// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import core, { Class, Doc, DocumentQuery, DocumentUpdate, Domain, FindOptions, FindResult, Hierarchy, IndexingConfiguration, MeasureContext, ModelDb, Ref, StorageIterator, Tx, TxResult, WorkspaceId, type Blob } from '@hcengineering/core' import { createMongoAdapter } from '@hcengineering/mongo' import { PlatformError, unknownError } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { DbAdapter, StorageAdapter, type DomainHelperOperations, type StorageAdapterEx } from '@hcengineering/server-core' class StorageBlobAdapter implements DbAdapter { constructor ( readonly workspaceId: WorkspaceId, readonly client: StorageAdapter, // Should not be closed readonly ctx: MeasureContext, readonly blobAdapter: DbAdapter // A real blob adapter for Blob documents. ) {} async findAll( ctx: MeasureContext, _class: Ref>, query: DocumentQuery, options?: FindOptions ): Promise> { return await this.blobAdapter.findAll(ctx, _class, query, options) } helper (): DomainHelperOperations { return this.blobAdapter.helper() } async groupBy(ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, field: string): Promise> { return await this.blobAdapter.groupBy(ctx, domain, field) } async tx (ctx: MeasureContext, ...tx: Tx[]): Promise { throw new PlatformError(unknownError('Direct Blob operations are not possible')) } async createIndexes (domain: Domain, config: Pick, 'indexes'>): Promise {} async removeOldIndex (domain: Domain, deletePattern: RegExp[], keepPattern: RegExp[]): Promise {} async close (): Promise { await this.blobAdapter.close() } find (ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, recheck?: boolean): StorageIterator { return (this.client as StorageAdapterEx).find(ctx, this.workspaceId) } async load (ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, docs: Ref[]): Promise { return await this.blobAdapter.load(ctx, domain, docs) } async upload (ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, docs: Doc[]): Promise { // We need to update docs to have provider === defualt one. if ('adapters' in this.client) { const toUpload: Doc[] = [] const adapterEx = this.client as StorageAdapterEx for (const d of docs) { // We need sync stats to be sure all info are correct from storage. if (d._class === core.class.Blob) { const blob = d as Blob const blobStat = await this.client.stat(ctx, this.workspaceId, blob.storageId) if (blobStat !== undefined) { blob.provider = adapterEx.defaultAdapter blob.etag = blobStat.etag blob.contentType = blobStat.contentType blob.version = blobStat.version blob.size = blobStat.size delete (blob as any).downloadUrl delete (blob as any).downloadUrlExpire toUpload.push(blob) } } } docs = toUpload } await this.blobAdapter.upload(ctx, domain, docs) } async clean (ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, docs: Ref[]): Promise { await Promise.all([this.blobAdapter.clean(ctx, domain, docs), this.client.remove(this.ctx, this.workspaceId, docs)]) } async update (ctx: MeasureContext, domain: Domain, operations: Map, DocumentUpdate>): Promise { await this.blobAdapter.update(ctx, domain, operations) } } /** * @public */ export async function createStorageDataAdapter ( ctx: MeasureContext, hierarchy: Hierarchy, url: string, workspaceId: WorkspaceId, modelDb: ModelDb, storage: StorageAdapter ): Promise { if (storage === undefined) { throw new Error('minio storage adapter require minio') } // We need to create bucket if it doesn't exist await storage.make(ctx, workspaceId) const storageEx = 'adapters' in storage ? (storage as StorageAdapterEx) : undefined const blobAdapter = await createMongoAdapter(ctx, hierarchy, url, workspaceId, modelDb, undefined, { calculateHash: (d) => { const blob = d as Blob if (storageEx?.adapters !== undefined && storageEx.adapters.get(blob.provider) === undefined) { return blob.etag + '_' + storageEx.defaultAdapter // Replace tag to be able to move to new provider } return blob.etag } }) return new StorageBlobAdapter(workspaceId, storage, ctx, blobAdapter) }