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    "SelectOwner": "Select new owner",
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    "Documents": "Documents",
    "Document": "Document",
    "NewDocumentDialogClose": "Do you want to close this dialog?",
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    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "EditorPlaceholder": "type to start editing...",
    "Version": "Version",
    "TemplateVersion": "Template version",
    "VersionValue": "v{major}.{minor}",
    "SearchDocument": "Search document...",
    "CreateEnVersion": "Create version for review",
    "Approvers": "Approvers",
    "CoAuthors": "Co-Authors",
    "Status": "Status",
    "TemplateName": "Template name",
    "DocumentApplication": "Controlled Documents",
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    "Approver": "Approver",

    "DeleteCategory": "Delete category?",
    "DeleteCategoryHint": "That action cannot be undone",
    "DeleteCategoryWarning": "The category cannot be deleted because it is in use",

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    "Against": "Against:",

    "ComparisonModeNotSupported": "Comparison mode is not supported.",

    "CreateDraft": "Create Draft",
    "SendForApproval": "Send for approval",
    "SendForReview": "Send for review",
    "CompleteReview": "Complete review",

    "Approve": "Approve",
    "Reject": "Reject",
    "ConfirmApproval": "Confirm approval",
    "ConfirmRejection": "Confirm rejection",
    "ProvideRejectionReason": "Type rejection reason...",
    "RejectionReason": "Rejection reason",
    "ConfirmReviewCompletion": "Confirm review completion",
    "AddApprovalTitle": "Send your document to approvers",
    "AddApprovalDescription1": "To prepare your document for approval it should fit few requirements:",
    "AddApprovalDescription2": "has status 'Draft' or 'Reviewed'",
    "AddApprovalDescription3": "has no unresolved comments",
    "AddApprovalDescription4": "if training is planned, the training has status 'Released'",
    "NoApprovalsDescription": "There are no approvals for this version of document",
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    "Resolved": "Resolved",
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    "Deleted": "Deleted",
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    "CreateDraftQmsDocuments": "Create draft QMS documents",
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    "ApproveDocuments": "Approve documents",
    "ReassignOwnershipToAnotherUser": "Reassign ownership to another user",
    "MakeDocumentEffective": "Make document effective",
    "CreateDraftQmsTemplates": "Create draft QMS templates",

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    "SelectApprovers": "Select approvers",
    "RequestsToReviewTheDoc": "requests you to review the document",
    "RequestsToApproveTheDoc": "requests you to approve the document",
    "Parent": "Parent",
    "Template": "Template",
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    "Reason": "Reason",
    "AbstractPlaceholder": "What is this document about? Who will need it and when? ...",
    "NewDocCreation": "New document creation",
    "NewTemplateCreation": "New template creation",
    "NewTemplatePlaceholder": "What is this template about? Describe how to properly use it...",
    "CustomReason": "Custom",
    "ReasonPlaceholder": "Specify the reason...",

    "EditDocument": "Edit document",

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    "Password": "Password",
    "FieldIsEmpty": "{field} is empty",
    "ValidatingCredentials": "Validating credentials...",

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    "Projects": "Projects",
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    "ToBePassedWithin": "To be passed within",
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    "DaysAfterEffectiveDate": "days after effective date",

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    "CodeInUse": "This code is already in use by",
    "ChangeCode": "Change Code",
    "ChangePrefix": "Change Prefix",

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    "MarkDocsAsDeleted": "Marking multiple documents as deleted",
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    "FirstDraftVersion": "This is the first draft version of the document. There's no history yet.",

    "EffectiveDocumentLifecycle": "Effective document lifecycle",

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    "ImpactedDocuments": "Impacted documents",

    "CreateDocumentFailed": "Failed to create document",
    "CreateDocumentTemplateFailed": "Failed to create template",
    "TryAgain": "Please try again",

    "DescribeChanges": "Describe what was changed...",
    "DescribeReason": "Describe why it was changed...",
    "DescribeImpact": "Has an impact on...",
    "AddDocument": "Add document",
    "NoDocuments": "No documents",
    "SysTemplate": "System template",
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    "Name": "Name",
    "DraftRevision": "Draft revision",
    "CreateNewDraft": "Draft new version",
    "ChangeSeverity": "Change severity",
    "Reference": "Reference",
    "History": "History",
    "Signatories": "Signatories",
    "Page": "Page ",
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    "CreatedFromTemplate": "Created from template: ",

    "ViewAll": "View all",
    "Readonly": "Readonly",

    "NewDocumentSpace": "New documents space",
    "EditDocumentSpace": "Edit documents space",

    "DocSpaceDescriptionPlaceholder": "Describe your space...",
    "Members": "Members",
    "RoleLabel": "Role: {role}",
    "CreateOrgSpace": "Create organisation space",

    "ReviewDocumentPermission": "Review document",
    "ReviewDocumentDescription": "Grants users ability to review a document",
    "ApproveDocumentPermission": "Approve document",
    "ApproveDocumentDescription": "Grants users ability to approve a document",
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    "CoAuthorDocumentDescription": "Grants users ability to co-author a document",
    "CreateDocumentPermission": "Create document",
    "CreateDocumentDescription": "Grants users ability to create a document",
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    "UpdateDocumentOwnerDescription": "Grants users ability to update a document owner",
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    "CreateDocumentCategoryDescription": "Grants users ability to create a document category",
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    "UpdateDocumentCategoryDescription": "Grants users ability to update a document category",
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    "DeleteDocumentCategoryDescription": "Grants users ability to delete a document category",
    "ConfigLabel": "Controlled Documents",
    "ConfigDescription": "Extension to manage controlled documents"
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    "Reviewed": "Reviewed",
    "Rejected": "Rejected",
    "ToReview": "To Review"