// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { Client, Doc, Ref, Space } from '@hcengineering/core' import type { IntlString, Metadata, Resource } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { mergeIds } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { IssueDraft } from '@hcengineering/tracker' import { AnyComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { SortFunc, Viewlet, ViewQueryAction } from '@hcengineering/view' import tracker, { trackerId } from '../../tracker/lib' export default mergeIds(trackerId, tracker, { viewlet: { SubIssues: '' as Ref }, string: { More: '' as IntlString, Delete: '' as IntlString, Open: '' as IntlString, Default: '' as IntlString, MakeDefault: '' as IntlString, Members: '' as IntlString, Inbox: '' as IntlString, MyIssues: '' as IntlString, ViewIssue: '' as IntlString, IssueCreated: '' as IntlString, Issues: '' as IntlString, Views: '' as IntlString, Active: '' as IntlString, AllIssues: '' as IntlString, ActiveIssues: '' as IntlString, BacklogIssues: '' as IntlString, Backlog: '' as IntlString, Board: '' as IntlString, Project: '' as IntlString, Projects: '' as IntlString, AllProjects: '' as IntlString, BacklogProjects: '' as IntlString, ActiveProjects: '' as IntlString, ClosedProjects: '' as IntlString, NewProject: '' as IntlString, CreateProject: '' as IntlString, ProjectNamePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ProjectDescriptionPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ProjectStatusPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ProjectLead: '' as IntlString, ProjectMembers: '' as IntlString, StartDate: '' as IntlString, TargetDate: '' as IntlString, Planned: '' as IntlString, InProgress: '' as IntlString, Paused: '' as IntlString, Completed: '' as IntlString, Canceled: '' as IntlString, CreateTeam: '' as IntlString, NewTeam: '' as IntlString, TeamTitlePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, TeamIdentifierPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, MakePrivate: '' as IntlString, MakePrivateDescription: '' as IntlString, ChooseIcon: '' as IntlString, AddIssue: '' as IntlString, NewIssue: '' as IntlString, ResumeDraft: '' as IntlString, NewSubIssue: '' as IntlString, Team: '' as IntlString, SelectIssue: '' as IntlString, SelectTeam: '' as IntlString, SaveIssue: '' as IntlString, Todo: '' as IntlString, Done: '' as IntlString, SetPriority: '' as IntlString, SetStatus: '' as IntlString, Priority: '' as IntlString, NoPriority: '' as IntlString, Urgent: '' as IntlString, High: '' as IntlString, Medium: '' as IntlString, Low: '' as IntlString, Title: '' as IntlString, Identifier: '' as IntlString, Description: '' as IntlString, Status: '' as IntlString, DefaultIssueStatus: '' as IntlString, IssueStatuses: '' as IntlString, EditWorkflowStatuses: '' as IntlString, EditTeam: '' as IntlString, ManageWorkflowStatuses: '' as IntlString, AddWorkflowStatus: '' as IntlString, EditWorkflowStatus: '' as IntlString, DeleteWorkflowStatus: '' as IntlString, DeleteWorkflowStatusConfirm: '' as IntlString, DeleteWorkflowStatusError: '' as IntlString, DeleteWorkflowStatusErrorDescription: '' as IntlString, Name: '' as IntlString, StatusCategory: '' as IntlString, CategoryBacklog: '' as IntlString, CategoryUnstarted: '' as IntlString, CategoryStarted: '' as IntlString, CategoryCompleted: '' as IntlString, CategoryCanceled: '' as IntlString, Number: '' as IntlString, Assignee: '' as IntlString, AssignTo: '' as IntlString, AssignedTo: '' as IntlString, SubIssues: '' as IntlString, SubIssuesList: '' as IntlString, SetParent: '' as IntlString, ChangeParent: '' as IntlString, RemoveParent: '' as IntlString, OpenParent: '' as IntlString, OpenSubIssues: '' as IntlString, AddSubIssues: '' as IntlString, BlockedBy: '' as IntlString, RelatedTo: '' as IntlString, Comments: '' as IntlString, Attachments: '' as IntlString, Labels: '' as IntlString, Space: '' as IntlString, SetDueDate: '' as IntlString, ChangeDueDate: '' as IntlString, ModificationDate: '' as IntlString, Issue: '' as IntlString, IssueTemplate: '' as IntlString, Document: '' as IntlString, DocumentIcon: '' as IntlString, DocumentColor: '' as IntlString, Rank: '' as IntlString, DueDatePopupTitle: '' as IntlString, DueDatePopupOverdueTitle: '' as IntlString, DueDatePopupDescription: '' as IntlString, DueDatePopupOverdueDescription: '' as IntlString, Grouping: '' as IntlString, Ordering: '' as IntlString, CompletedIssues: '' as IntlString, NoGrouping: '' as IntlString, NoAssignee: '' as IntlString, LastUpdated: '' as IntlString, DueDate: '' as IntlString, Manual: '' as IntlString, All: '' as IntlString, PastWeek: '' as IntlString, PastMonth: '' as IntlString, Filter: '' as IntlString, ClearFilters: '' as IntlString, Back: '' as IntlString, AssetLabel: '' as IntlString, AddToProject: '' as IntlString, MoveToProject: '' as IntlString, NoProject: '' as IntlString, ProjectLeadTitle: '' as IntlString, ProjectMembersTitle: '' as IntlString, ProjectLeadSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ProjectMembersSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, List: '' as IntlString, NumberLabels: '' as IntlString, Roadmap: '' as IntlString, MoveToTeam: '' as IntlString, Duplicate: '' as IntlString, IssueTitlePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, SubIssueTitlePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, IssueDescriptionPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, SubIssueDescriptionPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, Unassigned: '' as IntlString, AddIssueTooltip: '' as IntlString, NewIssueDialogClose: '' as IntlString, NewIssueDialogCloseNote: '' as IntlString, RemoveProjectDialogClose: '' as IntlString, RemoveProjectDialogCloseNote: '' as IntlString, CopyIssueUrl: '' as IntlString, CopyIssueId: '' as IntlString, CopyIssueBranch: '' as IntlString, CopyIssueTitle: '' as IntlString, FilterIs: '' as IntlString, FilterIsNot: '' as IntlString, FilterIsEither: '' as IntlString, FilterStatesCount: '' as IntlString, EditIssue: '' as IntlString, Save: '' as IntlString, IncludeItemsThatMatch: '' as IntlString, AnyFilter: '' as IntlString, AllFilters: '' as IntlString, NoDescription: '' as IntlString, Assigned: '' as IntlString, Created: '' as IntlString, Subscribed: '' as IntlString, Relations: '' as IntlString, RemoveRelation: '' as IntlString, AddBlockedBy: '' as IntlString, AddIsBlocking: '' as IntlString, AddRelatedIssue: '' as IntlString, RelatedIssuesNotFound: '' as IntlString, RelatedIssue: '' as IntlString, BlockedIssue: '' as IntlString, BlockingIssue: '' as IntlString, BlockedBySearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, IsBlockingSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, RelatedIssueSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, Blocks: '' as IntlString, Related: '' as IntlString, DurMinutes: '' as IntlString, DurHours: '' as IntlString, DurDays: '' as IntlString, DurMonths: '' as IntlString, DurYears: '' as IntlString, StatusHistory: '' as IntlString, AddLabel: '' as IntlString, Sprint: '' as IntlString, Sprints: '' as IntlString, AllSprints: '' as IntlString, PlannedSprints: '' as IntlString, ActiveSprints: '' as IntlString, ClosedSprints: '' as IntlString, SprintNamePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, SprintLead: '' as IntlString, SprintLeadTitle: '' as IntlString, SprintLeadSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, SprintMembersTitle: '' as IntlString, SprintMembersSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, NewSprint: '' as IntlString, CreateSprint: '' as IntlString, AddToSprint: '' as IntlString, MoveToSprint: '' as IntlString, NoSprint: '' as IntlString, MoveAndDeleteSprint: '' as IntlString, MoveAndDeleteSprintConfirm: '' as IntlString, Scrum: '' as IntlString, Scrums: '' as IntlString, ScrumMembersTitle: '' as IntlString, ScrumMembersSearchPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ScrumBeginTime: '' as IntlString, ScrumEndTime: '' as IntlString, NewScrum: '' as IntlString, CreateScrum: '' as IntlString, ScrumTitlePlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ScrumDescriptionPlaceholder: '' as IntlString, ScrumRecords: '' as IntlString, ScrumRecord: '' as IntlString, StartRecord: '' as IntlString, StopRecord: '' as IntlString, ChangeScrumRecord: '' as IntlString, ChangeScrumRecordConfirm: '' as IntlString, ScrumRecorder: '' as IntlString, ScrumRecordTimeReports: '' as IntlString, ScrumRecordObjects: '' as IntlString, Estimation: '' as IntlString, ReportedTime: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReport: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReportAdd: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReports: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReportDate: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReportValue: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendReportDescription: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendValue: '' as IntlString, TimeSpendHours: '' as IntlString, SprintPassed: '' as IntlString, ChildEstimation: '' as IntlString, ChildReportedTime: '' as IntlString, Capacity: '' as IntlString, CapacityValue: '' as IntlString, AddedReference: '' as IntlString, AddedAsBlocked: '' as IntlString, AddedAsBlocking: '' as IntlString, IssueTemplates: '' as IntlString, NewProcess: '' as IntlString, SaveProcess: '' as IntlString, NoIssueTemplate: '' as IntlString, TemplateReplace: '' as IntlString, TemplateReplaceConfirm: '' as IntlString, CurrentWorkDay: '' as IntlString, PreviousWorkDay: '' as IntlString, TimeReportDayTypeLabel: '' as IntlString, DefaultTimeReportDay: '' as IntlString, WorkDayLength: '' as IntlString, SevenHoursLength: '' as IntlString, EightHoursLength: '' as IntlString }, component: { NopeComponent: '' as AnyComponent, Inbox: '' as AnyComponent, MyIssues: '' as AnyComponent, Views: '' as AnyComponent, Issues: '' as AnyComponent, Active: '' as AnyComponent, Backlog: '' as AnyComponent, Projects: '' as AnyComponent, IssuePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectTitlePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, TitlePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ModificationDatePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, PriorityPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, PriorityEditor: '' as AnyComponent, PriorityRefPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectEditor: '' as AnyComponent, SprintEditor: '' as AnyComponent, StatusPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, StatusRefPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, StatusEditor: '' as AnyComponent, AssigneePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, DueDatePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, EditIssueTemplate: '' as AnyComponent, CreateTeam: '' as AnyComponent, TeamPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, NewIssueHeader: '' as AnyComponent, IconPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, LeadPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, TargetDatePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectStatusPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectStatusEditor: '' as AnyComponent, SetDueDateActionPopup: '' as AnyComponent, SetParentIssueActionPopup: '' as AnyComponent, EditProject: '' as AnyComponent, IssuesView: '' as AnyComponent, KanbanView: '' as AnyComponent, Roadmap: '' as AnyComponent, TeamProjects: '' as AnyComponent, IssuePreview: '' as AnyComponent, RelationsPopup: '' as AnyComponent, SprintRefPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, Sprints: '' as AnyComponent, SprintPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, SprintStatusPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, SprintTitlePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, SprintProjectEditor: '' as AnyComponent, SprintDatePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, SprintLeadPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, ReportedTimeEditor: '' as AnyComponent, TimeSpendReport: '' as AnyComponent, EstimationEditor: '' as AnyComponent, TemplateEstimationEditor: '' as AnyComponent, DeleteProjectPresenter: '' as AnyComponent, Scrums: '' as AnyComponent, ScrumRecordPanel: '' as AnyComponent, ProjectSelector: '' as AnyComponent, IssueTemplates: '' as AnyComponent, IssueTemplatePresenter: '' as AnyComponent, SubIssuesSelector: '' as AnyComponent }, metadata: { CreateIssueDraft: '' as Metadata }, function: { IssueTitleProvider: '' as Resource<(client: Client, ref: Ref) => Promise>, GetIssueId: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record) => Promise>, GetIssueLink: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record) => Promise>, GetIssueTitle: '' as Resource<(doc: Doc, props: Record) => Promise>, IssueStatusSort: '' as SortFunc, IssuePrioritySort: '' as SortFunc, SprintSort: '' as SortFunc, SubIssueQuery: '' as ViewQueryAction, GetAllStatuses: '' as Resource< (space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref) => Promise >, GetAllPriority: '' as Resource< (space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref) => Promise >, GetAllProjects: '' as Resource< (space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref) => Promise >, GetAllSprints: '' as Resource< (space: Ref | undefined, onUpdate: () => void, queryId: Ref) => Promise > } })