import { ApiEndpoint, generateId, getSecondPage, IssuesDetailsPage, IssuesPage, LoginPage, NewIssue, SelectWorkspacePage, TrackerNavigationMenuPage } from '@hcengineering/tests-sanity' import { test } from '@playwright/test' import { AdminPage } from '../model/' test.describe('Workspace Migration tests', () => { let loginPage: LoginPage let selectWorkspacePage: SelectWorkspacePage let trackerNavigationMenuPage: TrackerNavigationMenuPage let issuesPage: IssuesPage test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { loginPage = new LoginPage(page) selectWorkspacePage = new SelectWorkspacePage(page) trackerNavigationMenuPage = new TrackerNavigationMenuPage(page) issuesPage = new IssuesPage(page) }) test('New workspace migrate to europe', async ({ page, browser, request }) => { const api: ApiEndpoint = new ApiEndpoint(request) const workspaceName = generateId() const workspaceInfo = await api.createWorkspaceWithLogin(workspaceName, 'user1', '1234') const newIssue: NewIssue = { title: `Issue with all parameters and attachments-${generateId()}`, description: 'Created issue with all parameters and attachments description', status: 'In Progress', priority: 'Urgent', createLabel: true, labels: `CREATE-ISSUE-${generateId()}`, component: 'No component', estimation: '2', milestone: 'No Milestone', duedate: 'today' } await test.step('create new workspace', async () => { await loginPage.goto() await loginPage.login('user1', '1234') await selectWorkspacePage.selectWorkspace(workspaceName) await trackerNavigationMenuPage.openIssuesForProject('Default') await issuesPage.clickModelSelectorAll() await issuesPage.createNewIssue(newIssue) await issuesPage.openIssueByName(newIssue.title) const issuesDetailsPage = new IssuesDetailsPage(page) await issuesDetailsPage.checkIssue(newIssue) }) using adminSecondPage = await getSecondPage(browser) const page2 = await test.step('Migrate workspace', async () => { // login as admin const loginPage2 = new LoginPage( await loginPage2.goto() await loginPage2.login('admin', '1234') const adminPage = new AdminPage(page2) await adminPage.gotoAdmin() await page2.getByText('Today -').click() await page2.locator('div:nth-child(3) > .checkbox-container > .checkSVG').click() await page2.locator('div:nth-child(4) > .checkbox-container > .checkSVG').click() await page2.getByRole('button', { name: 'America', exact: true }).click() await page2.getByRole('button', { name: 'europe (hidden)' }).click() await page2.getByPlaceholder('Search').click() await page2.getByPlaceholder('Search').fill(workspaceInfo.workspace) await page2.locator(`[id="${workspaceInfo.workspace}"]`).getByRole('button', { name: 'Migrate' }).click() await page2.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok' }).click() await page2.locator(`[id="${workspaceInfo.workspace}"]`).getByText('europe').waitFor() }) await test.step('Check workspace is active again', async () => { await page.reload() const issuesDetailsPage = new IssuesDetailsPage(page) await issuesDetailsPage.checkIssue(newIssue) }) }) })