{ "string": { "Office": "Office", "Room": "Room", "RoomType": "Room type", "Share": "Share", "StopShare": "Stop share", "StartVideo": "Start video", "StopVideo": "Stop video", "Mute": "Mute", "UnMute": "Unmute", "LeaveRoom": "Leave room", "Floors": "Floors", "MyOffice": "My office", "EditOffice": "Edit office", "FinalizeEditing": "Done", "Floor": "Floor", "ChangeFloor": "Change floor", "IsKnocking": "{name} is knocking...", "Accept": "Accept", "Decline": "Decline", "EnterRoom": "Enter room", "TeamRoom": "Team room", "MeetingRoom": "Meeting room", "KnockingTo": "Knocking to ...", "Cancel": "Cancel", "AnotherWindowError": "Connection already established in another window. Please utilize that window or reconnect", "Speaker": "Speaker", "Microphone": "Microphone", "Camera": "Camera", "Settings": "Settings", "LoveDescription": "Live Office Virtual Environment", "DefaultDevice": "Default device", "Knock": "Knock required", "Open": "Open", "DND": "Do not disturb", "ChangeAccess": "Change access", "AddAFloor": "Add a floor", "RenameAFloor": "Rename a floor", "StartWithoutVideo": "Always start with camera off", "StartWithMutedMic": "Always start with muted mic", "InvitingYou": "{name} is asking you to join", "YouInivite": "You are inviting to join", "NoiseCancellation": "Noise cancellation", "KnockingLabel": "Knocking", "InivitingLabel": "Invite", "Invite": "Invite", "KnockAction": "Knock", "NoiseCancellationNotSupported": "Noise cancellation is not supported in this browser", "Blur": "Background blur", "BlurRadius": "Radius", "BlurTooltip": "Blur feature significantly increases CPU consumption, which may affect overall system performance.", "GuestLink": "Guest link", "CopyGuestLink": "Copy guest link", "Record": "Record", "StopRecord": "Stop record", "LeaveRoomConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to leave the room?", "ServiceNotConfigured": "Service is not configured", "FullscreenMode": "Full-screen mode", "ExitingFullscreenMode": "Exiting fullscreen mode", "Select": "Select", "ChooseShare": "Choose what to share", "CreateMeeting": "Create meeting", "MoreOptions": "More options", "StartTranscription": "Start transcription", "StopTranscription": "Stop transcription", "Meeting": "Meeting", "Transcription": "Transcription", "StartWithTranscription": "Start with transcription", "MeetingMinutes": "Meeting minutes", "MeetingsMinutes": "Meetings minutes", "StartMeeting": "Start meeting", "Video": "Video", "NoMeetingMinutes": "No meeting minutes", "JoinMeeting": "Join meeting", "MeetingStart": "Meeting start", "MeetingEnd": "Meeting end", "EndMeeting": "End meeting", "Status": "Status", "Active": "Active", "Finished": "Finished", "StartWithRecording": "Start with recording", "Language": "Language", "Kick": "Kick" } }