import { type Calendar, type Event, type ReccuringEvent, type ReccuringInstance, generateEventId } from '@hcengineering/calendar' import { type IdMap, type Timestamp, getCurrentAccount, toIdMap, type DocumentUpdate } from '@hcengineering/core' import { createQuery, getClient } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import { showPopup, closePopup, DAY } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { writable } from 'svelte/store' import calendar from './plugin' import UpdateRecInstancePopup from './components/UpdateRecInstancePopup.svelte' export function saveUTC (date: Timestamp): Timestamp { const utcdate = new Date(date) return Date.UTC( utcdate.getFullYear(), utcdate.getMonth(), utcdate.getDate(), utcdate.getHours(), utcdate.getMinutes(), utcdate.getSeconds(), utcdate.getMilliseconds() ) } export function hidePrivateEvents (events: Event[], calendars: IdMap, allowMe: boolean = true): Event[] { const me = getCurrentAccount()._id const res: Event[] = [] for (const event of events) { if ((event.createdBy ?? event.modifiedBy) === me && allowMe) { res.push(event) } else { if (event.visibility !== undefined) { if (event.visibility !== 'private') { res.push(event) } } else { const calendar = calendars.get(event.calendar) if (calendar != null && calendar.visibility !== 'private') { res.push(event) } } } } return res } export function isReadOnly (value: Event): boolean { const me = getCurrentAccount()._id if (value.createdBy !== me) return true if (['owner', 'writer'].includes(value.access)) return false return true } export function isVisible (value: Event, calendars: IdMap): boolean { const me = getCurrentAccount()._id if (value.createdBy === me) return true if (value.visibility === 'freeBusy') { return false } else if (value.visibility === 'public') { return true } const calendar = calendars.get(value.calendar) if (calendar == null) { return true } else { return calendar.visibility === 'public' } } export const calendarByIdStore = writable>(new Map()) export const calendarStore = writable([]) export const visibleCalendarStore = writable([]) function fillStores (): void { const client = getClient() if (client !== undefined) { const query = createQuery(true) query.query(calendar.class.Calendar, {}, (res) => { calendarStore.set(res) visibleCalendarStore.set(res.filter((p) => !p.hidden)) calendarByIdStore.set(toIdMap(res)) }) } else { setTimeout(() => { fillStores() }, 50) } } fillStores() export async function updatePast (ops: DocumentUpdate, object: ReccuringInstance): Promise { const client = getClient() const origin = await client.findOne(calendar.class.ReccuringEvent, { eventId: object.recurringEventId, calendar: object.calendar }) if (origin !== undefined) { await client.addCollection( calendar.class.ReccuringEvent,, origin.attachedTo, origin.attachedToClass, origin.collection, { ...origin, date:, dueDate: object.dueDate, ...ops, eventId: generateEventId() } ) const targetDate = ?? await client.update(origin, { rules: [{ ...origin.rules[0], endDate: targetDate - DAY }], rdate: origin.rdate.filter((p) => p < targetDate) }) const instances = await client.findAll(calendar.class.ReccuringInstance, { recurringEventId: origin.eventId, date: { $gte: targetDate } }) for (const instance of instances) { await client.remove(instance) } } } export async function updateReccuringInstance ( ops: DocumentUpdate, object: ReccuringInstance ): Promise { const client = getClient() if (object.virtual !== true) { await client.update(object, ops) return true } else { return await new Promise((resolve) => { showPopup(UpdateRecInstancePopup, { currentAvailable: ops.rules === undefined }, undefined, async (res) => { if (res !== null) { try { if (res.mode === 'current') { await client.addCollection( object._class,, object.attachedTo, object.attachedToClass, object.collection, { title: object.title, description: object.description, date:, dueDate: object.dueDate, allDay: object.allDay, participants: object.participants, externalParticipants: object.externalParticipants, originalStartTime: object.originalStartTime, recurringEventId: object.recurringEventId, reminders: object.reminders, location: object.location, eventId: object.eventId, calendar: object.calendar, access: 'owner', rules: object.rules, exdate: object.exdate, rdate: object.rdate, timeZone: object.timeZone, ...ops }, object._id ) resolve(true) } else if (res.mode === 'all') { const base = await client.findOne(calendar.class.ReccuringEvent, { calendar: object.calendar, eventId: object.recurringEventId }) if (base !== undefined) { if ( !== undefined) { const diff = - = - diff } if (ops.dueDate !== undefined) { const diff = object.dueDate - ops.dueDate ops.dueDate = base.dueDate - diff } await client.update(base, ops) resolve(true) } resolve(false) } else if (res.mode === 'next') { await updatePast(ops, object) resolve(true) } resolve(false) } catch { resolve(false) } } else { resolve(false) } closePopup() }) }) } }