// // Copyright © 2024 Hardcore Engineering Inc. // // Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // import { WorkerEntrypoint } from 'cloudflare:workers' import { type IRequest, type IRequestStrict, type RequestHandler, Router, error, html } from 'itty-router' import { handleBlobDelete, handleBlobGet, handleBlobHead, handleUploadFormData } from './blob' import { cors } from './cors' import { LoggedKVNamespace, LoggedR2Bucket, MetricsContext } from './metrics' import { handleImageGet } from './image' import { handleS3Blob } from './s3' import { handleVideoMetaGet } from './video' import { handleSignAbort, handleSignComplete, handleSignCreate } from './sign' import { handleMultipartUploadStart, handleMultipartUploadPart, handleMultipartUploadComplete, handleMultipartUploadAbort } from './multipart' import { type BlobRequest, type WorkspaceRequest } from './types' const { preflight, corsify } = cors({ maxAge: 86400 }) const router = Router({ before: [preflight], finally: [corsify] }) const withWorkspace: RequestHandler = (request: WorkspaceRequest) => { if (request.params.workspace === undefined || request.params.workspace === '') { return error(400, 'Missing workspace') } request.workspace = decodeURIComponent(request.params.workspace) } const withBlob: RequestHandler = (request: BlobRequest) => { if (request.params.workspace === undefined || request.params.workspace === '') { return error(400, 'Missing workspace') } if (request.params.name === undefined || request.params.name === '') { return error(400, 'Missing blob name') } request.workspace = decodeURIComponent(request.params.workspace) request.name = decodeURIComponent(request.params.name) } router .get('/blob/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleBlobGet) .get('/blob/:workspace/:name/:filename', withBlob, handleBlobGet) .head('/blob/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleBlobHead) .head('/blob/:workspace/:name/:filename', withBlob, handleBlobHead) .delete('/blob/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleBlobDelete) // Image .get('/image/:transform/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleImageGet) // Video .get('/video/:workspace/:name/meta', withBlob, handleVideoMetaGet) // Form Data .post('/upload/form-data/:workspace', withWorkspace, handleUploadFormData) // Signed URL .post('/upload/signed-url/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleSignCreate) .put('/upload/signed-url/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleSignComplete) .delete('/upload/signed-url/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleSignAbort) // Multipart .post('/upload/multipart/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleMultipartUploadStart) .post('/upload/multipart/:workspace/:name/part', withBlob, handleMultipartUploadPart) .post('/upload/multipart/:workspace/:name/complete', withBlob, handleMultipartUploadComplete) .post('/upload/multipart/:workspace/:name/abort', withBlob, handleMultipartUploadAbort) // S3 .post('/upload/s3/:workspace/:name', withBlob, handleS3Blob) .all('/', () => html( `Huly® Datalake™ https://huly.io © 2024 Huly Labs` ) ) .all('*', () => error(404)) export default class DatalakeWorker extends WorkerEntrypoint { async fetch (request: IRequest): Promise { const start = performance.now() const context = new MetricsContext() const env = { ...this.env, datalake_blobs: new LoggedKVNamespace(this.env.datalake_blobs, context), DATALAKE_APAC: new LoggedR2Bucket(this.env.DATALAKE_APAC, context), DATALAKE_EEUR: new LoggedR2Bucket(this.env.DATALAKE_EEUR, context), DATALAKE_WEUR: new LoggedR2Bucket(this.env.DATALAKE_WEUR, context), DATALAKE_ENAM: new LoggedR2Bucket(this.env.DATALAKE_ENAM, context), DATALAKE_WNAM: new LoggedR2Bucket(this.env.DATALAKE_WNAM, context) } try { return await router.fetch(request, env, this.ctx, context).catch(error) } finally { const total = performance.now() - start const ops = context.metrics const url = `${request.method} ${request.url}` const message = `total=${total} ` + context.toString() console.log({ message, total, ops, url }) } } async getBlob (workspace: string, name: string): Promise { const request = new Request(`https://datalake/blob/${workspace}/${name}`) const response = await router.fetch(request) if (!response.ok) { console.error({ error: 'datalake error: ' + response.statusText, workspace, name }) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch blob: ${response.statusText}`) } return await response.arrayBuffer() } async putBlob (workspace: string, name: string, data: ArrayBuffer | Blob | string, type: string): Promise { const request = new Request(`https://datalake/upload/form-data/${workspace}`) const body = new FormData() const blob = new Blob([data], { type }) body.set('file', blob, name) const response = await router.fetch(request, { method: 'POST', body }) if (!response.ok) { console.error({ error: 'datalake error: ' + response.statusText, workspace, name }) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch blob: ${response.statusText}`) } } }