  "string": {
    "SharedMessages": "shared Telegram messages",
    "Next": "Next",
    "Back": "Back",
    "Connect": "Connect",
    "Connecting": "Connecting...",
    "ConnectFull": "Connect Telegram account",
    "Password": "Password",
    "Phone": "Phone",
    "PhonePlaceholder": "+1 555 333 7777",
    "PhoneDescr": "Enter your Telegram phone number to connect your account.",
    "PasswordDescr": "Enter your second factor password",
    "CodeDescr": "Enter the 5-digit code you received on your Telegram account.",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "Share": "Share messages",
    "PublishSelected": "Publish selected",
    "SharedMessage": "Shared message",
    "Content": "Content",
    "Incoming": "Incoming",
    "Messages": "Messages",
    "NewMessage": "New message",
    "NewIncomingMessage": "Sent you a new message",
    "Telegram": "Telegram",
    "TelegramIntegrationDesc": "☠\uFE0F Experimental integration with Telegram ☠\uFE0F",
    "TelegramIntegrationDesc2": "This feature is separate from regular Telegram notifications",
    "ToSetupNotification": "To set up notifications:",
    "TelegramNotificationPath": "Notifications > General > Telegram > Configure",
    "Status": "Status",
    "MessagesSelected": "messages selected",
    "ConfigLabel": "Telegram",
    "ConfigDescription": "Extension to read and write Telegram messages",
    "ConnectBotInfoStart": "To start interacting with our bot, simply open",
    "ConnectBotInfoEnd": "and click \"Start\".",
    "ConnectBotError": "Looks like a connection could’t be automatically established. Please try reconnecting the bot by clicking “Start”.",
    "TestConnection": "Test connection",
    "Connected": "Connected",
    "TelegramNotificationDescription": "Receive personal notifications in Telegram.",
    "BotDescription": "With this bot you can get all notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram.",
    "BotShortDescription": "With this bot you can get all notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram",
    "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome! I am a bot that will help you to get all {app} notifications and reply to them without leaving Telegram.",
    "TestMessage": "Your {app} account is connected. You will receive your notifications.",
    "ConnectMessage": "⚠️Please connect me to your {app} account.\nSend /connect to generate code and paste it in {app} settings.\nCode valid for {minutes} minutes.",
    "StopMessage": "You will no longer receive notifications about {app} events. If you want to turn them back on, just send /start.",
    "StartBot": "Start the bot",
    "ConnectAccount": "Connect account via OTP",
    "ShowCommandsDetails": "Show commands details",
    "TurnNotificationsOff": "Turn notifications off",
    "ConnectedDescriptionHtml": "✅Your are connected as <b>{email}</b>",
    "AccountAlreadyConnectedHtml": "You are already connected as <b>{email}</b>",
    "AccountConnectedHtml": "You have been successfully connected as <b>{email}</b>",
    "AccountAlreadyConnected": "Account already connected",
    "InvalidCode": "Invalid code",
    "SomethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong. Please try again.",
    "Configure": "Configure",
    "ConnectTelegramBot": "Connect Telegram Bot",
    "DisconnectMessage": "⚠️You have been disconnected from the service. Please reconnect your account on {app} using /{command}.",
    "SyncAllChannels": "Sync all channels",
    "SyncStarredChannels": "Sync starred channels"