import { Analytics } from '@hcengineering/analytics' import chunter from '@hcengineering/chunter' import { CollaboratorClient } from '@hcengineering/collaborator-client' import contact, { AvatarType, Person, PersonAccount } from '@hcengineering/contact' import core, { Account, AccountRole, AttachedDoc, Branding, Class, Client, ClientConnectEvent, Data, Doc, DocumentQuery, DocumentUpdate, FindResult, MeasureContext, Ref, SortingOrder, Space, Status, Tx, TxApplyIf, TxCUD, TxOperations, TxWorkspaceEvent, WithLookup, WorkspaceEvent, WorkspaceIdWithUrl, concatLink, generateId, groupByArray, toIdMap, type Blob, type MigrationState } from '@hcengineering/core' import { LiveQuery } from '@hcengineering/query' import { StorageAdapter } from '@hcengineering/server-core' import { getPublicLinkUrl } from '@hcengineering/server-guest-resources' import task, { ProjectType, TaskType } from '@hcengineering/task' import { MarkupNode, jsonToMarkup, isMarkdownsEquals } from '@hcengineering/text' import tracker from '@hcengineering/tracker' import { User } from '@octokit/webhooks-types' import github, { DocSyncInfo, GithubAuthentication, GithubIntegration, GithubIntegrationRepository, GithubIssue, GithubMilestone, GithubProject, GithubUserInfo, githubId } from '@hcengineering/github' import { App, Octokit } from 'octokit' import { createPlatformClient } from './client' import { createCollaboratorClient } from './collaborator' import config from './config' import { markupToMarkdown, parseMessageMarkdown } from './markdown' import { createNotification } from './notifications' import { InstallationRecord, PlatformWorker } from './platform' import { CommentSyncManager } from './sync/comments' import { IssueSyncManager } from './sync/issues' import { ProjectsSyncManager } from './sync/projects' import { PullRequestSyncManager } from './sync/pullrequests' import { RepositorySyncMapper } from './sync/repository' import { ReviewCommentSyncManager } from './sync/reviewComments' import { ReviewThreadSyncManager } from './sync/reviewThreads' import { ReviewSyncManager } from './sync/reviews' import { syncConfig } from './sync/syncConfig' import { UsersSyncManager, fetchViewerDetails } from './sync/users' import { errorToObj } from './sync/utils' import { ContainerFocus, DocSyncManager, ExternalSyncField, GithubUserRecord, IntegrationContainer, IntegrationManager, UserInfo, githubDerivedSyncVersion, githubExternalSyncVersion, githubSyncVersion } from './types' import { equalExceptKeys } from './utils' /** * @public */ export class GithubWorker implements IntegrationManager { integrations: Map = new Map() _client: TxOperations closing: boolean = false syncPromise?: Promise triggerRequests: number = 0 triggerSync: () => void = () => { this.triggerRequests++ } updateRequests: number = 0 triggerUpdate: () => void = () => { this.updateRequests++ } mappers: { _class: Ref>[], mapper: DocSyncManager }[] = [] liveQuery: LiveQuery repositoryManager: RepositorySyncMapper collaborator: CollaboratorClient periodicTimer: any personMapper: UsersSyncManager async close (): Promise { clearInterval(this.periodicTimer) this.closing = true await this.syncPromise await this.client.close() } async refreshClient (clean: boolean): Promise { await this.liveQuery.refreshConnect(clean) } getWorkspaceId (): WorkspaceIdWithUrl { return this.workspace } getBranding (): Branding | null { return this.branding } async reloadRepositories (installationId: number): Promise { const current = this.integrations.get(installationId) if (current !== undefined) { await this.repositoryManager.reloadRepositories(current) this.triggerUpdate() } } async checkMarkdownConversion ( container: IntegrationContainer, body: string ): Promise<{ markdownCompatible: boolean, markdown: string }> { const markupText = await this.getMarkup(container, body) const markDown = await this.getMarkdown(markupText) return { markdownCompatible: isMarkdownsEquals(body, markDown), markdown: markDown } } async getMarkup ( container: IntegrationContainer, text?: string | null, preprocessor?: (nodes: MarkupNode) => Promise ): Promise { if (text == null) { return '' } const frontUrl = this.getBranding()?.front ?? config.FrontURL const refUrl = concatLink(frontUrl, `/browse/?workspace=${}`) const imageUrl = concatLink(frontUrl ?? config.FrontURL, `/files?workspace=${}&file=`) const guestUrl = getPublicLinkUrl(this.workspace, frontUrl) const json = parseMessageMarkdown(text ?? '', refUrl, imageUrl, guestUrl) await preprocessor?.(json) return jsonToMarkup(json) } async getMarkdown (text?: string | null, preprocessor?: (nodes: MarkupNode) => Promise): Promise { if (text == null) { return '' } return await markupToMarkdown( text ?? '', concatLink(this.getBranding()?.front ?? config.FrontURL, `/browse/?workspace=${}`), concatLink(this.getBranding()?.front ?? config.FrontURL, `/files?workspace=${}&file=`), preprocessor ) } async getContainer (space: Ref): Promise { for (const v of this.integrations.values()) { if (v.octokit === undefined) { continue } const project = await this.liveQuery.findOne(github.mixin.GithubProject, { _id: space as Ref }) if (project !== undefined) { const repositories = await this.liveQuery.queryFind( github.class.GithubIntegrationRepository, {} ) return { container: v, repository: repositories.filter((it) => it.githubProject === space), project } } } } async getAccountU (user: User): Promise { return await this.getAccount({ id: user.node_id, login: user.login, avatarUrl: user.avatar_url, email: ?? undefined, name: }) } accountMap = new Map>() async getAccount (userInfo?: UserInfo | null): Promise { if (userInfo?.login == null) { return } const info = this.accountMap.get(userInfo?.login ?? '') if (info !== undefined) { return await info } const p = this._getAccountRaw(userInfo) this.accountMap.set(userInfo?.login ?? '', p) return await p } async _getAccountRaw (userInfo?: UserInfo | null): Promise { // We need to sync by userInfo id to prevent parallel requests. if (userInfo === null) { // Ghost author. return await this.getAccount({ id: 'ghost', login: 'ghost', avatarUrl: '', email: '', name: 'Ghost' }) } if (userInfo?.login == null) { return } const userName = ( ?? userInfo.login) .split(' ') .map((it) => it.trim()) .reverse() .join(',') // TODO: Convert first, last name const infos = await this.liveQuery.findOne(github.class.GithubUserInfo, { login: userInfo.login }) if (infos === undefined) { await this._client.createDoc(github.class.GithubUserInfo,, { ...userInfo }) } const account = await this.liveQuery.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email: `github:${userInfo.login}` }) if (account !== undefined) { const person = await this.liveQuery.findOne(contact.class.Person, { _id: account.person }) // We need to be sure employee are exists. if (person === undefined) { const person: Ref = await this.findPerson(userInfo, userName) if (account.person !== person) { await this._client.update(account, { person }) } } return account } else { // Check authorized users const accountRecord = await this.platform.getAccount(userInfo.login) if (accountRecord !== undefined) { const authorizedId = accountRecord.accounts[] if (authorizedId !== undefined) { const emp = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { _id: authorizedId as Ref }) if (emp !== undefined) { // We need to create github account const gid = await this._client.createDoc(contact.class.PersonAccount,, { email: `github:${userInfo.login}`, person: emp.person, role: AccountRole.User }) const acc = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { _id: gid }) return acc } } } const person: Ref | undefined = await this.findPerson(userInfo, userName) // We need to create email account const id = await this._client.createDoc(contact.class.PersonAccount,, { email: `github:${userInfo.login}`, person, role: AccountRole.User }) const acc = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { _id: id }) return acc } } private constructor ( readonly ctx: MeasureContext, readonly platform: PlatformWorker, readonly installations: Map, readonly client: Client, readonly app: App, readonly storageAdapter: StorageAdapter, readonly workspace: WorkspaceIdWithUrl, readonly branding: Branding | null, readonly periodicSyncInterval = 60 * 60 * 1000 ) { this._client = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System) this.liveQuery = new LiveQuery(client) this.repositoryManager = new RepositorySyncMapper(this.ctx.newChild('repository', {}), this._client, this.collaborator = createCollaboratorClient(this._client.getHierarchy(), this.workspace) this.personMapper = new UsersSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('users', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) this.mappers = [ { _class: [github.mixin.GithubProject], mapper: this.repositoryManager }, { _class: [github.class.GithubIntegration, tracker.class.Milestone], mapper: new ProjectsSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('project', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) }, { _class: [tracker.class.Issue], mapper: new IssueSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('issue', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery, this.collaborator) }, { _class: [github.class.GithubPullRequest], mapper: new PullRequestSyncManager( this.ctx.newChild('pullRequest', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery, this.collaborator ) }, { _class: [chunter.class.ChatMessage], mapper: new CommentSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('comment', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) }, { _class: [contact.class.PersonAccount], mapper: this.personMapper }, { _class: [github.class.GithubReview], mapper: new ReviewSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('review', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) }, { _class: [github.class.GithubReviewThread], mapper: new ReviewThreadSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('review-thread', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) }, { _class: [github.class.GithubReviewComment], mapper: new ReviewCommentSyncManager(this.ctx.newChild('review-comment', {}), this._client, this.liveQuery) } ] // We need to perform some periodic syncs, like sync users available, sync repo data. this.periodicTimer = setInterval(() => { if (this.periodicSyncPromise === undefined) { this.periodicSyncPromise = this.performPeriodicSync() } }, this.periodicSyncInterval) } periodicSyncPromise: Promise | undefined async performPeriodicSync (): Promise { try { for (const inst of this.integrations.values()) { await this.repositoryManager.reloadRepositories(inst) } this.triggerUpdate() } catch (err: any) { Analytics.handleError(err) } this.periodicSyncPromise = undefined } private async findPerson (userInfo: UserInfo, userName: string): Promise> { let person: Ref | undefined // try to find by account. if ( != null) { const personAccount = await this.client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email: }) person = personAccount?.person } if (person === undefined) { const channel = await this.client.findOne(contact.class.Channel, { provider: contact.channelProvider.GitHub, value: userInfo.login }) person = channel?.attachedTo as Ref } if (person === undefined) { // We need to create some person to identify this account. person = await this._client.createDoc(contact.class.Person,, { name: userName, avatarType: AvatarType.EXTERNAL, avatarProps: { url: userInfo.avatarUrl }, city: '', comments: 0, channels: 0, attachments: 0 }) await this._client.addCollection( contact.class.Channel,, person, contact.class.Person, 'channels', { provider: contact.channelProvider.GitHub, value: userInfo.login } ) if ( != null && !== '') { await this._client.addCollection( contact.class.Channel,, person, contact.class.Person, 'channels', { provider: contact.channelProvider.Email, value: } ) } } return person } async getGithubLogin (container: IntegrationContainer, person: Ref): Promise { const accounts = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(contact.class.PersonAccount, {}) const acc = accounts.find((it) => it.person === person &&'github:')) if (acc === undefined) { return // Nobody, will use system account. } const login = let info = await this.liveQuery.findOne(github.class.GithubUserInfo, { login }) if (info === undefined) { // We need to retrieve info for login const response: any = await container.octokit?.graphql( `query($login: String!) { user(login: $login) { id email login name avatarUrl } }`, { login } ) info = response.user await this._client.createDoc(github.class.GithubUserInfo,, info as Data) } return info } async syncUserData (ctx: MeasureContext, users: GithubUserRecord[]): Promise { // Let's sync information about users and send some details for (const record of users) { if (record.error !== undefined) { // Skip accounts with error continue } const account = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { email: `github:${record._id}` }) const userAuth = await this._client.findOne(github.class.GithubAuthentication, { login: record._id }) const person = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.Person, { _id: account?.person }) if (account === undefined || userAuth === undefined || person === undefined) { continue } const accountRef = record.accounts[] try { await this.platform.checkRefreshToken(record, true) const ops = new TxOperations(this.client, accountRef) await syncUser(ctx, record, userAuth, ops, accountRef) } catch (err: any) { await this.platform.revokeUserAuth(record) if (err.response?.data?.message !== 'Bad credentials') { ctx.error(`Failed to sync user ${record._id}`, err) Analytics.handleError(err) } if (userAuth !== undefined) { await this._client.update( userAuth, { error: errorToObj(err) }, undefined,, accountRef ) } } } } async getOctokit (account: Ref): Promise { let record = await this.platform.getAccountByRef(, account) // const accountRef = this.accounts.find((it) => it._id === account) const accountRef = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { _id: account }) if (record === undefined) { if (accountRef !== undefined) { const accounts = await this._client.findAll(contact.class.PersonAccount, {}) const allAccounts = accounts.filter((it) => it.person === accountRef.person) for (const aa of allAccounts) { record = await this.platform.getAccountByRef(, aa._id) if (record !== undefined) { break } } } } // Check and refresh token if required. if (record !== undefined) {'get octokit', { account, recordId: record._id }) await this.platform.checkRefreshToken(record) return new Octokit({ auth: record.token, client_id: config.ClientID, client_secret: config.ClientSecret }) } // We need to inform user, he need to authorize this account with github. if (accountRef !== undefined) { const person = await this.client.findOne(contact.class.Person, { _id: accountRef.person }) if (person !== undefined) { await createNotification(this._client, person, { user: account, message: github.string.AuthenticatedWithGithubRequired, props: {} }) } }'get octokit: return bot', { account }) } async isPlatformUser (account: Ref): Promise { let record = await this.platform.getAccountByRef(, account) const accountRef = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.PersonAccount, { _id: account }) if (record === undefined) { if (accountRef !== undefined) { const accounts = await this._client.findAll(contact.class.PersonAccount, {}) const allAccounts = accounts.filter((it) => it.person === accountRef.person) for (const aa of allAccounts) { record = await this.platform.getAccountByRef(, aa._id) if (record !== undefined) { break } } } } // Check and refresh token if required. return record !== undefined && accountRef !== undefined } async uploadFile (patch: string, file?: string): Promise { const id: string = file ?? generateId() await this.storageAdapter.put(this.ctx, this.workspace, id, patch, 'text/x-patch', patch.length) return await this.storageAdapter.stat(this.ctx, this.workspace, id) } integrationRepositories: WithLookup[] = [] integrationsRaw: GithubIntegration[] = [] async getProjectType (type: Ref): Promise { return await this._client.findOne(task.class.ProjectType, { _id: type }) } async getTaskType (type: Ref): Promise { return await this._client.findOne(task.class.TaskType, { _id: type }) } async getTaskTypeOf (project: Ref, ofClass: Ref>): Promise { const pType = await this.getProjectType(project) for (const tsk of pType?.tasks ?? []) { const task = await this.getTaskType(tsk) if (task?.ofClass === ofClass) { return task } } } async getProjectStatuses (type: Ref | undefined): Promise { if (type === undefined) return [] const statuses = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(core.class.Status, {}) const projectType = await this.getProjectType(type) const allowedTypes = new Set(projectType? => it._id) ?? []) return statuses.filter((it) => allowedTypes.has(it._id)) } async getStatuses (type: Ref | undefined): Promise { if (type === undefined) return [] const taskType = await this.getTaskType(type) const statuses = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(core.class.Status, {}) const allowedTypes = new Set(taskType?.statuses ?? []) return statuses.filter((it) => allowedTypes.has(it._id)) } async init (): Promise { this.registerNotifyHandler() await this.queryAccounts() await this.queryProjects() for (const { mapper } of this.mappers) { await mapper.init(this) } await new Promise((resolve) => { this.liveQuery.query(github.class.GithubIntegration, {}, (res) => { try { if (equalExceptKeys(this.integrationsRaw, res, ['modifiedBy', 'modifiedOn'])) { return } this.integrationsRaw = res } finally { resolve() } this.triggerUpdate() }) }) await new Promise((resolve) => { this.liveQuery.query(github.class.GithubIntegrationRepository, {}, (res) => { try { if (equalExceptKeys(this.integrationRepositories, res, ['modifiedOn', 'modifiedBy'])) { return } // We have some repository changed. const existing = toIdMap(res) const removed = this.integrationRepositories.filter((it) => !existing.has(it._id)) this.integrationRepositories = res const clearCacheForRepo = (r: WithLookup): void => { const i = Array.from(this.integrations.values()).find((it) => it.integration._id === r.attachedTo) if (i !== undefined) { for (const m of this.mappers) { m.mapper.repositoryDisabled(i, r) } } } // In case enabled is change to false, we need to clean cache for repository. for (const r of res) { if (!r.enabled) { clearCacheForRepo(r) } } for (const o of removed) { clearCacheForRepo(o) } } finally { resolve() } this.triggerUpdate() }) }) const userRecords = await this.platform.getUsers( await this.syncUserData(this.ctx, userRecords) this.triggerRequests = 1 this.updateRequests = 1 this.syncPromise = this.syncAndWait() return true } projects: GithubProject[] = [] milestones: GithubMilestone[] = [] async queryProjects (): Promise { await new Promise((resolve) => { this.liveQuery.query(github.mixin.GithubProject, {}, (res) => { let needRefresh = false if (!equalExceptKeys(this.projects, res, ['sequence', 'modifiedOn', 'modifiedBy'])) { needRefresh = true } this.projects = res resolve() if (needRefresh || this.projects.length !== res.length) { // Do not trigger update if only sequence is changed. this.triggerUpdate() } }) }) await new Promise((resolve) => { this.liveQuery.query(github.mixin.GithubMilestone, {}, (res) => { let needRefresh = false if (!equalExceptKeys(this.milestones, res, ['modifiedOn', 'modifiedBy'])) { needRefresh = true } this.milestones = res resolve() if (needRefresh || this.milestones.length !== res.length) { // Do not trigger update if only sequence is changed. this.triggerUpdate() } }) }) } async updateIntegrations (): Promise { await this.checkMapping() for (const it of this.integrationsRaw) { let current = this.integrations.get(it.installationId) if (current === undefined) { try { const inst = this.installations.get(it.installationId) if (inst === undefined) { // will update on next update. continue } current = { integration: it, octokit: inst.octokit, installationId: it.installationId, login: inst.login ?? '', loginNodeId: inst.loginNodeId ?? '', type: inst.type ?? 'User', installationName: inst?.installationName ?? '', enabled: true, synchronized: new Set(), projectStructure: new Map(), syncLock: new Map() } this.integrations.set(it.installationId, current) await this.repositoryManager.reloadRepositories(current) } catch (err: any) { Analytics.handleError(err) this.ctx.error('Error', { err }) } } else { const inst = this.installations.get(it.installationId) if (inst === undefined) { // will update on next update. continue } current.integration = it await this.repositoryManager.reloadRepositories(current) } } } private registerNotifyHandler (): void { this.client.notify = (...tx: Tx[]) => { void this.liveQuery .tx(...tx) .then(() => { // Handle tx const h = this._client.getHierarchy() for (const t of tx) { if (h.isDerived(t._class, core.class.TxCUD)) { const cud = t as TxCUD if (cud.objectClass === github.class.DocSyncInfo) { this.triggerSync() break } } if (h.isDerived(t._class, core.class.TxApplyIf)) { const applyop = t as TxApplyIf for (const tt of applyop.txes) { if (tt.objectClass === github.class.DocSyncInfo) { this.triggerSync() break } } } if (h.isDerived(t._class, core.class.TxWorkspaceEvent)) { const evt = t as TxWorkspaceEvent if (evt.event === WorkspaceEvent.BulkUpdate) { // Just trigger for any bulk update this.triggerUpdate() break } } } }) .catch((err) => { this.ctx.error('error during live query', { err }) Analytics.handleError(err) }) } } private async queryAccounts (): Promise { const updateAccounts = async (accounts: PersonAccount[]): Promise => { const persons = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(contact.class.Person, { _id: { $in: => it.person) } }) const h = this.client.getHierarchy() for (const a of accounts) { if ('github:')) { const login = const person = persons.find((it) => it._id === a.person) if (person !== undefined) { // #1 check if person has GithubUser mixin. if (!h.hasMixin(person, github.mixin.GithubUser)) { await this._client.createMixin(person._id, person._class,, github.mixin.GithubUser, { url: `${login}` }) } else { const ghu =, github.mixin.GithubUser) if (ghu.url !== `${login}`) { await this._client.updateMixin(person._id, person._class,, github.mixin.GithubUser, { url: `${login}` }) } } // #2 check if person has contact github and if not add it. const channel = await this._client.findOne(contact.class.Channel, { provider: contact.channelProvider.GitHub, value: login, attachedTo: person._id }) if (channel === undefined) { await this._client.addCollection( contact.class.Channel,, person._id, contact.class.Person, 'channels', { provider: contact.channelProvider.GitHub, value: login } ) } } } } } await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.liveQuery.query(contact.class.PersonAccount, {}, (res) => { void updateAccounts(res).then(resolve).catch(reject) }) }) } async performExternalSync ( projects: GithubProject[], repositories: GithubIntegrationRepository[], field: ExternalSyncField, version: string ): Promise { // Find all classes with e const query: DocumentQuery = { [field]: { $nin: [version, '#'] }, space: { $in: Array.from( => it._id)) }, repository: { $in: Array.from( => it._id)) }, url: { $ne: '' } } if (field === 'derivedVersion') { const classes: Ref>[] = [] for (const m of this.mappers) { if (m.mapper.externalDerivedSync) { classes.push(...m._class) } } // We need check only mappers, with support to this sync kind query.objectClass = { $in: classes } } const docs = await this._client.findAll(github.class.DocSyncInfo, query, { limit: 50, sort: { modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Ascending } }) if (docs.length === 0) { return false } // Group changes by class and retrieve source documents. const byRepository = this.groupByRepository(docs) const ints = Array.from(this.integrations.values()) const derivedClient = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System, true) for (const [repository, docs] of byRepository.entries()) { const integration = ints.find((it) => repositories.find((q) => q._id === repository)) if (integration?.octokit === undefined) { continue } const repo = repositories.find((it) => it._id === repository) if (repo === undefined) { continue } const prj = projects.find((it) => repo.githubProject === it._id) if (prj === undefined) { continue }'External Syncing', { name:, prj:, field, version, docs: docs.length }) const byClass = this.groupByClass(docs) for (const [_class, _docs] of byClass.entries()) { const mapper = this.mappers.find((it) => it._class.includes(_class))?.mapper try { await mapper?.externalSync(integration, derivedClient, field, _docs, repo, prj) } catch (err: any) { Analytics.handleError(err) this.ctx.error('failed to perform external sync', err) } } } return true } previousWait = 0 private groupByRepository (docs: FindResult): Map, DocSyncInfo[]> { const byRepository = new Map, DocSyncInfo[]>() for (const d of docs) { byRepository.set(d.repository as Ref, [ ...(byRepository.get(d.repository as Ref) ?? []), d ]) } return byRepository } groupByClass (docs: DocSyncInfo[]): Map>, DocSyncInfo[]> { const byClass = new Map>, DocSyncInfo[]>() for (const d of docs) { byClass.set(d.objectClass, [...(byClass.get(d.objectClass) ?? []), d]) } return byClass } async applyMigrations (): Promise { const key = 'lowerCaseDuplicates' // We need to apply migrations if required. const migration = await this.client.findOne(core.class.MigrationState, { plugin: githubId, state: key }) const derivedClient = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System, true) if (migration === undefined) { let modifiedOn = 0 const limit = 1000 while (true) { const docs = ( await this.client.findAll( github.class.DocSyncInfo, { url: { $ne: '' }, modifiedOn }, { projection: { url: 1, modifiedOn: 1 } } ) ).concat( await this.client.findAll( github.class.DocSyncInfo, { url: { $ne: '' }, modifiedOn: { $gt: modifiedOn } }, { limit, sort: { modifiedOn: SortingOrder.Ascending }, projection: { url: 1, modifiedOn: 1 } } ) ) if (docs.length > 0) { modifiedOn = docs[docs.length - 1].modifiedOn } else { // No more elements break } const ops = derivedClient.apply(generateId()) const uris: string[] = [] // Check if some uris need to be lowercased for (const d of docs) { if (d.url.startsWith('http://') || d.url.startsWith('https://')) { const lw = d.url.toLowerCase() uris.push(lw) // This is for duplicate processing if (lw !== d.url) { await ops.update(d, { url: lw }) } } } await ops.commit() // Try find delete duplicate info const duplicates = groupByArray( await this.client.findAll(github.class.DocSyncInfo, { url: { $in: uris } }), (d) => d.url ) for (const [, v] of duplicates.entries()) { // We need to delete a value without a document or any if (v.length > 1) { for (const d of v.slice(1)) { try { await derivedClient.remove(d) await derivedClient.removeDoc(d.objectClass,, d._id) } catch (err: any) { this.ctx.error('failed to clean duplicate item', { err }) } } } } if (docs.length < limit) { // We processed all items break } } await derivedClient.createDoc(core.class.MigrationState,, { plugin: githubId, state: key }) } } async syncAndWait (): Promise { this.updateRequests = 1 await this.applyMigrations() while (!this.closing) { if (this.updateRequests > 0) { this.updateRequests = 0 // Just in case await this.updateIntegrations() await this.performFullSync() } const { projects, repositories } = await this.collectActiveProjects() if (projects.length === 0 && repositories.length === 0) { await this.waitChanges() continue } // Check if we have documents with external sync request's pending. const hadExternalChanges = await this.performExternalSync( projects, repositories, 'externalVersion', githubExternalSyncVersion ) const hadSyncChanges = await this.performSync(projects, repositories) // Perform derived operations // Sync derived external data, like pull request reviews, files etc. const hadDerivedChanges = await this.performExternalSync( projects, repositories, 'derivedVersion', githubDerivedSyncVersion ) if (!hadExternalChanges && !hadSyncChanges && !hadDerivedChanges) { if (this.previousWait !== 0) {'Wait for changes:', { previousWait: this.previousWait }) this.previousWait = 0 } // Wait until some sync documents will be modified, updated. await this.waitChanges() } } } private async performSync (projects: GithubProject[], repositories: GithubIntegrationRepository[]): Promise { const _projects = => it._id) const _repositories = => it._id) const h = this.client.getHierarchy() const sortCases = this.mappers .map((it) => it._class) .flat() .map((it) => h.getDescendants(it)) .flat() .map((it, idx) => ({ query: it, index: idx })) const docs = await this.ctx.with( 'find-doc-sync-info', {}, async (ctx) => await this._client.findAll( github.class.DocSyncInfo, { needSync: { $ne: githubSyncVersion }, externalVersion: { $in: [githubExternalSyncVersion, '#'] }, space: { $in: _projects }, repository: { $in: [null, ..._repositories] } }, { limit: 50, sort: { objectClass: { order: SortingOrder.Ascending, cases: sortCases } } } ), { _projects, _repositories } ) // if (docs.length > 0) { this.previousWait += docs.length'Syncing', { docs: docs.length }) await this.doSyncFor(docs) } return docs.length !== 0 } async doSyncFor (docs: DocSyncInfo[]): Promise { const byClass = this.groupByClass(docs) // We need to reorder based on our sync mappers for (const [_class, clDocs] of byClass.entries()) { await this.syncClass(_class, clDocs) } } private async collectActiveProjects (): Promise<{ projects: GithubProject[] repositories: GithubIntegrationRepository[] }> { const projects: GithubProject[] = [] const repositories: GithubIntegrationRepository[] = [] const allProjects = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(github.mixin.GithubProject, {}) const allRepositories = await this.liveQuery.queryFind(github.class.GithubIntegrationRepository, { enabled: true }) for (const it of Array.from(this.integrations.values())) { if (it.enabled) { const _projects = allProjects.filter((p) => !syncConfig.MainProject || it.projectStructure.has(p._id)) const prjIds = new Set( => it._id)) const _repos = allRepositories.filter((r) => r.githubProject != null && prjIds.has(r.githubProject)) repositories.push(..._repos) const repoProjects = new Set( => it.githubProject)) projects.push(..._projects.filter((p) => repoProjects.has(p._id))) } } if (process.env.GITHUB_DEBUG_SYNC === 'true' && projects.length === 0 && repositories.length === 0) { return { projects: allProjects, repositories: allRepositories } } return { projects, repositories } } async checkMapping (): Promise { for (const intgr of this.platform.integrations.filter((it) => it.workspace === { const integration = await this._client.findOne(github.class.GithubIntegration, { installationId: intgr.installationId }) if (integration === undefined && this.installations.has(intgr.installationId)) { const installation = this.installations.get(intgr.installationId) as InstallationRecord await this._client.createDoc( github.class.GithubIntegration,, { alive: true, installationId: intgr.installationId, clientId: config.ClientID, name: installation.installationName, nodeId: installation.loginNodeId, repositories: 0 }, generateId(),, intgr.accountId ) this.triggerUpdate() } else if (integration !== undefined) { await this._client.diffUpdate(integration, { alive: true }) } } } async syncClass (_class: Ref>, syncInfo: DocSyncInfo[]): Promise { const externalDocs = await this._client.findAll(_class, { _id: { $in: => it._id as Ref) } }) const parents = await this._client.findAll(github.class.DocSyncInfo, { url: { $in: => it.parent?.toLowerCase()).filter((it) => it) as string[] } }) // Attached parents, for new documents. const attachedTo = externalDocs .filter((it) => this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(it._class, core.class.AttachedDoc)) .map((it) => (it as AttachedDoc).attachedTo as Ref) .filter((it, idx, arr) => arr.indexOf(it) === idx) const attachedParents = await this._client.findAll(github.class.DocSyncInfo, { _id: { $in: attachedTo } }) const derivedClient = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System, true) const docsMap = new Map, Doc>( => [it._id as Ref, it])) const orderedSyncInfo = [...syncInfo] orderedSyncInfo.sort((a, b) => { const adoc = docsMap.get(a._id as Ref) const bdoc = docsMap.get(a._id as Ref) return (bdoc?.createdOn ?? 0) - (adoc?.createdOn ?? 0) }) for (const info of orderedSyncInfo) { try { const existing = externalDocs.find((it) => it._id === info._id) const mapper = this.mappers.find((it) => it._class.includes(info.objectClass))?.mapper if (mapper === undefined) {'No mapper for class', { objectClass: info.objectClass }) await derivedClient.update(info, { needSync: githubSyncVersion }) continue } const container = await this.getContainer( const repo = container?.repository.find((it) => it._id === info.repository) if (repo !== undefined && !repo.enabled) { continue } let parent = info.parent !== undefined ? parents.find((it) => it.url.toLowerCase() === info.parent?.toLowerCase()) : undefined if ( parent === undefined && existing !== undefined && this.client.getHierarchy().isDerived(existing._class, core.class.AttachedDoc) ) { // Find with attached parent parent = attachedParents.find((it) => it._id === (existing as AttachedDoc).attachedTo) } if (existing !== undefined && !== { // document is moved to non github project, so for github it like delete. const targetProject = await this.client.findOne(github.mixin.GithubProject, { _id: as Ref }) if (await mapper.handleDelete(existing, info, derivedClient, false, parent)) { const h = this._client.getHierarchy() await derivedClient.remove(info) if (h.hasMixin(existing, github.mixin.GithubIssue)) { const mixinData = this._client.getHierarchy().as(existing, github.mixin.GithubIssue) await this._client.update( mixinData, { url: '', githubNumber: 0, repository: '' as Ref }, false,, existing.modifiedBy ) } continue } if (targetProject !== undefined) { // We need to sync into new project. await derivedClient.update(info, { external: null, current: null, url: '', needSync: '', externalVersion: '', githubNumber: 0, repository: null }) } } if (info.deleted === true) { if (await mapper.handleDelete(existing, info, derivedClient, true)) { await derivedClient.remove(info) continue } } const docUpdate = await this.ctx.withLog( 'sync doc', {}, async (ctx) => await mapper.sync(existing, info, parent, derivedClient), { url: info.url.toLowerCase() } ) if (docUpdate !== undefined) { await derivedClient.update(info, docUpdate) } } catch (err: any) { Analytics.handleError(err) this.ctx.error('failed to sync doc', { _id: info._id, objectClass: info.objectClass, error: err }) // Mark to stop processing of document, before restart. await derivedClient.update(info, { error: errorToObj(err), needSync: githubSyncVersion, externalVersion: githubExternalSyncVersion }) } } } private async waitChanges (): Promise { if (this.triggerRequests > 0 || this.updateRequests > 0) {'Trigger check pending:', { requests: this.triggerRequests, updates: this.updateRequests }) this.triggerRequests = 0 return } await new Promise((resolve) => { let triggerTimeout: any let updateTimeout: any this.triggerSync = () => { const was0 = this.triggerRequests === 0 this.triggerRequests++ if (triggerTimeout === undefined) { triggerTimeout = setTimeout(() => { triggerTimeout = undefined if (was0) {'Sync triggered', { request: this.triggerRequests }) } resolve() }, 50) // Small timeout to aggregate few bulk changes. } } this.triggerUpdate = () => { const was0 = this.updateRequests === 0 this.updateRequests++ if (updateTimeout === undefined) { updateTimeout = setTimeout(() => { updateTimeout = undefined if (was0) {'Sync update triggered', { requests: this.updateRequests }) } resolve() }, 50) // Small timeout to aggregate few bulk changes. } } // Wait up for every 60 seconds to refresh, just in case. setTimeout(() => { resolve() }, 60 * 1000) }) } sync (): void { this.triggerSync() } async performFullSync (): Promise { // Wait previous active sync for (const integration of this.integrations.values()) { await this.ctx.withLog('external sync', { installation: integration.installationName }, async () => { if (!integration.enabled || integration.octokit === undefined) { return } const upd: DocumentUpdate = {} if (integration.integration.byUser !== integration.login) { upd.byUser = integration.login } if (integration.integration.type !== integration.type) { upd.type = integration.type } if (integration.integration.clientId !== config.ClientID) { upd.clientId = config.ClientID } if ( !== integration.installationName || !integration.integration.alive) { = integration.installationName upd.alive = true } if (Object.keys(upd).length > 0) { await this._client.diffUpdate(integration.integration, upd,, integration.integration.createdBy) this.triggerUpdate() } const derivedClient = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System, true) const { projects, repositories } = await this.collectActiveProjects() const _projects = projects.filter((it) => it.integration === integration.integration._id) const _prjIds = new Set( => it._id)) const _repositories = repositories.filter((it) => it.githubProject != null && _prjIds.has(it.githubProject)) // Cleanup broken synchronized documents while (true) { const withError = await derivedClient.findAll( github.class.DocSyncInfo, { error: { $ne: null }, url: null }, { limit: 50 } ) if (withError.length === 0) { break } const ops = derivedClient.apply('cleanup_github' + generateId()) for (const d of withError) { await ops.remove(d) } await ops.commit() } for (const { _class, mapper } of this.mappers) { await this.ctx.withLog('external sync', { _class: _class.join(', ') }, async () => { await mapper.externalFullSync(integration, derivedClient, _projects, _repositories) }) } }) } } async handleEvent(requestClass: Ref>, integrationId: number | undefined, event: T): Promise { if (integrationId === undefined) { return } const integration = this.integrations.get(integrationId) if (integration === undefined) { return } const derivedClient = new TxOperations(this.client, core.account.System, true) for (const { _class, mapper } of this.mappers) { if (_class.includes(requestClass)) { try { await mapper.handleEvent(integration, derivedClient, event) } catch (err: any) { Analytics.handleError(err) this.ctx.error('exception during processing of event:', { event, err }) } } } } async getProjectAndRepository ( repositoryId: string ): Promise<{ project?: GithubProject, repository?: GithubIntegrationRepository }> { const repository = await this.liveQuery.findOne( github.class.GithubIntegrationRepository, { nodeId: repositoryId } ) if (repository?.githubProject == null) { return {} } const project = await this.liveQuery.findOne(github.mixin.GithubProject, { _id: repository.githubProject }) return { project, repository } } static async create ( platformWorker: PlatformWorker, ctx: MeasureContext, installations: Map, workspace: WorkspaceIdWithUrl, branding: Branding | null, app: App, storageAdapter: StorageAdapter, reconnect: (workspaceId: string, event: ClientConnectEvent) => void ): Promise {'Connecting to', { workspace: workspace.workspaceUrl, workspaceId: workspace.workspaceName }) let client: Client | undefined try { client = await createPlatformClient(, workspace.productId, 10000, (event: ClientConnectEvent) => { reconnect(, event) }) const worker = new GithubWorker( ctx, platformWorker, installations, client, app, storageAdapter, workspace, branding )'Init worker', { workspace: workspace.workspaceUrl, workspaceId: workspace.workspaceName }) if (await worker.init()) { return worker } } catch (err: any) { await client?.close() } } } export async function syncUser ( ctx: MeasureContext, record: GithubUserRecord, userAuth: WithLookup, client: TxOperations, account: Ref ): Promise { const okit = new Octokit({ auth: record.token, client_id: config.ClientID, client_secret: config.ClientSecret }) const details = await fetchViewerDetails(okit) const dta = { followers: details.viewer.followers.totalCount, following: details.viewer.following.totalCount, openIssues: details.viewer.openIssues.totalCount, closedIssues: details.viewer.closedIssues.totalCount, openPRs: details.viewer.openPRs.totalCount, mergedPRs: details.viewer.mergedPRs.totalCount, closedPRs: details.viewer.closedPRs.totalCount, repositories: details.viewer.repositories.totalCount, starredRepositories: details.viewer.starredRepositories.totalCount } await client.diffUpdate( userAuth, { email:, url: details.viewer.url, name:, bio:, location: details.viewer.location, company:, avatar: details.viewer.avatarUrl, updatedAt: new Date(details.viewer.updatedAt ?? ''), repositoryDiscussions: details.viewer.repositoryDiscussions.totalCount, organizations: details.viewer.organizations, nodeId:, ...dta }, undefined, account ) }