// // Copyright © 2022, 2023 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import core, { generateId, getCurrentAccount, type Class, type Client, type DocumentQuery, type Ref, type RelatedDocument, type WithLookup } from '@hcengineering/core' import { type Document, type Teamspace } from '@hcengineering/document' import { type Resources } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { getClient, type ObjectSearchResult } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import { showPopup } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { openDoc } from '@hcengineering/view-resources' import CreateDocument from './components/CreateDocument.svelte' import DocumentIcon from './components/DocumentIcon.svelte' import DocumentItem from './components/DocumentItem.svelte' import DocumentPresenter from './components/DocumentPresenter.svelte' import DocumentSearchIcon from './components/DocumentSearchIcon.svelte' import DocumentToDoPresenter from './components/DocumentToDoPresenter.svelte' import Documents from './components/Documents.svelte' import EditDoc from './components/EditDoc.svelte' import Move from './components/Move.svelte' import MyDocuments from './components/MyDocuments.svelte' import NewDocumentHeader from './components/NewDocumentHeader.svelte' import NotificationDocumentPresenter from './components/NotificationDocumentPresenter.svelte' import TeamspaceSpacePresenter from './components/navigator/TeamspaceSpacePresenter.svelte' import CreateTeamspace from './components/teamspace/CreateTeamspace.svelte' import document from './plugin' import { createEmptyDocument, documentTitleProvider, getDocumentLink, getDocumentLinkId, getDocumentUrl, parseDocumentId, resolveLocation } from './utils' const toObjectSearchResult = (e: WithLookup): ObjectSearchResult => ({ doc: e, title: e.name, icon: document.icon.Document, component: DocumentItem }) async function queryDocument ( _class: Ref>, client: Client, search: string, filter?: { in?: RelatedDocument[], nin?: RelatedDocument[] } ): Promise { const q: DocumentQuery = { name: { $like: `%${search}%` } } if (filter?.in !== undefined || filter?.nin !== undefined) { q._id = {} if (filter.in !== undefined) { q._id.$in = filter.in?.map((it) => it._id as Ref) } if (filter.nin !== undefined) { q._id.$nin = filter.nin?.map((it) => it._id as Ref) } } return (await client.findAll(_class, q, { limit: 200 })).map(toObjectSearchResult) } async function createChildDocument (object: Document): Promise { const id: Ref = generateId() const space = object.space const parent = object._id await _createDocument(id, space, parent) } async function createDocument (space: Teamspace): Promise { const id: Ref = generateId() const parent = document.ids.NoParent await _createDocument(id, space._id, parent) } async function _createDocument (id: Ref, space: Ref, parent: Ref): Promise { const client = getClient() await createEmptyDocument(client, id, space, parent, {}) const doc = await client.findOne(document.class.Document, { _id: id }) if (doc !== undefined) { await openDoc(client.getHierarchy(), doc) } } async function editTeamspace (teamspace: Teamspace | undefined): Promise { if (teamspace !== undefined) { showPopup(CreateTeamspace, { teamspace }) } } export async function starDocument (doc: Document): Promise { const client = getClient() await client.createDoc(document.class.SavedDocument, core.space.Workspace, { attachedTo: doc._id }) } export async function unstarDocument (doc: Document): Promise { const client = getClient() const current = await client.findOne(document.class.SavedDocument, { attachedTo: doc._id }) if (current !== undefined) { await client.remove(current) } } export async function lockContent (doc: Document | Document[]): Promise { const client = getClient() const me = getCurrentAccount() const arr = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : [doc] for (const doc of arr) { await client.diffUpdate(doc, { lockedBy: me._id }) } } export async function unlockContent (doc: Document | Document[]): Promise { const client = getClient() const arr = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : [doc] for (const doc of arr) { await client.diffUpdate(doc, { lockedBy: null }) } } export async function canLockDocument (doc: Document | Document[]): Promise { const arr = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : [doc] return arr.some((p) => p.lockedBy == null) } export async function canUnlockDocument (doc: Document | Document[]): Promise { const arr = Array.isArray(doc) ? doc : [doc] return arr.some((p) => p.lockedBy != null) } export default async (): Promise => ({ component: { CreateDocument, CreateTeamspace, DocumentPresenter, Documents, EditDoc, TeamspaceSpacePresenter, NewDocumentHeader, MyDocuments, DocumentSearchIcon, NotificationDocumentPresenter, Move, DocumentToDoPresenter, DocumentIcon }, completion: { DocumentQuery: async ( client: Client, query: string, filter?: { in?: RelatedDocument[], nin?: RelatedDocument[] } ) => await queryDocument(document.class.Document, client, query, filter) }, actionImpl: { CreateChildDocument: createChildDocument, CreateDocument: createDocument, EditTeamspace: editTeamspace, LockContent: lockContent, UnlockContent: unlockContent }, function: { GetDocumentLink: getDocumentUrl, GetObjectLinkFragment: getDocumentLink, DocumentTitleProvider: documentTitleProvider, CanLockDocument: canLockDocument, CanUnlockDocument: canUnlockDocument, GetDocumentLinkId: getDocumentLinkId, ParseDocumentId: parseDocumentId }, resolver: { Location: resolveLocation } })