  "string": {
    "RecruitApplication": "Recruiting",
    "Vacancies": "Vacancies",
    "TalentPools": "Talent’s pool",
    "Talents": "Talents",
    "VacancyName": "Vacancy Name *",
    "VacancyDescription": "Vacancy Description",
    "CreateVacancy": "Create Vacancy",
    "Vacancy": "Vacancy",
    "VacancyCreateLabel": "Vacancy",
    "CompanyCreateLabel": "Company",
    "VacancyPlaceholder": "Software Engineer",
    "CreateAnApplication": "New Application",
    "NoVacancies": "No Vacancies",
    "NoApplicationsForTalent": "There are no applications for this talent.",
    "NoApplicationsForVacancy": "There are no applications for this vacancy.",
    "CreateApplication": "New Application",
    "ApplicationCreateLabel": "Application",
    "SelectVacancy": "Select vacancy",
    "Talent": "Talent",
    "TalentCreateLabel": "Talent",
    "CreateTalent": "New Talent",
    "CreateTalentDialogClose": "Do you want to close this dialog?",
    "CreateTalentDialogCloseNote": "All changes will be lost",
    "ResumeDraft": "Resume draft",
    "AssignRecruiter": "Assign recruiter",
    "UnAssignRecruiter": "Unassign recruiter",
    "UnAssignCompany": "Unassign Company",
    "Recruiters": "Recruiters",
    "Create": "Create",
    "Applications": "Applications",
    "ThisVacancyIsPrivate": "This vacancy is private",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Company": "Company",
    "Edit": "Edit",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "WorkLocationPreferences": "Work location preferences",
    "Onsite": "Onsite",
    "Remote": "Remote",
    "SearchApplication": "Search for application...",
    "Application": "Application",
    "AssignedRecruiter": "Assigned recruiter",
    "SkillLabel": "Skill",
    "SkillsLabel": "Skills",
    "SkillCreateLabel": "Skill",
    "General": "General",
    "Members": "Members",
    "Yes": "Yes",
    "No": "No",
    "NA": "N/A",
    "ApplicationsShort": "Apps",
    "Due": "Due date",
    "Location": "Location",
    "Title": "Title",
    "Source": "Source",
    "PersonFirstNamePlaceholder": "First name",
    "PersonLastNamePlaceholder": "Last name",
    "PersonLocationPlaceholder": "Location",
    "ManageVacancyStatuses": "Manage vacancy types",
    "EditVacancy": "Edit",
    "FullDescription": "Full description",
    "CreateReview": "Schedule an Review",
    "CreateReviewParams": "Schedule {label}",
    "Reviews": "Reviews",
    "Review": "Review",
    "ReviewCreateLabel": "Review",
    "NewReview": "New Review",
    "Opinions": "Opinions",
    "Opinion": "Opinion",
    "OpinionValue": "Rating",
    "StartDate": "Start date",
    "DueDate": "Due date",
    "Verdict": "Verdict",
    "OpinionSave": "Save",
    "TalentReviews": "All Talent Reviews",
    "NoReviewForCandidate": "No reviews",
    "CreateAnReview": "Create review",
    "CreateOpinion": "Create opinion",
    "OpinionValuePlaceholder": "10/10",
    "Participants": "Participants",
    "NoParticipants": "No participants added",
    "PersonsLabel": "{name}",
    "AddDescription": "Add description",
    "NumberSkills": "{count, plural, =0 {no skills} =1 {1 skill} other {# skills}}",
    "GotoTalents": "Go to Talents",
    "GotoVacancies": "Go to Vacancies",
    "GotoSkills": "Go to Skills",
    "GotoMyApplications": "Go to My Applications",
    "GotoApplicants": "Go to Applications",
    "GotoRecruitApplication": "Switch to Recruit Application",
    "AddDropHere": "Add or drop resume",
    "Uploading": "Uploading...",
    "Parsing": "Parsing...",
    "CopyId": "Copy ID",
    "CopyLink": "Copy link",
    "HasActiveApplicant":"Active Only",
    "HasNoActiveApplicant": "No Active",
    "NoneApplications": "None",
    "VacancyList": "Vacancies",
    "MatchVacancy": "Match to vacancy",
    "VacancyMatching": "Match Talents to vacancy",
    "Score": "Score",
    "Match": "Match",
    "PerformMatch": "Match",
    "MoveApplication": "Move to another vacancy",
    "SearchVacancy": "Search vacancy...",
    "Organizations": "Companies",

    "TemplateReplace": "Do you want to apply the new template?",
    "TemplateReplaceConfirm": "All fields will be overwritten by the new template values",
    "Apply": "Apply",

    "OpenVacancyList": "Open list",
    "Export": "Export",
    "ConfigLabel": "Recruiting",
    "ConfigDescription": "Extension to manage Talents/Applicants and Vacancies.",
    "MyApplications": "My applications",

    "ShowApplications": "Show applications",
    "GetTalentIds": "Get talents' ids",
    "HideDoneState": "Hide complete applications",
    "HideArchivedVacancies": "Hide archived Vacancies",
    "HideApplicantsFromArchivedVacancies": "Hide from archived Vacancies",
    "CreateNewSkills": "Create new skills if existing not found"
  "status": {
    "ApplicationExists": "Application already exists",
    "TalentRequired": "Please select talent",
    "VacancyRequired": "Please select vacancy"