// // Copyright © 2020, 2021 Anticrm Platform Contributors. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import core, { Class, ClassifierKind, Data, Doc, DocumentQuery, Hierarchy, IdMap, Ref, Status, TxOperations, type AnyAttribute, type Rank, type RefTo } from '@hcengineering/core' import { PlatformError, getEmbeddedLabel, unknownStatus } from '@hcengineering/platform' import task, { Project, ProjectStatus, ProjectType, Task, TaskType } from '.' import { makeRank } from '@hcengineering/rank' export { genRanks, makeRank } from '@hcengineering/rank' /** * @deprecated Prefer {@link makeRank} * * TODO: Drop after everything migrates to {@link makeRank} */ export const calcRank = (prev?: { rank: Rank }, next?: { rank: Rank }): string => { return makeRank(prev?.rank, next?.rank) } /** * @public */ export function getProjectTypeStates ( projectType: Ref<ProjectType> | undefined, types: IdMap<ProjectType>, statuses: IdMap<Status> ): Status[] { if (projectType === undefined) return [] return ( (types .get(projectType) ?.statuses?.map((p) => statuses.get(p._id)) ?.filter((p) => p !== undefined) as Status[]) ?? [] ) } /** * @public */ export function getStates (space: Project | undefined, types: IdMap<ProjectType>, statuses: IdMap<Status>): Status[] { if (space === undefined) return [] return getProjectTypeStates(space.type, types, statuses) } /** * @public */ export function getTaskTypeStates ( taskType: Ref<TaskType> | undefined, types: IdMap<TaskType>, statuses: IdMap<Status> ): Status[] { if (taskType === undefined) return [] return ( (types .get(taskType) ?.statuses?.map((p) => statuses.get(p)) ?.filter((p) => p !== undefined) as Status[]) ?? [] ) } /** * @public */ export function getStatusIndex (type: ProjectType, taskTypes: IdMap<TaskType>, status: Ref<Status>): number { return ( type.tasks .map((it) => taskTypes.get(it)) .flatMap((it) => it?.statuses.indexOf(status)) .filter((it) => (it ?? 0) >= 0) .reduce((p, c) => (p ?? 0) + (c ?? 0), 0) ?? -1 ) } /** * @public */ export async function createState<T extends Status> ( client: TxOperations, _class: Ref<Class<T>>, data: Data<T> ): Promise<Ref<T>> { const query: DocumentQuery<Status> = { name: data.name, ofAttribute: data.ofAttribute } if (data.category !== undefined) { query.category = data.category } const exists = await client.findOne(_class, query) if (exists !== undefined) { return exists._id as Ref<T> } const res = await client.createDoc(_class, core.space.Model, data) return res } /** * @public */ export function calculateStatuses ( projectType: { statuses: ProjectType['statuses'], tasks: ProjectType['tasks'] }, taskTypes: Map<Ref<TaskType>, Data<TaskType>>, override: Array<{ taskTypeId: Ref<TaskType>, statuses: Array<Ref<Status>> }> ): ProjectStatus[] { const stIds = new Map<Ref<Status>, ProjectStatus>() for (const s of projectType.statuses) { if (!stIds.has(s._id)) { stIds.set(s._id, s) } } const processed = new Set<string>() const result: ProjectStatus[] = [] for (const tt of projectType.tasks) { const statusesList = override.find((it) => it.taskTypeId === tt)?.statuses ?? taskTypes.get(tt)?.statuses ?? [] for (const tts of statusesList) { const prjStatus = stIds.get(tts) const key = `${tts}:${tt}` if (!processed.has(key)) { processed.add(key) result.push({ ...(prjStatus ?? {}), _id: tts, taskType: tt }) } } } return result } /** * @public */ export function findStatusAttr (h: Hierarchy, _class: Ref<Class<Task>>): AnyAttribute { const attrs = h.getAllAttributes(_class) for (const it of attrs.values()) { if (it.type._class === core.class.RefTo && h.isDerived((it.type as RefTo<any>).to, core.class.Status)) { return it } } return h.getAttribute(task.class.Task, 'status') } export type TaskTypeWithFactory = Omit<Data<TaskType>, 'statuses' | 'parent' | 'targetClass'> & { _id: TaskType['_id'] factory: Data<Status>[] } & Partial<Pick<TaskType, 'targetClass'>> type ProjectData = Omit<Data<ProjectType>, 'statuses' | 'targetClass'> async function createStates ( client: TxOperations, states: Data<Status>[], stateClass: Ref<Class<Status>> ): Promise<Ref<Status>[]> { const statuses: Ref<Status>[] = [] for (const st of states) { statuses.push(await createState(client, stateClass, st)) } return statuses } /** * @public */ export async function createProjectType ( client: TxOperations, data: ProjectData, tasks: TaskTypeWithFactory[], _id: Ref<ProjectType> ): Promise<Ref<ProjectType>> { const current = await client.findOne(task.class.ProjectType, { _id }) if (current !== undefined) { return current._id } const _tasks: Ref<TaskType>[] = [] const tasksData = new Map<Ref<TaskType>, Data<TaskType>>() const _statues = new Set<Ref<Status>>() const categoryObj = client.getModel().findObject(data.descriptor) if (categoryObj === undefined) { throw new Error('category is not found in model') } await createTaskTypes(tasks, _id, client, _statues, tasksData, _tasks, false) const baseClassClass = client.getHierarchy().getClass(categoryObj.baseClass) // NOTE: it is important for this id to be consistent when re-creating the same // project type with the same id as it will happen during every migration if type is created by the system const targetProjectClassId = `${_id}:type:mixin` as Ref<Class<Doc>> const tmpl = await client.createDoc( task.class.ProjectType, core.space.Model, { description: data.description, shortDescription: data.shortDescription, descriptor: data.descriptor, roles: 0, tasks: _tasks, name: data.name, statuses: calculateStatuses({ tasks: _tasks, statuses: [] }, tasksData, []), targetClass: targetProjectClassId, classic: data.classic }, _id ) // Mixin to hold custom fields of this project type await client.createDoc( core.class.Mixin, core.space.Model, { extends: categoryObj.baseClass, kind: ClassifierKind.MIXIN, label: getEmbeddedLabel(data.name), icon: baseClassClass.icon }, targetProjectClassId ) // TODO: not needed ??? await client.createMixin(targetProjectClassId, core.class.Mixin, core.space.Model, task.mixin.ProjectTypeClass, { projectType: _id }) return tmpl } /** * @public */ export async function updateProjectType ( client: TxOperations, projectType: Ref<ProjectType>, tasks: TaskTypeWithFactory[] ): Promise<void> { const current = await client.findOne(task.class.ProjectType, { _id: projectType }) if (current === undefined) { throw new PlatformError(unknownStatus('No project type found')) } const _tasks: Ref<TaskType>[] = [...current.tasks] const tasksData = new Map<Ref<TaskType>, Data<TaskType>>() const _statues = new Set<Ref<Status>>() const hasUpdates = await createTaskTypes(tasks, projectType, client, _statues, tasksData, _tasks, true) if (hasUpdates) { const ttypes = await client.findAll<TaskType>(task.class.TaskType, { _id: { $in: _tasks } }) const newStatuses = calculateStatuses( { statuses: current.statuses, tasks: _tasks }, new Map(ttypes.map((it) => [it._id, it])), [] ) await client.update(current, { tasks: _tasks, statuses: newStatuses }) } } async function createTaskTypes ( tasks: TaskTypeWithFactory[], _id: Ref<ProjectType>, client: TxOperations, _statues: Set<Ref<Status>>, tasksData: Map<Ref<TaskType>, Data<TaskType>>, _tasks: Ref<TaskType>[], skipExisting: boolean ): Promise<boolean> { const existingTaskTypes = await client.findAll(task.class.TaskType, { parent: _id }) let hasUpdates = false for (const it of tasks) { const { factory, _id: taskId, ...data } = it if (skipExisting) { const existingOne = existingTaskTypes.find((tt) => tt.ofClass === data.ofClass) if (existingOne !== undefined) { // We have similar one, let's check categories continue } } hasUpdates = true const statuses = await createStates(client, factory, data.statusClass) for (const st of statuses) { _statues.add(st) } const tdata = { ...data, parent: _id, statuses } const ofClassClass = client.getHierarchy().getClass(data.ofClass) tdata.icon = ofClassClass.icon if (tdata.targetClass === undefined) { // Create target class for custom field. // NOTE: it is important for this id to be consistent when re-creating the same // task type with the same id as it will happen during every migration if type is created by the system const targetClassId = `${taskId}:type:mixin` as Ref<Class<Task>> tdata.targetClass = targetClassId await client.createDoc( core.class.Mixin, core.space.Model, { extends: data.ofClass, kind: ClassifierKind.MIXIN, label: ofClassClass.label, icon: ofClassClass.icon }, targetClassId ) await client.createMixin(targetClassId, core.class.Mixin, core.space.Model, task.mixin.TaskTypeClass, { taskType: taskId, projectType: _id }) } await client.createDoc(task.class.TaskType, core.space.Model, tdata as Data<TaskType>, taskId) tasksData.set(taskId, tdata as Data<TaskType>) _tasks.push(taskId) } return hasUpdates }