{ "string": { "Setting": "Setting", "ManageTemplates": "Manage Templates", "Integrations": "Integrations", "Support": "Support", "Privacy": "Privacy", "Terms": "Terms", "EditProfile": "Edit profile", "Folders": "Folders", "Templates": "Templates", "Delete": "Delete", "ChangePassword": "Change password", "CurrentPassword": "Current password", "NewPassword": "New password", "Disconnect": "Disconnect", "Saving": "Saving...", "Saved": "Saved", "Add": "Add", "LearnMore": "Learn more", "EnterCurrentPassword": "Enter current password", "EnterNewPassword": "Enter new password", "RepeatNewPassword": "Repeat new password", "Signout": "Sign out", "Settings": "Settings", "SelectWorkspace": "Select workspace", "InviteWorkspace": "Invite to workspace", "DeleteStatus": "Delete status", "DeleteStatusConfirm": "Do you want to delete this status?", "Reconnect": "Reconnect", "IntegrationDisabled": " has been disabled", "IntegrationWith": "Integration with ", "ClassSetting": "Class setting", "Attributes": "Attributes", "DeleteAttribute": "Delete attribute", "DeleteAttributeConfirm": "Do you want to delete this attribute?", "DeleteAttributeExistConfirm": "Do you want to delete this attribute? Data will be lost", "DeleteMixin": "Delete Mixin", "DeleteMixinConfirm": "Do you want to delete this mixin?", "DeleteMixinExistConfirm": "Do you want to delete this mixin? Data will not be available", "Attribute": "Attribute", "Custom": "Custom", "Type": "Type", "WithTime": "WithTime", "CreatingAttribute": "Creating an attribute", "EditAttribute": "Edit attribute", "CreateEnum": "Create enum", "Enums": "Enums", "NewValue": "New value", "Leave": "Leave workspace", "LeaveDescr": "Are you sure you want to leave the workspace? This action cannot be undone.", "Owners": "Owners", "WorkspaceSetting": "Workspace", "Select": "Select", "AddOwner": "Add owner", "User": "User", "Maintainer": "Maintainer", "Owner": "Owner", "Role": "Role", "FailedToSave": "Failed to update password", "ImportEnum": "Import enum values", "ImportEnumCopy": "Copy enum values from clipboard", "CreateMixin": "Create Mixin", "OldNames": "Old values", "NewClassName": "Type new class name or select from previous values...", "ShowAttribute": "Show attribute", "HideAttribute": "Hide attribute", "Visibility": "Visibility", "Hidden": "Hidden" } }