import attachment, { Attachment } from '@hcengineering/attachment' import contact, { Channel, Employee, Contact as PContact, PersonAccount, getFirstName, getLastName } from '@hcengineering/contact' import core, { Account, AttachedDoc, Blob, Client, Doc, Hierarchy, MeasureContext, Ref, Tx, TxCollectionCUD, TxCreateDoc, TxFactory, TxOperations, TxProcessor, TxRemoveDoc, TxUpdateDoc } from '@hcengineering/core' import type { StorageAdapter } from '@hcengineering/server-core' import { generateToken } from '@hcengineering/server-token' import settingP from '@hcengineering/setting' import telegramP, { NewTelegramMessage } from '@hcengineering/telegram' import type { Collection } from 'mongodb' import { Api } from 'telegram' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import config from './config' import { platformToTelegram, telegramToPlatform } from './markup' import { MsgQueue } from './queue' import type { TelegramConnectionInterface } from './telegram' import { telegram } from './telegram' import { Event, LastMsgRecord, TelegramMessage, TgUser, UserRecord, WorkspaceChannel } from './types' import { createPlatformClient, getFiles, normalizeValue } from './utils' export class WorkspaceWorker { private readonly clients = new Map< string, { conn: TelegramConnectionInterface queue?: MsgQueue } >() private channels: Map = new Map() private channelsById: Map, Channel> = new Map, Channel>() private readonly hierarchy: Hierarchy private constructor ( private readonly ctx: MeasureContext, private readonly client: Client, private readonly storageAdapter: StorageAdapter, private readonly workspace: string, private readonly userStorage: Collection, private readonly lastMsgStorage: Collection, private readonly channelsStorage: Collection ) { // eslint-disable-next-line this.client.notify = (...tx) => void this.txHandler(...tx) this.hierarchy = this.client.getHierarchy() } private async init (): Promise { await this.initChannels() const recs = await this.userStorage.find({ workspace: this.workspace }).toArray() await Promise.all( (r) => { await this.initClient(r) }) ) recs.forEach((rec) => { void this.gatherMessages(rec) void this.sendNewMsgs(rec) }) } private async initClient (rec: UserRecord): Promise { const conn = await telegram.create(, rec.token ?? '') this.clients.set(, { conn }) } private async txHandler (...txes: Tx[]): Promise { for (const tx of txes) { switch (tx._class) { case core.class.TxCreateDoc: { await this.txCreateDoc(tx as TxCreateDoc) return } case core.class.TxCollectionCUD: { await this.txCollectionCUD(tx as TxCollectionCUD) return } case core.class.TxUpdateDoc: { await this.txUpdateDoc(tx as TxUpdateDoc) return } case core.class.TxRemoveDoc: { await this.txRemoveDoc(tx as TxRemoveDoc) } } } } private async txCreateDoc (tx: TxCreateDoc): Promise { if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(tx.objectClass, contact.class.Channel)) { await this.createChannelHandler(tx) } if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(tx.objectClass, telegramP.class.NewMessage)) { const doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(tx as TxCreateDoc) try { await this.sendMsg(doc) } catch (err: any) { console.log(err) } } } private async txCollectionCUD (tx: TxCollectionCUD): Promise { await this.txHandler(tx.tx) } private async txUpdateDoc (tx: TxUpdateDoc): Promise { if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(tx.objectClass, contact.class.Channel)) { await this.updateChannelHandler(tx) } if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(tx.objectClass, contact.mixin.Employee)) { await this.handleEmployeeUpdate(tx) } } private async txRemoveDoc (tx: TxRemoveDoc): Promise { if (this.hierarchy.isDerived(tx.objectClass, contact.class.Channel)) { await this.removeChannelHandler(tx) } } async close (): Promise { await Promise.all( [...this.clients.values()].map(async (client) => { await client.conn.close() }) ) this.clients.clear() } static async create ( ctx: MeasureContext, storageAdapter: StorageAdapter, workspace: string, userStorage: Collection, lastMsgStorage: Collection, channelsStorage: Collection ): Promise { const token = generateToken(config.SystemEmail, { name: workspace }) const client = await createPlatformClient(token) const worker = new WorkspaceWorker( ctx, client, storageAdapter, workspace, userStorage, lastMsgStorage, channelsStorage ) await worker.init() return worker } // #region Users async addUser ({ email, phone, conn }: TgUser): Promise { const user = (await this.client.findAll(core.class.Account, { email }, { limit: 1 }))[0] if (user === undefined) { throw Error(`Unable to find user by email: ${email}`) } const token = conn.getToken() if (token === undefined) { throw Error('Unable to get telegram token') } const res = await this.userStorage.insertOne({ userId: user._id, email, workspace: this.workspace, phone, token }) const rec = await this.userStorage.findOne({ _id: res.insertedId }) if (rec === null) { console.error( `Something went wrong, failed to get inserted obj: ${ this.userStorage.collectionName }/${res.insertedId.toString()}` ) return } this.clients.set(phone, { conn }) void this.gatherMessages(rec) } async checkUsers (): Promise { const employees = await this.client.findAll(contact.mixin.Employee, { active: false }) const accounts = await this.client.findAll(contact.class.PersonAccount, { person: { $in: => p._id) } }) for (const acc of accounts) { await this.deactivateUser(acc._id) } } private async deactivateUser (acc: Ref): Promise { const res = await this.userStorage.findOne({ userId: acc, workspace: this.workspace }) if (res !== null) { const client = this.clients.get( if (client === undefined) { return } await client.conn.signOut() await this.clearOutdatedConnection( } } private filterUsers (users: Api.User[]): Api.User[] { return users.filter((p) => this.getChannel(p) !== undefined) } private async handleEmployeeUpdate (tx: TxUpdateDoc): Promise { const ctx = tx as TxUpdateDoc if ( === false) { const acc = await this.client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { person: ctx.objectId }) if (acc !== undefined) { await this.deactivateUser(acc._id) } } } async removeUser ({ phone }: Pick): Promise { const client = this.clients.get(phone) if (client === undefined) { return } await client.conn.signOut() await this.clearOutdatedConnection(phone, true) } private async clearOutdatedConnection (phone: string, signOut: boolean = false): Promise { const client = this.clients.get(phone) if (client === undefined) { return } await client.conn.close() this.clients.delete(phone) const rec = await this.userStorage.findOne({ workspace: this.workspace, phone }) if (rec === null) { return } await this.userStorage.deleteOne({ _id: rec._id }) const integration = await this.client.findOne(settingP.class.Integration, { type: telegramP.integrationType.Telegram, createdBy: rec.userId as Ref }) if (integration === undefined) { return } const txOp = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System) if (signOut) { console.log('Signout', this.workspace, phone) await txOp.remove(integration) } else { console.log('Disable', this.workspace, phone) await txOp.update(integration, { disabled: true }) } } // #endregion // #region Messages async sendMsg (msg: NewTelegramMessage): Promise { const rec = await this.userStorage.findOne({ userId: msg.modifiedBy }) if (rec === undefined || rec?.phone === undefined) return const client = this.clients.get( if (client === undefined) { throw Error('Failed to find connection') } const channel = this.channelsById.get(msg.attachedTo as Ref) if (channel === undefined) return const target = normalizeValue(channel.value) const importRequired = await client.conn.isContactImportRequired(target) if (importRequired) { const contact = await this.client.findOne(channel.attachedToClass, { _id: channel.attachedTo as Ref }) if (contact === undefined) { throw new Error("Couldn't find contact by id" + channel.attachedTo) } await client.conn.addContact({ lastName: getLastName(, firstName: getFirstName(, phone: target }) } const { message, entities } = platformToTelegram(msg.content) const files = await this.getFiles(msg) if (files.length < 2) { const res = await client.conn.sendMsg(target, message, entities, files.shift()) const user = await res.getChat() if (user?.className !== 'User') { return } client.queue?.add({ msg: res, user }) } else { for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = files[i] const res = i === 0 ? await client.conn.sendMsg(target, message, entities, file) : await client.conn.sendMsg(target, '', [], file) const user = await res.getChat() if (user?.className !== 'User') { return } client.queue?.add({ msg: res, user }) } } const factory = new TxFactory(msg.modifiedBy) const tx = factory.createTxUpdateDoc(msg._class,, msg._id, { status: 'sent' }) await this.client.tx(tx) } private async getUserOlderMsgs (user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, conn: TelegramConnectionInterface): Promise { const channels = this.getChannel(user) if (channels === undefined) return for (const channel of channels) { await this.getUserOlderChannelMsgs(user, record, conn, channel) } } private async getLastMsg (user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, channelID: string): Promise { try { let res = await this.lastMsgStorage.findOne({ workspace: this.workspace, phone:, channelID, participantID: }) if (res === null) { const lastMsgId = ( await this.lastMsgStorage.insertOne({ maxMsgId: 0, minMsgId: 0, participantID:, phone:, channelID, workspace: this.workspace }) ).insertedId res = await this.lastMsgStorage.findOne({ _id: lastMsgId }) } return res } catch (e) { console.error(e) return null } } async loadChannelUserMsgs ( user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, conn: TelegramConnectionInterface, channel: Channel ): Promise { const lastMsg = await this.getLastMsg(user, record, channel._id) if (lastMsg === null) { console.error("Couldn't create last message record") return 0 } try { const msgs = conn.getMsgs(user, undefined, lastMsg.maxMsgId, 500) for await (const msg of msgs) { await this.savePlatformMessage(msg, user, record, channel, lastMsg) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } await this.lastMsgStorage.updateOne( { _id: lastMsg._id }, { $set: { minMsgId: lastMsg.minMsgId, maxMsgId: lastMsg.maxMsgId } } ) return lastMsg.maxMsgId } private async savePlatformMessage ( msg: Api.Message, user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, channel: Channel, lastMsg: LastMsgRecord ): Promise { try { const tx = this.makePlatformMsg({ msg, user }, record, channel) await this.client.tx(tx) void this.makePlatformAttachments({ msg, user }, record, tx) lastMsg.maxMsgId = Math.max(lastMsg.maxMsgId, lastMsg.minMsgId = Math.min(lastMsg.minMsgId, if (lastMsg.minMsgId === 0) { lastMsg.minMsgId = } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } async loadUserMsgs (user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, conn: TelegramConnectionInterface): Promise { const channels = this.getChannel(user) if (channels === undefined) return 0 const ids: number[] = [] for (const channel of channels) { const id = await this.loadChannelUserMsgs(user, record, conn, channel) ids.push(id) } let maxID = 0 for (const id of ids) { maxID = Math.max(id, maxID) } return maxID } async getUserOlderChannelMsgs ( user: Api.User, record: UserRecord, conn: TelegramConnectionInterface, channel: Channel ): Promise { const lastMsg = await this.getLastMsg(user, record, channel._id) if (lastMsg === null) { console.error("Couldn't create last message record") return } let userMinID: number = lastMsg.minMsgId try { const msgs = conn.getMsgs(user, lastMsg.minMsgId) for await (const msg of msgs) { try { const tx = this.makePlatformMsg({ msg, user }, record, channel) await this.client.tx(tx) await this.makePlatformAttachments({ msg, user }, record, tx) if ( < userMinID || userMinID === 0) { userMinID = await this.lastMsgStorage.updateOne( { _id: lastMsg._id }, { $set: { minMsgId: userMinID } } ) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) continue } } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } finally { await this.lastMsgStorage.updateOne( { _id: lastMsg._id }, { $set: { minMsgId: userMinID } } ) } } private async sendNewMsgs (record: UserRecord): Promise { const newMessages = await this.client.findAll(telegramP.class.NewMessage, { modifiedBy: record.userId as Ref, status: 'new' }) for (const message of newMessages) { try { await this.sendMsg(message) } catch (err: any) { console.log('Error while sending new message', record.workspace, record.userId, JSON.stringify(err)) } } } private makePlatformMsg ( event: Event, record: UserRecord, channel: Channel ): TxCollectionCUD { const factory = new TxFactory(record.userId as Ref) const tx = factory.createTxCollectionCUD( channel._class, channel._id,, 'items', factory.createTxCreateDoc(telegramP.class.Message,, { attachedTo: channel._id, attachedToClass: channel._class, collection: 'items', sendOn: * 1000, content: telegramToPlatform(event.msg), incoming: event.msg.out !== true }) ) tx.tx.modifiedOn = * 1000 return tx } private async gatherMessages (record: UserRecord): Promise { const client = this.clients.get( if (client === undefined) { return } const allUsers = await client.conn.getUsers().catch(() => []) const users = this.filterUsers(allUsers) const queue = new MsgQueue(true, async (event: Event) => { try { const channels = this.getChannel(event.user) if (channels === undefined) return for (const channel of channels) { const lastMsg = await this.getLastMsg(event.user, record, channel._id) if (lastMsg === null) { console.error("Couldn't create last message record") continue } await this.savePlatformMessage(event.msg, event.user, record, channel, lastMsg) await this.lastMsgStorage.updateOne( { _id: lastMsg._id }, { $set: { minMsgId: lastMsg.minMsgId, maxMsgId: lastMsg.maxMsgId } } ) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }) client.queue = queue client.conn.sub((user, msg) => { queue.add({ user, msg }) }) const promises: Array> = [] for (const user of users) { promises.push(this.loadUserMsgs(user, record, client.conn)) } const ids = await Promise.all(promises) let maxID = 0 for (const id of ids) { maxID = Math.max(id, maxID) } queue.dropBefore(maxID) queue.unpause() for (const user of users) { void this.getUserOlderMsgs(user, record, client.conn) } } // #region Attachments private async getFiles (msg: NewTelegramMessage): Promise { const attachments = await this.client.findAll(attachment.class.Attachment, { attachedTo: msg._id }) const res: Buffer[] = [] for (const attachment of attachments) { const chunks = await, { name: this.workspace }, attachment.file) const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks) if (buffer.length > 0) { res.push( Object.assign(buffer, { name: }) ) } } return res } private async makePlatformAttachments ( event: Event, record: UserRecord, createTx: TxCollectionCUD ): Promise { const msg = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(createTx.tx as TxCreateDoc) const factory = new TxFactory(record.userId as Ref) const files = await getFiles(event.msg) for (const file of files) { try { const id = uuid() file.size = file.size ?? file.file.length await this.storageAdapter.put(this.ctx, { name: this.workspace }, id, file.file, file.type, file.size) const tx = factory.createTxCollectionCUD( msg._class, msg._id,, 'attachments', factory.createTxCreateDoc(attachment.class.Attachment,, { name:, file: id as Ref, type: file.type, size: file.size, lastModified: file.lastModified, collection: 'attachments', attachedTo: msg._id, attachedToClass: msg._class }) ) tx.modifiedOn = * 1000 tx.tx.modifiedOn = * 1000 await this.client.tx(tx) } catch (e) { console.error(e) continue } } } // #endregion // #endregion // #region Channels private async initChannels (): Promise { const oldChannels = await this.channelsStorage .find({ workspace: this.workspace }) .toArray() const oldChannelsSet = new Set( => p.value)) const channels = await this.getChannels() this.channels = new Map() for (const channel of channels) { this.setChannel(channel) } this.channelsById = new Map( => { return [p._id, p] }) ) for (const channel of channels) { if (!oldChannelsSet.has(channel.value)) { void this.addChannel(channel) } } for (const oldChannel of Array.from(oldChannelsSet)) { const value = normalizeValue(oldChannel) if (!this.channels.has(value)) { await this.channelsStorage.deleteOne({ workspace: this.workspace, value: oldChannel }) } } } private getChannel (user: Api.User): Channel[] | undefined { let result: Channel[] | undefined if (user.username != null) { result = this.channels.get(`@${user.username}`) } if (result === undefined && != null) { result = this.channels.get(`+${}`) } return result } private async getChannels (): Promise { return await this.client.findAll(contact.class.Channel, { provider: contact.channelProvider.Telegram }) } private async addChannel (channel: Channel): Promise { this.setChannel(channel) this.channelsById.set(channel._id, channel) await this.newChannel(channel) await this.channelsStorage.insertOne({ workspace: this.workspace, value: channel.value }) } private async removeChannel (channel: Channel): Promise { const value = normalizeValue(channel.value) const currentChannels = this.channels.get(value) if (currentChannels !== undefined) { const index = currentChannels.findIndex((p) => p._id === channel._id) if (index > -1) { currentChannels.splice(index, 1) } if (currentChannels.length === 0) { this.channels.delete(value) } } this.channelsById.delete(channel._id) await this.lastMsgStorage.deleteMany({ channelID: channel._id }) await this.channelsStorage.deleteOne({ workspace: this.workspace, value: channel.value }) } private setChannel (channel: Channel): void { const value = normalizeValue(channel.value) const current = this.channels.get(value) if (current === undefined) { this.channels.set(value, [channel]) } else { const index = current.findIndex((p) => p._id === channel._id) if (index === -1) { current.push(channel) } } } private async newChannel (channel: Channel): Promise { const recs = await this.userStorage.find({ workspace: this.workspace }).toArray() for (const record of recs) { const client = this.clients.get( if (client === undefined) { return } const user = await client.conn.getUser(channel.value) if (user === undefined) continue await this.loadChannelUserMsgs(user, record, client.conn, channel) await this.getUserOlderChannelMsgs(user, record, client.conn, channel) } } // #region TxHandlers private async createChannelHandler (tx: TxCreateDoc): Promise { const doc = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(tx as TxCreateDoc) if (doc.provider === contact.channelProvider.Telegram) { await this.addChannel(doc) } } private async updateChannelHandler (tx: TxUpdateDoc): Promise { const ctx = tx as TxUpdateDoc const channel = this.channelsById.get(ctx.objectId) if (channel !== undefined && ctx.operations.value !== undefined) { await this.removeChannel(channel) channel.value = ctx.operations.value await this.addChannel(channel) } } private async removeChannelHandler (tx: TxRemoveDoc): Promise { const ctx = tx as TxRemoveDoc const channel = this.channelsById.get(ctx.objectId) if (channel !== undefined) { await this.removeChannel(channel) } } // #endregion // #endregion }