  "string": {
    "TrackerApplication": "Tracker",
    "Projects": "Your projects",
    "More": "More",
    "Default": "Default",
    "MakeDefault": "Make default",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "Open": "Open",
    "Members": "Members",
    "Inbox": "Inbox",
    "MyIssues": "My issues",
    "ViewIssue": "View issue",
    "IssueCreated": "Issue Created",
    "Issues": "Issues",
    "Views": "Views",
    "Active": "Active",
    "AllIssues": "All issues",
    "ActiveIssues": "Active issues",
    "BacklogIssues": "Backlog",
    "Backlog": "Backlog",
    "Board": "Board",
    "Components": "Components",
    "AllComponents": "All",
    "BacklogComponents": "Backlog",
    "ActiveComponents": "Active",
    "ClosedComponents": "Closed",
    "NewComponent": "New component",
    "CreateComponent": "Create component",
    "ComponentNamePlaceholder": "Component name",
    "ComponentDescriptionPlaceholder": "Description (optional)",
    "ComponentLead": "Lead",
    "ComponentMembers": "Members",
    "StartDate": "Start date",
    "TargetDate": "Target date",
    "Planned": "Planned",
    "InProgress": "In progress",
    "Paused": "Paused",
    "Completed": "Completed",
    "Canceled": "Canceled",
    "CreateProject": "Create project",
    "NewProject": "New project",
    "ProjectTitle": "Project title",
    "ProjectTitlePlaceholder": "New project",
    "UsedInIssueIDs": "Used in issue IDs",
    "Identifier": "Identifier",
    "Import": "Import",
    "ProjectIdentifier": "Project identifier",
    "IdentifierExists": "Project identifier already exists",
    "ProjectIdentifierPlaceholder": "PRJCT",
    "ChooseIcon": "Choose icon",
    "AddIssue": "Add issue",
    "NewIssue": "New issue",
    "NewIssuePlaceholder": "New",
    "ResumeDraft": "Resume draft",
    "SaveIssue": "Create issue",
    "SetPriority": "Set priority\u2026",
    "SetStatus": "Set status\u2026",
    "SelectIssue": "Select issue",
    "Priority": "Priority",
    "NoPriority": "No priority",
    "Urgent": "Urgent",
    "High": "High",
    "Medium": "Medium",
    "Low": "Low",
    "Unassigned": "Unassigned",
    "Back": "Back",
    "List": "List",
    "NumberLabels": "{count, plural, =0 {no labels} =1 {1 label} other {# labels}}",

    "CategoryBacklog": "Backlog",
    "CategoryUnstarted": "Unstarted",
    "CategoryStarted": "Started",
    "CategoryCompleted": "Completed",
    "CategoryCanceled": "Canceled",

    "Title": "Title",
    "Name": "Name",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Status": "Status",
    "Number": "Number",
    "Assignee": "Assignee",
    "AssignTo": "Assign to...",
    "AssignedTo": "Assigned to {value}",
    "Parent": "Parent issue",
    "SetParent": "Set parent issue\u2026",
    "ChangeParent": "Change parent issue\u2026",
    "RemoveParent": "Remove parent issue",
    "OpenParent": "Open parent issue",
    "SubIssues": "Sub-issues",
    "SubIssuesList": "Sub-issues ({subIssues})",
    "OpenSubIssues": "Open sub-issues",
    "AddSubIssues": "Add sub-issue",
    "BlockedBy": "Blocked by",
    "RelatedTo": "Related to",
    "Comments": "Comments",
    "Attachments": "Attachments",
    "Labels": "Labels",
    "Component": "Component",
    "Space": "",
    "SetDueDate": "Set due date\u2026",
    "ChangeDueDate": "Change due date\u2026",
    "ModificationDate": "Updated {value}",
    "Project": "Project",
    "Issue": "Issue",
    "SubIssue": "Sub-issue",
    "Document": "",
    "DocumentIcon": "",
    "DocumentColor": "",
    "Rank": "Rank",
    "TypeIssuePriority": "Issue priority",
    "IssueTitlePlaceholder": "Issue title",
    "SubIssueTitlePlaceholder": "Sub-issue title",
    "IssueDescriptionPlaceholder": "Add description\u2026",
    "SubIssueDescriptionPlaceholder": "Add sub-issue description",
    "AddIssueTooltip": "Add issue...",
    "NewIssueDialogClose": "Do you want to close this dialog?",
    "NewIssueDialogCloseNote": "All changes will be lost",
    "RemoveComponentDialogClose": "Delete the component?",
    "RemoveComponentDialogCloseNote": "Are you sure you want to delete this component? This operation cannot be undone",
    "Grouping": "Grouping",
    "Ordering": "Ordering",
    "CompletedIssues": "Completed issues",
    "NoGrouping": "No grouping",
    "NoAssignee": "No assignee",
    "LastUpdated": "Last updated",
    "DueDate": "Due date",
    "Manual": "Manual",
    "All": "All",
    "PastWeek": "Past week",
    "PastMonth": "Past month",
    "CopyIssueUrl": "Copy issue URL to clipboard",
    "CopyIssueId": "Copy issue ID to clipboard",
    "CopyIssueBranch": "Copy Git branch name to clipboard",
    "CopyIssueTitle": "Copy issue title to clipboard",
    "AssetLabel": "Asset",
    "AddToComponent": "Add to component\u2026",
    "MoveToComponent": "Move to component\u2026",
    "NoComponent": "No component",
    "ComponentLeadTitle": "Component lead",
    "ComponentMembersTitle": "Component members",
    "ComponentLeadSearchPlaceholder": "Set component lead\u2026",
    "ComponentMembersSearchPlaceholder": "Change component members\u2026",
    "MoveToProject": "Move to project",
    "Duplicate": "Duplicate",

    "GotoIssues": "Go to issues",
    "GotoActive": "Go to active issues",
    "GotoBacklog": "Go to backlog",
    "GotoComponents": "Go to components",
    "GotoMyIssues": "Go to my issues",
    "GotoTrackerApplication": "Switch to Tracker Application",

    "CreatedOne": "Created",
    "MoveIssues": "Move issues",
    "MoveIssuesDescription": "Select the project you want to move issues to",
    "ManageAttributes": "Manage attributes",
    "KeepOriginalAttributes": "Keep original attributes",
    "KeepOriginalAttributesTooltip": "Original issue statuses and components will be kept in the new project",
    "SelectReplacement": "The following items are not available in the new project. Select a replacement.",
    "MissingItem": "MISSING ITEM",
    "Replacement": "REPLACEMENT",
    "Original": "ORIGINAL",
    "OriginalDescription": "Items from this section will be created in the new project",

    "Relations": "Relations",
    "RemoveRelation": "Remove relation...",
    "AddBlockedBy": "Mark as blocked by...",
    "AddIsBlocking": "Mark as blocking...",
    "AddRelatedIssue": "Reference another issue...",
    "RelatedIssue": "Related issue {id} - {title}",
    "BlockedIssue": "Blocked issue {id} - {title}",
    "BlockingIssue": "Blocking issue {id} - {title}",
    "BlockedBySearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to mark blocked by...",
    "IsBlockingSearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to mark as blocking...",
    "RelatedIssueSearchPlaceholder": "Search for issue to reference...",
    "Blocks": "Blocks",
    "Related": "Related",
    "RelatedIssues": "Related issues",

    "EditIssue": "Edit {title}",
    "EditWorkflowStatuses": "Edit issue statuses",
    "EditProject": "Edit project",
    "DeleteProject": "Delete project",
    "ArchiveProjectName": "Archive project {name}?",
    "ArchiveProjectConfirm": "Do you want to archive this project?",
    "DeleteProjectConfirm": "Do you want to delete this project and all issues?",
    "ProjectHasIssues": "There are existing issues in this project, are you sure that you want to archive?",
    "ManageWorkflowStatuses": "Manage project types",
    "AddWorkflowStatus": "Add issue status",
    "EditWorkflowStatus": "Edit issue status",
    "DeleteWorkflowStatus": "Delete issue status",
    "DeleteWorkflowStatusConfirm": "Do you want to delete the \"{status}\" status?",
    "DeleteWorkflowStatusErrorDescription": "The \"{status}\" status has {count, plural, =1 {1 issue} other {# issues}} assigned. Please select a status to move",

    "Save": "Save",
    "IncludeItemsThatMatch": "Include items that match",
    "AnyFilter": "any filter",
    "AllFilters": "all filters",
    "NoDescription": "No description",
    "SearchIssue": "Search for task...",

    "StatusHistory": "State History",
    "NewSubIssue": "Add sub-issue...",
    "AddLabel": "Add label",

    "DeleteIssue": "Delete {issueCount, plural, =1 {issue} other {# issues}}",
    "DeleteIssueConfirm": "Do you want to delete {issueCount, plural, =1 {issue} other {issues}}{subIssueCount, plural, =0 {?} =1 { and sub-issue?} other { and sub-issues?}}",

    "Milestone": "Milestone",
    "NoMilestone": "No Milestone",
    "MoveToMilestone": "Select Milestone",
    "Milestones": "Milestones",
    "AllMilestones": "All",
    "PlannedMilestones": "Planned",
    "ActiveMilestones": "Active",
    "ClosedMilestones": "Done",
    "AddToMilestone": "Add to Milestone",
    "MilestoneNamePlaceholder": "Milestone name",

    "NewMilestone": "New Milestone",
    "CreateMilestone": "Create",

    "MoveAndDeleteMilestone": "Move issues to {newMilestone} and delete {deleteMilestone}",
    "MoveAndDeleteMilestoneConfirm": "Do you want to delete milestone and move issues to another milestone?",

    "Estimation": "Estimation",
    "ReportedTime": "Spent time",
    "RemainingTime": "Remaining time",
    "TimeSpendReports": "Time spent reports",
    "TimeSpendReport": "Time",
    "TimeSpendReportAdd": "Add time report",
    "TimeSpendReportDate": "Date",
    "TimeSpendReportValue": "Spent time",
    "TimeSpendReportValueTooltip": "Spent time in hours",
    "TimeSpendReportDescription": "Description",
    "TimeSpendDays": "{value}d",
    "TimeSpendHours": "{value}h",
    "TimeSpendMinutes": "{value}m",
    "ChildEstimation": "Sub-issues estimation",
    "ChildReportedTime": "Sub-issues time",
    "CapacityValue": "of {value}d",
    "NewRelatedIssue": "New related issue",
    "RelatedIssuesNotFound": "Related issues not found",

    "AddedReference": "Added reference",
    "AddedAsBlocked": "Marked as blocked",
    "AddedAsBlocking": "Marked as blocking",

    "IssueTemplate": "Template",
    "IssueTemplates": "Templates",
    "NewProcess": "New template",
    "SaveProcess": "Save template",
    "NoIssueTemplate": "No template",
    "TemplateReplace": "Do you want to apply the new template?",
    "TemplateReplaceConfirm": "All fields will be overwritten by the new template values",
    "Apply": "Apply",

    "CurrentWorkDay": "Current Working Day",
    "PreviousWorkDay": "Previous Working Day",
    "TimeReportDayTypeLabel": "Select time report day type",
    "DefaultAssignee": "Default assignee for issues",

    "SevenHoursLength": "Seven Hours",
    "EightHoursLength": "Eight Hours",
    "HourLabel": "h",
    "Saved": "Saved...",
    "CreatedIssue": "Created issue",
    "CreatedSubIssue": "Created sub-issue",
    "ChangeStatus": "Change status",
    "ConfigLabel": "Tracker",
    "ConfigDescription": "Extension to manage work items and do all jobs done.",
    "NoStatusFound": "No matching status found",
    "CreateMissingStatus": "Create missing status",
    "UnsetParent": "Parent issue will be unset",
    "Unarchive": "Unarchive",
    "UnarchiveConfirm": "Do you want to unarchive project?",
    "AllProjects": "All projects",
    "IssueNotificationTitle": "{issueTitle}",
    "IssueNotificationBody": "Updated by {senderName}",
    "IssueNotificationChanged": "{senderName} changed {property}",
    "IssueNotificationChangedProperty": "{senderName} changed {property} to \"{newValue}\"",
    "IssueNotificationMessage": "{senderName}: {message}",
    "PreviousAssigned": "Previously assigned",
    "IssueAssigneedToYou": "Assigned to you",
    "RelatedIssueTargetDescription": "Related issue project target for Class or Space",
    "MapRelatedIssues": "Configure related issue default projects",
    "DefaultIssueStatus": "Default issue status",
    "IssueStatus": "Status",
    "Extensions": "Extensions",
    "RoleLabel": "Role: {role}"
  "status": {}