import { type Class, type Doc, type DocumentQuery, Hierarchy, type Ref, type Space, type TxResult } from '@hcengineering/core' import { type Asset, type IntlString, type Resource, getResource } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { MessageBox, getClient, updateAttribute, type ContextStore, contextStore } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import { type AnyComponent, type AnySvelteComponent, type PopupAlignment, type PopupPosAlignment, closeTooltip, isPopupPosAlignment, navigate, showPanel, showPopup } from '@hcengineering/ui' import MoveView from './components/Move.svelte' import view from './plugin' import { type FocusSelection, type SelectDirection, type SelectionStore, focusStore, previewDocument, selectionStore } from './selection' import { deleteObjects, getObjectLinkFragment } from './utils' import contact from '@hcengineering/contact' /** * Action to be used for copying text to clipboard. * In Safari a request to write to the clipboard must be triggered during a user gesture. * A call to clipboard.write or clipboard.writeText outside the scope of a user * gesture(such as "click" or "touch" event handlers) will result in the immediate * rejection of the promise returned by the API call. * * * * Require props: * - textProvider - a function that provides text to be copied. * - props - additional text provider props. */ async function CopyTextToClipboard ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { textProvider: Resource<(doc: Doc, props?: Record) => Promise> props?: Record } ): Promise { const getText = await getResource(props.textProvider) try { // Safari specific behavior // see const text = Array.isArray(doc) ? (await Promise.all( (d) => await getText(d, props.props)))).join(',') : await getText(doc, props.props) const clipboardItem = new ClipboardItem({ 'text/plain': text }) await navigator.clipboard.write([clipboardItem]) } catch { // Fallback to default clipboard API implementation const text = Array.isArray(doc) ? (await Promise.all( (d) => await getText(d, props.props)))).join(',') : await getText(doc, props.props) await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text) } } function Delete (object: Doc | Doc[]): void { showPopup( contact.component.DeleteConfirmationPopup, { object, deleteAction: async () => { const objs = Array.isArray(object) ? object : [object] await deleteObjects(getClient(), objs).catch((err) => { console.error(err) }) } }, undefined ) } function Archive (object: Space | Space[]): void { showPopup( MessageBox, { label: view.string.Archive, message: view.string.ArchiveConfirm, params: { count: Array.isArray(object) ? object.length : 1 }, action: async () => { const objs = Array.isArray(object) ? object : [object] const client = getClient() const promises: Array> = [] for (const obj of objs) { promises.push(client.update(obj, { archived: true })) } await Promise.all(promises) } }, undefined ) } async function Move (docs: Doc | Doc[]): Promise { showPopup(MoveView, { selected: docs }) } let $focusStore: FocusSelection focusStore.subscribe((it) => { $focusStore = it }) let $contextStore: ContextStore contextStore.subscribe((it) => { $contextStore = it }) let $selectionStore: SelectionStore selectionStore.subscribe((it) => { $selectionStore = it }) export function select ( evt: Event | undefined, offset: 1 | -1 | 0, of?: Doc, direction?: SelectDirection, noScroll?: boolean ): void { closeTooltip() if ($focusStore.provider?.select !== undefined) { $focusStore.provider?.select(offset, of, direction, noScroll) evt?.preventDefault() previewDocument.update((old) => { if (old !== undefined) { return $focusStore.focus } }) } } function SelectItem (doc: Doc | Doc[] | undefined, evt: Event): void { const focus = $focusStore.focus const provider = $selectionStore.provider ?? $focusStore.provider if (focus !== undefined) { provider?.selection.update((selection) => { const ind = selection.findIndex((it) => it._id === focus._id) if (ind === -1) { selection.push(focus) } else { selection.splice(ind, 1) } return selection }) } evt.preventDefault() } function SelectItemNone (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void { const provider = $selectionStore.provider ?? $focusStore.provider if (provider !== undefined) { provider.selection.set([]) previewDocument.set(undefined) evt.preventDefault() } } function SelectItemAll (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void { const provider = $selectionStore.provider ?? $focusStore.provider if (provider !== undefined) { const docs = ?? [] provider.selection.set(docs) previewDocument.set(undefined) evt.preventDefault() } } const MoveUp = (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void => { select(evt, -1, $focusStore.focus, 'vertical') } const MoveDown = (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void => { select(evt, 1, $focusStore.focus, 'vertical') } const MoveLeft = (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void => { select(evt, -1, $focusStore.focus, 'horizontal') } const MoveRight = (doc: Doc | undefined, evt: Event): void => { select(evt, 1, $focusStore.focus, 'horizontal') } function ShowActions (doc: Doc | Doc[] | undefined, evt: Event): void { evt.preventDefault() showPopup(view.component.ActionsPopup, { viewContext: $contextStore.getLastContext() }, 'top') } function ShowPreview (doc: Doc | Doc[] | undefined, evt: Event): void { previewDocument.update((old) => { const d = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc[0] : doc if (old?._id === d?._id) { return undefined } return d }) evt.preventDefault() } async function Open ( doc: Doc, evt: Event, props: | { component?: AnyComponent } | undefined ): Promise { evt.preventDefault() const d = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc[0] : doc const client = getClient() const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() const panelComponent = hierarchy.classHierarchyMixin(d._class, view.mixin.ObjectPanel) const component = props?.component ?? panelComponent?.component ?? view.component.EditDoc const loc = await getObjectLinkFragment(hierarchy, d, {}, component) navigate(loc) } /** * Quick action for show panel * Require props: * - component - view.component.EditDoc or another component * - element - position * - right - some right component */ function ShowPanel ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { component?: AnyComponent element: PopupPosAlignment rightSection?: AnyComponent } ): void { const d = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc[0] : doc evt.preventDefault() showPanel( props.component ?? view.component.EditDoc, d._id, Hierarchy.mixinOrClass(d), props.element ?? 'content', props.rightSection ) } /** * Quick action for show popup * Props: * - _id - object id will be placed into * - _class - object _class will be placed into * - value - object itself will be placed into * - values - all docs will be placed into * - props - some basic props, will be merged with key, _class, value, values */ async function ShowPopup ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { component: AnyComponent element?: PopupPosAlignment | Resource<(e?: Event) => PopupAlignment | undefined> _id?: string _class?: string _space?: string value?: string values?: string props?: Record fillProps?: Record } ): Promise { const docs = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : doc !== undefined ? [doc] : [] const element = await getPopupAlignment(props.element, evt) evt.preventDefault() const cprops = { ...(props?.props ?? {}) } for (const [docKey, propKey] of Object.entries(props.fillProps ?? {})) { for (const dv of docs) { const dvv = (dv as any)[docKey] if (dvv !== undefined) { ;(cprops as any)[propKey] = dvv } } if (docKey === '_object') { ;(cprops as any)[propKey] = docs[0] } else if (docKey === '_objects') { ;(cprops as any)[propKey] = docs.length === 1 ? docs[0] : docs } } showPopup(props.component, cprops, element) } /** * Quick action for show popup * Props: * - attribute - to show editor for specific attribute * - props - some basic props, will be merged with key, _class, value, values */ async function ShowEditor ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { element?: PopupPosAlignment | Resource<(e?: Event) => PopupAlignment | undefined> attribute: string props?: Record } ): Promise { const docs = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : doc !== undefined ? [doc] : [] evt.preventDefault() let cprops = { ...(props?.props ?? {}) } if (docs.length === 1) { const client = getClient() const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() const doc: Doc = docs[0] const attribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(doc._class, props.attribute) const typeClass = hierarchy.getClass(attribute.type._class) const attributeEditorMixin =, view.mixin.AttributeEditor) if (attributeEditorMixin?.popup === undefined) { throw new Error(`failed to find editor popup for ${typeClass._id}`) } const editor: AnySvelteComponent = await getResource(attributeEditorMixin.popup) cprops = { ...cprops, ...{ value: (doc as any)[props.attribute] } } if (editor !== undefined) { console.log('EVT', evt) showPopup( editor, cprops, { getBoundingClientRect: () => new DOMRect((evt as MouseEvent).clientX, (evt as MouseEvent).clientY) }, (result) => { if (result != null) { void updateAttribute(client, doc, doc._class, { key: props.attribute, attr: attribute }, result) } } ) } } } function UpdateDocument (doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: Record): void { async function update (): Promise { if (props?.key !== undefined && props?.value !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(doc)) { for (const d of doc) { await getClient().update(d, { [props.key]: props.value }) } } else { await getClient().update(doc, { [props.key]: props.value }) } } } if (props?.ask === true) { showPopup( MessageBox, { label: props.label ?? view.string.LabelYes, message: props.message ?? view.string.LabelYes }, undefined, (result: boolean) => { if (result) { void update() } } ) } else { void update() } } function ValueSelector ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { actionPopup: AnyComponent attribute: string // Class object finder _class?: Ref> query?: DocumentQuery // Will copy values from selection document to query // If set of docs passed, will do $in for values. fillQuery?: Record // A list of fields with matched values to perform action. docMatches?: string[] searchField?: string // Or list of values to select from values?: Array<{ icon?: Asset, label: IntlString, id: number | string }> placeholder?: IntlString } ): void { showPopup(view.component.ValueSelector, { ...props, value: doc, width: 'large' }, 'top') } function AttributeSelector ( doc: Doc | Doc[], evt: Event, props: { actionPopup: AnyComponent attribute: string values?: Array<{ icon?: Asset, label: IntlString, id: number | string }> isAction?: boolean valueKey?: string } ): void { const client = getClient() const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() const docArray = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : [doc] const attribute = hierarchy.getAttribute(docArray[0]._class, props.attribute) showPopup(props.actionPopup, { ...props, [props.valueKey ?? 'value']: docArray, width: 'large' }, 'top', (result) => { if (result != null) { for (const docEl of docArray) { void updateAttribute(client, docEl, docEl._class, { key: props.attribute, attr: attribute }, result) } } }) } async function getPopupAlignment ( element?: PopupPosAlignment | Resource<(e?: Event) => PopupAlignment | undefined>, evt?: Event ): Promise { if (element === undefined) { return undefined } if (isPopupPosAlignment(element)) { return element } try { const alignmentGetter: (e?: Event) => PopupAlignment | undefined = await getResource(element) return alignmentGetter(evt) } catch (e) { return element as PopupAlignment } } /** * @public */ export const actionImpl = { CopyTextToClipboard, Delete, Archive, Move, MoveUp, MoveDown, MoveLeft, MoveRight, SelectItem, SelectItemNone, SelectItemAll, ShowActions, ShowPreview, Open, UpdateDocument, ShowPanel, ShowPopup, ShowEditor, ValueSelector, AttributeSelector }