import automation, { Automation, Command, isUpdateDocCommand, PerformAutomationProps, TriggerType } from '@hcengineering/automation' import core, { Class, Doc, Ref, Space, TxOperations } from '@hcengineering/core' import { IntlString } from '@hcengineering/platform' import { getClient } from '@hcengineering/presentation' import view, { Action } from '@hcengineering/view' import { Trigger } from './models' export async function createAutomation ( client: TxOperations, name: string, trigger: Trigger, commands: Array>, props: { targetClass?: Ref>, attachedTo?: Doc, description?: string } = {} ): Promise>> { let space: Ref = let attachedTo: Ref = let attachedToClass: Ref> = core.class.Space const collection = 'automations' if (props.attachedTo !== undefined) { space = attachedTo = props.attachedTo._id attachedToClass = props.attachedTo._class } const automationId = await client.addCollection( automation.class.Automation, space, attachedTo, attachedToClass, collection, { name, description: null, targetClass: props.targetClass ?? null, trigger: { type: getTriggerType(trigger) }, commands } ) await createTrigger(client, trigger, space, automationId) return automationId } export function getTriggerType (trigger: Trigger): TriggerType { if (trigger.action !== undefined) { return TriggerType.Action } else { throw new Error('Unknown automation trigger') } } export async function createTrigger ( client: TxOperations, trigger: Trigger, space: Ref, automationId: Ref> ): Promise { if (trigger.action !== undefined) { const triggerId = await client.createDoc>(view.class.Action,, { action: automation.action.PerformAutomation, actionProps: { automationId, automationClass: automation.class.Automation }, category: automation.category.Automation, context: { mode: trigger.action.context }, icon: trigger.action.icon, input: 'any', label: trigger.action.label as IntlString, target: }) return await client.findOne>(view.class.Action, { _id: triggerId }) } else { throw new Error('Unknown automation trigger') } } export async function performAutomation ( doc: Doc | Doc[] | undefined, evt: Event, props: PerformAutomationProps | undefined ): Promise { if (doc === undefined || props?.automationId === undefined) { throw new Error('Unknown automation action') } const client = getClient() const automationObj = await client.findOne(props.automationClass ?? automation.class.Automation, { _id: props.automationId }) if (automationObj === undefined) { return } let objects = [] if (Array.isArray(doc)) { objects = doc } else { objects = [doc] } await doPerformAutomation(client, objects, automationObj) } async function doPerformAutomation (client: TxOperations, docs: Doc[], automationObj: Automation): Promise { // TODO: move to automation server const hierarchy = client.getHierarchy() for (const doc of docs) { for (const command of automationObj.commands) { if (isUpdateDocCommand(command) && hierarchy.isDerived(doc._class, command.targetClass)) { await client.update(doc, command.update) } } } }