// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import contact, { Contact, Employee, EmployeeAccount, formatName, getName } from '@hcengineering/contact' import core, { Doc, Ref, SortingOrder, toIdMap, Tx, TxCreateDoc, TxFactory, TxMixin, TxProcessor, TxUpdateDoc } from '@hcengineering/core' import hr, { Department, DepartmentMember, fromTzDate, PublicHoliday, Request, Staff, tzDateEqual } from '@hcengineering/hr' import notification, { NotificationType } from '@hcengineering/notification' import { translate } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { TriggerControl } from '@hcengineering/server-core' import { getEmployee, getEmployeeAccountById } from '@hcengineering/server-notification' import { getContent, isAllowed } from '@hcengineering/server-notification-resources' async function getOldDepartment ( currentTx: TxMixin | TxUpdateDoc, control: TriggerControl ): Promise | undefined> { const txes = await control.findAll>( core.class.TxMixin, { objectId: currentTx.objectId }, { sort: { modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Ascending } } ) let lastDepartment: Ref | undefined for (const tx of txes) { if (tx._id === currentTx._id) continue if (tx.attributes?.department !== undefined) { lastDepartment = tx.attributes.department } } return lastDepartment } async function buildHierarchy (_id: Ref, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const res: Department[] = [] const ancestors: Map, Ref> = new Map() const departments = await control.findAll(hr.class.Department, {}) for (const department of departments) { if (department._id === hr.ids.Head) continue ancestors.set(department._id, department.space) } const departmentsMap = toIdMap(departments) while (true) { const department = departmentsMap.get(_id) if (department === undefined) return res res.push(department) const next = ancestors.get(department._id) if (next === undefined) return res _id = next } } function exlude (first: Ref[], second: Ref[]): Ref[] { const set = new Set(first) const res: Ref[] = [] for (const department of second) { if (!set.has(department)) { res.push(department) } } return res } function getTxes ( factory: TxFactory, account: Ref, added: Ref[], removed?: Ref[] ): Tx[] { const pushTxes = added.map((dep) => factory.createTxUpdateDoc(hr.class.Department, core.space.Space, dep, { $push: { members: account } }) ) if (removed === undefined) return pushTxes const pullTxes = removed.map((dep) => factory.createTxUpdateDoc(hr.class.Department, core.space.Space, dep, { $pull: { members: account } }) ) return [...pullTxes, ...pushTxes] } /** * @public */ export async function OnDepartmentStaff (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxMixin !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxMixin if (ctx.mixin !== hr.mixin.Staff) { return [] } const targetAccount = ( await control.modelDb.findAll(contact.class.EmployeeAccount, { employee: ctx.objectId }) )[0] if (targetAccount === undefined) return [] if (ctx.attributes.department !== undefined) { const lastDepartment = await getOldDepartment(ctx, control) const departmentId = ctx.attributes.department if (departmentId === null) { if (lastDepartment !== undefined) { const removed = await buildHierarchy(lastDepartment, control) return getTxes( control.txFactory, targetAccount._id, [], removed.map((p) => p._id) ) } } const push = (await buildHierarchy(departmentId, control)).map((p) => p._id) if (lastDepartment === undefined) { return getTxes(control.txFactory, targetAccount._id, push) } let removed = (await buildHierarchy(lastDepartment, control)).map((p) => p._id) const added = exlude(removed, push) removed = exlude(push, removed) return getTxes(control.txFactory, targetAccount._id, added, removed) } return [] } /** * @public */ export async function OnEmployeeDeactivate (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxUpdateDoc !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxUpdateDoc if (ctx.objectClass !== contact.class.Employee || ctx.operations.active !== false) { return [] } const targetAccount = ( await control.modelDb.findAll(contact.class.EmployeeAccount, { employee: ctx.objectId }) )[0] if (targetAccount === undefined) return [] const lastDepartment = await getOldDepartment(ctx, control) if (lastDepartment === undefined) return [] const removed = await buildHierarchy(lastDepartment, control) return getTxes( control.txFactory, targetAccount._id, [], removed.map((p) => p._id) ) } async function getEmailNotification ( control: TriggerControl, sender: EmployeeAccount, doc: Request | PublicHoliday, space: Ref, type: Ref ): Promise { const contacts: Set> = new Set() const departments = await buildHierarchy(space, control) for (const department of departments) { if (department.subscribers === undefined) continue for (const subscriber of department.subscribers) { contacts.add(subscriber) } } // should respect employee settings const accounts = await control.modelDb.findAll(contact.class.EmployeeAccount, { employee: { $in: Array.from(contacts.values()) as Ref[] } }) for (const account of accounts) { const allowed = await isAllowed(control, account._id, type, notification.providers.EmailNotification) if (!allowed) { contacts.delete(account.employee) } } const channels = await control.findAll(contact.class.Channel, { provider: contact.channelProvider.Email, attachedTo: { $in: Array.from(contacts) } }) const senderName = formatName(sender.name) const content = await getContent(doc, senderName, type, control, '') if (content === undefined) return [] const res: Tx[] = [] for (const channel of channels) { const tx = control.txFactory.createTxCreateDoc( notification.class.EmailNotification, notification.space.Notifications, { status: 'new', sender: senderName, receivers: [channel.value], subject: content.subject, text: content.text, html: content.html } ) res.push(tx) } return res } /** * @public */ export async function OnRequestCreate (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxCreateDoc !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxCreateDoc if (ctx.objectClass !== hr.class.Request) { return [] } const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(ctx.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return [] const request = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(ctx) return await getEmailNotification( control, sender, request, ctx.objectSpace as Ref, hr.ids.CreateRequestNotification ) } /** * @public */ export async function OnRequestUpdate (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxUpdateDoc !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxUpdateDoc if (ctx.objectClass !== hr.class.Request) { return [] } const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(ctx.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return [] const request = (await control.findAll(hr.class.Request, { _id: ctx.objectId }))[0] as Request if (request === undefined) return [] return await getEmailNotification( control, sender, request, ctx.objectSpace as Ref, hr.ids.UpdateRequestNotification ) } /** * @public */ export async function OnRequestRemove (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxRemoveDoc !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxCreateDoc if (ctx.objectClass !== hr.class.Request) { return [] } const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(ctx.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return [] const request = control.removedMap.get(ctx.objectId) as Request if (request === undefined) return [] return await getEmailNotification( control, sender, request, ctx.objectSpace as Ref, hr.ids.RemoveRequestNotification ) } /** * @public */ export async function RequestHTMLPresenter (doc: Doc, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const request = doc as Request const employee = (await control.findAll(contact.class.Employee, { _id: request.attachedTo }))[0] const who = getName(employee) const type = await translate(control.modelDb.getObject(request.type).label, {}) const date = tzDateEqual(request.tzDate, request.tzDueDate) ? `on ${new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate)).toLocaleDateString()}` : `from ${new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate)).toLocaleDateString()} to ${new Date( fromTzDate(request.tzDueDate) ).toLocaleDateString()}` return `${who} - ${type.toLowerCase()} ${date}` } /** * @public */ export async function RequestTextPresenter (doc: Doc, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const request = doc as Request const employee = (await control.findAll(contact.class.Employee, { _id: request.attachedTo }))[0] const who = getName(employee) const type = await translate(control.modelDb.getObject(request.type).label, {}) const date = tzDateEqual(request.tzDate, request.tzDueDate) ? `on ${new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate)).toLocaleDateString()}` : `from ${new Date(fromTzDate(request.tzDate)).toLocaleDateString()} to ${new Date( fromTzDate(request.tzDueDate) ).toLocaleDateString()}` return `${who} - ${type.toLowerCase()} ${date}` } /** * @public */ export async function OnPublicHolidayCreate (tx: Tx, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const actualTx = TxProcessor.extractTx(tx) if (core.class.TxCreateDoc !== actualTx._class) { return [] } const ctx = actualTx as TxCreateDoc if (ctx.objectClass !== hr.class.PublicHoliday) { return [] } const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(ctx.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return [] const employee = await getEmployee(sender.employee, control) if (employee === undefined) return [] const publicHoliday = TxProcessor.createDoc2Doc(ctx) return await getEmailNotification( control, sender, publicHoliday, publicHoliday.department, hr.ids.CreatePublicHolidayNotification ) } /** * @public */ export async function PublicHolidayHTMLPresenter (doc: Doc, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const holiday = doc as PublicHoliday const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(holiday.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return '' const employee = await getEmployee(sender.employee, control) if (employee === undefined) return '' const who = formatName(employee.name) const date = `on ${new Date(fromTzDate(holiday.date)).toLocaleDateString()}` return `${holiday.title} ${date}
Set by ${who}` } /** * @public */ export async function PublicHolidayTextPresenter (doc: Doc, control: TriggerControl): Promise { const holiday = doc as PublicHoliday const sender = await getEmployeeAccountById(holiday.modifiedBy, control) if (sender === undefined) return '' const employee = await getEmployee(sender.employee, control) if (employee === undefined) return '' const who = formatName(employee.name) const date = `on ${new Date(fromTzDate(holiday.date)).toLocaleDateString()}` return `${holiday.title} ${date}. ${holiday.description}. Set by ${who}` } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type export default async () => ({ trigger: { OnRequestCreate, OnRequestUpdate, OnRequestRemove, OnDepartmentStaff, OnEmployeeDeactivate, OnPublicHolidayCreate }, function: { RequestHTMLPresenter, RequestTextPresenter, PublicHolidayHTMLPresenter, PublicHolidayTextPresenter } })