// // Copyright © 2020 Anticrm Platform Contributors. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { type Client, type Doc, type Ref } from '@hcengineering/core' import type { IntlString, Resource, StatusCode } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { mergeIds } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { type ObjectSearchCategory, type ObjectSearchFactory } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import recruit, { recruitId } from '@hcengineering/recruit' import { type TagCategory } from '@hcengineering/tags' import { type AnyComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { type FilterFunction, type FilterMode, type Viewlet } from '@hcengineering/view' export default mergeIds(recruitId, recruit, { viewlet: { VacancyApplicationsShort: '' as Ref, VacancyApplicationsEmbeddeed: '' as Ref }, status: { ApplicationExists: '' as StatusCode, TalentRequired: '' as StatusCode, VacancyRequired: '' as StatusCode }, string: { CreateVacancy: '' as IntlString, VacancyName: '' as IntlString, VacancyPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, VacancyDescription: '' as IntlString, CandidatesDescription: '' as IntlString, CreateAnApplication: '' as IntlString, NoVacancies: '' as IntlString, NoApplicationsForTalent: '' as IntlString, NoApplicationsForVacancy: '' as IntlString, FirstName: '' as IntlString, LastName: '' as IntlString, Talents: '' as IntlString, CreateApplication: '' as IntlString, ApplicationCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, VacancyCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, CompanyCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, SelectVacancy: '' as IntlString, TalentCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, CreateTalent: '' as IntlString, CreateTalentDialogClose: '' as IntlString, CreateTalentDialogCloseNote: '' as IntlString, ResumeDraft: '' as IntlString, AssignRecruiter: '' as IntlString, Recruiters: '' as IntlString, UnAssignRecruiter: '' as IntlString, UnAssignCompany: '' as IntlString, Create: '' as IntlString, Applications: '' as IntlString, ThisVacancyIsPrivate: '' as IntlString, Description: '' as IntlString, Verdict: '' as IntlString, Company: '' as IntlString, Edit: '' as IntlString, Delete: '' as IntlString, WorkLocationPreferences: '' as IntlString, Onsite: '' as IntlString, Remote: '' as IntlString, SkillLabel: '' as IntlString, SkillsLabel: '' as IntlString, SkillCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, General: '' as IntlString, Members: '' as IntlString, Yes: '' as IntlString, No: '' as IntlString, NA: '' as IntlString, PersonFirstNamePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, PersonLastNamePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, Location: '' as IntlString, Title: '' as IntlString, Vacancies: '' as IntlString, Organizations: '' as IntlString, CopyLink: '' as IntlString, CopyId: '' as IntlString, ReviewCreateLabel: '' as IntlString, NewReview: '' as IntlString, CreateReview: '' as IntlString, CreateReviewParams: '' as IntlString, Reviews: '' as IntlString, NoReviewForCandidate: '' as IntlString, CreateAnReview: '' as IntlString, CreateOpinion: '' as IntlString, Opinion: '' as IntlString, OpinionValue: '' as IntlString, OpinionValuePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, OpinionSave: '' as IntlString, Opinions: '' as IntlString, StartDate: '' as IntlString, DueDate: '' as IntlString, TalentReviews: '' as IntlString, AddDescription: '' as IntlString, NumberSkills: '' as IntlString, AddDropHere: '' as IntlString, Uploading: '' as IntlString, Parsing: '' as IntlString, TalentSelect: '' as IntlString, FullDescription: '' as IntlString, HasActiveApplicant: '' as IntlString, HasNoActiveApplicant: '' as IntlString, NoneApplications: '' as IntlString, MatchVacancy: '' as IntlString, VacancyMatching: '' as IntlString, Score: '' as IntlString, Match: '' as IntlString, PerformMatch: '' as IntlString, MoveApplication: '' as IntlString, MyApplications: '' as IntlString, TemplateReplace: '' as IntlString, TemplateReplaceConfirm: '' as IntlString, Apply: '' as IntlString, OpenVacancyList: '' as IntlString, Export: '' as IntlString, GetTalentIds: '' as IntlString, CreateNewSkills: '' as IntlString }, category: { Other: '' as Ref, Category: '' as Ref }, completion: { ApplicationQuery: '' as Resource, ApplicationCategory: '' as Ref, VacancyCategory: '' as Ref, VacancyQuery: '' as Resource }, component: { VacancyItemPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, VacancyCountPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, OpinionsPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, VacancyModifiedPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, CreateVacancy: '' as AnyComponent, CreateCandidate: '' as AnyComponent }, function: { IdProvider: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc) => Promise>, AppTitleProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, AppIdentifierProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, VacancyIdentifierProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, ReviewIdentifierProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, VacTitleProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, RevTitleProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref, doc?: Doc) => Promise>, HasActiveApplicant: '' as FilterFunction, HasNoActiveApplicant: '' as FilterFunction, NoneApplications: '' as FilterFunction }, filter: { HasActive: '' as Ref, NoActive: '' as Ref, None: '' as Ref } })