  "string": {
    "EditBoxPlaceholder": "Type text...",
    "Ok": "Ok",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "Save": "Save",
    "Minutes": "{minutes, plural, =0 {less than a minute ago} =1 {a minute ago} other {# minutes ago}}",
    "Hours": "{hours, plural, =0 {less than an hour ago} =1 {an hour ago} other {# hours ago}}",
    "Days": "{days, plural, =0 {today} =1 {yesterday} other {# days ago}}",
    "Months": "{months, plural, =0 {this month} =1 {a month ago} other {# months ago}}",
    "Years": "{years, plural, =0 {this year} =1 {a year ago} other {# years ago}}",
    "ShowMore": "Show more",
    "ShowLess": "Show less",
    "Search": "Search",
    "SearchDots": "Search...",
    "Suggested": "Suggested",
    "TimeTooltip": "{value}",
    "SelectDate": "Select date",
    "None": "None",
    "NotSelected": "Not selected",
    "Today": "Today",
    "NoDate": "No date",
    "StartDate": "Start date",
    "TargetDate": "Target date",
    "Overdue": "Overdue",
    "DueDate": "Due date",
    "AddDueDate": "Add due date",
    "EditDueDate": "Edit due date",
    "SaveDueDate": "Save due date",
    "IssueNeedsToBeCompletedByThisDate": "Issue needs to be completed by this date",
    "English": "English",
    "Russian": "Russian",
    "MinutesBefore": "{minutes, plural, =1 {a minute before} other {# minutes before}}",
    "HoursBefore": "{hours, plural, =1 {an hour before} other {# hours before}}",
    "DaysBefore": "{days, plural, =1 {a day before} other {# days before}}",
    "MinutesAfter": "{minutes, plural, =1 {in a minute} other {in # minutes}}",
    "HoursAfter": "{hours, plural, =1 {in an hour} other {in # hours}}",
    "DaysAfter": "{days, plural, =1 {in a day} other {in # days}}",
    "NoActionsDefined": "No actions applicable",
    "Incoming": "Incoming",
    "HoursLabel": "Hours",
    "Back": "Back"