{ "string": { "Completed": "Completed", "Name": "Name", "CreateBoard": "Create board", "OpenCard": "Open Card", "CreateCard": "Create card", "CardName": "Card name", "Cards": "Cards", "SelectBoard": "Select board", "More": "More...", "Title": "Title", "ManageBoardStatuses": "Manage board statuses", "BoardName": "Board", "CardCreateLabel": "Card", "CardPlaceholder": "Card placeholder", "Board": "Board", "Boards": "Boards", "MyBoards": "My boards", "BoardApplication": "Boards", "Card": "Card", "Assignee": "Assignee", "Description": "Description", "DescriptionPlaceholder": "Add a more detailed description...", "Location": "Location", "Members": "Members", "IsArchived": "Archived", "BoardCreateLabel": "Board", "Settings": "Settings", "Suggested": "Suggested", "Labels": "Labels", "CreateLabel": "Create a new label", "SearchLabels": "Search labels...", "SelectColor": "Select a color", "NoColor": "No color.", "NoColorInfo": "This won't show up on the front of cards.", "Checklists": "Checklists", "ChecklistDropdownNone": "(none)", "ShowDoneChecklistItems": "Show checked items ({done})", "HideDoneChecklistItems": "Hide checked items", "CopyChecklistFrom": "Copy items from...", "Dates": "Dates", "Attachments": "Attachments", "AddAttachment": "Add an attachment", "DropFileToUpload": "Drop files to upload.", "AttachFrom": "Attach from...", "AttachmentTip": "Tip: You can drag and drop files onto cards to upload them.", "Computer": "Computer", "CustomFields": "Custom Fields", "Automation": "Automation", "AddButton": "Add Button", "Actions": "Actions", "Cover": "Cover", "Join": "Join", "Move": "Move", "Copy": "Copy", "MakeTemplate": "Make Template", "Archive": "Archive", "SendToBoard": "Send to board", "Delete": "Delete", "HideDetails": "Hide Details", "ShowDetails": "Show Details", "NewList": "Add another list", "AddList": "Add list", "NewListPlaceholder": "Enter list title...", "AddACard": "Add a card", "AddCard": "Add card", "CardTitlePlaceholder": "Enter a title for this card...", "MoveCard": "Move card", "SelectDestination": "Select destination", "Create": "Create", "CreateDescription": "If you want, we can create a card for every new line ({number}). You can also create one card with a long title.", "CreateSingle": "Just one card", "CreateMultiple": "Create {number} cards", "Cancel": "Cancel", "List": "List", "Position": "Position", "Current": "{label} (current)", "Save": "Save", "Remove": "Remove", "NullDate": "M/D/YYYY", "ViewProfile": "View profile", "RemoveFromCard": "Remove from card", "LinkName": "Link name", "Edit": "Edit", "Update": "Update", "DeleteAttachment": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", "DeleteCard": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won’t be able to re-open the card. There is no undo.", "SearchMembers": "Search members", "Menu": "Menu", "ShowMenu": "Show menu", "ToArchive": "Archive", "CopyCard": "Copy card", "AlsoCopy": "Keep...", "CopyTo": "Copy to...", "NoResults": "No results", "SwitchToLists": "Switch to lists", "SwitchToCards": "Switch to cards", "SearchArchive": "Search archive...", "Size": "Size", "RemoveCover": "Remove cover", "DeleteChecklist": "Delete checklist", "DeleteChecklistConfirm": "Deleting a checklist is permanent and there is no way to get it back.", "ConvertToCard": "Convert to card" } }