"string": {
"ApplicationLabelChunter": "Chat",
"LeftComment": "left a comment",
"Channels": "Channels",
"DirectMessages": "Direct messages",
"CreateChannel": "New Channel",
"NewDirectMessage": "New Direct Message",
"ChannelName": "Name",
"ChannelNamePlaceholder": "Channel",
"ChannelDescription": "Description",
"Channel": "Channel",
"DirectMessage": "Direct message",
"EditUpdate": "Save...",
"EditCancel": "Cancel",
"Comments" : "Comments",
"About": "About",
"Members": "Members",
"NoMembers": "No members",
"MentionedIn": "Mentioned you in ",
"Mentioned": "Mentioned",
"ContactInfo": "Contact Info",
"Content": "Content",
"Comment": "Comment",
"Message": "Message",
"MessageOn": "Message on",
"On": "on",
"Reference": "Reference",
"Chat": "Chat",
"In": "In",
"MentionNotification": "Mentioned",
"Topic": "Topic",
"Thread": "Thread",
"Threads": "Threads",
"New": "New",
"MarkUnread": "Mark unread",
"GetNewReplies": "Get notified about new replies",
"TurnOffReplies": "Turn off notifications for replies",
"PinMessage": "Pin message",
"UnpinMessage": "Unpin message",
"Pinned": "Pinned",
"EditMessage": "Edit message",
"Edited": "edited",
"DeleteMessage": "Delete message",
"AndYou": "{participants, plural, =0 {Just you} other {and you}}",
"ShowMoreReplies": "Show {count} more replies",
"Settings": "Settings",
"ArchiveChannel": "Archive channel",
"UnarchiveChannel": "Unarchive channel",
"ArchiveConfirm": "When you archive a channel, it’s archived for everyone.
No one will be able to send messages, but they’ll still have access to the channel’s history.
You’ll still be able to find the channel’s contents via search.
And you can always unarchive the channel in the future, if needed.\n",
"UnarchiveConfirm": "Do you want to unarchive channel?",
"AddToSaved": "Add to saved",
"RemoveFromSaved": "Remove from saved",
"EmptySavedHeader": "Add messages to come back to later",
"EmptySavedText": "Tick off your to-dos or save something for another time. Only you can see your saved items, so use them however you like.",
"SharedBy": "Shared by {name} {time}",
"LeaveChannel": "Leave channel",
"ChannelBrowser": "Channel browser",
"Saved": "Saved",
"ConvertToPrivate": "Convert to private channel",
"MessagesBrowser": "Messages browser",
"CreateBy": "Create by",
"ThreadMessage": "Thread message",
"ChunterBrowser": "Browser",
"Messages": "Messages",
"NoResults": "No results",
"CopyLink": "Copy link",
"FilterBacklinks": "Backlinks",
"DM": "Direct message",
"DMNotification": "Sent you a message",
"ConfigLabel": "Chat",
"ConfigDescription": "Extension to perform text communications",
"LastMessage": "Last message",
"You": "You",
"YouHaveJoinedTheConversation": "You have joined the conversation",
"NoMessages": "There are no messages yet",
"DirectNotificationTitle": "{senderName}",
"DirectNotificationBody": "{message}",
"MessageNotificationBody": "{senderName}: {message}",
"AddCommentPlaceholder": "Add comment...",
"Reacted": "Reacted",
"Docs": "Documents",
"NewestFirst": "Newest first",
"ReplyToThread": "Reply to thread",
"SentMessage": "Sent message",
"Direct": "Direct",
"RepliedToThread": "Replied to thread",
"RepliedTo": "replied to: {message}",
"AllChannels": "All channels",
"AllContacts": "All contacts",
"NewChannel": "New channel",
"DescriptionOptional": "Description (optional)",
"Visibility": "Visibility",
"Public": "Public",
"Private": "Private",
"NewDirectChat": "New direct chat",
"AddMembers": "Add members",
"PinnedCount": "{count} pinned",
"LoadingHistory": "Loading history...",
"UnpinChannels": "Unpin all channels",
"ArchiveActivityConfirmationTitle": "Archive all activity channels?",
"ArchiveActivityConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to archive all activity channels? This operation cannot be undone.",
"CloseConversation": "Close conversation",
"Starred": "Starred",
"DeleteStarred": "Delete starred",
"StarChannel": "Star channel",
"StarConversation": "Star conversation",
"UnstarChannel": "Unstar channel",
"UnstarConversation": "Unstar conversation",
"JoinChannelHeader": "Click \"Join\" to get started.",
"JoinChannelText": "Once you've joined, you'll be able to read all messages and contribute to the discussion.",
"NoMessagesInChannel": "Currently there are no messages",
"SendMessagesInChannel": "Send the first message to start the conversation",
"LatestMessages": "↓ Latest messages",
"Joined": "Joined",
"Left": "Left",
"Added": "Added",
"Removed": "Removed",
"CreatedChannelOn": "Created this channel on {date}",
"ChannelMessages": "Channel messages",
"JoinChannel": "Join channel",
"YouJoinedChannel": "You have been joined to channel",
"AndMore": "and {count} more",
"IsTyping": "{count, plural, =1 {is} other {are}} typing...",
"ThreadIn": "thread in {name}",
"TranslateMessage": "Translate message",
"Translate": "Translate",
"ShowOriginal": "Show original",
"Translating": "Translating...",
"StartConversation": "Start conversation",
"ViewingThreadFromArchivedChannel": "You are viewing a thread from an archived channel",
"ViewingArchivedChannel": "You are viewing an archived channel",
"OpenChatInSidebar": "Open chat in sidebar",
"ResolveThread": "Resolve"