// // Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { AttachedDoc, Class, Client, Doc, DocWithRank, Domain, DOMAIN_TX, genRanks, Ref, Space, TxCUD, TxOperations } from '@anticrm/core' import { MigrateOperation, MigrateUpdate, MigrationClient, MigrationResult, MigrationUpgradeClient } from '@anticrm/model' import core from '@anticrm/model-core' import { createProjectKanban, KanbanTemplate } from '@anticrm/task' import { DOMAIN_TASK, DOMAIN_STATE, DOMAIN_KANBAN } from '.' import task from './plugin' function logInfo (msg: string, result: MigrationResult): void { if (result.updated > 0) { console.log(`Task: Migrate ${msg} ${result.updated}`) } } async function migrateClass ( client: MigrationClient, domain: Domain, from: Ref>, to: Ref>, extraOps: MigrateUpdate = {}, txExtraOps: MigrateUpdate> = {} ): Promise { logInfo(`${from} => ${to}: `, await client.update(domain, { _class: from }, { ...extraOps, _class: to })) logInfo( `${from} => ${to} Transactions`, await client.update>(DOMAIN_TX, { objectClass: from }, { ...txExtraOps, objectClass: to }) ) } export const taskOperation: MigrateOperation = { async migrate (client: MigrationClient): Promise { // Since we should not have Task class instances, we convert them all to Issue. await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_TASK, task.class.Task, task.class.Issue) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_STATE, 'core:class:State' as Ref>, task.class.State) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_STATE, 'core:class:WonState' as Ref>, task.class.WonState) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_STATE, 'core:class:LostState' as Ref>, task.class.LostState) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:Kanban' as Ref>, task.class.Kanban) await migrateClass( client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:Sequence' as Ref>, task.class.Sequence, { space: task.space.Sequence }, { objectSpace: task.space.Sequence } ) // Update attached to for task await client.update( DOMAIN_KANBAN, { _class: task.class.Sequence, attachedTo: task.class.Task }, { attachedTo: task.class.Issue } ) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:KanbanTemplate' as Ref>, task.class.KanbanTemplate) await migrateClass(client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:StateTemplate' as Ref>, task.class.StateTemplate) await migrateClass( client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:DoneStateTemplate' as Ref>, task.class.DoneStateTemplate ) await migrateClass( client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:WonStateTemplate' as Ref>, task.class.WonStateTemplate ) await migrateClass( client, DOMAIN_KANBAN, 'view:class:LostStateTemplate' as Ref>, task.class.LostStateTemplate ) await client.move( 'recruit' as Domain, { _class: 'recruit:class:Applicant' as Ref> }, DOMAIN_TASK ) await client.move( 'lead' as Domain, { _class: 'lead:class:Lead' as Ref> }, DOMAIN_TASK ) // Update done states for tasks await client.update(DOMAIN_TASK, { _class: task.class.Issue, doneState: { $exists: false } }, { doneState: null }) }, async upgrade (client: MigrationUpgradeClient): Promise { console.log('Task: Performing model upgrades') const ops = new TxOperations(client, core.account.System) if ((await client.findOne(task.class.Sequence, { attachedTo: task.class.Issue })) === undefined) { console.info('Task: Create sequence for default task project.') // We need to create sequence await ops.createDoc(task.class.Sequence, task.space.Sequence, { attachedTo: task.class.Issue, sequence: 0 }) } else { console.log('Task: => sequence is ok') } if ((await client.findOne(task.class.Kanban, { attachedTo: task.space.TasksPublic })) === undefined) { console.info('Task: Create kanban for default task project.') await createProjectKanban(task.space.TasksPublic, async (_class, space, data, id) => { const doc = await ops.findOne(_class, { _id: id }) if (doc === undefined) { await ops.createDoc(_class, space, data, id) } else { await ops.updateDoc(_class, space, id, data) } }).catch((err) => console.error(err)) } else { console.log('Task: => public project Kanban is ok') } console.log('View: Performing model upgrades') await createMissingDoneStates(client, ops) await updateRankItems({ client, ops, _class: task.class.State, extractOrder: (kanban) => kanban.states }) await updateRankItems({ client, ops, _class: task.class.DoneState, extractOrder: (kanban) => kanban.doneStates }) await updateRankItems({ client, ops, _class: task.class.Task, extractOrder: (kanban) => kanban.order }) await updateTemplateRankItems({ client, ops, _class: task.class.StateTemplate, extractOrder: (kanban) => kanban.states }) await updateTemplateRankItems({ client, ops, _class: task.class.DoneStateTemplate, extractOrder: (kanban) => kanban.doneStates }) } } async function createMissingDoneStates (client: Client, ops: TxOperations): Promise { const spacesWithStates = await client.findAll(task.class.SpaceWithStates, {}) const doneStates = await client.findAll(task.class.DoneState, {}) const spaceIdsWithDoneStates = new Set(doneStates.map(x => x.space)) const outdatedSpaces = spacesWithStates.filter((space) => !spaceIdsWithDoneStates.has(space._id)) const pairRanks = [...genRanks(2)] await Promise.all( outdatedSpaces .map(async (space) => { console.log(`Creating done states for space: ${space._id}`) try { await Promise.all([ ops.createDoc(task.class.WonState, space._id, { title: 'Won', rank: pairRanks[0] }), ops.createDoc(task.class.LostState, space._id, { title: 'Lost', rank: pairRanks[1] }) ]) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } })) } async function updateRankItems ({ client, ops, _class, extractOrder }: { client: Client ops: TxOperations _class: Ref> extractOrder: (kanban: any) => Ref[] }): Promise { const allItems = await client.findAll(_class, {}) const unorderedItems = allItems .filter((item) => item.rank === undefined) const groupedUnsortedItems = new Map, T[]>() unorderedItems.forEach((item) => { const existing = groupedUnsortedItems.get(item.space) ?? [] groupedUnsortedItems.set(item.space, [...existing, item]) }) for (const [space, items] of groupedUnsortedItems.entries()) { const kanban = await client.findOne(task.class.Kanban, { attachedTo: space }) if (kanban === undefined) { console.error(`Failed to find kanban attached to space '${space}'`) continue } const order = extractOrder(kanban) if (order === undefined) { console.error(`Kanban doesn't contain items order: ${kanban._id}`) continue } const orderedItems = order .map((id) => items.find(x => x._id === id)) .filter((items): items is T => items !== undefined) const ranks = genRanks(orderedItems.length) for (const item of orderedItems) { const rank = ranks.next().value if (rank === undefined) { console.error('Failed to generate rank') break } await ops.updateDoc(item._class as Ref>, item.space, item._id, { rank }) } } } async function updateTemplateRankItems ({ client, ops, _class, extractOrder }: { client: Client ops: TxOperations _class: Ref> extractOrder: (kanban: any) => Ref[] }): Promise { const allItems = await client.findAll(_class, {}) const unorderedItems = allItems .filter((state) => state.rank === undefined) const groupedUnsortedItems = new Map, T[]>() unorderedItems.forEach((item) => { const existing = groupedUnsortedItems.get(item.attachedTo) ?? [] groupedUnsortedItems.set(item.attachedTo, [...existing, item]) }) for (const [attachedTo, items] of groupedUnsortedItems.entries()) { const kanban = await client.findOne(task.class.KanbanTemplate, { _id: attachedTo as Ref }) if (kanban === undefined) { console.error(`Failed to find kanban '${attachedTo}'`) continue } const order = extractOrder(kanban) if (order === undefined) { console.error(`Kanban doesn't contain items order: ${kanban._id}`) continue } const orderedItems = order .map((id) => items.find(x => x._id === id)) .filter((items): items is T => items !== undefined) const ranks = genRanks(orderedItems.length) for (const item of orderedItems) { const rank = ranks.next().value if (rank === undefined) { console.error('Failed to generate rank') break } await ops.updateDoc(item._class as Ref>, item.space, item._id, { rank }) } } }