import { type CommentArray, type CommentObject, parse, stringify } from 'comment-json' import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import path, { join } from 'path' interface RushPackage { packageName: string projectFolder: string shouldPublish: boolean } export async function syncRushFiles ( root: string[], targetRoot: string, platformRoot: string, include: string[], exclude: string[] ): Promise { const platformJson: CommentObject = parse( (await readFile(join(process.cwd(), platformRoot, 'rush.json'))).toString() ) as CommentObject const rushjs = join(targetRoot, 'rush.json') const abs = path.resolve(targetRoot).split(path.sep) const projects: RushPackage[] = [] for (const prj of [join(platformRoot, 'rush.json'), ...root]) { const sPath = path.dirname(path.resolve(prj)).split(path.sep) const diff = path.join(...sPath.slice(abs.length)) console.log('processing', diff) const rushJsonSource = parse((await readFile(prj)).toString()) as CommentObject const sprojects = rushJsonSource.projects as unknown as CommentArray for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(rushJsonSource)) { platformJson[k] = v } projects.push( ...sprojects .filter((it) => filterPackage(it, include, exclude)) .map((it) => ({, projectFolder: join(diff, it.projectFolder), shouldPublish: diff === '.' ? it.shouldPublish : false })) ) } platformJson.projects = projects as unknown as CommentArray await writeFile(rushjs, stringify(platformJson, undefined, 2)) } function filterPackage (it: RushPackage, include: string[], exclude: string[]): boolean { const pkgName = it.packageName for (const i of include) { if (pkgName.includes(i)) { console.log('Include', pkgName, i) return true } } for (const i of exclude) { if (pkgName.includes(i)) { console.log('Exclude', pkgName, i) return false } } console.log('Default', pkgName) return true }