// // Copyright © 2020 Anticrm Platform Contributors. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import type { Client, Doc } from '@anticrm/core' import { IntlString, OK, Resources, Severity, Status, translate } from '@anticrm/platform' import { ObjectSearchResult } from '@anticrm/presentation' import { Applicant, Review } from '@anticrm/recruit' import task from '@anticrm/task' import { showPopup } from '@anticrm/ui' import ApplicationItem from './components/ApplicationItem.svelte' import ApplicationPresenter from './components/ApplicationPresenter.svelte' import Applications from './components/Applications.svelte' import ApplicationsPresenter from './components/ApplicationsPresenter.svelte' import CreateApplication from './components/CreateApplication.svelte' import CreateCandidate from './components/CreateCandidate.svelte' import CreateVacancy from './components/CreateVacancy.svelte' import EditApplication from './components/EditApplication.svelte' import EditVacancy from './components/EditVacancy.svelte' import KanbanCard from './components/KanbanCard.svelte' import CreateOpinion from './components/review/CreateOpinion.svelte' import CreateReview from './components/review/CreateReview.svelte' import EditReview from './components/review/EditReview.svelte' import OpinionPresenter from './components/review/OpinionPresenter.svelte' import Opinions from './components/review/Opinions.svelte' import OpinionsPresenter from './components/review/OpinionsPresenter.svelte' import ReviewPresenter from './components/review/ReviewPresenter.svelte' import Reviews from './components/review/Reviews.svelte' import SkillsView from './components/SkillsView.svelte' import TemplatesIcon from './components/TemplatesIcon.svelte' import Vacancies from './components/Vacancies.svelte' import VacancyCountPresenter from './components/VacancyCountPresenter.svelte' import VacancyItemPresenter from './components/VacancyItemPresenter.svelte' import VacancyModifiedPresenter from './components/VacancyModifiedPresenter.svelte' import VacancyPresenter from './components/VacancyPresenter.svelte' import NewCandidateHeader from './components/NewCandidateHeader.svelte' import recruit from './plugin' async function createOpinion (object: Doc): Promise { showPopup(CreateOpinion, { space: object.space, review: object._id }) } export async function applicantValidator (applicant: Applicant, client: Client): Promise { if (applicant.attachedTo === undefined) { return new Status(Severity.INFO, recruit.status.TalentRequired, {}) } if (applicant.space === undefined) { return new Status(Severity.INFO, recruit.status.VacancyRequired, {}) } const applicants = await client.findAll(recruit.class.Applicant, { space: applicant.space, attachedTo: applicant.attachedTo }) if (applicants.filter((p) => p._id !== applicant._id).length > 0) { return new Status(Severity.ERROR, recruit.status.ApplicationExists, {}) } return OK } export async function reviewValidator (review: Review, client: Client): Promise { if (review.attachedTo === undefined) { return new Status(Severity.INFO, recruit.status.TalentRequired, {}) } if (review.space === undefined) { return new Status(Severity.INFO, recruit.status.ReviewCategoryRequired, {}) } return OK } export async function queryApplication (client: Client, search: string): Promise { const _class = recruit.class.Applicant const cl = client.getHierarchy().getClass(_class) const shortLabel = (await translate(cl.shortLabel ?? ('' as IntlString), {})).toUpperCase() // Check number pattern const sequence = (await client.findOne(task.class.Sequence, { attachedTo: _class }))?.sequence ?? 0 const named = new Map( ( await client.findAll(_class, { $search: search }, { limit: 200, lookup: { attachedTo: recruit.mixin.Candidate } }) ).map((e) => [e._id, e]) ) const nids: number[] = [] if (sequence > 0) { for (let n = 0; n < sequence; n++) { const v = `${n}` if (v.includes(search)) { nids.push(n) } } const numbered = await client.findAll( _class, { number: { $in: nids } }, { limit: 200, lookup: { attachedTo: recruit.mixin.Candidate } } ) for (const d of numbered) { if (!named.has(d._id)) { named.set(d._id, d) } } } return Array.from(named.values()).map((e) => ({ doc: e, title: `${shortLabel}-${e.number}`, icon: recruit.icon.Application, component: ApplicationItem })) } export default async (): Promise => ({ actionImpl: { CreateOpinion: createOpinion }, validator: { ApplicantValidator: applicantValidator, ReviewValidator: reviewValidator }, component: { CreateVacancy, CreateApplication, EditApplication, KanbanCard, ApplicationPresenter, ApplicationsPresenter, EditVacancy, TemplatesIcon, Applications, CreateCandidate, VacancyPresenter, SkillsView, Vacancies, VacancyItemPresenter, VacancyCountPresenter, VacancyModifiedPresenter, CreateReview, ReviewPresenter, EditReview, Reviews, Opinions, OpinionPresenter, OpinionsPresenter, NewCandidateHeader }, completion: { ApplicationQuery: async (client: Client, query: string) => await queryApplication(client, query) } })