// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { Employee } from '@hcengineering/contact' import { Arr, Class, Domain, DOMAIN_MODEL, IndexKind, Markup, Ref, Type } from '@hcengineering/core' import { Department, DepartmentMember, hrId, Request, RequestType, Staff, TzDate } from '@hcengineering/hr' import { ArrOf, Builder, Collection, Hidden, Index, Mixin, Model, Prop, TypeIntlString, TypeMarkup, TypeRef, TypeString, UX } from '@hcengineering/model' import attachment from '@hcengineering/model-attachment' import calendar from '@hcengineering/model-calendar' import chunter from '@hcengineering/model-chunter' import contact, { TEmployee, TEmployeeAccount } from '@hcengineering/model-contact' import core, { TAttachedDoc, TDoc, TSpace, TType } from '@hcengineering/model-core' import view, { classPresenter, createAction } from '@hcengineering/model-view' import workbench from '@hcengineering/model-workbench' import { Asset, IntlString } from '@hcengineering/platform' import hr from './plugin' export const DOMAIN_HR = 'hr' as Domain @Model(hr.class.Department, core.class.Space) @UX(hr.string.Department, hr.icon.Department) export class TDepartment extends TSpace implements Department { @Prop(TypeRef(hr.class.Department), hr.string.ParentDepartmentLabel) @Index(IndexKind.Indexed) declare space: Ref @Prop(TypeString(), core.string.Name) @Index(IndexKind.FullText) name!: string @Prop(Collection(contact.class.Channel), contact.string.ContactInfo) channels?: number @Prop(Collection(attachment.class.Attachment), attachment.string.Attachments, undefined, attachment.string.Files) attachments?: number @Prop(Collection(chunter.class.Comment), chunter.string.Comments) comments?: number avatar?: string | null @Prop(TypeRef(contact.class.Employee), hr.string.TeamLead) teamLead!: Ref | null @Prop(ArrOf(TypeRef(hr.class.DepartmentMember)), contact.string.Members) declare members: Arr> } @Model(hr.class.DepartmentMember, contact.class.EmployeeAccount) @UX(contact.string.Employee, hr.icon.HR) export class TDepartmentMember extends TEmployeeAccount implements DepartmentMember {} @Mixin(hr.mixin.Staff, contact.class.Employee) @UX(hr.string.Staff, hr.icon.HR) export class TStaff extends TEmployee implements Staff { @Prop(TypeRef(hr.class.Department), hr.string.Department) department!: Ref } @Model(hr.class.RequestType, core.class.Doc, DOMAIN_MODEL) @UX(hr.string.RequestType) export class TRequestType extends TDoc implements RequestType { @Prop(TypeIntlString(), core.string.Name) label!: IntlString icon!: Asset value!: number color!: number } @Model(hr.class.TzDate, core.class.Type) @UX(core.string.Timestamp) export class TTzDate extends TType { year!: number month!: number day!: number offset!: number } /** * @public */ export function TypeTzDate (): Type { return { _class: hr.class.TzDate, label: core.string.Timestamp } } @Model(hr.class.Request, core.class.AttachedDoc, DOMAIN_HR) @UX(hr.string.Request, hr.icon.PTO) export class TRequest extends TAttachedDoc implements Request { @Prop(TypeRef(hr.mixin.Staff), contact.string.Employee) @Index(IndexKind.Indexed) declare attachedTo: Ref @Index(IndexKind.Indexed) declare attachedToClass: Ref> @Prop(TypeRef(hr.class.Department), hr.string.Department) @Index(IndexKind.Indexed) declare space: Ref @Prop(TypeRef(hr.class.RequestType), hr.string.RequestType) @Hidden() type!: Ref @Prop(Collection(chunter.class.Comment), chunter.string.Comments) comments?: number @Prop(Collection(attachment.class.Attachment), attachment.string.Attachments, undefined, attachment.string.Files) attachments?: number @Prop(TypeMarkup(), core.string.Description) @Index(IndexKind.FullText) description!: Markup @Prop(TypeTzDate(), calendar.string.Date) tzDate!: TzDate @Prop(TypeTzDate(), calendar.string.DueTo) tzDueDate!: TzDate } export function createModel (builder: Builder): void { builder.createModel(TDepartment, TDepartmentMember, TRequest, TRequestType, TStaff, TTzDate) builder.createDoc( workbench.class.Application, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.HRApplication, icon: hr.icon.HR, alias: hrId, hidden: false, navigatorModel: { specials: [ { id: 'structure', component: hr.component.Structure, icon: hr.icon.Structure, label: hr.string.Structure, position: 'top' }, { id: 'schedule', component: hr.component.Schedule, icon: calendar.icon.Calendar, label: hr.string.Schedule, position: 'top' } ], spaces: [] } }, hr.app.HR ) builder.mixin(hr.class.Department, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributeEditor, { inlineEditor: hr.component.DepartmentEditor }) builder.mixin(hr.class.Department, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectEditor, { editor: hr.component.EditDepartment }) builder.mixin(hr.class.Request, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectEditor, { editor: hr.component.EditRequest }) builder.mixin(hr.class.DepartmentMember, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ArrayEditor, { editor: hr.component.DepartmentStaff }) classPresenter(builder, hr.class.TzDate, hr.component.TzDatePresenter, hr.component.TzDateEditor) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.Vacation, icon: hr.icon.Vacation, color: 2, value: -1 }, hr.ids.Vacation ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.Sick, icon: hr.icon.Sick, color: 11, value: -1 }, hr.ids.Sick ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.PTO, icon: hr.icon.PTO, color: 9, value: -1 }, hr.ids.PTO ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.PTO2, icon: hr.icon.PTO, color: 9, value: -0.5 }, hr.ids.PTO2 ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.Overtime, icon: hr.icon.Overtime, color: 5, value: 1 }, hr.ids.Overtime ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.Overtime2, icon: hr.icon.Overtime, color: 5, value: 0.5 }, hr.ids.Overtime2 ) builder.createDoc( hr.class.RequestType, core.space.Model, { label: hr.string.Remote, icon: hr.icon.Remote, color: 4, value: 0 }, hr.ids.Remote ) createAction( builder, { action: view.actionImpl.ShowPanel, actionProps: {}, label: view.string.Open, icon: view.icon.Open, keyBinding: ['e'], input: 'any', category: hr.category.HR, target: hr.class.Department, context: { mode: 'context', application: hr.app.HR, group: 'create' } }, hr.action.EditDepartment ) createAction( builder, { action: view.actionImpl.Delete, label: view.string.Delete, icon: view.icon.Delete, input: 'any', category: hr.category.HR, keyBinding: ['Meta + Backspace', 'Ctrl + Backspace'], query: { 'members.length': 0, _id: { $nin: [hr.ids.Head] } }, target: hr.class.Department, context: { mode: 'context', application: hr.app.HR, group: 'create' } }, hr.action.DeleteDepartment ) createAction( builder, { action: view.actionImpl.ShowPanel, actionProps: {}, label: view.string.Open, icon: view.icon.Open, keyBinding: ['e'], input: 'any', category: hr.category.HR, target: hr.class.Request, context: { mode: 'context', application: hr.app.HR, group: 'create' } }, hr.action.EditRequest ) builder.createDoc( view.class.Viewlet, core.space.Model, { attachTo: hr.mixin.Staff, descriptor: view.viewlet.Table, config: [ '', { key: '$lookup.channels', label: contact.string.ContactInfo, sortingKey: ['$lookup.channels.lastMessage', 'channels'] }, 'modifiedOn' ], hiddenKeys: [] }, hr.viewlet.TableMember ) builder.createDoc( view.class.Viewlet, core.space.Model, { attachTo: hr.mixin.Staff, descriptor: view.viewlet.Table, config: [''], hiddenKeys: [] }, hr.viewlet.StaffStats ) createAction(builder, { action: view.actionImpl.ValueSelector, actionPopup: view.component.ValueSelector, actionProps: { attribute: 'department', _class: hr.class.Department, query: {}, searchField: 'name', placeholder: hr.string.Department }, label: hr.string.Department, icon: hr.icon.Department, keyBinding: [], input: 'none', category: hr.category.HR, target: hr.mixin.Staff, context: { mode: ['context'], application: hr.app.HR, group: 'associate' } }) builder.mixin(hr.class.Request, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributePresenter, { presenter: hr.component.RequestPresenter }) } export { hrOperation } from './migration' export { default } from './plugin'