// // Copyright @ 2022-2023 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // import { type Data, type Ref, TxOperations, generateId, DOMAIN_TX, getCollaborativeDoc } from '@hcengineering/core' import { createDefaultSpace, createOrUpdate, tryMigrate, type MigrateOperation, type MigrationClient, type MigrationUpgradeClient } from '@hcengineering/model' import core from '@hcengineering/model-core' import tags from '@hcengineering/tags' import { type ChangeControl, type DocumentCategory, DocumentState, documentsId, createDocumentTemplate, type ControlledDocument, createChangeControl } from '@hcengineering/controlled-documents' import documents from './index' async function createTemplatesSpace (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const existingSpace = await tx.findOne(documents.class.DocumentSpace, { _id: documents.space.UnsortedTemplates }) if (existingSpace === undefined) { await tx.createDoc( documents.class.DocumentSpace, core.space.Space, { name: 'Unsorted templates', description: 'Unsorted templates', private: false, archived: false, autoJoin: true, members: [], type: documents.spaceType.DocumentSpaceType }, documents.space.UnsortedTemplates ) } } async function createQualityDocumentsSpace (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const existingSpace = await tx.findOne(documents.class.OrgSpace, { _id: documents.space.QualityDocuments }) if (existingSpace === undefined) { await tx.createDoc( documents.class.OrgSpace, core.space.Space, { name: 'Quality documents', description: "Space for organization's quality documents", private: true, archived: false, members: [], autoJoin: true, owners: [], type: documents.spaceType.DocumentSpaceType }, documents.space.QualityDocuments ) } } async function fixChangeControlsForDocs (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const defaultCCSpec: Data<ChangeControl> = { description: '', reason: '', impact: '', impactedDocuments: [] } const controlledDocuments = await tx.findAll( documents.class.ControlledDocument, {}, { lookup: { changeControl: documents.class.ChangeControl } } ) for (const cdoc of controlledDocuments) { const existingCC = await tx.findOne(documents.class.ChangeControl, { _id: cdoc.changeControl }) if (existingCC !== undefined) { continue } const newCc = await tx.createDoc( documents.class.ChangeControl, cdoc.space, defaultCCSpec, cdoc.changeControl?.length > 0 ? cdoc.changeControl : undefined ) if (cdoc.changeControl === undefined) { await tx.update(cdoc, { changeControl: newCc }) } } } async function createProductChangeControlTemplate (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const ccCategory = 'documents:category:DOC - CC' as Ref<DocumentCategory> const productChangeControlTemplate = await tx.findOne(documents.mixin.DocumentTemplate, { category: ccCategory }) if (productChangeControlTemplate === undefined) { const ccRecordId = generateId<ChangeControl>() const ccRecord: Data<ChangeControl> = { description: '', reason: 'New template creation', impact: '', impactedDocuments: [] } const seq = await tx.findOne(documents.class.Sequence, { _id: documents.sequence.Templates }) if (seq === undefined) { return } const { success } = await createDocumentTemplate( tx, documents.class.ControlledDocument, documents.space.QualityDocuments, documents.mixin.DocumentTemplate, documents.ids.NoProject, undefined, documents.template.ProductChangeControl as unknown as Ref<ControlledDocument>, 'CC', { title: 'Change Control Template for new Product Version', abstract: 'This Template is to be used to create a Change Control document each time you want to create a new product version.', changeControl: ccRecordId, requests: 0, reviewers: [], approvers: [], coAuthors: [], code: `TMPL-${seq.sequence + 1}`, prefix: '', seqNumber: 0, major: 0, minor: 1, state: DocumentState.Effective, sections: 0, commentSequence: 0, content: getCollaborativeDoc(generateId()) }, ccCategory, undefined, { title: 'Section 1' } ) if (!success) { return } await createChangeControl(tx, ccRecordId, ccRecord, documents.space.QualityDocuments) } } async function createTemplateSequence (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const templateSeq = await tx.findOne(documents.class.Sequence, { _id: documents.sequence.Templates }) if (templateSeq === undefined) { await tx.createDoc( documents.class.Sequence, documents.space.Documents, { attachedTo: documents.mixin.DocumentTemplate, sequence: 0 }, documents.sequence.Templates ) } } async function createDocumentCategories (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { const categories: Pick<Data<DocumentCategory>, 'code' | 'title'>[] = [ { code: 'CA', title: 'CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action)' }, { code: 'CC', title: 'Change Control' }, { code: 'CE', title: 'Clinical Evaluation, Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up' }, { code: 'CH', title: 'Complaint Handling & Support' }, { code: 'CS', title: 'Clincial Studies' }, { code: 'DC', title: 'Document-Control' }, { code: 'DI', title: 'Design-Input' }, { code: 'DT', title: 'Design Transfer' }, { code: 'HF', title: 'Human Factors' }, { code: 'HR', title: 'Human Resources' }, { code: 'HW', title: 'Hardware Development' }, { code: 'IA', title: 'Internal Audit' }, { code: 'IM', title: 'Installation & Maintenance' }, { code: 'IS', title: 'Infrastructure' }, { code: 'LA', title: 'Labeling' }, { code: 'MA', title: 'Marketing' }, { code: 'MR', title: 'Management Review' }, { code: 'PD', title: 'Product Development' }, { code: 'PM', title: 'Post-Market Surveillance' }, { code: 'PR', title: 'Production' }, { code: 'PS', title: 'Purchase and Supplier Management' }, { code: 'PSA', title: 'Product Safety' }, { code: 'QM', title: 'Quality Manual' }, { code: 'RM', title: 'Risk Management' }, { code: 'RU', title: 'Regulatory Update' }, { code: 'SA', title: 'Sales and Marketing' }, { code: 'SU', title: 'Support' }, { code: 'SW', title: 'Software Development' }, { code: 'TF', title: 'Technical File, Product Release' }, { code: 'VI', title: 'Vigilance' }, { code: 'VV', title: 'Verification & Validation' }, { code: 'CM', title: 'Client Management' } ] await Promise.all( categories.map((c) => createOrUpdate( tx, documents.class.DocumentCategory, documents.space.QualityDocuments, { ...c, attachments: 0 }, ((documents.category.DOC as string) + ' - ' + c.code) as Ref<DocumentCategory> ) ) ) } async function createTagCategories (tx: TxOperations): Promise<void> { await createOrUpdate( tx, tags.class.TagCategory, tags.space.Tags, { icon: tags.icon.Tags, label: 'Labels', targetClass: documents.class.Document, tags: [], default: true }, documents.category.Other ) await createOrUpdate( tx, tags.class.TagCategory, tags.space.Tags, { icon: tags.icon.Tags, label: 'Labels', targetClass: documents.mixin.DocumentTemplate, tags: [], default: true }, documents.category.OtherTemplate ) } async function migrateSpaceTypes (client: MigrationClient): Promise<void> { await client.update( DOMAIN_TX, { _class: core.class.TxCreateDoc, objectClass: core.class.SpaceType, 'attributes.descriptor': documents.descriptor.DocumentSpaceType }, { $set: { objectClass: documents.class.DocumentSpaceType } } ) } export const documentsOperation: MigrateOperation = { async migrate (client: MigrationClient): Promise<void> { await tryMigrate(client, documentsId, [ { state: 'migrateSpaceTypes', func: migrateSpaceTypes } ]) }, async upgrade (client: MigrationUpgradeClient): Promise<void> { const tx = new TxOperations(client, core.account.System) await createDefaultSpace(client, documents.space.Documents, { name: 'Documents', description: 'Documents' }) await createQualityDocumentsSpace(tx) await createTemplatesSpace(tx) await createTemplateSequence(tx) await createTagCategories(tx) await createDocumentCategories(tx) await fixChangeControlsForDocs(tx) await createProductChangeControlTemplate(tx) } }