }) .reduce((obj: { [p: string]: any[] }, objKey) => { obj[objKey] = unorderedIssues[objKey] return obj }, {}) } export const getIssueFilterAssetsByType = (type: string): { icon: Asset, label: IntlString } | undefined => { switch (type) { case 'status': { return { icon: tracker.icon.CategoryBacklog, label: tracker.string.Status } } case 'priority': { return { icon: tracker.icon.PriorityHigh, label: tracker.string.Priority } } case 'component': { return { icon: tracker.icon.Component, label: tracker.string.Component } } case 'sprint': { return { icon: tracker.icon.Sprint, label: tracker.string.Sprint } } default: { return undefined } } } export const getArraysIntersection = (a: any[], b: any[]): any[] => { const setB = new Set(b) const intersection = new Set(a.filter((x) => setB.has(x))) return Array.from(intersection) } export const getArraysUnion = (a: any[], b: any[]): any[] => { const setB = new Set(b) const union = new Set(a) for (const element of setB) { union.add(element) } return Array.from(union) } const WARNING_DAYS = 7 export const getDueDateIconModifier = ( isOverdue: boolean, daysDifference: number | null ): 'overdue' | 'critical' | 'warning' | undefined => { if (isOverdue) { return 'overdue' } if (daysDifference === 0) { return 'critical' } if (daysDifference !== null && daysDifference <= WARNING_DAYS) { return 'warning' } } export type ComponentsViewMode = 'all' | 'backlog' | 'active' | 'closed' export type SprintViewMode = 'all' | 'planned' | 'active' | 'closed' export type ScrumRecordViewMode = 'timeReports' | 'objects' export const getIncludedComponentStatuses = (mode: ComponentsViewMode): ComponentStatus[] => { switch (mode) { case 'all': { return defaultComponentStatuses } case 'active': { return [ComponentStatus.Planned, ComponentStatus.InProgress, ComponentStatus.Paused] } case 'backlog': { return [ComponentStatus.Backlog] } case 'closed': { return [ComponentStatus.Completed, ComponentStatus.Canceled] } default: { return [] } } } export const getIncludedSprintStatuses = (mode: SprintViewMode): SprintStatus[] => { switch (mode) { case 'all': { return defaultSprintStatuses } case 'active': { return [SprintStatus.InProgress] } case 'planned': { return [SprintStatus.Planned] } case 'closed': { return [SprintStatus.Completed, SprintStatus.Canceled] } default: { return [] } } } export const componentsTitleMap: Record = Object.freeze({ all: tracker.string.AllComponents, backlog: tracker.string.BacklogComponents, active: tracker.string.ActiveComponents, closed: tracker.string.ClosedComponents }) export const sprintTitleMap: Record = Object.freeze({ all: tracker.string.AllSprints, planned: tracker.string.PlannedSprints, active: tracker.string.ActiveSprints, closed: tracker.string.ClosedSprints }) export const scrumRecordTitleMap: Record = Object.freeze({ timeReports: tracker.string.ScrumRecordTimeReports, objects: tracker.string.ScrumRecordObjects }) const listIssueStatusOrder = [ tracker.issueStatusCategory.Started, tracker.issueStatusCategory.Unstarted, tracker.issueStatusCategory.Backlog, tracker.issueStatusCategory.Completed, tracker.issueStatusCategory.Canceled ] as const export async function issueStatusSort (value: Array>): Promise>> { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const query = createQuery(true) query.query(tracker.class.IssueStatus, { _id: { $in: value } }, (res) => { res.sort((a, b) => listIssueStatusOrder.indexOf(a.category) - listIssueStatusOrder.indexOf(b.category)) resolve(res.map((p) => p._id)) query.unsubscribe() }) }) } export async function issuePrioritySort (value: IssuePriority[]): Promise { value.sort((a, b) => { const i1 = defaultPriorities.indexOf(a) const i2 = defaultPriorities.indexOf(b) return i1 - i2 }) return value } export async function sprintSort (value: Array>): Promise>> { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const query = createQuery(true) query.query(tracker.class.Sprint, { _id: { $in: value } }, (res) => { const sprints = toIdMap(res) value.sort((a, b) => (sprints.get(b)?.startDate ?? 0) - (sprints.get(a)?.startDate ?? 0)) resolve(value) query.unsubscribe() }) }) } export async function mapKanbanCategories ( groupBy: string, categories: any[], statuses: Array>, components: Component[], sprints: Sprint[], assignee: Employee[] ): Promise { if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.NoGrouping) { return [{ _id: undefined, color: UNSET_COLOR, title: await translate(tracker.string.NoGrouping, {}) }] } if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.Priority) { const res: TypeState[] = [] for (const priority of categories) { const title = await translate((issuePriorities as any)[priority].label, {}) res.push({ _id: priority, title, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: (issuePriorities as any)[priority].icon }) } return res } if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.Status) { return statuses .filter((p) => categories.includes(p._id)) .map((status) => { const category = '$lookup' in status ? status.$lookup?.category : undefined return { _id: status._id, title: status.name, icon: category?.icon, color: status.color ?? category?.color ?? UNSET_COLOR } }) } if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.Assignee) { const noAssignee = await translate(tracker.string.NoAssignee, {}) const res: TypeState[] = assignee .filter((p) => categories.includes(p._id)) .map((employee) => { return { _id: employee._id, title: getName(employee), color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined } }) if (categories.includes(undefined)) { res.push({ _id: null, title: noAssignee, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined }) } return res } if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.Component) { const noComponent = await translate(tracker.string.NoComponent, {}) const res: TypeState[] = components .filter((p) => categories.includes(p._id)) .map((component) => ({ _id: component._id, title: component.label, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined })) if (categories.includes(undefined)) { res.push({ _id: null, title: noComponent, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined }) } return res } if (groupBy === IssuesGrouping.Sprint) { const noSprint = await translate(tracker.string.NoSprint, {}) const res: TypeState[] = sprints .filter((p) => categories.includes(p._id)) .map((sprint) => ({ _id: sprint._id, title: sprint.label, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined })) if (categories.includes(undefined)) { res.push({ _id: null, title: noSprint, color: UNSET_COLOR, icon: undefined }) } return res } return [] } /** * @public */ export function getSprintDays (value: Sprint): string { const st = new Date(value.startDate).getDate() const days = Math.floor(Math.abs((1 + value.targetDate - value.startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24)) + 1 const stDate = new Date(value.startDate) const stTime = stDate.getTime() let ds = Array.from(Array(days).keys()).map((it) => st + it) ds = ds.filter((it) => ![0, 6].includes(new Date(new Date(stTime).setDate(it)).getDay())) return ds.join(' ') } export function getDayOfSprint (startDate: number, now: number): number { startDate = new Date(startDate).setHours(0, 0) now = new Date(now).setHours(0, 0) const days = Math.floor(Math.abs((1 + now - startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24)) const stDate = new Date(startDate) const stDateDate = stDate.getDate() const stTime = stDate.getTime() const ds = Array.from(Array(days).keys()).map((it) => stDateDate + it) return ds.filter((it) => !isWeekend(new Date(new Date(stTime).setDate(it)))).length } export async function moveIssuesToAnotherSprint ( client: TxOperations, oldSprint: Sprint, newSprint: Sprint | undefined ): Promise { try { // Find all Issues by Sprint const movedIssues = await client.findAll(tracker.class.Issue, { sprint: oldSprint._id }) // Update Issues by new Sprint const awaitedUpdates = [] for (const issue of movedIssues) { awaitedUpdates.push(client.update(issue, { sprint: newSprint?._id ?? null })) } await Promise.all(awaitedUpdates) return true } catch (error) { console.error( `Error happened while moving issues between sprints from ${oldSprint.label} to ${ newSprint?.label ?? 'No Sprint' }: `, error ) return false } } export function getTimeReportDate (type: TimeReportDayType): number { const date = new Date(Date.now()) if (type === TimeReportDayType.PreviousWorkDay) { date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1) } // if date is day off then set date to last working day while (isWeekend(date)) { date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1) } return date.valueOf() } export function getTimeReportDayType (timestamp: number): TimeReportDayType | undefined { const date = new Date(timestamp) const currentWorkDate = new Date(getTimeReportDate(TimeReportDayType.CurrentWorkDay)) const previousWorkDate = new Date(getTimeReportDate(TimeReportDayType.PreviousWorkDay)) if (areDatesEqual(date, currentWorkDate)) { return TimeReportDayType.CurrentWorkDay } else if (areDatesEqual(date, previousWorkDate)) { return TimeReportDayType.PreviousWorkDay } } export function subIssueQuery (value: boolean, query: DocumentQuery): DocumentQuery { return value ? query : { ...query, attachedTo: tracker.ids.NoParent } } async function getAllSomething ( _class: Ref>, space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref ): Promise { const promise = new Promise>>((resolve, reject) => { let refresh: boolean = false const lq = CategoryQuery.getLiveQuery(queryId) refresh = lq.query( _class, { space }, (res) => { const result = res.map((p) => p._id) CategoryQuery.results.set(queryId, result) resolve(result) onUpdate() } ) if (!refresh) { resolve(CategoryQuery.results.get(queryId) ?? []) } }) return await promise } export async function getAllStatuses ( space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref ): Promise { return await getAllSomething(tracker.class.IssueStatus, space, onUpdate, queryId) } export async function getAllPriority ( space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref ): Promise { return defaultPriorities } export async function getAllComponents ( space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref ): Promise { return await getAllSomething(tracker.class.Component, space, onUpdate, queryId) } export async function getAllSprints ( space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref ): Promise { return await getAllSomething(tracker.class.Sprint, space, onUpdate, queryId) } export function subIssueListProvider (subIssues: Issue[], target: Ref): void { const listProvider = new ListSelectionProvider((offset: 1 | -1 | 0, of?: Doc, dir?: SelectDirection) => { if (dir === 'vertical') { let pos = subIssues.findIndex((p) => p._id === of?._id) pos += offset if (pos < 0) { pos = 0 } if (pos >= subIssues.length) { pos = subIssues.length - 1 } listProvider.updateFocus(subIssues[pos]) } }, false) listProvider.update(subIssues) const selectedIssue = subIssues.find((p) => p._id === target) if (selectedIssue != null) { listProvider.updateFocus(selectedIssue) } } export async function getPreviousAssignees ( issue: Issue | AttachedData | IssueTemplateData ): Promise>> { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const query = createQuery(true) query.query( core.class.Tx, { 'tx.objectId': (issue as Issue)._id, 'tx.operations.assignee': { $exists: true } }, (res) => { const prevAssignee = res .map((t) => ((t as TxCollectionCUD).tx as TxUpdateDoc).operations.assignee) .filter((p) => !(p == null)) as Array> resolve(prevAssignee) query.unsubscribe() } ) }) } export async function removeProject (project: Project): Promise { const client = getClient() await client.removeDoc(tracker.class.Project, core.space.Space, project._id) }