// // Copyright © 2022 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import type { Employee, Person } from '@hcengineering/contact' import contact from '@hcengineering/contact' import { Arr, Attribute, Class, Doc, Domain, IndexKind, Ref, Status, Timestamp } from '@hcengineering/core' import { Builder, Collection, Hidden, Implements, Index, Mixin, Model, Prop, TypeBoolean, TypeDate, TypeMarkup, TypeRef, TypeString, UX } from '@hcengineering/model' import attachment from '@hcengineering/model-attachment' import chunter from '@hcengineering/model-chunter' import core, { TAttachedDoc, TClass, TDoc, TSpace, TStatus } from '@hcengineering/model-core' import view, { createAction, template, actionTemplates as viewTemplates } from '@hcengineering/model-view' import {} from '@hcengineering/notification' import { IntlString } from '@hcengineering/platform' import tags from '@hcengineering/tags' import { DoneState, DoneStateTemplate, KanbanCard, KanbanTemplate, KanbanTemplateSpace, LostState, LostStateTemplate, Sequence, State, StateTemplate, Task, TodoItem, WonState, WonStateTemplate } from '@hcengineering/task' import { AnyComponent } from '@hcengineering/ui' import { ViewAction } from '@hcengineering/view' import task from './plugin' export { taskId } from '@hcengineering/task' export { createKanbanTemplate, createSequence, taskOperation } from './migration' export { default } from './plugin' export const DOMAIN_TASK = 'task' as Domain export const DOMAIN_KANBAN = 'kanban' as Domain @Model(task.class.State, core.class.Status) @UX(task.string.TaskState, task.icon.TaskState, undefined, 'rank', 'name') export class TState extends TStatus implements State { isArchived!: boolean } @Model(task.class.DoneState, core.class.Status) @UX(task.string.TaskStateDone, task.icon.TaskState, undefined, 'name') export class TDoneState extends TStatus implements DoneState {} @Model(task.class.WonState, task.class.DoneState) export class TWonState extends TDoneState implements WonState {} @Model(task.class.LostState, task.class.DoneState) export class TLostState extends TDoneState implements LostState {} /** * @public * * No domain is specified, since pure Tasks could not exists */ @Model(task.class.Task, core.class.AttachedDoc, DOMAIN_TASK) @UX(task.string.Task, task.icon.Task, task.string.Task) export class TTask extends TAttachedDoc implements Task { @Prop(TypeRef(core.class.Status), task.string.TaskState, { _id: task.attribute.State }) status!: Ref @Prop(TypeRef(task.class.DoneState), task.string.TaskStateDone, { _id: task.attribute.DoneState }) doneState!: Ref | null @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.TaskNumber) @Index(IndexKind.FullText) @Hidden() number!: number // @Prop(TypeRef(contact.mixin.Employee), task.string.TaskAssignee) assignee!: Ref | null @Prop(TypeDate(), task.string.DueDate, { editor: task.component.DueDateEditor }) dueDate!: Timestamp | null declare rank: string @Prop(Collection(tags.class.TagReference, task.string.TaskLabels), task.string.TaskLabels) labels?: number @Prop(Collection(chunter.class.Comment), chunter.string.Comments) comments?: number @Prop(Collection(attachment.class.Attachment), attachment.string.Attachments, { shortLabel: attachment.string.Files }) attachments?: number } @Model(task.class.TodoItem, core.class.AttachedDoc, DOMAIN_TASK) @UX(task.string.Todo) export class TTodoItem extends TAttachedDoc implements TodoItem { @Prop(TypeMarkup(), task.string.TodoName, task.icon.Task) @Index(IndexKind.FullText) name!: string @Prop(TypeRef(contact.mixin.Employee), task.string.TaskAssignee) assignee!: Ref | null @Prop(TypeBoolean(), task.string.TaskDone) done!: boolean @Prop(TypeDate(), task.string.TaskDueTo) dueTo!: Timestamp | null @Prop(Collection(task.class.TodoItem), task.string.Todos) items!: number declare rank: string } @Mixin(task.mixin.KanbanCard, core.class.Class) export class TKanbanCard extends TClass implements KanbanCard { card!: AnyComponent } @Model(task.class.SpaceWithStates, core.class.Space) export class TSpaceWithStates extends TSpace { templateId!: Ref states!: Arr> doneStates!: Arr> } @Model(task.class.KanbanTemplateSpace, core.class.Space) export class TKanbanTemplateSpace extends TSpace implements KanbanTemplateSpace { declare name: IntlString declare description: IntlString icon!: AnyComponent editor!: AnyComponent ofAttribute!: Ref> doneAttribute!: Ref> attachedToClass!: Ref> } @Model(task.class.StateTemplate, core.class.Doc, DOMAIN_KANBAN) export class TStateTemplate extends TDoc implements StateTemplate { // We attach to attribute, so we could distinguish between ofAttribute!: Ref> attachedTo!: Ref @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.StateTemplateTitle) name!: string @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.StateTemplateColor) color!: number declare rank: string } @Model(task.class.DoneStateTemplate, core.class.Doc, DOMAIN_KANBAN) export class TDoneStateTemplate extends TDoc implements DoneStateTemplate { // We attach to attribute, so we could distinguish between ofAttribute!: Ref> attachedTo!: Ref @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.StateTemplateTitle) name!: string declare rank: string } @Model(task.class.WonStateTemplate, task.class.DoneStateTemplate) export class TWonStateTemplate extends TDoneStateTemplate implements WonStateTemplate {} @Model(task.class.LostStateTemplate, task.class.DoneStateTemplate) export class TLostStateTemplate extends TDoneStateTemplate implements LostStateTemplate {} @Model(task.class.KanbanTemplate, core.class.Doc, DOMAIN_KANBAN) export class TKanbanTemplate extends TDoc implements KanbanTemplate { @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.KanbanTemplateTitle) @Index(IndexKind.FullText) title!: string @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.Description) description!: string @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.ShortDescription) shortDescription!: string @Prop(Collection(task.class.StateTemplate), task.string.States) statesC!: number @Prop(Collection(task.class.DoneStateTemplate), task.string.DoneStates) doneStatesC!: number } @Model(task.class.Sequence, core.class.Doc, DOMAIN_KANBAN) export class TSequence extends TDoc implements Sequence { attachedTo!: Ref> sequence!: number } @Implements(task.interface.DocWithRank) export class TDocWithRank extends TDoc { @Prop(TypeString(), task.string.Rank) @Hidden() rank!: string } /** * @public */ export const actionTemplates = template({ editStatus: { label: task.string.EditStates, icon: view.icon.Statuses, action: task.actionImpl.EditStatuses, input: 'focus', category: task.category.Task }, archiveSpace: { label: task.string.Archive, icon: view.icon.Archive, action: view.actionImpl.UpdateDocument as ViewAction, actionProps: { key: 'archived', value: true, ask: true, label: task.string.Archive, message: task.string.ArchiveConfirm }, input: 'any', category: task.category.Task, query: { archived: false }, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'tools' }, override: [view.action.Archive, view.action.Delete] }, unarchiveSpace: { label: task.string.Unarchive, icon: view.icon.Archive, action: view.actionImpl.UpdateDocument as ViewAction, actionProps: { key: 'archived', ask: true, value: false, label: task.string.Unarchive, message: task.string.UnarchiveConfirm }, input: 'any', category: task.category.Task, query: { archived: true }, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'tools' } } }) export function createModel (builder: Builder): void { builder.createModel( TDocWithRank, TState, TDoneState, TWonState, TLostState, TKanbanCard, TKanbanTemplateSpace, TStateTemplate, TDoneStateTemplate, TWonStateTemplate, TLostStateTemplate, TKanbanTemplate, TSequence, TTask, TTodoItem, TSpaceWithStates ) builder.createDoc( view.class.ViewletDescriptor, core.space.Model, { label: task.string.States, icon: task.icon.ManageTemplates, component: task.component.StatusTableView }, task.viewlet.StatusTable ) builder.mixin(task.class.Task, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectPresenter, { presenter: view.component.ObjectPresenter }) builder.mixin(task.class.KanbanTemplate, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectPresenter, { presenter: task.component.KanbanTemplatePresenter }) builder.mixin(task.class.Task, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectEditorHeader, { editor: task.component.TaskHeader }) builder.createDoc( view.class.ActionCategory, core.space.Model, { label: task.string.Task, visible: true }, task.category.Task ) createAction( builder, { ...actionTemplates.editStatus, target: task.class.SpaceWithStates, actionProps: { ofAttribute: task.attribute.State, doneOfAttribute: task.attribute.DoneState }, query: { archived: false }, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'edit' } }, task.action.EditStatuses ) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributeEditor, { inlineEditor: task.component.StateEditor }) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectPresenter, { presenter: task.component.StatePresenter }) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributePresenter, { presenter: task.component.StateRefPresenter }) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.IgnoreActions, { actions: [view.action.Delete] }) builder.mixin(task.class.DoneState, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributeEditor, { inlineEditor: task.component.DoneStateEditor }) builder.mixin(task.class.DoneState, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectPresenter, { presenter: task.component.DoneStatePresenter }) builder.mixin(task.class.DoneState, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AttributePresenter, { presenter: task.component.DoneStateRefPresenter }) builder.createDoc( view.class.ViewletDescriptor, core.space.Model, { label: task.string.Kanban, icon: task.icon.Kanban, component: task.component.KanbanView }, task.viewlet.Kanban ) builder.createDoc( view.class.ViewletDescriptor, core.space.Model, { label: task.string.Dashboard, icon: task.icon.Dashboard, component: task.component.Dashboard }, task.viewlet.Dashboard ) builder.mixin(task.class.TodoItem, core.class.Class, view.mixin.CollectionEditor, { editor: task.component.Todos }) builder.mixin(task.class.TodoItem, core.class.Class, view.mixin.ObjectPresenter, { presenter: task.component.TodoItemPresenter }) createAction(builder, { label: task.string.MarkAsDone, icon: task.icon.TodoCheck, action: view.actionImpl.UpdateDocument, actionProps: { key: 'done', value: true }, input: 'focus', category: task.category.Task, query: { done: false }, target: task.class.TodoItem, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'edit' } }) createAction(builder, { label: task.string.MarkAsUndone, icon: task.icon.TodoUnCheck, action: view.actionImpl.UpdateDocument, actionProps: { key: 'done', value: false }, input: 'focus', category: task.category.Task, query: { done: true }, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'edit' }, target: task.class.TodoItem }) createAction( builder, { ...viewTemplates.move, target: task.class.Task, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'tools' } }, task.action.Move ) createAction( builder, { action: view.actionImpl.UpdateDocument, actionProps: { key: 'isArchived', value: true, ask: true, label: task.string.Archive, message: task.string.ArchiveConfirm }, query: { isArchived: { $nin: [true] } }, label: task.string.Archive, icon: view.icon.Archive, input: 'any', category: task.category.Task, target: task.class.State, context: { mode: ['context', 'browser'], group: 'tools' } }, task.action.ArchiveState ) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.SortFuncs, { func: task.function.StatusSort }) builder.mixin(task.class.State, core.class.Class, view.mixin.AllValuesFunc, { func: task.function.GetAllStates }) // builder.createDoc( // notification.class.NotificationType, // core.space.Model, // { // label: task.string.Assigned, // hidden: false, // textTemplate: '{doc} was assigned to you by {sender}', // htmlTemplate: '

{doc} was assigned to you by {sender}

', // subjectTemplate: '{doc} was assigned to you' // }, // task.ids.AssigneedNotification // ) }